over 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome
2s to the weekly old school Q&A I'm your
4s host Maude wolf and this week on the
6s sofa we have more time hello there
8s we have Maude gambit hello yeah mode
9s Rock howdy and Maude Bruner how are you
12s doing hello you ready for a fun-filled
15s QA absolutely that's why I want to hear
18s that's why I'm here right now
19s first things first some exciting news
22s that has the beginning get an
25s announcement guys new tell me has there
26s been an in-game announcement because I
28s want to make sure that you all hear this
29s a lot of repeats all this is a site news
31s all right you guys will tell me yeah
33s yeah has it been yes
36s okay awesome right so mod gambit would
40s you like to talk about some of the elves
42s and the release date that we're planning
44s on shipping it to our wonderful players
47s yes absolutely so next week on the
50s stream we're going to have instead of
51s the Q&A we'll be having an announcement
54s stream where we give you guys the
55s release date alongside a catch up with
58s the song of the elves team where they'll
59s talk about the progress that's been made
61s so far and things that can be expected
65s in the month leading up to launch that's
68s enough on that for now I don't say
69s anymore what I'm telling them but no not
72s now next week we're telling you next
74s week unlike on my pad it's as we were
75s telling them okay next week we'll be
81s telling you exactly once released so so
82s look at that
83s so we're announcing the announcements
84s traffic yeah it's the announcements
86s sorry on the topic of the song of the
91s elves you of course a couple of weeks
92s back might saw that we invited some
93s players along they filled in the form
95s that we had bring a couple players we
97s bought 12 Peter we invited 12 only 11
99s showed up sorry but we will be inviting
103s a few of those back in a few weeks
106s yes a couple of those I have those
109s people on list exciting RSVPs yes on top
113s of we're bringing four of those back
116s because we wanted to see yeah I'm gonna
118s show them how it's progressed from their
119s feedback and stuff but on top of that
120s we're also being varying a couple of
122s content creators to get a bit of a you
125s know a sneak peek and get some clips and
126s I'd be able to share with you guys a
127s little bit earlier and I'm gonna tell
129s you who we're inviting now so bringing
130s MMORPG rs ginger-beer Dee
133s a 10-8 a skid ler bringing a user he's
136s got any eases in the chat we're bringing
139s sick nerd the bring JQ Soros and find
144s this is the exciting one this one I've
145s just finished organizing we're also
147s bringing settled which is gonna be good
149s there's at least first ever trip to
151s genetics so that should be pretty good
152s very exciting they go the question is
155s where to cape is he gonna bring yeah
157s that's true
158s and then yeah hogs it everybody's
161s hugging for in house yeah we might even
166s do an impromptu scream with everybody as
168s well because it'll be on a Tuesday oh no
170s we won't stop things no we might be able
175s to get one the chat says yes cool right
177s a couple of things as well let's first I
180s wanna do a lot showcase first cuz I feel
182s as though we don't shout out enough
184s about some of our awesome creators that
186s aren't just YouTube and twitch so
188s firstly I want to shout out somebody
189s called Dagny you might have seen some
190s other tweets but this is a bit of fan of
192s fan art that she put on reddit called
195s respawn which I thought was really good
198s help me get that up there we go look at
199s that I think that's really nice I like
201s this that's all is that thoughts I kind
207s of like the whole hostile cel-shaded are
209s really does it for me like it let me go
212s I'm a big fan of the like Borderlands
214s style artwork and you can see all those
216s cel-shaded outlines and stuff and I'm a
219s big fan I like to say I think it's
221s really captures the feeling of he's just
223s a free ticket to Lumbridge he's going oh
228s no my Spade and then secondly the other
233s person maybe show off this one I was I
235s was really impressive this one this is
236s from somebody called a Katamon ro on
238s reddit as well and this is titled what
240s it felt like the first time I tried
242s Tecton this one's a lot of gift this was
244s pretty this one's pretty good
246s can we oh we have to just ignore the
248s mouse the mouse isn't there we're dish
250s dish it's perfect they love it it's very
254s nice it's quite accurate isn't it have
255s you guys ever checked on yeah it's not
262s the top quality stream that we had when
265s we put the mouse on the windows
269s perfect perfect this is this is where
271s this is where the crab eleven dollars
273s are going what's happening there you go
275s - wonderful come to grips have anything
277s like a shop on the stream oh where do
278s tweet at us out old school RS we'll try
280s and get some more on because we feel
282s like you guys deserve a little bit more
283s of a shout out next up something that
287s more - tweet it out which will be
288s releasing not in the coming weeks it
290s will be a little bit longer so hold your
292s horses but get excited still from Paul
295s 46 we're on we're on 68 now this 2016
300s this is 2016 Timbaland's to show the
305s difference between you all his fat and
306s other people's coming please get that up
308s there you go I can see the difference
310s look at that he tweeted that out at 3
312s o'clock last night that man was in my
313s feed like I woke up this morning had a
316s look at Twitter and then I just see a
317s tweet from ash and I'll scroll down to
318s see what time it was and it's like 311
321s yeah that was winter 2016 alright so
325s there you go what do you think what what
327s if ash actually did it yesterday in the
329s afternoon and scheduled it for 3:00 in
331s the morning is the time if we came out
338s on exactly 3:00 1100 and then here maybe
341s but we all know the dedication he shows
345s yes Lily and then finally the suggestion
349s of the week that was this was top of
353s Reddit I hope we have my opinion at
355s first but I think that it would be wrong
358s not to at least show it off because it
360s did get a lot of up votes this is called
362s fish releasing and the concept is you
365s use your fish on wave just fish down you
367s let them out slow I'll read them when
369s you drop them something about carpal
372s tunnel being terrible if you really
374s think dropping fish is carpal tunnel
376s then we have shift-click you have you
379s have you haven't had carpal tunnel but
382s yes they specify it's not as quick as
383s shift dropping and what's the next yeah
386s it's a unlock with the cost and stuff
390s yeah there you go thoughts guys yeah dad
395s get good would be my response is
397s literally like there's nothing to it if
399s you're worried about
400s dropping stuff go to a fifth different
402s fishing spot and Bank the fish you'll
403s get instead could always just trade it
406s to someone if they want the fish yeah oh
408s you know hold shift and drop it I don't
412s think any casual skilling in runescape
414s will ever give you carpal tunnel I think
416s it was just a mean - yes point cool
419s right okay when we're all quite
421s unanimous little s but Morgan but said
422s nothing maybe like haven't really won
424s fishing yet definitely go yeah this is
433s the guy who wanted nightmares on earth
434s after he got 99 oh that's that still has
436s that the guy who'd guy who got his like
438s infernal cape after 250 attempts a lot
442s of times we use regular fire max cape or
445s something like in there's an immediate
447s relative O's right anyway moving on mold
452s rock yeah talk about PvP yeah kind of a
457s special reason for me appearing hey if
458s anyone follows my social media you'll
461s notice that I talked quite a lot about
463s PvP at the moment that's because that's
466s where my interest lies and yeah was it
470s two months ago we brought in a cabal of
474s 10 I think 10 players they were
478s generally more content creators to kind
482s of get our first one off the floor to
484s see what they kind of thought about PvP
486s and yeah we recently released our PvP
490s poll which all of them passed admittedly
492s not all of them are feel like PvP
494s updates but it's just kind of to let you
498s guys know that this is kind of only the
499s start of what we want to do this was
501s only the first one we intend to have
503s more cobbles with people that aren't
506s content creators as well and kind of use
508s the PvP user base to bring PvP into the
513s light that should get you know really
516s interesting little tidbit and make sure
519s to say that correctly with that PvP poll
522s and not just that Paul in fact the last
524s few polls that we did after we started
525s having poor results we've started to
527s realize the amount of people skipping
530s questions is
533s very different than what it used to be
534s like previously it seems that it does
537s seem as though people were voting with
539s the grain there was a lot less skips
541s when we look now you'll see questions I
543s think that one of the big highlights is
544s things like question to 20,000 skips yes
548s it was like 20 25 percent people skipped
551s there was a castle wars won I think yes
554s looking at it and going well I don't
557s really mind either way they don't have
559s you know I don't have a informed opinion
561s on it
561s so yes that's working out all hunky-dory
563s for us as well
565s tell me about Laxman's founding mod
567s Robert and reward ideas yeah again if
571s you've been looking at my social media I
572s recently took it upon myself to further
576s my knowledge of development by
579s personally developing last-man-standing
581s redeveloping last-man-standing since it
583s came out in 2016 it wasn't really the
587s update the people are kind of hopeful
590s while it did have that by a battle
591s royale feel I don't feel it's necessary
593s right or fitting for the way that how
597s game works so what I've tried to do is
600s completely overhaul the system so it's
603s more more runescape based indicate more
606s of a tribe it bowling system which means
609s completely overhauling the items that
613s you start with I do believe there is a
615s picture of the equipment so it before
621s you used to start with a recolored
623s cesare wand which was renamed to spear
627s and now we're trying to give a full
631s tribrid set up to kind of give people
634s more of a feel as to what peaking is I
636s know there's no ammo that screenshot is
638s slightly old I hadn't developed the ammo
640s at that point there's also a rune pouch
644s item which acts like infinite amount of
648s blood and ice barrage teleports that
653s only works within last-man-standing I
655s have been developing a self testing as I
658s go to make sure that there isn't any
660s unwarranted issues when it goes through
662s to QA but yeah the I wanted to take the
666s focus more of what runescape PvP is and
669s give kind of an entry level system
672s because what we see now is that when
674s people that want to learn how to try
675s bread they'll go into edge and they
678s immediately get swarmed by 20
679s experienced players going fight me
682s completely like kill them off and they
685s don't want to come back it's not really
686s enjoyable
686s Viraj teleport see you know what he
689s meant guys come on be nice he spent a
691s lot don't say much be nice you know
694s [Laughter]
697s you know what you may be nice there's a
699s lot of his spare time going into there
701s so yeah so I think overall I've probably
704s dumped about 40 to 50 hours yeah into it
708s so far
709s mass has been very kindly helping we've
712s meet with some more complex content that
716s I'm obviously not being a developer
718s there's some stuff that I physically
721s can't develop as is helping me finishing
725s that off in terms of how far it's come
727s mechanically it's almost there with the
730s exception of one feature and I'm
733s debating on whether that's a feature
734s that's a scene necessary and that's just
735s that's the stat restore timer because
738s the way last now sounding words is it
739s boosts your stats regardless of what
742s your base you your your main game stats
744s are it sense the more to 99 with 75
747s defense so we kind of have to rework
749s that system slightly but yeah
752s mechanically it's pretty much there and
754s I have been talking a lot about rewards
757s I have some examples that I wrote down
760s because I couldn't remember here we go
761s we'll get some of them are spicy some of
766s them were contentious but bearing in
769s mind these are just suggestions they
770s will go out in a dev blog which I need
772s to write at some point soon to kind of
774s get feedback and things like that sorry
775s just to clarify format fro in the chat
777s with for ores
778s I may know those 40 hours of work were
781s actually done outside of core work hours
783s he did this and yeah all of the time
785s that I've been into it until recently
787s where it has actually been scheduled a
789s legitimate development time have all
791s been done evenings and weekends so it
793s hasn't
794s did anything to do with my own job but
798s yet back to the rewards that people have
800s kind of suggested and what we're doing
802s what I'm looking at at the moment is I'd
805s like to introduce the dead man armor
807s into the main game
808s it's an armor that you buy for blood
810s money and it's absolutely garbage in
813s dead man so why not make it a cosmetic
815s in old school somewhere it kind of looks
817s pretty cool
818s it will fashion escape along with the
821s Leone decor cape as well if you have all
825s of your champion Scrolls I think yeah
828s yep yeah like most people do everybody
831s has that I think there's more infernal
834s cakes in there as champions capes yeah
835s there is I think it was like five
837s o'clock capes yes there's not there's
839s not a lot so get your premium fashion
841s scape this one I'm very fond of is
844s creating a consumable which players can
847s take to Purdue the weather guy that
849s repairs illegal PvP stuff when it breaks
851s under 20 wild and it allows you to take
853s you over 21 what you do is you paint
856s 500k to offer services to essentially
859s kind of imbue the item and then so it
864s means people can take their infernal
866s capes and defenders over 20 wild what
870s will then happen is if these players die
873s 75% of the cost to Purdue will go to the
876s pka the item would would go to it broken
878s state as it does before 20 wild and then
882s essentially creating a cash ink but also
885s allowing for more variety in the
887s wilderness so it's not like you're going
889s you you probably might see a few more
891s people in void doing some of the wildy
894s bosses but you have to remember they've
896s now spent two mil to go into the wild
898s and if you kill them you're gonna get
899s one and a half mil from them all right
901s everybody really likes that it no reason
903s big fun it's one of the more exciting
905s suggestions that I've had input through
907s I want to finish off the Halos that God
912s wolves has I want to do the ancient the
915s armadyl and the bandhas halos kind of
919s not castle wars not many people like
921s doing it if you can give the PvP as a
922s bit more of a pvp mini game to get halos
925s for their pure accounts then why not
929s I do want to kind of have the option of
931s being able to spend the reward points on
934s XP like pest control but obviously make
936s it very minimal because you're not going
938s there really for XP but there's the
939s option to do it if you want to these are
943s all the polls yes these aren't just
945s going in these are purely so I can
948s facilitate the discussion through you
951s guys on social media
954s some kind of capes that signify how many
956s wins you have had how many games you've
957s played here's a very contentious one
961s negative XP lamps but I say lamps plural
966s I mean singular one pair account my idea
969s is one pair account it's 500 XP the
972s skill has to be lower than 50 and you
975s can't be wearing any items when you use
977s it I'm well aware that's very
980s contentious hence why it's just an idea
982s actually lots of people saying no lots
984s of people saying yes I'm kind of I'm
987s thinking that some of the people that
988s say no don't have a need for them
990s because they don't create pure but I can
992s completely understand why you would say
994s no as well a little bit of pass I know
996s that sounds pretty because I mean that
998s roll back because we could just give an
1002s XP later so yeah but when I sped to ash
1005s about I do believe it would require a
1007s tiny bit of men I don't wanna say tiny
1009s because I don't know but a bit of engine
1011s work in order to facilitate that but
1015s yeah it kind of opens up the idea for
1018s more slightly different build types like
1022s you can go get the physic you can go do
1026s nature spirit and then remove 500 XP to
1028s drop your level a couple of points to
1030s give you a slightly different combat
1031s expanding the brackets a little I want
1035s to add a I'd like to talk about a three
1039s speed weapon like the hambo
1042s they are ham joint I basically make one
1045s that looks like an actual weapon I
1047s really like the fact that and also is
1049s really bad the reason for the other hand
1051s guy is very comical yeah but it's like
1054s all three tick of retic nor requirement
1058s weapons you yeah the RPG then you
1060s temporarily
1061s had the fishing right well this looks
1062s ridiculous this is this is insane give
1065s it to the ham join instead that makes
1066s way more sense let's you know you know
1068s memes like the old men laughing among
1070s himself they wanted a one handed and we
1076s just had the most obscure looking thing
1078s that we ever could we're so sorry guys
1080s we do love you yeah I'd like to kind of
1084s have one that's a bit more looks like a
1086s weapon for those who want it one of the
1088s suggestions that I'm kind of like 50/50
1090s on purely because
1092s somatically is a gothics attachment for
1096s the staff of the dead because obviously
1098s we have zamorak we have oh I love that
1100s or casting as well yes that there is
1104s kind of a little bit how does it tie in
1106s because the gothics comes from void
1107s island and stuff like that it's probably
1110s a bit of law that I can speak to modded
1111s kind of wangle it my way and also some
1117s cosmetics that only affect you inside
1118s Last Man Standing
1119s as you saw in the picture there was Dee
1122s Hydra and mystics also allow you to buy
1125s cosmetic overrides to be able to make it
1126s to the dawn versions or the dusk version
1129s whichever one it is how we can even make
1131s a new dawn version and kind of like just
1134s make it look like ski a little bit
1136s different in the minigame itself kind of
1138s just a little bit of fun there but yeah
1141s if anyone does have any suggestions then
1144s hit me up on twitter at Jagex rock again
1149s they're cheeky on sell out in there I'm
1151s happy to discuss anything that comes
1152s through like PvP related fun thing to
1155s say Jagex husky has been working on some
1159s of the PvP stuff in the blog already and
1162s some of it is a waiting QA which is what
1164s we've got the fun of starting after this
1167s week's update start starting after
1169s tomorrow really yep so we are kind of
1172s getting along with all that stuff we
1174s said we were going to do it and we are
1175s going to do it and just to kind of
1178s reiterate we do want to do more even
1181s though this wasn't really overwhelming
1184s in terms of the amount of content in it
1185s the idea is that we start small we keep
1188s working with the community to find
1189s bigger and better things but at the end
1192s of the day we still have to make sure
1193s that that found a
1194s chin is solid before we would put a
1196s giant update or try and giant updates on
1199s it to kind of yeah if your foundation
1204s isn't great your house your house is
1206s only gonna fall over right there we go
1209s class are in the tap yeah I can
1216s appreciate that it's a lot to digest so
1218s perhaps go back and that's the vault if
1220s you didn't get everything or just have a
1221s chat with me I'm quite happy to discuss
1223s it it's awesome
1224s there we go again do follow at Jagex
1227s rock on twitter does anybody else want
1228s to shout out before I continue there
1229s will be normal shout outs yeah me please
1232s thanks Bruno
1234s Jagex gambit as I gets tied our
1237s producers actually actually I get is it
1239s John jo-ann yeah
1242s Jagex wolf they're gonna show no more
1245s selling out for the rest of the stream
1246s it was all done in one quick swift
1248s movement mod gambit will talk about
1250s bounty hunter because that's also yes so
1253s I won't Don this for too long so we can
1256s get on to the questions sorry Jagex Wray
1260s is also doing the chat if you have any
1262s questions at runescape and that
1264s old-school rx and he'll be gathering
1265s those sorry Nate
1267s so I'm not something par that you were
1268s dwelling or anything you've Ozzy got a
1269s lot more to say because your design is
1271s fleshed out whereas mine is the same
1273s mine the Bounty Hunter stuff has not
1274s quite reached that point yet but to let
1278s you guys off know what's going on so
1279s that we're not sort of radio silencing
1281s you until we're in fest where we
1282s announce it for a third time I'll give
1287s you guys a quick update you know all
1290s that would have been a perfect I was
1291s looking for that there's something for
1293s that video meme I tried to do so can we
1297s put okay and we don't get gambit start I
1299s don't know babe I sorry continue
1301s we've all seen what happens I failed to
1303s do so maybe the perfect I tried three
1304s times yeah so what's happening with
1307s bounty hunter I've gone ahead and
1309s reached out to various players and set
1311s up a sort of focus group contacted
1314s various clan leaders clan members
1316s prominent players at the top of the high
1318s scores and some
1320s influencers / streamers like people who
1322s know the content very well and sort of
1324s ask them to contribute their ideas and
1327s start conversations around all the
1328s aspects of the rework so when we pitched
1331s it originally we presented a sort of
1334s task system whereby you would get
1336s rewarded for completing well getting
1339s your bounty kills under certain
1340s conditions
1341s we're keeping their aspects but we want
1343s it to only be solve one part of three
1345s workers lots of other things we need to
1346s address one of the main things that was
1349s raised was emblem farming so hopefully a
1351s new design would alleviate that problem
1354s and the rewards shop needs a serious
1357s overhaul in my estimation so we're also
1360s talking about rewards and things that
1363s will make bounty hunter profitable while
1365s minimizing how farmable it is we're at
1369s we do have something of a rough design
1371s but there are several feedback loops it
1373s needs to go through internally with this
1376s all focus group and then with the wider
1378s community which is going to take maybe I
1381s want to put a date on it but we're
1383s looking at a couple months possibly or
1385s at least a few weeks before that's going
1386s to be out but just let you guys sort of
1389s know that that is still in the works is
1390s happening if you do have any ideas for
1393s bounty hunter in terms of rewards or
1395s well anything else sort of let me know
1398s on Twitter and on discord directly if
1400s you want I think it's just gambit
1403s hashtag 747 - does that count as a plug
1406s if you want to message me on that was a
1408s risky plug message me on either of those
1414s platforms please do that was it
1417s somebody was complaining that my cups
1419s for the read the reason I kept saying by
1420s the way you can't really see because of
1422s the camera but the table is really far
1424s away like I have to stand up before I
1426s can reach that table it looks closer
1428s than it is but yeah that's why it's it's
1431s there Oh mentioned the results of the
1435s poll that we closed I did say I did the
1438s whole Fiber past okay yeah check
1441s everything past well good cool right
1445s that's everything that's at the
1447s beginning so let's do questions now that
1451s either from reddit of course and also in
1453s the chat which are being over by ma dry
1456s I will start with a question from
1459s Panozzo and I ask what does the team
1462s think about the current status of elite
1463s flu Scrolls the average loot from an
1465s elite clue is usually worse than either
1467s a hard or MRSA clue elite clues are a
1470s bit too rare for their own value in the
1471s wilderness it's only feasible to get one
1473s elite clear every one or two hours but
1475s outside the wilderness one elite clue
1477s can take two to three hours it's a bit
1478s easier to get a master clue than an
1480s elite clue based on these numbers and
1482s since doing 35 medium Clues takes less
1484s time and average and farming and elite
1486s clue what do you think about it that's a
1488s that's a long question but on elites
1491s positioning and then we had this issue
1493s when master crews are being developed
1496s back in 2016 it was very much a case of
1500s we knew elites were a bit far out in
1503s comparison to the rest of them so we
1506s have taken measures to be able to make
1508s them better for you as Ian we were I
1510s think we reduced the steps amount of
1512s steps last year I think they are
1516s probably still a bit out as well I think
1518s it is a good as I said a cut good couple
1520s of hours to get you early or spend a lot
1523s of money and buy a bunch of implant jars
1525s mmm-hmm
1526s depending on how we want them to come
1528s through whether we want them to come
1529s through more from imping jars so people
1530s can make money catching the employees
1532s and their people that want the clues can
1533s spend the money to try and get them
1534s that's obviously something we can look
1536s at or maybe perhaps remove some of the
1540s rewards from it or or increase the
1542s amount of rewards or some of the more
1543s rare things like that there are multiple
1545s things we can do including perhaps maybe
1547s even going further to drop another step
1549s off the elite as well I think it's
1552s current is it five to eight or six to
1554s eight six to nine year I can't remember
1557s the exact numbers that wasn't a meme or
1560s we could look at dropping that buy one
1562s as well to kind of do a multitude of
1564s things to make them better I don't think
1566s we clue themselves how much were a
1567s problem I think it's just getting they
1569s were so hard because I master is
1571s basically whenever you get in elite you
1573s can do a master but every other every
1575s other people you can just get one over
1576s you want like they grind together hard
1579s clues like not that hard and it medium
1582s clues a job' he is quicker to get a
1584s master through mediums isn't it
1586s essentially a cousin thing yeah
1588s the efficient way probably is to just do
1590s media including over the best yeah I
1592s think we can start by increasing the
1594s right the elite who's come from the in
1596s blinks yes as it generates again money
1598s and everything else trying to be bad
1601s affected negatively if we added an extra
1603s loot role possibly this Lutz that's an
1608s option I hadn't thought about really
1609s she's had another role to it if we had
1611s another role that I bring up the average
1612s mmm-hmm
1613s mother you want another set of fire
1615s lighters there's another question but
1620s yeah there's a multitude of things we
1622s can do I think if we look at picking and
1623s choosing a few of them and do them a
1625s little you can bring it up rather than
1627s doing making one change and dress that
1630s are you changing it cool right next
1633s question comes from joobs
1634s they ask for PvP integrity changes could
1638s you potentially look into locking the
1639s revenant caves behind the wilderness
1640s meri currently level three scouting BOTS
1643s able to access revelant caves in order
1644s to watch every player and grab
1646s information I did have a look at this
1649s and I was I was quite intrigued by the
1651s idea actually I think if we involve
1655s discussions with ICU as well about
1660s potential BOTS and gold farmers that go
1663s in there as well it may warrant a need
1665s to up the requirements to get in I know
1671s if you do like the easy if you do the
1675s easy wilderness Diaries at all medium
1677s diaries you need to get like 21 man
1678s magic or something ones like cos crumble
1680s crumble undead on another player so that
1683s does increase the combat level of the
1687s lower accounts in there it's definitely
1690s something I would like to look into yeah
1692s whether or not people agree with that is
1693s another matter but call heartedly agree
1696s if if it's if it's something we can use
1697s ICU to help drive as well and it is
1701s generally beneficial then I don't see
1703s why not someone who's that added offense
1705s requirement we're probably not going to
1706s be adding an offense requirement but yes
1707s we will
1708s it's certainly something we look yeah I
1709s said crumble on down I'm a player there
1711s isn't I think it might be I'm not really
1714s having a good day i races confirmed who
1717s there was actually one of one of the
1719s rewards I got suggested was
1721s make a staff that allows you to cast
1722s crumble on down apply a mod incresing
1725s but yeah there is something that
1727s requires magic I can't quite remember
1729s what it was probably a cuss one of the
1732s code spells all right as I say 60 magic
1736s would be a bit far from that yeah not
1737s not as an easy yeah
1739s in my opinion if there's no tasks which
1741s require you to have ex combat level I'm
1744s pretty I'm sure totally Clara there
1746s because not like we're ruining any sort
1748s of PR who would want to go there
1750s I think the lowest level people that
1751s actively want to go there probably are
1753s people that get the wilderness tasks
1754s there are about forty to sixty combat
1756s you know though you know if they get
1758s really unlucky and get a rebbe's task at
1760s that level yeah there's probably more
1762s people who are just there just to loop
1763s after people PK because they probably
1765s make money through that more than likely
1768s cool
1769s next question from corium um they asked
1772s the gold crafting menu got a much needed
1775s update recently I know it's only quality
1777s of life could the silversmiths silver
1779s crafting and smithing menus also be
1781s given similar updates it seems like a
1782s good update that will make it a little
1783s easier to craft and smith especially on
1785s mobile well we have the developer for
1788s well one of them it is possible it's
1793s whether I didn't get the time to do so
1795s but I think I might be able to do it we
1797s have our then we have our days tomorrow
1801s is the usable case of yes we do have to
1805s answer your question the the silver one
1810s obviously got an update a little while
1811s back when we introduced silver jewelry
1814s to make it look a lot nicer and the gold
1816s one has now had to make X I would like
1818s to add the silver they're making so
1820s silver at some point it's obviously make
1823s it in line with gold smithing one is a
1825s little bit contentious for me he is
1827s literally case our right-click drop-down
1829s blink I'm I knew a mountains click with
1832s your other ski I know I know on mobile
1834s it is a bit more awkward for me it's a
1840s really awkward one I do like the idea
1841s but then there's the problem than the
1843s standard part of me that just turns
1845s around and goes just too quick bro why
1848s they right next question then from chemo
1852s sculptor they ask are you happy you have
1855s killing fits in with the current economy
1856s as someone who likes gathering resources
1858s at their original sources I find it
1861s super disheartening that most efficient
1863s ways to get logs for example is from
1865s killing monsters we have tried to make
1871s things in the past though I please do
1874s jump in if I'm the one that's talking
1875s too much here I feel like I haven't
1876s played Gavin let anyone else speak
1879s we have tried with things like that in
1880s the past ents was kind of like a hybrid
1885s you kill something you can chop wood
1886s from it Minos was for sharks I would
1892s like to see it done with more things
1893s like pure essence I did both questioning
1899s later on but as I was dress it here as
1900s well gold ore is another one for me
1902s currently that would be the best place
1904s to get gold all for biomen is buying it
1906s from a shop I'd like to change that to
1909s make it so volcanic mine has the best
1910s place for gold ore funny you should
1912s mention that you know this if I thought
1916s that people read my questions the pile
1917s because people are you know because I
1921s wrote that question in your document ah
1923s right well well now I have to go through
1926s my I'm gonna that's how I repeat
1927s questions my acciden because I scroll
1929s through it so speaking of which modern
1931s rock coincidentally my 19th question
1934s written by somebody without a name yeah
1937s actually got a player name on it what
1939s are your thoughts are modifying the
1940s volcanic mine reward shops the gold off
1943s becomes a Bible byproduct of training
1945s they're currently volcanic mine is three
1947s gp2x that you did your research if
1949s buying rune IRA but by iron man it's
1953s much more productive to buy gold or the
1954s blast furnace stuff I wonder what that
1957s question yeah Rock yeah I did do
1961s volcanic mo from 85 to 99 so I do have
1963s kind of an understanding of how it works
1966s but yeah it does seem really stupid that
1969s you have the best way to buy stuff is by
1972s God or is from a shop we did the recent
1974s changes with the buckets of sand we made
1978s it say there's more of a methodological
1980s into getting the object to be able to
1983s get it and for me volcanic mine it does
1986s have a bit more of a requirement
1988s and some other things but for it to be
1990s the best in slot for gold ball I don't
1993s see that is necessarily a problem you
1994s know I'd like to do to fix gold mining
1997s delete the shot
1999s no all right there is a quest literally
2002s where you discover gold veins in an area
2004s we have something that I got a telegram
2007s load Ian the glutton Calvin it's cloudy
2010s in the middle yeah I know no question
2013s about yeah but like there's that huge
2014s area of gold we got totally update back
2017s to have like you know a little machines
2018s and workers in there like dwarfs and
2020s stuff like we could do something with
2023s that and it feels more old-school I
2024s think than just break this buy it for
2025s ball cutting mine well I think the
2027s reason that I suggested mine is this one
2030s because there are normally yeah because
2032s on the volcanic mine is a mining
2034s activity itself yeah so it's more
2036s thematic obviously making something like
2038s that would be even more thematic than
2040s that but cool question from con number
2045s one which I should've asked little
2046s earlier when we talked about the hits
2047s mats but he s with the changes to hits
2049s plants would be possible to add a golden
2050s hits plant if you hit your max hit I'm
2054s gonna someone else answer this because I
2056s know you asked the man earlier the
2058s answer is yes it's theoretically
2059s possible whether people would want end
2061s especially considering there is a thing
2063s in a play roundhouse which shows your
2065s max hit so imagine a GS and the 73 nu
2070s becomes gold equipment yeah that was
2077s really weird that one's a bit I was a
2079s bit of a mix that one let's strawpoll
2081s this one mod why isn't the chat if you
2084s can pause the strawpoll to everyone and
2087s then we will be able to click the link
2089s on this end when you post it so we can
2091s check the results ourself that is would
2093s you like a golden hits might to be added
2095s to the game which occurs when you hit
2097s your maximum hit with a weapon I'd be
2099s curious for the chat to also answer
2101s whether it's a case of your problem
2103s comes with the gold color or the
2107s mechanic itself being having a slightly
2108s different color is that is it is it
2111s because it's the gold color and it does
2112s seem a little bit odd even though
2114s disease is kind of an orange gold but oh
2117s he's got delimit I'll rise at home doing
2120s a chat today so he's a little
2122s little delay what I would like instead
2125s is the numbers appearance of big
2128s cartoony numbers like across your screen
2129s and then the street Vitus or voiceover
2132s comes critical hits and that's what
2134s happens if this is coming from a guy
2136s that creates that have names on social
2137s media yikes
2140s 500 people disagree right well while we
2145s wait for that producers describing the
2147s results on that one right now I'm gonna
2149s jump ahead and ask the next question
2150s from quest who asks thoughts on making
2153s rum from trouble brewing tradable and
2155s then somebody actually commented
2156s afterwards I think they mentioned
2158s perhaps a permanent purchase for
2160s something similar to the actor file
2162s instead we just have one bottle of rum
2163s that you can drink repeatedly what's the
2165s room used for teleporting that's
2167s actually old it's for really it's a
2169s teleport you drink it and then you die
2170s and then you wake up at like trouble
2172s brewing makes or bit of whoever used it
2174s no that's how it's used for you drink it
2176s and then you wake up outside trouble
2178s brewing today I learned game knowledge
2182s and it teleports you to the trouble
2185s brewing entrance yeah be closer they
2187s cave as well maybe close to the cave or
2188s a cave in order for you to go for those
2190s fishbowls as well mmm it'd be nice for
2192s slayer bring along your slate ask if
2194s you've got a toxic use in the game no
2197s you sever the cave forest a wee
2199s reinvigorating trouble brewing right
2201s here live on twitch.tv you know us we're
2206s just making a Bible for GP
2210s hey thoughts I quite like the Bible
2213s version yeah I like that does it
2214s actually kill yours oh just monkey it
2216s doesn't kill you it looks like you go
2217s you know it's like you've had a bad
2219s night out cool
2223s scrap or would you like a gold hit splat
2225s when you hit a max hit with your weapon
2227s yeat 69% near 31% relatively positive
2232s but not super super positive people
2235s working in toggle had a toggle I think
2237s now reached 75 cool now yeah it's always
2242s just as a point out it's more of a gauge
2245s of opinion of people within which
2246s obviously doesn't represent everybody in
2247s the community as well yeah see oh we're
2250s next question from spherical they asked
2252s could her the balls not disappear if you
2254s search
2255s another nearby rock before plucking the
2257s herbs oh yes please
2260s it doesn't happen too often but it does
2262s happen I've done it a few times it's
2264s relatively quick to do as well
2265s you just have it searched for because
2268s it's you know I had
2269s can you just is my biggest pet peeve and
2272s develop well yeah just well then would
2276s you look for the no I think it's
2279s actually a variable set because yeah
2282s it's a variable that it's already
2284s tracking that's invisible oh yeah okay
2288s just for it even easier then yeah it
2291s will be pretty quick we could probably
2293s get that done this week could
2296s potentially not that we will sorry next
2299s question yeah I said it now yeah next
2301s question coming from Matt they asked
2302s currently on mobile if your skilling
2304s like harvesting herbs on mixing portions
2306s and tap the skill to check experience it
2308s stops what you're doing is this a known
2310s issue and will it be fixed I think needs
2314s to do with the whole hopping a skill
2316s anyway because if you're if you're doing
2318s skilling and then you go check it to see
2320s does it if you look at the skill guy
2323s does it interrupt you as well
2324s bleeding the PC versions opening an
2327s interface I think would so we'll let you
2329s finish this Crona fault again I had a
2334s hospital event confirm hell I would like
2336s to do it no it it was a bug it got out
2339s of him a few months back its are being
2342s fixed next week it's in our schedule oh
2344s okay stop you you're on a roll but yes
2348s we've got me I'm like a lot yeah it's
2350s cute to be fixed for next week that
2351s issue next question coming in from King
2355s they ask why is it that newer monsters
2357s only tend to have one look Drake's worms
2360s hydras etc in comparison to all the
2362s creatures like cows and goblins that
2364s have little variations it's a fair
2367s question cause you've got the perfect
2370s question for an artist here no no no
2372s artist somewhat conveniently some of the
2374s owls is actually an example where we're
2375s doing that where we're creating
2377s variations of Lego kits it just depends
2379s on depends on what we're doing right if
2381s you're creating a unique creature yeah
2383s usually it's a unique creature but
2385s whereas if you're doing something like
2387s elves or
2389s dragons of a type you can have a couple
2392s variations I would like to point out as
2394s well that a lot of the newer NPCs and
2396s monsters are more intricate and detailed
2398s these days so don't necessarily require
2401s variants to look good
2403s they sort of look good as they are so I
2406s think that might be a factor so look I'm
2409s thinking particularly it's like the the
2411s worms and Drake's hydras for instance
2413s they all look wicked but they're super
2415s sort of intricate compared to well
2416s goblins so there might be part of it I
2420s guess the thing is it's case-by-case
2422s just depends on the creature more than
2424s anything yeah it's not very often that
2426s we add I'm just trying to think when the
2429s last time that we actually yet just add
2430s like a throwaway creature I said I use a
2434s temper always and like cows and goblins
2437s and spiders have their use in the early
2438s game but you know you're walking around
2439s and you see you know what what creatures
2443s have we added that aren't you know a
2444s unique Slayer creature or a boss since
2447s the release of old school make shamans
2449s are a lizard men would you say they're
2453s kind of yeah I guess lizard men are the
2455s example but they have variations they
2456s have color variations and slight changes
2459s no they though they're an example I
2461s guess where it's been done it's a
2463s case-by-case basis would be my overall I
2465s think so yeah next question coming in
2469s from top Avenger lovely 3000 what are
2474s the team's thoughts about adding loot
2475s crate's similar to winter Todd on top of
2477s the current awards to the winners of
2479s mini games such as Castle Wars and
2481s trouble brewing with the right balancing
2483s would it be enough to encourage players
2484s to take part in these activities mob now
2488s the people speak before I day if it's
2491s giving raw chicken congee is needless
2494s yeah you go in there to have fun and
2496s possibly get some equipment or cosmetics
2499s you know not for doing it for GP game
2501s yeah those are it's not really what
2504s those mini games need I don't think they
2507s need something a bit spicier and more
2509s interesting it feels a bit maybe generic
2511s to slap a sort of GP reward on for
2513s playing the game it's not really kind of
2514s incentive we're looking for like multi
2516s it says something unique or cosmetic
2520s that's all fits matically to the content
2522s is
2523s much more appropriate also the term loot
2526s crate's doesn't you know shivers could
2532s offer a unique cosmetic for completing a
2535s certain amount of each minigame so for
2537s instance winning 50 of each minigame you
2540s know I really like the minigame reward
2543s shop yeah only we hold something like
2546s that previous thing maybe you know I
2548s used to really like all my wives a stool
2550s of that trickster stuff that you would
2552s get the trick yeah and there was
2555s minigame only I remember like the hybrid
2556s minigame armor yeah that stuff was
2559s pretty cool I quite enjoyed that and it
2561s only obviously affected the minigame I
2563s really like fist of gothics he just
2567s trying to get the Karma we all liked
2569s this a gothic snare do the artwork on
2572s your own yeah
2574s don't next question coming in from a
2579s let's do from Alex he asks is there a
2582s reason the venom timer on the Anton
2584s antivenom ports potions doesn't have a
2586s game chat notification but when it's
2588s wearing off or has worn off similar to
2590s the extended super anti fire portions no
2594s reason why there's no reason why we
2596s can't had one if that's what people want
2598s yeah makes sense yeah I like it when the
2603s answers yes let's do it next question
2606s coming in from misdirected colors and
2608s they asked can we have farming NPCs not
2611s wonder as far from the patches or where
2613s more visible clothing it drives me nuts
2615s on a on a tree run when I have to hunt
2618s down the NPC to watch my patch and
2620s they're like 15 top 15 tiles away I was
2623s just wondering that's how we roll that's
2624s that's a very slight exaggeration there
2626s it's it when you look it feels very
2629s unnatural to do that it's like we did it
2632s with the farming leprechauns yeah
2634s because they use a lot more than the
2636s people that protect your patches
2638s it's just is that really kind of feeling
2641s that people want in the game or do they
2643s wanting it just because it's easy and
2645s convenient I saw the the usual reddit
2649s post about people being hit by the
2650s vampire near mauritania match the other
2652s day I was like you pulled it it fail
2655s today you got
2656s is that ones in I've nearly died to that
2659s line have you by the way yeah okay
2662s someone brought it over just as like it
2665s really it again it's a if there are some
2669s of them which like wonder a massive
2671s amount then yeah the wonder range but
2675s not make it a zero because we made it
2677s zero for a couple of things namely
2678s leprechauns but like I guess with the
2680s farmer if there's an extreme example
2683s like you're saying 15 tiles maybe we can
2686s look into reducing that but generally
2687s speaking they are usually that one
2689s deranged is a about five or four yeah
2691s little circle anything yeah that we look
2693s into some extreme examples if there are
2695s at least I'm allowed them to walk around
2697s the whole patch snow yeah they can check
2699s the plant from all angles make sure
2702s they're not looking after it then I even
2704s look at half the time not look at this
2705s looking away next question coming in
2708s from Linna might they ask oh sorry this
2712s is Amanda sorry
2713s since we're allowed to wield the magical
2715s secateurs underwater can you change it
2717s so that we can dive while wielding it
2719s it's dumb that we have to unequip it
2721s dive and then equip again I don't
2723s disagree yes if you die you could lose
2726s it can you dive with the tridem that you
2729s can get from the minigames down there as
2731s well Oh hopefully I should probably be
2734s like a small white next sent yeah there
2736s should be not that it matters because
2737s you equip it anyway yeah well why can't
2740s you dear I agree with the blame I why
2741s can't you just dive with it yeah yeah we
2743s can change that for sure I hope yeah
2747s well you can wear with it yeah we can
2748s definitely change that hang on do they
2750s have an effect on seaweed no people
2751s saying they don't actually do anything
2753s down there
2753s so I have an effect don't is that
2756s something you need to go have a pika why
2758s don't they work on seaweed do they just
2760s not increase the is there a reason you
2762s do get quite a lot of seaweed anyway
2764s yeah maybe that was it maybe you don't
2766s need to I think the fail chance to lose
2769s a life on there is very low so maybe you
2772s didn't have it to make it even longer
2773s and thus be able to get tons more
2775s seaweed I don't know this is this is
2777s something you qat didn't help
2779s dude this is a long time ago trust me
2781s making sure that the Secretary's won the
2783s seaweed patch was not my biggest concern
2785s fossil Island wasn't ready
2789s I'm wondering now after look into that
2791s ash said so there's a distinct chance it
2796s doesn't work we'll look into it and then
2798s we'll tweet it out
2799s next question from Luke shark they ask
2802s all is shot on mulch island has the
2805s angle out in it can we put the
2807s prospector outfit in balonus mineral
2809s exchange shop in the mining guild the
2812s shop is very lacking especially with
2814s just the niche gloves in it well the
2822s idea is that you get a set of clothes
2823s that prospector Percy wears from
2825s prospect capacity yeah and the angler
2828s outfit isn't really tied to anyone yeah
2830s I mean the angler outfit was kind of a
2832s niche case it was done sort of almost as
2834s like a temporary fix because the fear
2836s controller is so painful to do yeah okay
2840s it's slower to do it at the lake mulch
2843s and then the pearls to buy the outfit
2845s but at least it's not as I mean
2847s repetitive you're like mother lode is
2849s ridiculously afk anyway you're
2851s essentially replacing an afk method well
2854s not reven replacing you're having
2855s another afk method that's probably even
2857s more afk that's easier to get even if it
2861s took longer yeah I'm leaning towards
2866s probably not make that change don't know
2869s how everyone else feels I agree
2872s anyway particularly forest no yeah I
2876s don't in the chat was inna cool then
2878s let's move on to a couple of chat
2880s questions first one from Umbra they
2882s asked can you make the level up message
2885s in chat a link that will reopen the
2887s level up window to see what you unlocked
2889s because you very often close at my ex
2891s pending I did like this feature when
2895s runescape had it I found it quite used
2897s when it highly only flap yeah click on
2899s it and maybe that was when I didn't know
2902s much about the game anyway so but it was
2906s a very nice feature well I wouldn't say
2910s no to it seeing it for newer as newer
2912s players come in and they don't know
2914s these things
2914s and it seems what I call yeah yeah
2918s sounds good next check question from
2921s Sean they asked could you change random
2923s events and other things that hide
2925s interface panels to not switch to your
2927s friends list right now it leaks your
2929s world and your friends world when
2931s streaming has a very specific reasoning
2933s but I don't know why it jumps to your
2935s friends list because the friends miss
2937s small even the default one
2938s so it's specifically take because
2940s they're the only ones you get the
2942s rooster friends list the corn chat yep
2945s and the logout button yeah make sense so
2948s he always picked one of those so with
2951s those three unless you've got the award
2953s switcher ruff you're going to get leaked
2955s regardless I think because yeah cuz they
2958s if you go into the CC you also see
2961s worlds and the only way the logout
2964s button doesn't show you a world is if
2965s you have an address later in the world
2967s sweater so music tab mmm also appears
2969s shrewd empty
2971s it's very neat reasoning it is both for
2974s streamers but yes we can probably look
2975s into maybe moving it to the music tab
2976s potentially if it's something that
2978s genuinely does annoy people outside of
2981s those that don't want their worldly for
2983s streaming then why not yeah sounds good
2985s MOG asks can the vespene aversion of all
2990s this best penny couldn't guess Pina like
2993s the little one I remember I thought I
2995s spelt it wrong and I remember that's
2996s what we called them version of the
2997s omelet have its model change that it
2999s looks like best below when she's flying
3000s the ground model was very boring and no
3002s one likes it I would said that was
3004s brutal dude that went from like naught
3005s to 100 real quick
3008s was it we'd need the graphics and yeah
3011s my brain I like yeah you want there
3013s I mean he likes me out the dust no Dave
3017s another pet we could have a
3021s metamorphosis
3023s like the ekq pet there's already a
3025s metamorphosis option because that's what
3027s you use the change between the omelet
3028s and the other you could have blind and
3030s lay down its sorry it's now producer
3035s locked somebody inside of the cupboard
3037s can you just make sure no behind us cuz
3040s we're hearing like loud banging from
3042s that covered is it locked
3044s huh
3046s [Laughter]
3049s okay okay he's genuinely checking now
3055s he's actually checking this the I know
3060s get cup what queen is a little bit of an
3062s outlier cuz he gets stuck in places
3064s being a two by two but I'm trying to
3065s think if there's any issues with it
3066s because it flies as well but the Heron
3069s is fine the Phoenix is fine they'll just
3072s be able to time it would just be
3073s graphics and animation time would be
3076s only enough
3077s don't worry there was nobody in the
3077s cupboards there in the walls who did
3081s them was it ghost that did the math
3083s amorphousness if we maybe get some time
3086s we could potentially look into it yeah
3088s or maybe ask ghosts yourself I can ask
3091s him right now always no I mean the
3093s players can yeah we all have social
3095s Jagex underscore ghosts he's the only
3097s model that has an underscore on his name
3098s if you want to potentially ask him if
3100s that's possible to be done that's that
3103s was the true final shout out next
3107s question from plac so they asked can we
3110s get differ different images for giant
3112s seaweed versus normal seaweed yes yeah
3115s well happily rotate that for you which
3118s way is that really that really is that
3120s we did for the Rings wasn't it no I the
3122s thing that people don't like that I did
3124s it was polled and I did it okay it was
3127s can you have it so that the Justitia
3131s bottoms can be changed and been tree
3134s icon so they don't look like the
3136s ancestral and so instead of it all being
3138s straight thing it goes like what's
3140s Leonard nobody's like all this tree is
3142s being like you this what you put like we
3145s pulled it I did what you guys asked that
3147s to me is that yeah the one other one of
3150s those was them when we were doing when
3151s we did the makings for the goldsmithing
3153s yes all of them rotate one way apart
3156s from the bracelets that rotated the
3157s opposite way so like the charge version
3160s of the bracelet looks like the light is
3162s rotated the same way as the uncharged
3163s version for everything else I think
3165s you've got the extra ring as well yeah
3166s what has been unsee what hasn't been
3168s seen can now not be unseen I took I
3172s don't know how to fix that as well
3173s because like it could I could move the
3178s chest
3178s and a helmet to be in the same angle but
3182s then would people be even more angry if
3183s they did that if people are used to how
3185s it is now leave it but they're not they
3188s don't like the fact that it's different
3189s the bottom of it all that's the issue to
3192s put upside down anyway next next
3198s question comes from toes they asked the
3200s polls page on the IRS website has been
3202s showing an inaccurate poll result
3203s percentages for years making very
3205s misleading for those unaware when can
3207s this be fixed this is some of the more
3213s relies on the web team who service the
3217s business as a whole therefore their time
3219s is split between all the various
3222s departments not just old schools so
3225s either we have to take them some
3229s doughnuts will be very nice or the case
3233s of it's whenever they can do it I
3234s believe it's probably more than just
3236s giving them doughnuts as well for the
3237s record it might be a few batches I've
3239s done yeah if it was a quick trip to test
3241s scores for a couple of pounds of donuts
3242s we would have done it by now we probably
3244s have to feed them for a few weeks
3246s they are very busy people but they are
3248s aware of it they are for anyone who
3251s doesn't know quite what the website is
3252s doing when it shows those numbers it's
3255s taking the total number of votes that
3256s were yes/no and skipped and then
3259s calculating the percentage of each based
3262s on all of them summed up so you're not
3265s getting an accurate reflection of how
3267s many yes how many no because they're
3268s skipped as well which will mean the yes
3270s is always seemed fewer than they
3272s actually were so if you want to fix that
3276s I think it shows the number of yeses
3277s knows as well as the percentage so you
3279s would add those up and then calculate
3281s alternatively just head to a poll box
3283s after every pot is closed and you'll see
3285s the accurate results there
3287s I think we're planning actually there's
3288s a regular thing or more regular thing to
3291s say what the results have been in any
3293s poll in future news posts and on the
3296s streams so hopefully that will alleviate
3299s the situation for the year for the time
3301s being should be good
3303s next question from Coby he asks we have
3308s you do not just do that I think we have
3311s KVD
3312s four black dragons and volkov four blue
3313s how about a queen
3315s red dragon bossed help of the Wills he
3317s rejuvenation could be a bossy fight in
3319s the wilderness I'll put a lever similar
3321s to the Kaiba dealer in a dangerous spot
3323s like the center of the lava maze for
3324s example I didn't read this morning
3326s events you see the problem I have is
3331s that if we're going to add any boss
3332s honest bosses towards the wilderness is
3335s I would really rather go and work over
3337s the ones that people don't like in the
3338s first like the four wilderness bosses
3341s rounded like the only one that's kind of
3343s fairy Scorpio because it's enclosed as
3345s in the square ruin blah blah blah
3347s I wouldn't want to add another boss
3349s before fixing those but a pure and
3352s simple I completely agree with that
3354s sentiment anybody else anything isn't
3359s that like even get many red dragon tasks
3362s anyway so if we were designing a boss of
3366s this purpose then purpose I think was it
3370s you've got wilderness myths guild and
3375s the brutal verges and cat games and
3377s that's it I think if you're getting a
3380s red dragon task I'm lucky you go I'll
3385s call was the final question from Michael
3387s they asked can you add colors to a
3390s bottomless compost bucket to
3391s differentiate its contents currently if
3394s you have each of the components
3396s each of the compost sim Bob can only if
3400s you have brim Haven has red dragons two
3402s points of each it's a render bit poorly
3404s essentially can the book it look
3405s different yeah what sales yes they all
3408s say the problem wouldn't make sense
3409s there's like a paragraph for that I'd
3411s also like it so we could probably use a
3413s volcanic ash on the sweeper converse
3414s that's in there if you have enough for
3416s all over the super compost we put it
3418s already in there make sense
3421s I don't know how tricky that would be
3423s how fun that would be to develop I don't
3427s know right yeah I don't put don't use
3431s that you know the object variable
3436s probably promises you can have multiple
3438s compost but then if it is and there
3441s wouldn't be a hard at all well that's
3444s something for my dad too
3445s investigate consent to doing that if on
3448s that note I'm gonna go ahead and say
3451s that is the end of the stream I'm just
3453s going to summarize what we went through
3454s before we end so of course right at the
3457s very beginning we went through
3459s mentioning that next week we'll announce
3461s the song of the elves release date so do
3465s tune in next week for that we went over
3468s fish releasing and the hits back changes
3470s report 46 as well as showed off some
3472s fantastic artwork from somewhere
3473s wonderful players mod rock at gaming
3476s went through a lot of PvP changes and
3478s LMS changes and we also spoke about the
3480s bounty hunter rework from model gambit
3482s and then we essentially thought of
3485s questions as we usually do in a QA do I
3487s want to potentially show the gift one
3491s last time because I think that was yeah
3493s that was my favorite let's end on the
3494s gift with that in mind I think I'm gonna
3498s wish you all a wonderful week if you
3500s have any questions for us of course you
3501s can always at old-school rs that doesn't
3504s count as a sellout because that's what
3505s the stream is called and we all always
3508s try and ever get back to you so thank
3510s you so much watching guys have a
3511s wonderful wonderful week take care bye
3513s bye
3521s [Music]