over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by -Auditore-

Still no use for rare fossils?

There's a lot of content that could happen in 2021 (thanks to our growing team!), and I'm confident we'll be able to explore what to do with fossils long-term, but in the meantime we'd like to offer this smaller quality of life tweak.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexOasis - Direct link

Originally posted by SevenEightFour

If you're going to add a reason to do the beekeeper random event, please make the actual puzzle less painful? It's so quirky where the correct location actually is and when the pieces are lined up properly.

We do plan to take a look at it and improve the Random Event anyway, this would go along side it if it passed :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Forkward

No poll question for scaling nightmare down to trio? I know you want to keep it mainly group content, but coordinating even 5 people without being part of a pvm clan can be insanely annoying.

The only reason I've seen to reduce it to 3 man scaling was because the pet rate is so much worse if you have less than 5 people hence the pet question.

However, Nightmare Uniques are at a good place right now and group sizes 1-4 are still very very profitable, some of the best money in the game. We wouldn't want to reduce the scaling to 3 man without changing how the uniques work due to the faster kills but to be honest we're happy with how uniques are for those groups anyway

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexOasis - Direct link

Originally posted by sloth-says-what

Cool poll, one minor thing I'd like to see changed.

Vials of blood seem a bit difficult to get just to test a max hit vs vampyres, wouldn't it make more sense to use vampyre dust instead? And thematically it doesn't really make sense, the blood would be from their sacrafices/tithes, not the vampyres themselves, so silver weapons shouldn't affect that blood.

This has been changed, there was a bit of back and forth on this one, we ultimately decided on dust, but it wasn't updated in time. Apologies for the confusion!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by King_Clogged

Could you guys possibly look at scaling nightmare better for solo or duo or even possibly trio teams, having the same hp for solo and 5 people is a bit trash and not everybody has 5 friends that wanna go to nightmare to make it bare able :P It doesn't have to be a big chunk lower but possibly something that makes it better than 20 min solos and 12 min duos lol

Copying my response from another comment in this thread:

The only reason I've seen to reduce it to 3 man scaling was because the pet rate is so much worse if you have less than 5 people hence the pet question.

However, Nightmare Uniques are at a good place right now and group sizes 1-4 are still very very profitable, some of the best money in the game. We wouldn't want to reduce the scaling to 3 man without changing how the uniques work due to the faster kills but to be honest we're happy with how uniques are for those groups anyway

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by SevenEightFour

What is a Kalphite head? Are we talking KQ head? (if so, would tattered work?)

Edit: blog updated to answer this

Keris: Attach a Kq head (including Tattered Kq head, but not the stuffed variety) to test the maximum hit of the keris against Kalphites and Scarabites

Original when I commented:

Keris: Attach a Kalphite head to test the maximum hit of the keris against Kalphites and Scarabites

It does mean Kq head (blog edited now), and I'm querying whether it'd apply to Tattered/Stuffed tattered too. Will edit accordingly.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by thereal-packthebowl

What about instanced Nightmare? Finding a world takes 10-20 mins sometimes & then we have to deal with crashers or people who join to scale the HP then leave

Instancing nightmare would be a big move moreso than just QoL. Currently the amount of uniques are limited by the amount of worlds, allowing even 1 more instance per world would double that.

It's not a bad thing if the content is busy infact that sounds like a good problem to have, competition for resources is a healthy thing in an MMO generally speaking

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by SevenEightFour

Thanks! Would be nice for people who got diary done before 256 KC to have any use at all for the tattered KQ head. Then again, it was only added to avoid a drystreak locking you out of the diary, so maybe that's the only use it should have.

Tattered will be fine :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Chrisazy

So maybe some kind of way to have Wars of entire Clans? But what would we call it hmmmmm

The Clan Warring Dome!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by lunch0guy

The CoX layout change question was a bit confusing, so I'm going to summarise the way I interpreted it. My understanding of the CoX generation question is this:

  • You want to add a toggle which lets us choose whether we want large raids, or medium/small ones.

  • If medium/small size is selected, you have an equal chance of getting (4Combat, 2Puzzle) or (3/4Combat, 1/2Puzzle).

  • If large size is selected you always get (5Combat, 2/3Puzzle).

Please let me know if this is correct.

This is correct, however we'd be proposing that large pool would only consist of 5 Combat 3 Puzzle raids, under the impression that if a player wants a large raid, they want the largest raid possible.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Keep the feedback coming all!
As always, this is just the first iteration of the blog. What we're offering can change based on your feedback and your suggestions.