over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ComfortableWhile1127


🏆 heres your trophy (pretend it's platinum)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Nerdgasam


🏆 another one

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Kwuahh

Rewards section, paragraph two is missing a “T” at the start.

Otherwise, excited to see how this all plays out!

Fixed this! Dang you guys are fast I hope you keep this energy up :D

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by WhiskeyTexas

Would you be open to changing the name to "Gotta Go Fast Worlds"

Can pass this on as feedback for sure

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by WillowRoads

I like what I’m reading here!

I am so happy to hear that! There's also a survey so we can collect feedback as well

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ZeldenGM

No Underground Pass? It's the one quest I'd like to run again and again.

There's a part in the blog at the end mentioning that we're very open to hearing what future quests you'd like to see added, plus a little space in the survey to voice your top 3 quests that should be added as well :D

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Traditional-Effort20

I am part of Survival Horror speedrunning and they have all been hearing me talk about this for months or a year or whatever now, i can finally start speedrunning my favorite game! Let's go!!!

That is awesome! It's nice to be able to deliver something to a small but dedicated community (and hopefully help this type of game mode to grow also!)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

So these will be permanent worlds right?

Yes they will be permanent worlds!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ZeldenGM

The survey won't load unfortunately - hug of death.

Is this happening to anyone else? Will make sure to investigate now!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Captain-Walnut

I was talking to my friend about this like two days ago! This looks awesome.

You have an outfit and a trophy in the rewards. Will we be able to put this in our PoH in the leagues hall?

I've checked with Mod Ed and the Outfits and stopwatch will be storable in the POH costume room!

We would like to make the trophies storable in the Quest Hall at some point but that's not currently scoped out so not something you can expect to happen immediately

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by FlapptSack

"when is leagues" "bring back Deadman mode" "fix partner slayer"

Jagex: you can speed run sheep shearer you're welcome

I hear your concerns as I read socials almost every day! A lot was addressed in the leadership Livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPRsYQX5Avk

Regarding partner slayer, I can't give much of an update but the TLDR is we'd bring it back if we had a better design for it. I'll keep bringing it up as I know that early to mid game players want more group content.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsScootyBro

I’m just gonna assume there won’t be a leagues 4 :/

I understand your concerns and want to address them but it is probably not possible to address that within this blog. :( However, if you haven't already please check out our leadership livestream for a bit more info on that. I think Markos said it's looking likely to be 2023 for Leagues 4 and we want to see about the design, that's all I really can say on it.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP


think it's a neat concept. it was fun to watch the Cook's Assistant race during geilinor games. I assume this will have a similar vibe.

is there any way to implement official races? pvp finder queue + a 3,2,1 go or something?

Just checked with Mod Ed: There won't be an official way to do races (this would probably be a lot more development work) but should be easy enough for people to set that up themselves. Bear in mind we feel like this as a game mode is relatively simple for us to create and maintain but adding more things on top of it could take up more time and cause more sentiment against it than for it.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by loegare

when you check speedrun.com the most popular category is f2p champions guild, any appetite for adding something like that? https://www.speedrun.com/osrs#F2P_Champions_Guild

Make sure to leave this in the survey (there's a question at the end asking which additional quests we should prioritise adding). I will also mention this as a major feedback point.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by akaNorman

I appreciate that this isn’t your fault but did it not occur to the giant multimillion dollar company that their most popular annual game mode that is slated for December every year might need to be officially postponed / announced as not coming out? This seems like such a poor way to let the 100,000+ people who play it know

Point taken. There will definitely be more of us communicating about Leagues I imagine - I think this leadership Livestream is just as much as we can say right now. It's no good communicating if we haven't got information confirmed to share with you so that's why it feels a bit disappointing

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Allemaalbaas


🏆 silver for u

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by akaNorman

My only take here is why do we keep making new content specific items tradeable?

If you aren’t doing the quest speed running why should you be able to get the cool quest speed running outfit?

Old RuneScape seemed to understand the value of untradeable unlocks and they’re still the most iconic in the game (void, torso, b gloves etc) I don’t understand the insistence on making everything tradeable.

A nice balance of buyable and earnable is where the game works best and this content is perfect for being only “for the flex”

I'm pretty sure that we decided the cosmetics should be tradeable as we didn't want to upset the majority of the community who probably will not be engaging in speedrunning. We know it's a niche activity and the idea of locking these rewards behind a game mode that might only be played by a small cohort of players could create resentment towards speedrunners. Note that the rewards on launch will be harder to obtain because there will be less reward points available, but I'll see how prevalent this feedback is and we can make changes if players prefer us to

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by UnluckyNate

All rewards should be untradeable in my opinion

I've just spoken to Mod Ed and we are happy to poll whether the cosmetic rewards should be untradeable if you guys all prefer, that way the community can decide

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Less_Form_8520

I don't think any of the rewards should be tradable.

Hi there. I just spoke to Mod Ed and we are happy to poll whether the cosmetics should be tradeable or untradeable - the community can decide this aspect of it. There's pros and cons to it but I am seeing more comments asking for it so I think it's worth asking you.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexLight

I'm pretty sure that we decided the cosmetics should be tradeable as we didn't want to upset the majority of the community who probably will not be engaging in speedrunning. We know it's a niche activity and the idea of locking these rewards behind a game mode that might only be played by a small cohort of players could create resentment towards speedrunners. Note that the rewards on launch will be harder to obtain because there will be less reward points available, but I'll see how prevalent this feedback is and we can make changes if players prefer us to

Just an update on this: We can poll whether the cosmetics should be tradeable or untradeable, and we are happy to let the community decide on this if you would prefer.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Edvis64

I like this, but please make rewards untradable.

We can put this to a poll to see if the community generally wants the cosmetics to be tradeable or untradeable.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by brightest_yellow

so was there just no update this week? You had to have a week to prepare for the raid with no update and now a week to recover? Can I assume we won't see a leagues this year even though there should be but the last one got pushed to this year so there technically was one this year but not last year. So a year just gets skipped. Right?

It’s tomorrow

over 2 years ago - - Direct link
Ever enjoyed a quest so much that you want to experience it all again? Or hated one so much you reckon you deserve a big shiny trophy for completing it?