about 1 month
ago -
Old School RuneScape
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | so many players are expecting Elemental |
4s | weaknesses to be a more prominent |
5s | feature for these Titans you know Fire |
8s | and Ice you can kind of understand it um |
10s | can you explain a bit more maybe m daong |
13s | a little bit about how the approach that |
15s | you took in designing this encounter |
17s | itself yeah sure so the initial design |
21s | goal of this boss combat is to design |
24s | and engaging and fine du boss fight you |
27s | know teaching the gear switching skills |
30s | and also fill the gap of players Journey |
32s | you know for mid level players so you |
34s | know in our design the magic is actually |
37s | used for control the combat you know |
39s | like clearing the Fire and Ice obstacles |
42s | on the ground and also taking out the |
45s | mins so well the m and range are more |
48s | the ones used to damage the boss |
50s | whenever it's possible so well actually |
54s | we do have the elemental weakness been |
56s | been set on the B before but however |
59s | during our internal play typ it feels |
62s | that it may confuse the player you know |
64s | it might encouraging them to Casting the |
67s | elemental spell on the boss which might |
69s | not work very well because the high |
71s | magic defense we're putting on the BX |
73s | and because you know we want to promote |
75s | the gear switching here so and also may |
77s | not which means it doesn't really fit |
79s | into our design goals of this boss So |
82s | eventually we decided to remove this |
84s | hopefully that would give you a good |
86s | explanation to |
88s | that fair enough sense um thank you so |
92s | much for that uh so carrying on M I'm |
96s | going to hand this over to you as well |
99s | um so in an older blog we said that |
102s | players will be able to take on the |
103s | Titans in larger groups as well why did |
106s | we cut that player limit back down to |
109s | two yeah I think that's a very good |
111s | question actually so initially we did |
113s | plan to allow a large group of player in |
116s | the compact I think we allow for 20 I |
119s | think so how I you know during the |
121s | development we realize that maybe it's |
123s | better to utilize the design for the |
125s | best experience for the D for the DU |
128s | play so you know allowing more player in |
130s | the comeback know doesn't really help |
132s | you with that experience and also it |
134s | will also create some box during the |
136s | comeback you know with too many players |
139s | So eventually yes that's why we decided |
141s | to limit the comeback with only two |
144s | players |
146s | awesome um I feel like we we're blessed |
150s | answer these please do like I said drop |
152s | questions um in the chat we I'm going to |
156s | point this next one to you |
158s | m um so it is still early days but are |
162s | there any uh changes that you're |
164s | considering for this fight at this |
167s | point yeah so I think overall quite |
170s | happy with the fight I think there's |
172s | been suggestions via various sources of |
175s | adjusting the minions so there's no |
176s | attack delay on them uh and we did |
178s | originally have that but we we felt it |
180s | might be um nicer to to mix up a little |
184s | bit and there are some mechanics that |
186s | players haven't discovered to an extent |
189s | um with with the minions so um I don't |
192s | know whether I should say it or not but |
195s | yeah um there's a reduction in attack |
199s | delay when you are killing them so it is |
203s | you know feasible to kill them and not |
205s | have to wait like another four or five |
207s | ticks to be able to um kill them again |
210s | um so hopefully kind of that helps um |
212s | actually I'll just I'll explain the |
214s | mechanic because I pretty much explained |
216s | it but basically when you kill one |
218s | minion you have one attack delay or one |
220s | tick everyone will know them as ticks uh |
222s | reduced so if you use a fire spell and |
225s | you kill all three in one go um your |
228s | next attack will be three ticks sooner |
230s | so obviously as you probably have seen |
233s | you're attacking quite soon after you've |
235s | done one of the spells on the minions so |
237s | overall you are you are spending another |
239s | two to three ticks uh killing the |
241s | minions but I I think that it flows |
244s | quite well and if we made it zero time |
247s | it might be a bit op um but yeah I think |
250s | it works quite well so I don't think |
252s | we're we will change it uh maybe just |
255s | you know keep an eye on it for for a |
256s | little bit and see what what players |
259s | think um but yeah for for minions I |
261s | think uh it's it's pretty good obviously |
263s | we've got um some small fixes with the |
266s | uh hit boxes for the fire Elemental we |
268s | saw that that was quite big so artists |
270s | have looked at that and uh should |
272s | hopefully be able to adjust that for |
273s | next Wednesday um the the Looting |
277s | mechanics I saw some comments earlier |
278s | actually in the chat uh about if you're |
280s | soloing it you should be able to loot |
281s | both but no we want to make sure that |
284s | this is you know you're encouraged to |
286s | Duo it's not extremely beneficial to |
289s | solo we want people to go find a friend |
291s | and go do Duo this boss um is there a |
295s | way to spectate that's a great question |
296s | we don't have one and we probably won't |
297s | make one but that's awesome uh maybe ask |
299s | the people to dream um yeah no I think |
303s | overall quite quite happy with the boss |
305s | um can't think of there are some small |
308s | changes we are making and that is purely |
310s | based on feedback that we've seen um but |
314s | it's very minimal um I've seen yeah |
317s | again I've just seen in the chat make |
318s | the trade uh the pages tradable if we |
321s | did that we'd make a buyable like run |
323s | crafting like you could literally pay |
325s | like five Bill and then get 99 room |
327s | crafting instantly so I don't think we'd |
328s | do that but um yeah no I think overall |
332s | quite happy but if you do have feedback |
334s | about things you'd like to see changed |
336s | uh make sure you do leave it because |
338s | we're we're always reading and Gathering |
339s | feedback to to make these uh fights as |
342s | good as possible absolutely um the best |
345s | places for that is uh Reddit on the |
347s | Reddit thread um for this but also in |
349s | Discord um as especially the community |
353s | managers hang out in Discord quite a lot |
354s | picking up your feedback um and there is |
357s | actually a well you can use the game |
359s | update Channel but there is also a |
360s | dedicated um Royal Titans F thread in |
363s | there as well that you can use if you |
365s | want um so mm |
370s | again um is there anything that you can |
373s | share on the Mechanics for pet |
377s | rolls um |
379s | yeah yeah um so for the pet obviously we |
384s | wanted to again encourage people to do |
387s | it as a Duo and if you make it based on |
390s | contribution then you're pretty much is |
393s | best off just soloing well it depends um |
396s | but for the pet specifically um it is |
399s | not based on contribution there's no MVP |
401s | system both of you have an equal shot of |
403s | of getting it so the quicker you kill |
405s | the boss the more roles you're going to |
408s | have every hour so yeah you want to duo |
410s | with someone uh if you specifically want |
412s | to go for that pet as soon as possible |
415s | um already seen a lot of pet rolls which |
418s | is great to see and very of them but |
421s | yeah no we really again we really wanted |
423s | to encourage people to Duo and it just |
425s | felt like making that pet um more |
428s | obtainable in a Duo means you know pet |
431s | Hunters can team up with someone and go |
433s | for that grind together and it I don't |
434s | know it feels quite quite |
437s | nice I'm always jealous of anyone with |
439s | pet rolls it's like 90% of my motivation |
443s | with the old school is pants um awesome |
448s | yeah thank you so much I I think that |
451s | like a lot of people are going to be |
452s | really happy with that um yeah |
456s | awesome um so |
459s | I I'm going to jump to a question for |
463s | you mod daang if that's okay um so how |
467s | long after the fight starts can I join |
469s | my |
471s | friend yep uh well I did turn how is |
475s | that for now is that sound all right |
478s | sound I I think so okay cool all right |
482s | uh yes so the when the boss HP has been |
485s | dropped below 85% with total 60 I think |
489s | that give us 510 yes then you know the |
492s | player cannot join the arena anymore so |
495s | I think it's you know it's because you |
497s | know if we allowing player join the The |
500s | Comeback too late you know it cause some |
502s | isues for the things like reward |
504s | distribution do we consider like the two |
506s | count or not and you know also could |
509s | cause some problems for you know some |
512s | like for the the things you know like |
514s | some of the comeback achievement we are |
516s | actually currently working on so and |
518s | also there could be some problem with |
520s | the group Iron Man player you know for |
522s | losing their prage if player draw at |
526s | very later stage and ruin the comea for |
529s | them you know however seeing that you |
531s | know I think we we can try to trick the |
534s | condition to allow the player drawing |
536s | waste bosses HP a bit lower than the |
539s | current one if that fit better for |
542s | players need and I say we still need to |
545s | find the balance there you know like |
548s | they need some investigation and test |
550s | there but you know hopefully we can have |
552s | some good news for the players soon in |
554s | the |
555s | update awesome um and speaking of |
560s | needing a friend to do this um obviously |
564s | like you do see this can be a bit tricky |
566s | sometimes to find someone like around to |
568s | do these activities with um M are there |
573s | any plans for some sort of grouping |
575s | system um so that uh we don't need to |
578s | add everybody that you'd want to duer |
580s | with so you can if if you want to risk |
584s | it with anyone joining your your fight |
586s | you can just turn I believe you can just |
588s | turn your uh friends to on and then when |
591s | you go in anyone can join you so you |
593s | don't need to add the person but then |
596s | obviously you've got the risk of some |
597s | random person joining you obviously it's |
599s | not very likely happen if you've told a |
601s | specific person to join um so I don't |
603s | think we're going to specifically do a a |
604s | grouping system for this uh but you can |
606s | go to one of the royal Titans worlds I |
609s | think we've got four of them allocated |
611s | I've been using them I literally I |
613s | teamed up this morning before work I |
615s | went there I found a random person and I |
617s | killed the boss with them uh which was |
619s | great they had no idea that they were |
621s | playing with you know the person who |
623s | contributed to making it so it was great |
624s | and and they they were awesome they were |
626s | really good um uh we will be adding the |
629s | grouping |
630s | uh Clan chat uh in the near future I did |
633s | see a post on Reddit someone had made a |
635s | clan uh a friend chat sorry for people |
637s | to join but we will be doing that uh as |
639s | part of this update coming on Wednesday |
641s | so you'll be able to find people through |
642s | that as well if you don't want to go to |
644s | the specific allocated Words awesome I'm |
648s | I'm going to add in a little bit here |
649s | too like I do my thing where I'm like go |
652s | to Discord but um on our official server |
655s | we do have um a section where you can |
658s | find both Clans but also are just people |
660s | who are looking for a game um so you |
663s | could go in there and ask around and |
665s | people might be like willing to jump in |
666s | with you for a bit um definitely utilize |
670s | that space if you're looking for for |
671s | people to get uh get involved |
674s | with um okay I am going to jump back a |
679s | little bit uh MX this is another one for |
683s | yourself um but we've seen that some |
685s | players feel like they're splashing |
686s | often against the Titans minions um is |
689s | there anything that you could share that |
690s | might help people tweak their |
692s | setup yeah um so there is a system |
696s | behind it all and you might notice when |
699s | you start using more magic armor or gear |
703s | um you Splash less which is a crazy |
705s | concept um but we do have a threshold |
708s | which is actually 70 um so if you have |
710s | 70 magic accuracy um then you will never |
715s | Splash um and we also have like a base |
718s | um if you're zero or below it will |
720s | always be 30% so basically every one |
723s | magic accuracy that you have increases |
725s | your chance of not splashing by 1% so at |
727s | 70 it becomes 100% um so that's |
730s | literally um the yeah the the reasoning |
734s | behind why you might be splashing um so |
736s | for example what I've been doing is I'm |
739s | my account's pretty much at the Royal |
741s | Titans um uh demographic for for the |
744s | players um so I've been using I've been |
747s | camping a Defender and dragon boots but |
749s | then using Mystic top and bottom a |
751s | Mystic air staff and uh a MAG imbued |
754s | magic Cape so and that gets me to 75 so |
757s | you don't need crazy gear to be able to |
759s | hit that um and yeah I'm minimizing my |
762s | switches because obviously have to |
763s | switch a lot so I'm I'm just doing four |
765s | ways and oh yeah sorry I'm just saying |
768s | what the magic levels do uh they don't |
770s | do anything it's it's entirely obviously |
772s | this boss is to encourage gear switching |
775s | so it's entirely dependent on what uh |
777s | gear you're bringing |
780s | awesome thank you um so we started |
785s | talking about getting used to gear |
786s | switching and that's the you know main |
790s | aim of this I guess um where do you feel |
793s | like the Royal Titans slot into a player |
795s | Journey um is there an appetite at the |
798s | moment for more of these kind of bosses |
800s | that introduce players to fundamental |
802s | mechanics what we |
804s | thinking yeah I think so far we've we've |
808s | got a nice Journey right now now in old |
810s | school you know you start off the game |
812s | you go kill some goblins for a while you |
814s | start doing some quests then maybe think |
816s | okay I'm going to start doing some pvm |
817s | you go to scaras you go to maybe barrows |
821s | you go to perilous moons you get your |
823s | fire Cape um then maybe you go to huy |
826s | and then you come to the Royal Titans |
828s | and then you go to Zora uh and then you |
830s | eventually start raiding I think we've |
833s | got a really good path right now um so I |
835s | think the Royal Titans slot into that |
838s | part where you've gone to maybe perilous |
840s | moons you've got that gear to be able to |
842s | slay the Titans relatively easily and |
845s | then you can use that to go to to zra um |
848s | and and then keep on getting your |
851s | progression with like the magic uh with |
852s | the magic Fang to to uh make your what |
857s | is it Trident better yeah Trident better |
859s | um and then you can go do raids so yeah |
861s | I think it slots in nicely there um and |
864s | I think we've done a good job of like |
865s | teaching players you know we've got |
867s | scarus for the overheads we've got |
868s | perilous Moons for the movement and now |
870s | we've got the Royal Titans for gear |
872s | switching so hopefully that's a nice |
874s | combo to help players get to that AME |
877s | content for sure um seeing someone |
882s | asking if someone can post the Discord |
884s | link is literally exclamation mark |
885s | discard it should bring it up as a |
887s | command in the chat for you um okay so |
890s | we have been picking up some twitch chat |
892s | questions now um so I am going to hop |
895s | into those uh just jump in and answer |
898s | whichever ones that you would like to to |
902s | answer um so would you consider making |
906s | an update to the twin staff where it can |
908s | act as an infinite resource of some |
910s | runes Infinite Source sorry of some |
914s | runes uh So currently it does it acts as |
917s | a Infinite Source for I want to say fire |
920s | and water um so I think it already does |
924s | do that um I think in the actual fight |
926s | it doesn't promote swapping because you |
929s | have to like choose the indiv individual |
931s | spells but that's kind of like one of |
932s | the benefits of the staff um so that and |
935s | obviously the echo effect for for kind |
937s | of mid tier um spells um so yeah it is |
940s | already built in I wonder if if they |
942s | were talking about a different Source |
944s | like maybe like Kos runes or something |
946s | but that'll probably be very powerful |
947s | especially for like training Mage that |
949s | be |
951s | overpowered fa enough uh why did we opt |
955s | to make the prayer Scrolls untradeable |
960s | it just feels like with um rigor and |
963s | augury being tradable if we made these |
965s | prayer prayer Scrolls tradeable the |
968s | value of them would be relatively low |
971s | because if you're a normal account the |
974s | time it takes to get to like 77 prayer |
977s | for example is not that many hours and |
980s | obviously you can buy the best Scrolls |
982s | so you don't need the Scrolls so it just |
985s | felt like a nice way for people to get |
987s | um a nice upgrade to their accounts |
990s | without you know making the prayer SCS |
993s | just be really cheap and for someone to |
994s | just you know log in buy the scroll and |
998s | and use |
1000s | it |
1002s | awesome can we Mount the giant Soul |
1005s | amulet in our player owned |
1008s | houses I don't know what we've done |
1010s | historically for new amulets I'm going |
1012s | to I feel like we haven't done that in a |
1014s | while um and it's probably because it's |
1017s | quite op um |
1020s | you know I'm I'm personally not against |
1022s | it but I feel like there's probably a |
1023s | reason um so I don't want to step on any |
1026s | toes so I'm I'm going to say for now |
1028s | probably not um but you know maybe if |
1031s | there's further discussion maybe someone |
1033s | does as a game Jam they add all of the |
1035s | uh current amulets and stuff that hasn't |
1037s | been added to the pH to the P maybe that |
1039s | could happen cool I so I don't know if |
1042s | this one connects directly to that one |
1044s | it may or may not what about oh god obar |
1048s | oh is that how you say it of and |
1054s | uh got |
1057s | this |
1059s | ra |
1061s | Keys yeah yeah I think like we have some |
1066s | discussion in our design to see do we |
1068s | actually want to include those keys in |
1070s | in our part of the reward thing but but |
1073s | then I think the thing is there are some |
1076s | actually discussion about what we want |
1078s | to do with the Key System know some |
1081s | people don't like it it's it be feel |
1083s | knowing to actually be be trying to to |
1087s | grun for getting the keys there or do we |
1089s | actually we G there we also maybe |
1092s | devalue the the the other part for you |
1094s | get the keys there so there are a lot of |
1096s | potential discussion and the changing we |
1098s | are talking about the keys so that's why |
1099s | we think maybe for the realy Titan for |
1101s | now we just leave them as it is we'll |
1104s | leave that for the future you know we |
1107s | decided what we have to do with the key |
1108s | system is s and then maybe there could |
1111s | be something we can do |
1112s | there awesome also guys in the chat |
1115s | giving me grief for how I pronounce that |
1118s | there are some words that you only ever |
1119s | see written down okay and then suddenly |
1122s | you have to pronounce them and it's like |
1123s | nope my brain doesn't work like |
1126s | this um so moving on anyway um thank you |
1131s | so much for that though uh do you have |
1134s | any concerns about Mystic Vigor being |
1136s | quite close to arur and Power |
1140s | yeah I think just how Mage Works in |
1142s | general um they are quite close um but I |
1145s | think at the same time you know there is |
1147s | an a significant gap between them in |
1151s | terms of numbers um so they may not |
1154s | necessarily feel a massive like a |
1157s | massive difference right now I'm sure |
1158s | you know in the future if things do get |
1160s | reworked um not saying they are but if |
1162s | they do um you know then that could be |
1165s | like a obvious difference um but again I |
1169s | think think overall it's it's fine um |
1172s | you've still got that significant you |
1174s | know upgrade it is a it is going to be a |
1176s | boost um so it should be should be fine |
1180s | cool I'm going to jump us back to the |
1182s | staff again I probably should uh group |
1185s | these thematically um but going back to |
1189s | the staff will it ever get the passive |
1191s | effect on surge spells but with reduced |
1193s | damage |
1195s | percent um well so I don't think so I I |
1199s | think it sits nicely kind of where it is |
1201s | I have seen a bunch of people suggesting |
1203s | oh make it work for surge spells but |
1204s | then you do kind of just negate the need |
1207s | for a harmonized staff um and it does it |
1210s | it will just compete with that and we |
1211s | that's not the intent for the staff it's |
1213s | it's for Mid game you know it's before |
1216s | you get like a trident um or in the |
1219s | future a harmonized staff or so yeah |
1221s | it's it fits nicely where it is now and |
1224s | I don't think we should make it better |
1227s | or you know adust just that I think it |
1230s | it's pretty good where it is so I don't |
1231s | think we'll we'll do that cool and |
1234s | sticking with the |
1236s | staff um so this comment here says the |
1240s | twinflame staff has been really called |
1242s | to see when designing it outside of the |
1244s | boss what other applications did you |
1246s | guys see in mind for it seems like a |
1248s | great staff for Slayer and barrows was |
1250s | that an intended or unintended positive |
1255s | consequence yeah so the staff it was |
1257s | designed well it was designed in this |
1260s | thought process that would have the page |
1262s | system as well so you could get more |
1264s | pages from the bosses too because right |
1267s | now if you think about um where you get |
1269s | pages from you obviously get it from |
1271s | their current sources which is like |
1272s | temporus uh Huey uh and win Todd and |
1276s | it's quite unreliable and it can be |
1278s | frustrating if you actually want to use |
1280s | Elemental spells you have to go do a lot |
1283s | of that content to then use those pages |
1285s | really quickly so this hopefully is a |
1288s | way for you to get cool staff that you |
1289s | can use during Slayer and you can also |
1292s | top up those pages like whenever you |
1294s | want as well so hopefully for someone |
1297s | who's you know training Slayer doing |
1299s | barers um they can get that relatively |
1302s | early into their journey and then use it |
1304s | quite a bit before they end up getting |
1306s | like 87 Slayer for the Trident and all |
1309s | of that um later on in the game um so |
1312s | hopefully it fits in nicely there and |
1313s | it's a bit of fun as well it's it's very |
1315s | different um you never know with with |
1317s | RuneScape in the future what direction |
1320s | it's going to take you know what content |
1321s | there going to be that oh this could be |
1323s | really good like for example Zora it's |
1326s | very strong there because there's a a a |
1328s | hit cap so in the future there might be |
1330s | another boss that has a hit cap and then |
1332s | it can be used there as |
1333s | well |
1335s | awesome um me see if there's any more |
1339s | stuff on there is um what was the |
1343s | reasoning behind not giving uh the |
1345s | twinflame staff any magic strength |
1346s | whatsoever |
1349s | so it's similar to The Smoke battle |
1350s | staff where it does I think it's 10% |
1353s | just for Elemental spells um but I don't |
1355s | think we typically show that on the |
1356s | actual UI um so it it's got some but not |
1360s | for all spells um and that's again just |
1363s | because we want it to lean heavily into |
1365s | Elemental um weaknesses and and that |
1368s | kind of gameplay instead of making it |
1369s | like a just a staff you can use kind of |
1372s | wherever um so that was the main reason |
1374s | for that |
1376s | awesome uh thank you uh so I've got one |
1381s | question here is it a bug that you can't |
1382s | click the Fire and Ice wall to make it |
1384s | disappear you have to select the Spell |
1386s | manually um I thought it should work |
1390s | like the firew uh wall firew world |
1393s | that's a yeah and a CH |
1397s | Eric yeah so interesting you know that's |
1400s | actually we initially we set up the the |
1403s | fight like that so you can just one |
1405s | click to do the things but then we think |
1407s | that you know thing is we are promoting |
1411s | the dual play there you know having the |
1412s | both player to to setting on each on |
1415s | fire on our eyes would be helping them |
1417s | to you know promote this D play and also |
1420s | you know we have the meanings that also |
1422s | Fire and Ice you know if we allowing the |
1425s | auto click on the fire and eyes on the |
1428s | ground what about the minions there |
1429s | might be causing some we definitely |
1431s | don't want player to auto click the |
1433s | meaning to select the sorry click the |
1435s | meaning to Auto Select the spell for |
1437s | them because that would be be that not |
1440s | really helping with the dual play there |
1442s | so we think that might causing some |
1443s | inconsistent there and yeah so that's |
1446s | why eventually we got some feedback from |
1448s | during our uh play test internal play |
1451s | test in the development so that's why |
1453s | eventually we decided it's it be good |
1456s | you know player have to select the Spell |
1459s | manually awesome just to jump in there |
1462s | yeah you can i' I've seen it in chat you |
1464s | can just set it uh to cast on your staff |
1467s | and then obviously because there two of |
1469s | if you can just literally switch to your |
1470s | staff and then left click the ice if |
1473s | you're using fire spells and then fire |
1476s | if you're using water spells so if both |
1477s | of you have one selected then you can |
1479s | just literally it is okay it's not one |
1482s | click to get rid of it it's two clicks |
1485s | but it it should be it should feel |
1488s | fine and to add for that actually I |
1490s | think the T Flames is actually doing the |
1493s | thing you can click you just need to |
1495s | click it with the proper ruin there and |
1497s | it will be automatically select the |
1499s | proper spell to do that which also one |
1501s | of the reason we do this you know is |
1503s | kind of promoting the reward from the |
1505s | false fight is the to to inflame to |
1507s | helping in this SP |
1510s | fight cool thank you um I have seen a |
1515s | lot of questions in chat around drop |
1517s | rates um we generally will be speaking |
1521s | about drop rates in probably like a |
1522s | couple of weeks um just cuz you know we |
1526s | like you to go just like have fun with |
1528s | it um and try it out is there anything |
1531s | do we want I don't know this is I feel |
1533s | like this is unprepared but is there |
1534s | anything that we do want to share around |
1536s | drop |
1537s | breat I can say that um in terms of duo |
1542s | or solo um it doesn't necessarily matter |
1546s | which one you're doing um but in a Duo |
1548s | the fight will be much easier so in |
1551s | general it's like the obvious choice to |
1553s | go Duo obviously if you don't want a Duo |
1555s | then go solo but um I think just to make |
1558s | your life if easier much better to do |
1561s | yeah and just you know we will let you |
1563s | know the drop rates in a bit but not |
1567s | today um so are you happy with the |
1570s | amount of gear switching that's required |
1573s | uh with this or do you have any concerns |
1575s | about physical fatigue from the |
1576s | frequency of switches |
1579s | required yeah I think we've we've not |
1582s | we've not kind of forced people to do a |
1586s | lot of gear switches you can kind of set |
1588s | it up how you how you like you know um |
1591s | obviously with the magic switch um I |
1594s | mean I was doing four ways so I guess it |
1596s | all depends on individuals um but I |
1600s | think doing like a four-way relatively |
1602s | frequently it's not that bad um again |
1606s | really depends on on yourself uh on and |
1609s | how much you're used to switching |
1610s | obviously new players that are switching |
1612s | they're going to switch less items so |
1614s | you kind of trade off how frequently you |
1616s | switch for the accuracy on the minions |
1620s | but for the bosses themselves you know |
1621s | if you go there with uh a fuller clipse |
1624s | Set uh and then you have a oneway uh |
1627s | melee weapon switch that's your range |
1630s | and |
1630s | melee pretty much covered in in a oneway |
1633s | switch and then your Mage can be like a |
1636s | a three maybe four-way switch so that |
1638s | should be relatively easily uh to easy |
1642s | to manage um but obviously make sure you |
1645s | take breaks I know we do say it in game |
1646s | but if you're feeling your wrist getting |
1649s | hurting or something then yeah make sure |
1651s | you do take breaks we did actually |
1654s | Factor this in to the drop um rates so |
1658s | it's why we've not been too you know |
1660s | punishing for the drop rates so yeah we |
1662s | don't want to keep you there for way too |
1664s | long um and force you to constantly |
1667s | switch cool um would you ever consider |
1672s | making we kind of touched on this |
1673s | already a little bit um but is there a |
1676s | consideration at all to ever let the |
1678s | boss have the allow you to take more |
1681s | than two people to the fight basically |
1683s | to the |
1684s | boss um not at the moment I think |
1687s | because I think it's the design is for |
1689s | du players to get experience there and |
1692s | also like I said if you got allowing |
1694s | more players there might actually it |
1696s | doesn't help with experience but also |
1698s | might creating some bucks during the |
1699s | transition of the boss you know and also |
1702s | with be and also you know it's about |
1705s | like reward distribution it's all might |
1707s | be some isues there so I think it' be |
1709s | better just leave it as do do ball there |
1712s | that's also what's the the goal of the |
1714s | design there you know that's what we did |
1716s | this what this boss is for so I guess |
1718s | for the group Player want to play it we |
1720s | do have a lot of other group content for |
1722s | them to try or something absolutely yeah |
1724s | and we did kind of go over it earlier as |
1726s | well um so if you are kind of if you've |
1728s | joined us after that um the VOD will be |
1732s | around that you can go back and catch up |
1733s | on it if you would like to um should we |
1737s | expect a fix for quick prayers not |
1739s | working correctly with new |
1742s | prayers for that specific one I'm I know |
1745s | I am currently working on a Prayer job |
1749s | uh I'm not sure if it relates to that |
1751s | specific issue so whoever is saying that |
1754s | um issue in chat if you want to maybe |
1756s | give more information as to what the |
1758s | exact issue is that would be great uh |
1760s | hopefully it's covered by the the job |
1761s | I'm currently working on um but yeah if |
1764s | not it'd be great to have more |
1765s | information for that awesome um |
1769s | I've got one here that is just hard mode |
1771s | Titans question |
1774s | mark maybe yeah yeah maybe it's it's I |
1778s | think we got a similar question when we |
1779s | release the scaries about like the hard |
1782s | mod things I think one of the reason we |
1784s | didn't do that Scar and could be same |
1786s | apply to here is this is some content |
1789s | designed for the mid level players and |
1791s | also it could be the mechanic is there |
1794s | for mid level and we have a purpose of |
1796s | the training the gear switching there so |
1799s | no I don't want to just know adding a |
1802s | lot of HP reducing the attacking |
1805s | attacking rate simply just miss say |
1806s | that's hard mod you know I think if we |
1808s | want something more challenge would be |
1810s | something more designed for the |
1812s | challenge I say mhm makes yeah like like |
1817s | we saw with leagues um they do crazy |
1819s | things and they make they made those uh |
1823s | uh Echo bosses right so maybe leagues |
1825s | will will do it again or or something |
1827s | like that in the |
1829s | too |
1831s | awesome um okay I feel like are we are |
1835s | we addressing an elephant in the room |
1838s | here um mm do you want to to talk all |
1842s | about chivalry or a melee |
1845s | upgrade yeah so obviously personally as |
1848s | a p i' I'd have loved for chivery to |
1851s | pass uh it didn't pass a pole um so |
1854s | that's why it's kind of in an awkward |
1856s | state but um maybe in the future we |
1860s | could have an upgrade similar to how we |
1863s | did for Mystic might and eagi for |
1867s | ultimate strengths and I want to say |
1869s | incredible reflexes I might be wrong but |
1871s | maybe we can have an upgrade for those I |
1873s | did see a post where it was having them |
1875s | at like 55 prayer or something uh |
1878s | obviously not having any defense bonus |
1880s | but something like that from uh an |
1882s | encounter I'm not sure what encounter it |
1883s | would come from um but yeah I'm very |
1886s | open to that I think obviously in the in |
1888s | the polls that we've seen um for shivery |
1892s | there are quite a lot of people that are |
1893s | just against changing it in general um |
1895s | so maybe we have to go down a different |
1898s | route if people do specifically want |
1900s | them but again we'll it'll be down to a |
1902s | vote so if players don't want those |
1904s | upgrades they can vote no as |
1907s | well awesome thank you um grabing a |
1912s | question I've just seen in here will we |
1913s | see combat achievements for these Titans |
1919s | yeah we are working on the comeback |
1921s | treatment apparently know we we do we |
1923s | have comeback treatment for most all the |
1925s | B we've been released so that's you know |
1927s | that's I think people are expecting this |
1928s | to happen so yeah so yeah hopefully |
1932s | bring you more news when we get more |
1934s | progress on the come the comeback |
1936s | achievement we've been working on |
1939s | awesome um is there any future plans or |
1942s | ideas to make giant like bosses or are |
1945s | the Royal Titans the end for that boss |
1947s | type |
1951s | maybe yeah May who knows I mean it kind |
1954s | of just depends on on the vision of the |
1957s | game I guess um for the Royal Titan |
1959s | specifically you know it was kind of the |
1961s | obvious step because we were lacking um |
1964s | a um like fire Giant and Ice giant boss |
1967s | encounter so we've done that now but |
1969s | yeah maybe in the future who |
1973s | knows um and why do the bosses have a |
1977s | seven 00 plus range defense yeah range |
1980s | hits much better than |
1983s | that yeah um so obviously again we |
1987s | wanted to make it um a tribrid fight um |
1990s | so you're encouraged to do all three |
1992s | styles of combat um and we wanted to |
1995s | make sure that you couldn't just you |
1997s | know stand there and just range them the |
1999s | entire time um so we added uh some range |
2003s | defense so when they are close your |
2007s | range is not doing that much but when |
2009s | they are far away from you uh and I |
2011s | don't mean relative I don't mean you can |
2013s | stand like really far away from them and |
2015s | then when they're in mely range you'll |
2016s | you'll do better with range no that's |
2017s | not how it works when they're far away |
2019s | from like the middle Arena uh you'll do |
2022s | you their defense will be lower and you |
2025s | you'll be able to hit a lot more |
2026s | consistently and so it's just a way to |
2027s | try and encourage that use melee when |
2030s | they're close use range when they're |
2032s | far awesome thank you um so |
2038s | looking like that's the end of my list |
2039s | of questions that we've pulled |
2043s | um is there anything that we're kind of |
2046s | not touched on with these questions that |
2048s | you two would want to highlight or chat |
2052s | about |
2054s | um I don't know I mean look through chat |
2057s | and see any uh see any questions like |
2059s | you can 100% both of the entire fight |
2061s | yeah I think it's it goes kind of to the |
2064s | core of it right you can technically |
2066s | just use one style to kill the bosses |
2069s | but the overall time to do that will be |
2071s | a lot slower so that's why we kind of |
2074s | try and encourage you to do switches |
2077s | because overall you'll make the the |
2078s | fight faster for yourself um but again |
2081s | if you're not comfortable with that you |
2082s | can kind of take it at your own pace you |
2084s | can bring a friend with you maybe to |
2086s | help them or or be aided by them um so |
2091s | yeah |
2093s | awesome uh was there any others that you |
2096s | spotted going through |
2098s | the chat |
2101s | uh I think they were earlier for the |
2103s | amulet specifically if you did miss it |
2105s | um or be looking to um let you use the |
2109s | amulets um on the odd old man uh who is |
2113s | a keen collector of various bones and |
2115s | various things um and he will reward you |
2118s | with some big bones that you can use on |
2121s | uh the one remaining amulet that you do |
2123s | want to keep with you um so you can |
2125s | stock up on big bones that way instead |
2127s | of you know going to the hill Giants at |
2129s | coren that I recently visited to go kill |
2131s | a bunch so I could get charges |
2134s | um awesome um so I think this there's a |
2139s | question I've just B been pulled in um I |
2141s | think this might relate to what we said |
2142s | already about um just like General drop |
2145s | rates uh but does contribution affect |
2147s | your chance that a scroll or is it |
2149s | always equal for |
2151s | everyone so it's it is based on |
2154s | contribution but the way we've scaled it |
2157s | means if you're Solo or Duo it doesn't |
2160s | really matter because it's it's the if |
2163s | you're in a Solo then the kill time is |
2165s | going to take longer so you're going to |
2166s | get you're going to have a better chance |
2169s | of getting it but um you're going to |
2171s | take longer to actually get the kills |
2172s | whereas if you're in a Duo your chance |
2174s | is technically going to be worse but |
2176s | you're going to be getting the |
2177s | opportunity twice as often so it's the |
2179s | same so yeah a duo or solo is is is |
2182s | relatively the same obviously for a pet |
2185s | that is always the same rate um so pet |
2188s | definitely in a Duo is much |
2190s | better awesome um okay I |
2196s | think that's pretty much as wrapped up |
2199s | um so I do want to just also shout out |
2202s | um we did a banner design competition in |
2205s | Discord um where we asked you guys to |
2208s | design a royal Titans themed Banner to |
2211s | be displayed in our Discord server uh we |
2214s | did have a winner of that it was a usern |
2216s | named phantom um so if you head into |
2218s | Discord you can see that off at the top |
2220s | um I just wanted to give him a bit of a |
2222s | shout out cuz it was awesome I |
2224s | absolutely loved the like King Queen |
2226s | card Motif that they used um so to wrap |
2231s | us up today I am going to go back |
2234s | through our announcements so you can do |
2237s | exclamation mark |
2239s | RT uh Royal Titans are here if you |
2242s | didn't know um you can check out the |
2244s | news post that we put out yesterday |
2246s | along with the update uh to find out all |
2250s | about the encounter how to get involved |
2253s | and mastering gear switching you can do |
2256s | exclamation mark Valar the valmar Final |
2260s | Dawn poll is live now this is covering |
2263s | just the quest Slayer dungeon and Naga |
2267s | rewards it will be open until the 12th |
2270s | as I said at the beginning Del B rewards |
2272s | are on pause for now um so we're just |
2275s | focus focusing on those three um you can |
2278s | read all about it in the blog that is |
2280s | linked with that um command we have |
2284s | exclamation mark birthday we have a |
2286s | birthday cake themed competition that |
2288s | you can take part in uh cook up |
2291s | something decorate it old school style |
2294s | share it on Discord um and in the |
2297s | dedicated Reddit thread once it opens on |
2299s | February 10th and you could be in with a |
2301s | chance of winning some |
2303s | prizes uh I don't have the prizes in |
2307s | this list so I don't know if I'm |
2309s | supposed to tell you yet but they're |
2312s | cool have a look out for it I think |
2314s | we'll be doing the proper announcement |
2315s | for it tomorrow um and we'll be sharing |
2318s | the prizes there um and then you can do |
2321s | exclamation mark Discord which will take |
2323s | you toour official Discord server uh |
2326s | where we have more 12th birthday |
2327s | celebrations going on including a lot of |
2330s | new activities and we'd love you to |
2332s | share your memories um from the last 12 |
2335s | years of old school or however a long |
2336s | you've been playing um favorite |
2338s | screenshots big moments clips just tell |
2341s | us about them in text that's cool too |
2344s | and we also have the tattoo suggestion |
2345s | Channel where you can put in what you |
2347s | would like to see in tattoo style uh and |
2351s | uh m j and Skylock will be picking up |
2354s | their favorite ones or random ones I |
2356s | don't know how they're doing it they'll |
2357s | draw some up we'll show you them it'll |
2358s | be |
2360s | awesome but I will also say you can also |
2362s | go there like I said before um to also |
2365s | meet people if you'd like to try and |
2366s | find other people to go and do Royal |
2369s | Titans with um find the um looking for |
2372s | group channels and yeah find someone to |
2375s | team up with um so that's it for us |
2378s | today thank you so much mang mm for |
2381s | joining me today U for the first stream |
2384s | back after Christmas we're really glad |
2386s | to be back with you guys um and yeah do |
2391s | is there anything that you want to close |
2392s | out with either of you yeah just thank |
2396s | you all for for playing the content and |
2398s | getting involved and helping out maybe |
2400s | people that are newer to the content as |
2402s | well I mean obviously everyone's new to |
2403s | it but yeah thanks for for just teaming |
2405s | up and having a good time together and |
2407s | yeah take care everyone thanks for |
2409s | watching yeah just say thank you for |
2411s | watching and hope you enjoy the Royal |
2413s | Titan fighting |
2415s | friend amazing okay uh we will catch you |
2419s | next time bye |
2425s | [Music] |