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I don't think it exists

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11 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

That's disgusting, good luck with getting it soon, it'll all be worth it

11 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by NonbeliefAU

Thank you!

I don't suppose there's any data on the current driest iron? I'd very much like to know what KC I need for that god-awful mantel.

I couldn't say personally, I work in content development and not data and analytics.

I know others have had worse dry streaks in general, you're currently just below 8x, I've personally had an 11x (trident), I've seen as high as 13x.

The grind really matters though, 5x on an Ely is worse than 10x on a whip for example. Enhanced seed is definitely up there for a bad one to go unlucky on though!