Original Post — Direct link
about 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Honestly Husky hit the nail on the head with this one and continued to raise a really good point afterwards. Personal attacks towards JMods is nothing short of unacceptable - there is literally zero need for it.

We receive SO much support from the community, and it truly is amazing - we're all super super super appreciative of it. Your positive comments do not go unnoticed. You keep us going every day, and are a large reason for why so many of the team members are passionate about the work they do. Thank you for being as awesome as you are <3

That being said, the sad truth is that the negativity and personal attacks are genuinely causing team members to no longer want to be as engaged. It's not our job to trawl through messages of abuse, deal with threats or have to put up with passive aggressive comments.

Even as a Community Manager, I'm find myself spending less and less time going through social media and that genuinely saddens me because I used to love interacting with players online so much.

I'm sure the whole pandemic has contributed towards things, I also know there are things you all want answers to, and that you want new content asap - but please just be mindful that behind the screen is a real person who is just trying to do the best they can for you, even when it might not immediately seem that way.

Be angry, be upset, tell us what you don't like... you have the right to do all of that, and we welcome it! But please, if you're reading this and happen to be the type of person who resorts to hurling insults, or assuming the worst at every given moment, take a step back and consider a different approach. One that can actually harbour a healthy discussion, as that is the most effective way to ensure your voice is heard.