It looks like the survey is embedded into the newspost instead of a link- just want to say that I really dislike this because I have to scroll down within the survey instead of just having it up in fullscreen.
I've added a link in for people to use if they don't want to do it in the newspost. Hope that helps!
If intensive skilling means more content like Hallowed Sepulchre, I would be thrilled. HS is some of the most fun I have experienced in OSRS, period. Floor 5 is so satisfying.
There's a couple of examples of what we might envision for skilling activities/encounters below, in the skilling mini package section. I'm personally a huge fan of HS (got 92 agi just so I could do the content and it's a blast), and I'm really interested in feedback for the mini skilling package!
I'll also post a couple of links to gifs for some of the prototyping I did for the mudboi encounter.
They added the jak and daxter fishing minigame pog
Oh no, I've been caught! It was a big inspiration. I think it's even more interesting in our game because for a player persuing xp/hr, poison eels are preferable. They clear up your inventory, and guarantee an xp drop! So there's real choices happening.
APM still looks/ feels a little slow on mudboi
One idea: you know the red skull phase during p3 warden? The part you can 1 tick between; imagine between the pillars, you can have a random assortment of chunks line up and you rapidly path between them to move onto the next pillar.
Could lend itself to making the caverns you fight it in more vast; one thing I generally dislike about bosses is how you feel like you're sort of in a cubicle room fighting it on repeat ad infinum.
Cool idea! In terms of APM though, you can 1.5t both phases and it makes the fight significantly faster, plus gets you in cycles with the falling boulders so you never miss a mining tick (Think 1.5t Daeyalt)