over 2 years ago - - Direct link
This week sees a whole host of balancing changes and bugfixes for Tombs of Amascut!
over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Wekmor

Players using the 'On A Diet' Invocation will be longer be provided with Silk Dressings or Honey Locusts.

Should this be no longer be provided.. ?

Fixed! Appreciate you pointing it out!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by Emperor95

Surprised that some invocations did not adjusted in terms of points they give. There are a lot that are incredibly undervalued (mainly the path ones) while some are "free" despite giving 10+ points (like the blood attack at Zebak)

Looking to have an invocation balance pass next week.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by MrCJayRS

Has the Osmumten's Fang damage distribution been fixed?

It has been! I missed it in the HTML but it's at the top of 'this week's bugfixes

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by btemby

Making the rates worse? Sources have 150’s at 1/45, experts at 1/30. Incredibly off base & horrendously comparable to COX drop rates. Are we meant to expect 15hrs per purple?

They're not strictly 'worse', just that the scaling is better with Raid Level. Normals will not feel any noticeably different than currently if you're at 150, but you'll likely feel the effects of properly pushing raid levels up even between 150-300, rather than people feeling as though sitting at 150 is the play.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by btemby

Glad to know the higher tiered invocations will be rewarded. Hope it’s not a simple linear progression as the raid doesn’t get linearly more difficult as raid level increases.

Also the 1/45 base rate to start out seems terrible regardless, can’t stress that part enough.

Appreciate the reply!

Crowdsourced rates are not actual rates, for what it's worth. But speaking purely personally, on average you'll run about 30 CoX solos for a purple. TOAs at 150 are quicker and easier (imo) than CoX solos, if it were a 1/45 would it really be that egregious?

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Just to clarify a little on drop rates specifically: you shouldn't notice much difference at all if you're just farming raids out at 150. We've adjusted the formula slightly so that people should be able to better feel the effects of pushing to 200, 250, 300, etc.

Like the blog states, 150s were proving a little easier than we thought they might be, and 300s a little harder. We don't want anybody to feel hard-done-by and want to reassure you that we're not trying to make things longer for you, just to make things feel more rewarding for people pushing into the 200s and beyond.

We'll keep monitoring the change and any feedback around it and are happy to make further changes if needed down the line.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Cptcongcong

TOA at 150 is definitely not quicker than CoX solos, maybe easier but definitely not quicker. The fastest normal mode is 17:53 right now, even if that dropped by 2 minutes that would still be slower than CoX.

If you're looking at WR pacing then sure, most people aren't consistently pumping out even sub-20 CoX solos. Plus Chambers has been around coming on 6 years, people have had a lot more time to optimise vs. TOA after one week.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by Sitdownpro

Is there any scaling for higher tiered invocations vs a bunch of little ones? Or 150 is 150?

150 is 150.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by Dry-Wolverine-1220

Hey, when do you fix the Osmumtens fang?

This update.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by MagicTalkBox

Nerfing ambrosia and smelling salts isn’t cool. This raid is super fun for entry level due to those mechanics. Some of us suck at this game and rely on that ya know

Ambrosia is still as powerful as it was before, however now it will be more deliberate choice to obtain it, as opposed to getting an extremely strong potion passively with every other item you want.

If you still want to use ambrosia and rely on this potion, you still can.

Additionally entry mode level raids are still extremely generous on supplies.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by Sitdownpro

Not excited about core time reductions. Time for a 5 or 6 phase fight I guess.

It should only be one additional phase on average, we will be monitoring it and also don't want 5/6 phase wardens to be a thing.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by LogicalDrinks

You say the drop rates are the same at 150 but you've made the raid harder/longer so the overall rates are still nerfed.

I guess you could consider it a change in purples per hour, sure. But the rate itself is largely unchanged, with a few changes probably speeding things up at the higher end (e.g. max mage hit having a cap at 125 rather than 120 mage if using salts, Apmeken path being quicker, Osmumten's Fang working as intended if you're lucky enough to have one). Agree that raids might be a little slower before but I really don't think it'll be a huge dent in the overall 'time to complete'!

Plus, we're always open to further changes if feedback and data suggests things have gone too far the other way.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by jaredNC

I'm seeing just as many orbs in akkha final phase except now they hit way harder

D'you have any footage or specifics regarding damage numbers, raid level you were on etc.?

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Ash_Is_Zanik

Jagex Mug Gublin at it again desperately trying to become Ash(ley). When the e-fame is worth far more than the salary, amirite?

idk beast my boss told me it was my week to write the newspost and by extension I push the post on socials, sorry if I've done anything to upset you!