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Right now every time on the livestream, the old school team are going out of their way to cater to the sweaty, kpop avatar having, 200m agility twitter posters. Reassuring them that the new course will not be significantly better xp than current rooftops, so not to devalue their achievements.

Then in the next breath they talk about how this content will be challenging and require practise and focus to get these xp rates, and joke about ardy course being so easy you can do it while walking the dog.

Then we get onto rewards... Some cosmetics and in-arena upgrades.

So what is my incentive to play this new content again? If I want to have to focus on training instead of watching streams/shows while not actually even getting better xp for it? While also not getting either crystal shards for my divine potions/blade charges, or marks of grace for my staminas.

Nope, not happening.

I'd want at least 50% better xp to even consider trying this new content personally. Hot take but "devaluing" agility in this way doesn't matter, it makes sense to significantly boost available xp/hr rates when you are changing a skill to high intensity from afk rooftop clicking.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

The purpose of this content was to offer a much more engaging and interactive way to train agility where if you put in more effort you'd get more XP and almost more importantly it's supposed to be a much more enjoyable and fun way to train it. I've had so much feedback internally that it's really fun content to do which is promising!

We mentioned on the livestream that we will be monitoring the XP-rates post-release especially because we're tracking data about completion times etc. so we can make any adjustements once you guys have had a chance to do the content.