11 months ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by harperj

Will the balancing stages/blog be before or after the poll? Can see that having a major impact on how I'd vote on the content

The Herblore Activity has already passed the poll in our original Winter Summit poll. This will be polling the rewards so you'll get a more transparent view after we've polled the rewards and had time to test and the showcase them to you all.

11 months ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Dvst_TV

  • "The Reagents Pouch will now function like the Herb Sack and be able to hold up to 30 of each secondary. We will be limiting where you can use this item."

Can we get more info on this? I'd rather have a worse but intuitive item than one that feels arbitrarily limited. Unless this is just another one of those things were someone finds a way to use this in the inferno for more supplies.

Edit: I kept reading and got my answer.

Yeah, we're looking at the biggest offenders I believe and will go that approach by limiting your use of that there, but if that changes, we'll let you know in the follow-up blog.

11 months ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

Just want to mention that I really like the approach y'all have taken this year with the more frequent communication. In years past, players would get frustrated by lack of updates and questioning what was happening. That's definitely not the case now - thank you and team!

Appreciate the feedback fam! It's definately something we've been trying to do more so, especially in the CM team.

11 months ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Requiem_for_you

Aggro pots seems interesting. Can they for example work on Jad healers? but looking forward to them either way

The thoughts atm are just standard enemies, so unsure where Healers fall on that, but one to raise with the team!

11 months ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by TheIsaia

When listening to the SaeBae cast I was wondering where the aggro pot went! good change!

Hope you enjoyed it fam :)

11 months ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Just wanted to share something I'll be adding into the blog for more transparency:

Let's give you any example of how this would work:

  • Player is slaying Dagganoths in the Catacombs
  • Player's AFK timer hits 10 minutes, Dagganoths are no longer Aggresive
  • Player drinks a Potion of Goading
  • The player's AFK timer is reset and for the next 6 minutes, every few seconds the effect of the potion attempts to find a mob who's SW tile lies within the 8x8 radius of the player and automatically aggros them onto the player.

For unaggressive enemies like Dust Devils the secondary effect of the potion will attract any NPCs within that range towards you.

We expect this potion to be effective against most attackable NPCs, but will be exploring any areas (such as inside Raids, or against certain Bosses), where the effect should be negated.