So I was just doing an abbysal demons task in the catacombs. No whip yet since it's my first time killing them. Another player came up and started killing abbys as well. After a couple minutes in silence, he asked if I've had any luck with whip drops. I told him no, and he responded by saying that he'll split a whip with me if he gets one. I told him as greatly appreciated as it is, he can keep his loot for himself. He then thanks me, saying he's pretty broke at the moment.
A couple kills later, I get a whip drop. He congratulates me, and I respond by giving him the whip outright. He goes crazy with the 'thank you's' and asked me why I gave it to him. I told him it was because he was nice to me first and that I believe what goes around, comes around.
We then spent the next half hour just talking. He asked me how I was doing with the US presidential election going on, and that he hoped I was safe during it all. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bring a happy tear to my eye. Sure, some of the people that play this game can be griefing assholes, but the majority are really kind-hearted players that wish enjoyment for everyone.
I have no idea if he browses reddit, but, dude, if you do, you're the real G.
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