over 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s everyone and welcome to a very special
3s old school livestream why is a special
6s mode learning well today we are going to
8s be talking to you about some of the
9s Isles and thriftless ooh exciting so
13s today we have the song of the elves
15s development team here on the sofa so
18s first of all friend doesn't know me I am
20s Maude Edie and oh hello someone's coming
22s in and I am a Content developer and I am
25s the project lead on song of the elves
28s I'm also joined by mod G character
32s artist song of the elves but Lenny
35s another Content developer on song the
36s elves what ghost I'm also an artist and
40s mod West environment artist do you see
43s what I did there but let you guys say
45s your names I can't mess it up we're
48s gonna do for the rest of the stream so
52s for anyone who doesn't know some of the
54s elves is a big sort of project we pulled
56s it back in March I think it was and it
60s passed with something like 94 95 percent
63s or something so apparently you guys want
64s it and today we're gonna be giving you
66s lots of little sneak peek so I mean a
68s few big sneak peeks as well as to what
70s we've been up to because we've been
71s working on it for the pastor past few
73s months and I think like when everyone
76s else I haven't been on the stream in
77s like six months or something I think so
79s you guys are pretty similar we've all
80s been hiding away while the rest of our
81s team has been subtly talking about all
83s the various objects they've been doing
85s is our turn we're gonna show off what
87s we've been up to
87s so song of the elves is the Grand Master
90s finale to the elf storyline just in case
92s anyone wasn't aware and as mentioned by
95s mod Lenny
96s it will unlock access to the crystal
98s city of prettiness yes ed finally came
105s out of Exile so oddly enough we're not
109s going to spoil too much out the quest
110s itself like we'd like to keep the story
113s secret but we are going to show off a
114s few little sneak peeks but then after
116s that we'll move on to talking about the
117s city itself we're going to talk a bit
119s about the gauntlet one of the exciting
121s new pieces of content in verse City
122s we're going to talk about sarkar no
124s another exciting piece of Kronik Missa
125s tee we're going to have a little music
127s reveal from our friends in the audio
130s department will be joining us a little
132s bit later
133s then we might have it some time at the
135s end to answer some questions so we've
136s got any questions throwing the chat
138s we've got a mod gambit keeping an eye on
139s things so do feel free to send him
141s anything you want to want to ask us and
144s providing it's not too vulgar
145s we might even ask it so before we get
148s started
149s also one thing I should do as a shout
150s out a madre and mod curse or the other
153s two members of vs on real scene but
154s sadly couldn't be with us today
156s should we get started - yeah I feel like
164s we would probably be some bit sadder
165s about that so yeah here today so let's
173s talk about the quest I think we have
175s some stuff to show off do we because as
177s much as I know you guys will love
178s looking my pretty face I've actually got
179s some things to show off as well so
181s should we have a look at what we've got
182s have we done some work apparently
185s so look at that first of all it has a
187s title it's called song of the elves
190s believe it or not and hopefully the
191s clicker works so song of the elves as
197s the name suggests it's about elves an
199s infinity elf storyline as a finale
201s there's gonna be a few battles so a lot
203s of previous quests in this series as a
205s lot people remember involved lots of
207s cursing agility obstacles and that sort
209s of thing in this one there's gonna be
211s more of that don't worry but there's
212s also going to be a few battles and
214s battles and these soldiers so what we
215s have here is a couple of the rebel
218s warriors so mangy talk to us a bit about
221s these were your designs weren't they
223s I made some rebel warriors I'm I
228s actually approached a lot of like the
230s elf designs both within 15s and sort of
233s in the expanding areas battles etc quite
235s procedurally so this is just some of the
239s many combinations that you could see if
241s the rebel elves there's like a few
243s different pieces and they mix and match
244s to create like a lot of different
245s variations and they have various
247s recolors available to make it really
249s feel like the world is super populated
251s which is very exciting
253s so as you play for requests you'll be
255s seeing a these guys in action you'll be
257s fighting alongside women hopefully
259s winning as you fight against via evil
261s Iowa elves or for some of them you're
263s probably just space barring through as
265s fast as you can so you can get to force
266s it
266s shame on you guys shame on you alongside
270s our our new rebel warriors we've got
273s some Iowa warriors that's mentioned
276s because of guys you're gonna be fighting
277s against so here's what his what they
281s look like
281s again Maji you design reasons as well
283s didn't ya anything to comment on those
285s guys and I had to be honest I had a lot
288s more fun designing these guys because I
290s sort of took a few liberties and went
292s quite but just more fun our guys are so
296s fun live guys always more fun but not
298s we've actually bad guys no one's a bad
300s guys just different opinions and all
302s that yeah none of that guys
304s whoever's whoever's point of view you
306s learn from so I took into account like a
309s lot of color theory with these guys I
311s wanted to make their skin a bit
313s different almost sort of you know Night
317s Elf a fish might tell it might tell fish
320s Wow and to make them feel sort of a bit
324s like other indifferent and loaded darker
327s colors yeah had a good time as you can
338s see exactly what we're doing what else
342s have we got
343s also I have no idea what happens as I
344s click this I haven't actually seen the
346s slide show so this is as much surprise
347s music as to you guys I'm actually having
349s a really fun time myself seeing all this
350s stuff so we've also got this EP unique
356s characters in this quest and this one is
358s a ill Fein I think it is isn't it so
361s you've got the chat never look at the
372s chat so on the left you can see her her
376s old model the one she's currently going
377s game on the far right you can see what
379s she looks like in runescape and then in
380s the middle is what she's gonna look like
382s in the quest and I feel that was a very
385s sort of a recurring theme here where I
386s go mod G because this one once again was
389s what G may notice emoji has done all the
391s elves
392s you want to talk about myself that
393s you've done so this is another elf that
395s I made made all the elves actually it's
397s a bit of spoiler so what I did was
401s completely ignored the RS 3 version and
405s then tried to take the 2002 version and
408s then make it so that it fit with the
411s rest of the elves and that are being
413s introduced in this new quest and in this
416s new update I hope you guys like her
419s obviously it's quite difficult to update
422s existing models because a lot of people
424s are quite attached like I realized
427s through posting on Twitter and asking
429s for your opinions that a lot of people
430s have really really attached to this 2002
432s version but I hope that I've at least
435s swung some of you across to my side and
437s others of you just like the design in
439s general say thanks and alongside Athene
447s in the quest we've got a this guy as
448s well so most of the character in song of
451s a elves with being the finale character
454s that appeared in previous question this
455s guy he's actually not so this guy is
457s called is going not Yaga waggers we tend
459s to call him in the office he's called
461s you Schoen and he does actually appear
463s in luxuries in game of a moment but he's
465s not actually really used for anything
466s but he's gonna actually be a character
467s miss quest he's one of the leaders of
469s the elven rebels alongside healthy now
472s Trin and all the others and here's
474s another new model but guess what it was
477s done by Majhi made it what do you guys
481s think of this one I really like that one
483s I've just seen that someone else thinks
485s that there are the runescape one looks
486s like Jaime Lannister oh my favorite
491s thing is still just the old-school
493s versions legs and feet they just drop a
496s fee from yeah very questionable it's
499s like he's got gout or something isn't it
501s rolling he definitely didn't miss like
503s day to day so very weird answers well
507s they picked out the old that's the thing
509s of the arms isn't it so yeah looks like
512s one of those guys you see in the gym not
513s that I go to the gym as you can tell but
515s I've seen I've seen screenshots and
516s stuff like there's some weights are they
522s do you want to talk about the arms cuz
524s you actually did something to the length
525s didn't he made them longer he did make
527s them longer oh yeah like a lot of the
530s old characters and I'll play Kip some
532s reason it's like that I don't know why
535s well it's like it's just proportions
537s isn't it so if I stand up you look at my
539s arms they're about here the normal
541s length in runescape they tend to be
544s about here
545s which is just really strange so what you
547s actually did but she actually lengthened
549s it out so things just appear to have a
550s much more natural human proportion and
552s luckily it still works a little too all
554s that animation so there's no updated
556s animations I think I've said I spoke
558s about this before but I think the
559s animations the old-school animations are
562s something that really shapes the
564s nostalgia and there's a big a big
568s element that you guys love so trying to
570s make sure that new models work with the
572s older animations is a good way of
574s combining sort of the old and the new
575s and making it blend into the world
581s well said thanks so as I mentioned we're
589s not gonna talk to attract requests but
590s here just a few sneak peek screenshots
592s of what's happening with quests so take
596s from them what you will know I could say
599s Noren gonna say much more than that
600s a few maybe a little little hints in
602s there a little bit of agility going on
604s crossing and off pressors gonna be some
606s agility
607s what's the fail rate like uh reasonable
610s and then wander there's another bit
611s that's not so much this bit so warnings
615s in part two it's gotta be the light
618s puzzle going on in it and doing song of
621s the elves I think we knew that there had
623s to be another one so what you're looking
625s at here is looking at a very early gray
627s box environment of what will become
630s probably a little bit of a nightmare for
632s you guys sorry sneak peek see I love all
636s of the depth and the floor and all the
637s details and everything you can see right
638s here just really sums up where this is
642s finished content right here so yeah
644s unsurprisingly we've not released a
647s quest yet because I still work on it
648s some stuff isn't done here's the gray
650s box but yeah you can see some lasers
651s going on I'm sure you guys are gonna
652s have fun with that like compared to the
656s monkey madness - and dragon's lair -
658s previous Grand Master Quest
659s there's still combat in this one still
660s some challenging bosses but we've tone
662s that down a bit to folks with puzzles as
664s is true to the previous elf quests so
666s yeah you've all got a lot to look
667s forward to for anyone that doesn't know
669s what great boxing is is basically work
671s in progress so don't worry that's not
673s what it's going to ship looking like
674s it's pretty quite interesting for them
676s to see that how things are designed yeah
678s and no doubt is that's why they're here
681s [Laughter]
689s so as as we mentioned earlier I'm just
694s going to skip over that though don't
695s worry
695s as I mentioned earlier some of the elves
699s it's just for quest and I'm trying to
704s talk to it I'm trying to talk to them
705s and yeah I've lost it now completely I
708s barely had it in the first place and now
709s it's gone it is all your fault let's try
712s again
713s so saga V elves is obviously the Grand
716s Master Quest Finn ITL storyline but as
718s we all know so you're gonna spacebar for
719s it it was like two guys my cherry now so
721s that you love the law you're the guys I
722s like but the recipe you probably care
725s more about the actual city itself the
727s great crystal city of proof - it's been
729s a separ in that world map since like
731s what 2004 or something like that
733s something crazy and we're finally going
735s to open it up and there it is that's
738s what it's looking like at the moment so
739s we show it off all the way back at
742s runefest i think we showed off like an
745s initial map of what we thought it might
746s look like and here's what it actually
748s does look like so I don't have anyone
751s can even remember that map but it's
752s looking a pretty close there's a few
754s things that have changed Weaver ended
755s like a good more mount the more stuff to
758s the north we've had like the mountain
759s and some more like areas that just do
761s some general skilling in yes scammer
764s obviously things are bound to change
765s like throughout development when we are
767s making assets when I entirely sure like
768s exactly how they're gonna like how big
771s they're gonna be when you just do like a
772s plan so I've seen things get pushed
774s around a little bit yeah it's a it's
776s very close to the original we
777s essentially just tried to keep all the
778s clans in the same place so it's that
781s matches ours 3 so the lore is sort of
783s still intact it's been pretty crazy
785s saying it will come together sort of
787s like turn game one day and you see all
789s these great buildings pretty much like
791s the
792s that you just saw a minute ago and then
794s going getting the next day and you
795s suddenly see this huge majestic tower in
797s front of like where you're served
799s exactly the same place and so where did
802s this come from
802s yeah so yeah Maude ride did or would be
805s like the towers and I just worked on
806s like the houses and the smaller things
807s and he also he also worked on like the
809s trees as well that you'll see later yeah
811s it's a it's come together very nicely
812s it's good to see it develop and evolve
814s over time it's got a really unique feel
817s I think because although it is a city
818s it's a very like natural environment as
820s is fitting for me else there's lots of
822s trees in there and obviously of course
823s you've got the crystal like that sooo
825s very much via the Elven thing so there's
827s like the crystal buildings but also has
829s like crystals are men in the trees and
830s stuff there's lots of a little crystal
832s things going on so it all looks well
834s really nice whom I should get a few
835s sneak peeks some more of that very soon
837s and I think as he already mentioned I've
839s got a little village to the north as
840s well like wants do a little bit well
842s building there and just because if that
844s area looks quite messy on a world map
845s when we're done finished so to put
846s something a little up there as well and
848s you go over they say the mountain
849s there's lots of like little lot of bits
851s and stuff we looked back at like sorry I
854s interrupted you no longer be able to
856s sneak around the side like you can
857s currently as well which is a bit of a
859s bit of a strange one yeah I think we
862s look back at like previous release we've
864s done like the initial release of Kerr
866s end and they even looking back to like
869s runescape we sat down with the guys who
871s made proofing runescape asked him what
873s worked them what didn't because
874s obviously unsurprisingly things have
876s worked them probably won't work for us
877s and things that didn't work for them
879s might work for us but some things that
881s would work for both of us and one thing
882s they said it was like make sure you get
883s some well building in there like have
884s some exam and text some characters talk
886s to and I think every citizen remember
888s has a unique examined text unique
889s dialogue stuff just little things like
890s that but of course don't worry there's
892s also the big shiny piece of content as
894s well for those of you who don't like
896s talking to people so the walls to proof
904s so those are like the original wall
905s serve you can currently see in game and
907s what motorize done is he has taken them
910s and given him a new coat of paint so
915s this was actually the concept art that
917s was done by a mod Zephyr sees something
921s awful it's a mouthful I have to write it
923s down on a piece of paper
925s ya know so he's very kindly done all the
929s concept art for the walls and the
932s buildings inside prayer which meant that
935s we could really explore ideas without
937s committing to doing the modeling
938s straightaway so what you can see here is
941s he's actually taken natural forms of
943s crystals and actually merged them in
944s with the natural forms of nature like
946s tree branches growing through in a very
948s wild fashion but in a fashion where it
950s feels like it's actually being contrived
953s and sung into existence by the oaths
955s it's really cool it's very good it was a
958s lot of fun working with him wasn't it so
964s these are some of the trees that we
965s discussed earlier so as you can see ma
968s dries put some crystals in place there
970s on those trees and I think maybe the
973s walls might be next
974s Oh maybe yeah there we go so that's the
977s end result that mod Wright came up with
980s so this isn't like the main gate from
982s the south this is the the gate from the
984s West
985s so yeah just be aware of where the coast
987s is which is why it looks a little
987s different to the previous picture of
990s course the walls are different as well
992s you can see some of the trees inside the
995s city as well and a few on the outside
997s where we kept the rocks the same because
998s the rocks around trending are really
1000s nice say yourself kept those to keep all
1002s consistent yeah cool yeah it's a really
1007s good job on that so this is the mine yes
1010s this is new trim various yes so for
1013s anyone not aware the elves have eight
1017s clans and each clan has like a rougher
1019s focus and the trehearne clan bear
1021s focuses mining and swifting so
1023s unsurprisingly they have a mine and his
1025s little sneak peak of it but again
1027s modernized done initially this was on
1029s the in the main city itself but it did
1031s seem a bit out of place having just a
1033s random mine in the middle of City so we
1035s moved underground and made the area just
1037s a little bit more scenic with some trees
1040s and stuff like that I don't know about
1042s you but I'm quite missing the 20 rune
1044s rocks that were discovered
1048s yeah when we were when we were clicks
1050s altering things up it may have been
1051s quite a few room rocks so we mentioned
1057s crystal muting would in their houses and
1060s buildings earlier and here's some more
1061s concert art showing that from mod hisses
1066s so yeah this really helped when I was a
1067s assembling all the buildings just to get
1070s that sort of high detail OB they're not
1072s exactly like this because they did
1073s another paint over as well but I sort of
1075s like mix the different ideas together
1076s and it turned out really well in the end
1078s yeah they look great we can see them
1080s next one it's one house no oh this is a
1086s it's made up of made up of a kit so the
1088s entire roof kids made up of like 1x1
1090s pieces and you can arrange it in
1091s different into a pitched formation or
1093s like in a bonnet roof style and the the
1096s chimneys work as well on that way yeah I
1098s think it's I mean it's gonna be a shame
1099s because maybe people play with their
1100s roofs turned off but if you enter the
1103s city with your roofs then done ones
1104s that'd be that'd be really great I look
1106s very good looks gorgeous yeah we're
1109s really trying to appeal to those players
1110s that don't space bar food rings and
1112s don't turn there those guys can have a
1113s real good time here there for now cool
1118s yes this is the little town to the north
1119s of the city called puente --the as you
1122s can see i've sort of stumbled the the
1123s roof getting a little kit into various
1125s different buildings we got a three-story
1127s mill there and a 2-story house and into
1130s a single-story house there which placer
1132s as well see this is a just trying to
1134s build up a little bit of scenery and
1135s make it make sense because we're
1137s currently turning this just has like the
1138s city and lettera so it made sense to
1141s just add some more little small towns
1143s it's the most alike when we did sleeping
1145s we're sort of something like oh the
1146s vampires consciously talk about typing
1148s all the villages and then we realize but
1150s wait there aren't really any like like
1152s where do all the other elves live like
1154s she'll even not all in proof so and
1156s again as mentioned earlier something to
1158s fill that gap up there so nice little
1160s village for you nice little mill the
1161s people in the chat is saying it looks
1163s amazing I have to agree when I saw that
1165s I was like wow when we did the
1167s walkthrough says amazing work he did
1169s their mod West
1169s yeah it's nothing surprise myself to be
1171s on this web made it nice yeah there's
1176s good fun making like I got I did get bit
1177s carried away as well so hopefully
1179s everyone have fun like explore in the
1180s area
1181s I've thrown in summer usual pop-culture
1184s references as they as they tend to do no
1187s spoilers
1187s nice what isn't awesome there so these
1192s are the runescape clan elders aren't
1196s they yeah these are three of the
1197s runescape clan elders so from left to
1201s right we have lady Meier lady - and Lord
1205s Iowa so the reason we're showing you
1207s guys these are three characters is
1210s because we're about to show you how
1211s they're going to look in the press
1214s update and so are we starting with very
1217s much start from left to right left right
1221s looking start with lady Meier there so
1224s some of you guys have seen Lady Milo
1225s already and she's I think she's pinned
1228s on my Twitter and but we wanted to show
1230s you again because I'm I've whacked some
1232s of her concepts down and these concepts
1235s are actually done by me when I was
1237s designing Lady my list you can see that
1239s the sort of process that I would go
1242s through to design a character as you can
1245s tell she sort of made up of a few
1246s elements of each so sometimes when I
1248s design a character I'll do one drawing
1250s and I'll go yeah that's the one that I
1252s want and I'll scrap all the others or
1253s sometimes I'll go in a bit from here
1255s there from here a bit from here and sort
1256s of like bash it together and yes sort of
1259s showing the process it's lady my earlier
1260s next is Lady - yep and so as you can see
1266s with this one I just went for the top
1268s right straight up because I really like
1271s that one very different from iris from
1275s runescape what do you guys think I love
1277s it I think it's very Tilda Swinton and
1279s Doctor Strange that's great yeah and it
1281s sort of fits with the areas works it's
1284s very own agility focused yeah well there
1286s have been how's our agility but they're
1288s also the sort of spirituality sort of
1291s side of the elves as well
1292s so I thought it would be quite an
1293s interesting way to merge these by sort
1296s of saying you know she's super agile and
1298s almost sort of like a monk so she has
1301s that like agility like you know focus
1304s but the spirituality so I was originally
1307s thinking of making her blind and then I
1309s was like might not just make her an
1310s absolute badass and give her a blindfold
1314s doesn't need her eyes she doesn't need
1316s her eyes Jesus senses nothing o Lord
1322s Iowa okay it's all these concepts before
1330s it is really cool he's been spending
1332s time with Jim hasn't he okay swole like
1336s that that one's like very Genghis Khan
1340s to me it definitely seems like a villain
1341s yeah love it so that's really cool so if
1344s you guys remember the eye with warriors
1346s from the start obviously they're his
1348s soldiers so you can see the design
1351s references color colored color fiends
1356s cool yeah and then the and then the
1359s concepts as well actually look at the
1361s concepts I can't tell which one I used
1364s and they told the hair from like the top
1367s left or whatever yeah okay yeah so as
1371s mentioned early like every there's eight
1374s health clans for the elves and everyone
1377s has their own a leader and I think it's
1379s really cool I thinks if I all got their
1381s own unique styles cuz they all have
1382s their like themes like skills and
1384s whatnot so like Robin just uh fifty
1388s generic elves making these guys stand
1390s out quite a bit yeah it was really fun
1393s to design had a great time
1394s still having great time to be honest
1396s we're making else hurry let the line up
1398s you heard of all the the elders because
1400s you could see that how unique each one
1401s one yeah like they sent the Avengers
1404s assembling sort of thing when all of the
1407s elves have been released I guess I'll
1409s like post the lineup cause it might be
1410s quite interesting for you guys to see
1411s how the different shape language works
1413s together yeah cool cool so it's a little
1418s sneak peek of some of the general stuff
1421s chrome of the city and I think now we're
1422s going to go into a deep dive into the
1424s two main piece of content we're gonna
1426s find there being the gauntlet and it's
1428s all karna so I think we're starting with
1430s the gauntlet
1431s yeah I think that maybe the corner who
1433s knows we'll see what happens hello once
1437s again for anyone not aware the gauntlet
1440s is a new mini game I guess the best way
1443s to describe it that's going to be coming
1445s with a song
1447s and / if some once you've completed the
1449s quest and you can enter / if you'll be
1450s able to go to this place this new
1452s training area where when you enter you
1456s not allow us to take any viewer when
1457s armor weapons or anything else in it
1459s said you have to run around in there
1461s gathering items killing monsters -
1463s basically gathering of supplies to
1466s hopefully have a chance of surviving
1469s against the final boss which we'll be
1471s having a look at very soon so it's
1475s definitely some dungeoneering vibes
1477s coming across here and like you think
1478s you could see like we're dungeoneering
1479s like inspiration like the square rooms
1481s and whatnot on the idea of like having
1483s to gather your own items and everything
1484s and not take your own stuff in but that
1486s said sir it's not it's not a copy that
1488s is written by any means it's not just
1490s engineering there's a lot of different
1492s things going on here I think the biggest
1493s one is probably the time limit so when
1496s you go in here you get it's currently
1498s ten minutes that could change in
1500s bouncing me at ten minutes to explore
1501s the area so it's really fast paced like
1503s compared to a lot of the content where
1505s you can sort of afford to just stand
1508s behind a pillar for half an hour and
1509s slowly heal up in here you don't get a
1511s chance to do any of that you have to be
1512s as fast as possible and if you're not
1514s fast enough you're not gonna have enough
1515s items when you get to that boss so the
1521s theme behind it is uh unsurprisingly in
1523s the Crystal City
1524s it's crystals so all the creatures you
1526s fight for gone that they're all
1527s constructed out of crystal and then
1529s animated and here we have any fuel
1532s examples of the creatures you'll find in
1534s there so we're all based on existing
1537s creatures you'll find in game are you
1540s gonna go into the law behind it oh that
1542s - idea that it's a training ground yes
1546s yes so it's a like the reason why they
1548s have all these crystal creatures it's a
1549s it's a training area they go in here to
1551s a try and better themselves basically so
1554s they're not they're not gonna be killing
1555s actual unicorns it's a little bit me it
1558s had me said they've got these uh ones
1561s that have been created that live in
1562s there
1569s I'm gonna sign up for the wolf and
1573s Christa at least yes I found a paper
1577s yeah something loves the dog beast as
1578s you can see how all the creatures are
1580s quite fitting like creatures from around
1582s the area or quite a creature so you'll
1585s find it like similar styles of
1586s environments like woods and whatnot and
1591s as mentioned earlier if you can manage
1595s to gather enough supplies you might have
1597s a chance of taking on the boss the
1600s crystalline hun liffe so that's this guy
1602s here
1603s so unlike all the others which are
1605s existing creatures this guy is a brand
1607s new not a bit of lore again for the to
1609s people who might care about that sort of
1611s thing and really like this guy's this is
1613s a base on a deadly predator from the
1616s elven homeworld from before they came to
1619s Gillen or I'd love to do honey lifts
1623s that aren't made of crystal and people
1624s just come across one day okay thanks
1631s that thanks G so it's about to say your
1633s actual name there okay we do that knows
1638s not mod G we can actually see the full
1642s full force of the handle F in the next
1645s one I think as well we've got his attack
1647s animation solves your inspiration when
1649s working on this when I was a kid there's
1652s a film called
1652s neverending story and there was this
1655s horrible like wolf creature they had to
1658s find that I gave me nightmares so I
1659s thought I'll base it roughly on that
1661s they yeah that's what it's based upon
1663s and also 300 with that scary dog at the
1667s start of that remember waste training a
1668s son oh yeah yeah that's pretty brutal oh
1671s yeah we're not gonna give any spoilers
1673s as to how the actual combat works so
1676s you'll have to have a think for
1678s yourselves what this special attack
1679s might do people are asking if the goal
1682s is solo ad yes the Gorna is a solo the
1685s next piece of content we gonna move on
1687s after this is groups I've got bit of a
1689s mixture going on
1692s so well like a we like a bit of a fun
1698s but we really like rewards don't we
1700s that's a that's a really fun stuff so
1702s from the gauntlet here's one of the
1704s things you might be able to get if
1705s you're lucky enough this is via the
1707s blade of sale door this is the new sword
1709s that we recently polled this has been
1712s done by a modder I think that's right
1713s yeah and on the Left we've got the
1715s charged version and on the right we've
1717s got the uncharged version it's quite
1719s strange but initially I was gonna make
1720s it and we didn't really talk about it
1723s but I was gonna make it literally that
1725s let's go - it's like a nice elven blade
1727s we just chased we don't have to talk
1730s anymore and we've also got the crystal
1736s armor so the armor that you were using
1739s the gauntlet is a crystal armor and you
1740s can see the different variations there
1742s as you were like charged up in the
1744s gauntlet and enhance it and whatnot and
1747s if you once again get looking from the
1749s corner you'll be able to take some armor
1752s home yourself
1753s not to mention about the armor oh yeah
1756s the armor is Ted so you've got your
1758s first tier second tier third tier and
1760s the design sort of reflects that so you
1762s I guess you know the helmets a bit more
1764s open in the first first tier coming down
1766s 30 and and then that's sort of the whole
1769s way through some of you don't like it
1775s there it is for a male character as well
1777s okay this also replaces the armor that
1780s we showed off the rim fest as well
1781s correct yes we could talk a bit about
1784s that like that's one that you actually
1786s get yeah this is the to gain from the go
1789s on that yeah yeah so the armor that you
1794s guys saw at runefest
1796s was originally defined the idea of it
1799s something like an all-round
1800s armor yeah like a hybrid armor but we've
1804s sort of decided since then that this
1807s armor is specifically ranged so I kind
1811s of redesigned it with that in mind this
1814s is I suppose it's still kind of a work
1816s in progress it's the most recent thing
1818s that I've done so I'm totally open to
1819s feedback yes still open to be exact
1821s hundred percent so I have a few posts on
1824s Twitter so if you guys have any really
1826s cific feedback it would be great if you
1828s go and leave them on that post so that I
1829s could read through them and so you see
1831s what you guys like to see changed yeah
1834s what's your Twitter handle my Twitter
1836s handle is at Jagex g g ee yeah so the
1844s little sneak peek of the gauntlet there
1847s has much today I'm not going to show too
1848s much off because I don't want to let you
1849s guys know how to beat it but probably
1852s already starving a little think about
1854s what might be involved and we have a big
1858s piece of content in proof is zal
1860s carnitine ooh skilling boss and as I
1862s said earlier this is one that is
1863s available for groups so here she is so
1870s obviously a lot of things in the Crystal
1873s City are made from crystal and you may
1876s have noticed a bit of a running funeral
1877s shown off of there's been a lot of
1878s crystal so weaves alkar know we wanted
1881s to do something a little bit different
1882s and she is this demon that the elves
1884s have imprisoned within proof nests that
1886s they can study her reason why I want to
1888s study is because she has a curse that
1891s she has been turned to stone which is
1892s quite fascinating because I've never
1893s seen anything like that before
1895s and it gave us the opportunity to blow a
1897s few different colors or almond just more
1900s blues and greens which we love blues and
1901s greens it was a lot of batting press so
1903s this is something a little bit darker
1905s it's also nice to do a demon in
1908s runescape with quite an old school with
1911s a more effeminate appearance to it
1913s because a lot well most of our demons a
1914s male aren't they have we caught female
1916s difference I think only the pendants
1919s Queens like the only one that
1920s immediately springs to mind know pretty
1922s much all all males here chance to do
1924s something a little bit different than a
1925s female it kinda sets aside like in terms
1928s of the silhouette that we've got there
1929s seems it's got broader hips obviously
1930s like a broader chest and just the way
1932s she kind of pivots on one hip and pushes
1935s like her
1935s I rather hip to the side that's gonna
1938s say glute then I looked awesome like the
1944s wings that that's a very menacing feel
1946s to it yeah they didn't look like that
1948s originally today
1949s I didn't this went through about three
1950s iterations for iterations including the
1952s Twitter feedback before we finally got
1953s something that we're happy with so yeah
1956s it looks pretty cool now so again no
1959s no game place was but you can see one of
1961s the right she's doing some sort of
1962s special attack there I have to wait and
1963s see what that is for the people asking a
1966s chat so you'll fight her using mainly
1968s mining but also a little bit smithing
1970s and runecrafting as well because she's
1971s made from stone pretty much as you can
1975s imagine it's pretty pretty crude nothing
1977s overly fancy you have to mine her rather
1979s than fighting hers and all because of
1981s she's made of stone normal weapons won't
1983s do any damage to her I'm not gonna say
1986s any more than that because spoilers have
1988s to work out for yourselves again and
1991s she's got some rewards as well so anyone
1994s that manages to kill them I have a
1996s chance of getting a crystal tall seed
1999s which can be used with the dragon
2000s equivalents to make the newer crystal
2002s tools pick axe axe and half uber so
2006s these were also create by madre it's in
2008s a really good job of these I'm looking
2010s forward to getting all myself anymore I
2015s believe that's the end cool so I think
2018s then it's time for a little look at
2021s quite a few things oh he's trying to
2022s listen to something we've got another
2024s audio sneak peak now and this is V
2027s really were gonna be revealing via so
2030s the music track that plays when you
2031s actually fight sell car now maybe who do
2036s we have I think so yep
2039s [Music]
2045s [Music]
2045s [Applause]
2048s [Music]
2052s [Applause]
2054s [Music]
2090s so we've got a couple of new faces on
2095s the on the stream now we've magically
2098s really smoothly in that suddenly lost
2102s want to go some on West and instead
2104s we're now joined by a mod en and mod
2106s Surma hello were oddly enough after just
2109s doing an order reveal these are the
2111s audio guys so you guys have been working
2113s on the new music tracks for some of the
2117s elves and as mentor some questions for
2119s you sadly we ipad has locked itself I
2121s don't have a passcode so I'm now
2122s completely making it was like that's how
2128s we roll that we just listened to there
2130s was the track plays when you're fighting
2134s Zarkon it wasn't it yeah that was done
2135s by yourself not so awesome
2137s yep so I guess well something like were
2139s your inspirations when you're coming up
2141s is a deep question but you know
2144s inspiration comes from many places at
2146s the weirdest of times but I think you
2148s know one of the primary inspirations is
2149s really looking at the art and it's a
2152s really good way to get an idea of what
2154s kind of mood we're in you know are we
2156s it's a dark kind of atmosphere and even
2159s looking at sort of kind of herself and
2161s how she how she moves how she carries
2163s herself and presents herself and all
2165s these and all these kind of features and
2168s characteristics can be been translated
2170s into some sort of musical form and
2173s identity really you know and you know
2176s just it's a boss battle so it's gotta be
2179s yeah yeah obviously with the nice calm
2184s crystal city has been a lot of like slow
2186s it definitely definitely gonna be a
2188s chance for us there's still there's
2189s still be a bit of room for a couple of
2190s thoughts there's a lot of music that
2192s we've written for this piece yeah it's
2194s one of the largest ones I think it seems
2197s like we say that every time we should
2198s keep going bigger and bigger don't worry
2199s we do think that we can't resist we like
2201s it we like big can't help it yeah like
2203s for the for the actual city itself you
2205s guys we've done a music track for each
2207s clan we have plus one for the tower
2210s voice a big centralis right so each one
2212s each console has its like so so theme
2215s basically again as we kind of try to
2216s style that on what well basically we
2219s read
2219s upon all they weave we all have Mesa law
2227s but we yeah we try to take as many kind
2230s of influences from you know like what
2233s their kind of jobs are the clans you
2234s know the people that are involved in
2236s there and that kind of you know they
2237s worship or where they live or as many
2239s different details as we can get and then
2241s we try and and little bits of references
2243s into the music that sell that idea where
2246s possible mm-hmm so I think I remember
2248s and I think it was the UM not count but
2251s I'm what clan and what that's like
2255s correctly so you know that was all very
2256s kind of mystical and so that's how I'd
2258s you know when when I was writing my
2259s piece of music that's how what I wanted
2261s to kind of portray was this mystic feel
2262s you know yeah for anyone not aware the a
2265s melodic plant very kind of mystics as
2269s you may have gathered from that that's
2270s actually where via the gone is based on
2272s me a melodic line because it's this big
2274s magical training area so obviously
2280s prefer already exists in another game
2282s exists in runescape there's a rumor yeah
2284s and what you already had loads of we
2287s think it's nice as well so we basically
2289s just copied Aris did you you look back
2297s at like the what you did for then and
2299s like when I first sort of started this I
2302s don't know about yourself monster
2304s because I think you might started a
2306s couple days after me or something like
2307s that I'm responsible for all the really
2324s annoying stuff like Skype main sea
2327s chantey three flew salad and all those
2334s look wonderfully annoying ear worms that
2337s you either love or hate depending on you
2340s know your taste obviously you love them
2342s but yes I started off and right
2346s basically I found this in some ways a
2349s little bit easier because I was kind of
2350s in a good mood when I wrote the music
2351s which is sort of rare anyway
2353s so the music kind of really flowed for
2355s me and I just basically I just started
2358s churning out this this massive great big
2360s thing of about 20 odd minutes with sort
2362s of five or six tunes in it so that
2365s became the backbone of all the kind of
2367s like the music for me and we kind of
2370s took influences from that and then you
2372s took some bits and bits and it all kind
2374s of grew out of that but we didn't want
2377s to copy anything at all from our s3
2379s right so it's completely from the ground
2382s up there's like nothing shared at all
2383s with any of that music it's got its own
2386s sound and you know everything is bespoke
2389s nice as it should be of course did you
2393s find you know looking at other Fantasy
2396s games films over where elves appeared
2398s quite a bit you look any of that for
2399s inspiration as you say I may get bit
2401s well as is much sympathy you know I'm
2404s inspiration really does come life from
2406s everywhere films and sort of what we've
2408s raid and you know that even just the
2410s documents are supplied from dev teams
2412s here and the concept art and the models
2414s and we're looking at them and stuff like
2416s that I mean you know you have to take
2419s literally what he can from everywhere so
2421s for me it all kind of just feeds into
2424s into like some sort of good ideas and
2426s then I try and kind of roll with it so
2428s kind of go through its kind of processed
2430s to that there's a kind of Ian and
2431s something comes out at the end in it
2433s yeah and you know luckily it was quite
2435s enjoyable they're not all really kind of
2436s happy jolly Tunes there's there's
2439s there's a there's a mixture of stuff
2440s there but one of the things that I like
2442s to do is write songs that really get
2445s stuck in people's heads and sort of you
2447s know I don't know them or make them
2448s really jolly depending on you know what
2450s you like examples of that you know the
2453s kind of recognizable stuff that you can
2455s harm so there was a comment I read
2458s earlier about the Lightning music being
2459s happy that was played on that as a
2461s stream was was dying but not
2464s everything's kind of really happy it
2465s kind of has moments of light and
2467s darkness enough so you know hopefully it
2469s will sort of please it is when you
2472s listen to it it reflects the stories
2474s like the entire elf storyline has been a
2476s very light and dark has had some of a
2478s darker any question see an old school so
2480s it makes sense the music would follow
2481s that I mean we we yeah we wanted to kind
2484s of like have
2485s loads of music that can play gun at
2487s random when you're in in the city so
2489s that it doesn't hopefully be a it gets
2492s so repetitive as like some areas can be
2494s so we'll probably have a little kind of
2497s well and playlist of songs that that can
2499s all kind of rotate round and round as he
2500s going round and unlock them in different
2502s areas not fully decided yet but we will
2505s talk about how they're going to be
2507s unlocked later awesome well thank you
2511s for writing the time to join us today
2513s it's always a fun some some new music
2516s tracks I think there was a plenty of
2517s there what do you look for that in the
2519s chat wasn't what it looked like anyway
2521s so uh even nod and look at the church
2526s never hopefully they'll be a bit more of
2528s that when we when we release it mmm
2530s awesome yeah give us your comments yes
2532s we look forward to it like it is
2535s yes Jagex sermon which all night jagex
2539s ENT awesome believe we have their truck
2554s another trucks our exit themes and them
2557s attract which one we're hearing now it's
2562s dance of V now you know was is it male
2567s in my lair Mina pronunciation spirit my
2571s leo so this is dance Mammalia Mallya
2579s Melia whatever you prefer and this is
2582s oddly enough the theme for the Amalia
2584s house is okay
2586s thanks guys
2589s [Music]
2593s [Applause]
2594s [Music]
2599s [Applause]
2603s [Music]
2609s [Music]
2633s [Applause]
2637s [Music]
2645s there we go another never smooth
2647s transition I didn't ask you first you
2650s other guys have put the word in I could
2653s have been something completely different
2655s so after that a smooth transition we've
2658s got some time for some general questions
2660s now so you guys have been hopefully
2662s throwing some questions in the chat as
2664s the streams been going on we've got a
2665s few that we've taken from reddit and
2668s Twitter as well
2668s I know read in Twitter but hey hey what
2671s can you do and we're gonna go through
2673s those now so hopefully a mod gamba has a
2676s few more for us as well maybe so let's
2681s see some of these we've sort of covered
2684s already earlier so forgive me oh so
2686s scroll for a bit so straight away
2689s something I can't pronounce will we need
2691s barrels of naf naf - yeah barrels of
2696s stuff to complete request asking so I
2699s don't lose my mind mid quest on release
2701s no you won't need those you'll probably
2703s still lose your mind because of that
2705s like possibly showing off earlier sorry
2708s nice easy one so next up we would
2712s probably talk a little bit more when did
2713s the team first decide to make song of
2715s the elves and how long has it been in
2717s development and how much that design
2719s changed over time I was actually free
2720s questions outs very greedy so this looks
2724s good from one at a time so when your
2725s team first site to make some of the
2726s elves we first decided near enough a
2729s year ago now didn't we it was a little
2731s while before runefest yeah so every year
2734s every year in the lead up to her room
2735s fest we will get locked in a room and we
2738s sit down and we're not allowed out until
2740s we've come up with some ideas for what
2742s to what to announce that we're in fest
2744s and this was this was one of them and I
2748s think the idea came from us who've
2752s learned at this point people seem to
2753s quite like quests Grand Master Quest
2755s particularly so we've got a lot of love
2756s for monkey manners - and Dragon Slayer -
2759s so else you want to do another one but
2761s we didn't want to just go of the monkey
2764s monster drones there - let's take
2765s another question just put two on the end
2767s of it
2767s we've done that a couple of times and
2769s I've no doubt we'll do it again at some
2770s points they do seem to go quite well but
2772s we wanted to do something a little bit
2774s different and we realized that what
2778s we're doing with monkey - - dragon say -
2780s we were taking like iconic quests and
2782s continuing them and it made sense to
2785s take the next step up and take on our
2786s iconic series and continue it certainly
2788s just looking at one quest entire series
2790s of them and while doing that to do
2793s something we've never actually done in
2794s old school before that's actually finish
2796s off the storyline we've got which I want
2798s to think about how many storylines are
2799s out there in our game as so many of them
2801s and none of them have an ending we're
2803s very good at doing middles we keep
2804s churning out middles forever but we
2807s don't ever do an ending them this is an
2809s opportunity to actually do that for the
2811s first time and that was why work with
2814s some of the elves but a radical idea I
2816s know it's crazy isn't there Matt I'm
2818s doing an ending and I see we are not
2823s still infested it seemed like people
2824s liked it and when we pulled it it got I
2826s think mentioned early like 95% or some
2829s things so it seems to be some love
2831s behind it what was the next part of a
2833s question how long has it been in
2834s development so this has been quite a big
2836s project for us so I the poll was in
2839s March time some things really started to
2841s kick off but as always we like we do do
2844s a few things before the polls so we
2845s actually have things to show off things
2847s to prototype and whatnot so I think we
2848s actually started back in night January
2850s didn't we I started making elves
2852s genuinely in like the first of January
2854s couples please yeah it sounds like the
2857s biggest development overhead from the
2858s team as well so in terms of people
2860s working on the project over length of
2861s time it's been huge we want to be like
2864s we've got a whole Grand Master Quest
2865s we've got the whole city and all the new
2867s unique piece of content in it so it's
2869s quite chunky on yeah and I think
2871s although the actuals of official
2873s development time kicked off in January
2875s there are a couple of bits and pieces
2876s even back in December that my dad and I
2879s weren't entirely sure whether or not
2880s they were possible to do with regard
2881s sort of like the way the gauntlet is
2883s generated and we kind of like took some
2886s time to figure out it was so there's
2889s been going back temporarily but sort of
2891s officially kicked off and really got
2893s into the swing things in January yeah
2895s earlier as well because of the didn't
2897s write the quest yeah yeah
2901s yeah before we got locked in that room
2902s actually I went into a room with an idea
2904s I didn't come with it on the spot I'm
2906s not quite that good so actually I think
2909s a recreational story well over a year
2912s ago now it's good and then the planning
2916s for the actual city yourself just before
2917s were infesting like September
2918s so I mean mostly for about six months
2921s essentially but it's been going on for a
2923s while and then there was another part
2926s that question because they were very
2927s greedy yeah how much of a design changed
2929s over time so I guess that map is sort of
2933s a good example I was still pretty close
2934s to the original designer like for the
2936s quest is a pretty much the same as the
2940s story that was really set out a few
2942s little things have changed so pretty
2944s close to be honest I think yeah I think
2946s they're like the way we did this we
2947s reassessed all the way throughout the
2949s project has to voice exactly we want to
2951s go in and nothing's really changed it's
2953s just more the order that we do things in
2955s to get the end goal is near that really
2957s changes thing from the get-go we always
2959s knew boy that's what we were gonna have
2961s in here you said it's fair did like like
2969s a sort of second poll as well which it
2971s gave us more opportunity to so focus on
2973s the core elements of it and then sort of
2975s add some extra things on after after
2976s it's off God get me of the project done
2977s as well because Mel's really cool so
2981s next question that's quite a big one
2984s I'll try and shorten it a bit with patil
2986s dr is a that obviously these stories
2989s exist in in runescape already and we're
2993s basically kind of remaking a quest
2995s already exists and i how close do we
2999s stick to veer to the law and I'm asking
3003s myself it's not like this so why why
3007s have you done this I think the best
3008s example of this is looking at hello got
3012s a mystery man coming up so I think we're
3016s a good example of this thing that we've
3017s already done before is a taste of Hope
3019s so that was the first time we we were
3022s requesting old school where there was
3023s like a corresponding one in in runescape
3026s free and if you look at that one you'll
3029s see like we a few of the elements are
3031s the same so like the
3033s the key points are quite similar but
3036s there's a lot of new things as well in
3038s particular the journey takes a different
3039s route even if the ending is the same and
3041s similarly with song avails there are
3044s some similarities as a few there's a few
3046s things that stay the same a few
3047s characters have the same type of endings
3048s and whatnot
3049s put a few have different ones as well
3050s and in particular like the journey the
3053s order it goes it is all quite different
3054s and I think you saw the images earlier
3057s sort of puzzle and see that's not
3058s something that's in runescape free so it
3060s should feel very different so I just
3065s like thing as someone said like Game of
3066s Thrones different journey seem and
3069s hopefully it's better than Game of
3070s Thrones like that
3075s I lost a place know how hard as we
3079s gauntlet on a scale of falador guard to
3080s six jabs at once I never liked
3084s difficulty questions it's always a very
3087s subjective yeah
3089s I don't really play the game that much
3090s and when we actually played the gauntlet
3093s had loads of fun doing it and I thought
3095s it's quite accessible for someone that's
3096s generally not used to like the mechanics
3098s of old school runescape so on that basis
3100s it's definitely like really playable a
3102s really accessible and really a no
3105s streamlined to play yeah the nice thing
3107s about having a time limit on it is a
3108s select for difficult you can kind of
3110s come from there and in particular like
3112s optimizing your route and whatnot so I
3114s guess I sort of a lot of difficult so
3116s it's quite hard to compare to two jabs
3119s or indeed falador guard it's pretty a
3120s little bit harder than fellow door
3122s guards pretty not quite as hard as six
3123s Jets
3124s is it a safe death ad so it's even book
3128s even though it's not your own items in
3129s there so there are a lot of people that
3131s will be a safe difficult actually lose
3133s anything it isn't actually a safe death
3135s for hardcore so you will wear tie so
3137s yeah it basically a hardwire man dies in
3140s the gauntlet they will lose a hardcore
3142s status and if any player dies in there
3144s who has items stored at a different
3147s gravestone those items will be lost
3149s wander it's a bit harsh they died so
3153s Mike had said okay good so on the