So, for some context, Dragon Claws are weird. There was a part in the blog I was going to add but we stripped it back to not overload people, but for clarity:
On that note, we wanted to give you some context before we talked about the new reward. We realised when discussing this rewards, we've never actually spoken about how the Special Attack of Dragon Claws work. It rolls damage uniquely to say the least but it's important context we assure you!
Even though there's multiple hitsplats dealt with the Dragon Claws' Special Attack, they are not rolled seperately. Let's take a look at the process of Claws:
Roll Accuracy:
If this hits, deal 200% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats.
If it missed. Roll again.
2nd Accuracy Roll:
If this hits, deal 150% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats.
If it missed. Roll again.
3rd Accuracy Roll:
If this hits, deal 100% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats.
If it missed. Roll again.
4th Accuracy Roll:
If this hits, deal 50% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats.
If it missed. Deal no damage or a few 'flavour' damage.
With that in mind, the Burning Claws will have a special attack that works similar to this, although with the Burning Claws... missing the first time isn't a bad thing! Instead the Claws will have three chances for you to hit with reduced power for each; 175%, 115.5% and 57.5% respectively. Although, with each roll missed, the chance to burn your target increases! Let's look at the Claws the same way we looked at the Dragon Claws Spec:
Roll Accuracy:
If this hits, deal 175% damage split over 3 attacks/hitsplats.
Roll 33% chance for Burn for each hitsplat
If it missed. Roll again.
2nd Accuracy Roll:
If this hits, deal 115.5% damage (rounded down split over 3 attacks/hitsplats.)
Roll 66% chance for Burn for each hitsplat
If it missed. Roll again.
3rd Accuracy Roll:
If this hits, deal 57.5% damage (rounded down split over 3 attacks/hitsplats.)
Roll guranteed chance for Burn for each hitsplat
If it missed. Deal no damage and no Burn effect.
You can expand here for a chart of how the Special Attack works: