about 3 years ago - - Direct link
Here's what's in store for Poll 76!
about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Rjm0007

Slayer task only rune dragon spot when?

This is actually in our backlog of suggestions to be polled in future, so it has been approved for polling by the team - it just didn't make it into Poll 76 as we're starting off the year with a relatively shorter poll. How did you find the rest of the blog? :D

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by KBD_OP

Should we automatically insure pets? Cats and Pet Rocks would not be automatically insured


Should we make a change that if you ‘would've been followed’ by a pet, it would not be lost but instead be reclaimable from Probita for a reclaim fee of 1million GP? This would not count for duplicate pets.


Glad to hear you like this proposed change!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by pushka_btw

Happy to read that i might get back that pet that i lost without insuring it. Great poll blog althrough. Hope it wont take half a year for everything to get implemented after the poll's done.

Thanks for your feedback. We wanted to start off relatively light so that we can focus on having more regular polls throughout the year! :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Osrsguy2744

Off topic, but has there been any recent update regarding the new Android beta release date or anything?

It was expected on the 21st February but has been moved now closer to 28th February. Not too long to wait now but sorry for the delay! We want to make sure it's properly tested for any issues before going live.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ThisCrazyApple

Would it be possible to talk about the reclaim fee for pets. I know it's there for a gold sink but I feel like only the top rich players take out their pets doing random stuff because the 1mil reclaim fee is so high. I feel like the game would look much better if people had their pets out more often instead of rotting in bank till they can afford a possible loss.

We discussed this a bit as a team, and we felt that a reclaim fee is still good to deter people from just dying endlessly with their pets out. After all, the poor pet is going to be distressed from seeing you die over and over so we have to try and deter you!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by michielver

Is there any news on when the changed weapon tier lvl requirements are coming to the game?

It's still in the works but I don't have an exact date yet, sorry about that!

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by No-Warthog-1151

Would I be able to get a pet back I lost before the collection log was released?

Unfortunately, if it's not tracked on your collection log we can't track it on your character. This is the variable we'd be implementing on Probita to run the check if it passed.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ZacFx

We need more info on the Combat Achievement Kill Count changes, imo. Especially that last sentence, "The lower KC tasks would stay the same". What is meant by 'lower'? Frankly, I'm a bit confused as to why the poll question isn't to remove kill count tasks completely.

I initially wanted to give a % for how the KC tasks would be reduced, but this isn't possible to give you, because they would all be reduced differently.

The aim of the proposed change is for us to target the longer KC tasks, basically to make KC tasks less of a time sink. However, we don't want to destroy them all together by removing them. We think they do serve a purpose to get players accustomed to different strategies and areas of the game so removing them isn't really our goal here.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by A_Lakers

I know this is for poll 75 but we’re maiden crabs ever updated to give mvp points?

Hey Lakers, I checked with the devs and QA on this last year. All Poll 75 changes should be implemented now. They were implemented in batches as it was such a big poll.

The change about regular Nylocas counting towards MVP was released in this update but it seems like there was a lot of hotfixes for that week in particular, so it possibly wasn't communicated out well enough in the news post.

Please let me know if you have any reason to believe it's not working, and I'll follow up. But essentially: Nylo contributions are recorded for killing: Maiden Blood Nylocas, regular Nylocas (big and small) and Verzik blood Nylocas.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Hunterskills

Prob won't get a reply,

but co-op slayer any info? sorry been asking for a while, even if it's negative news, i keep telling my IRL freinds it's coming back "soon" but i actually don't know.

also great stuff guys, hopefully the pet insurance one passes that's really an amazing one.

Ah, Co-op Slayer. I want it too! It's been discussed amongst the team and the conclusion is generally that we'd love to bring it back if there was a way that it wasn't abusable for Slayer XP.
It's a bit before my time but apparently, it was ridiculously broken XP-wise and so it got removed. To bring it back, we'd have to ideate a way that it was not broken in this regard. Not sure when this could be.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Jcoronado92

Should we make a change that if you ‘would've been followed’ by a pet, it would not be lost but instead be reclaimable from Probita for a reclaim fee of 1million GP? This would not count for duplicate pets.

This is huge! I am so excited for this... Coming from someone who lost his favorite pet "Tangleroot". I got it very early on at 57 farming. I was at work, I got the pet on the brimhaven fruit tree patch... my co-worker came to my desk and I left my mobile unattended, little did he know I wanted him to GTFO because I was so excited for the pet. When I logged back in, I was in lumbridge (Spider aggroe'd me :() I wanted to stop playing, but I kept going.. 50m farming XP and no pet. I've seen multiple people go 200M dry of this pet.

TLDR; I lost my tangleroot, I believe this is a huge QoL and I believe people should vote yes!

I am happy to hear that! Please note, you will have to have the pet marked on your collection log for this proposed change to get your tangleroot back. If not it won’t be possible for us to track that on your account I believe.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by GreenFormicaTable

Being able to lose purely aesthetic and exceedingly rare pets at all is a pretty terrible thing. I don't think that I can recall a single other game that I have played that hates its players and allows such feel bad scenarios in such a bizarre way. Official response including "but the pets feel sad when you die :(" really highlights how nonsensical it is.

I hear what you’re saying. It just goes both ways, like you don’t have to have a purely aesthetic thing out if you’re not willing to pay a reclaim fee if you die. I understand the reclaim price might be too high for some, so I will pass that on for consideration. I would say to your last point, this is also a game where your kitten will run off if you don’t feed it! Dying with a pet out on a regular basis isn’t really something we want to see or promote but I know that you mainly want to do PvM without the hassle of paying a reclaim fee every time so I hear you on that.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by youjustlostthegameee

/u/Jagexlight this comment received 50 upvotes (like ly has 500 downvoted) and still no reply. Jagex keeps ignoring PvP. Just say no, we won't poll it. Please stop teasing us. Devs literally said it would be in a poll blog

I can’t answer everything you mentioned, but here’s what I do know:

  • There’s going to be a PvP Arena blog coming out soon to tell you guys what is replacing the Duel Arena.

  • Thammaron’s sceptre suggestion has been discussed and noted during a game update review but we are not ready to present any solution yet. It’s something we are considering for the future. I don’t believe this was ever promised as part of a poll, I just said I would pass it onto the team. When I did pass it on, the team have been aware already as this has been a popular suggestion for a while apparently.

  • There have been Wilderness blogs dedicated to PvP and changes have been implemented as far as I know, I know it can feel slow at times but we have a dedicated PvP team for PvP updates now. The information about those areas of the game will be communicated when we are ready to share more details via a blog post. :)

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by youjustlostthegameee

Did you pass on specifically being able to auto cast ancients?

Yes I passed the specific suggestion on (and linked it). The team is aware of the suggestion but we aren’t ready to share our proposed solution or commit to any solution at this stage. Hoping to share more in future but for now I don’t have anything tangible to share on our plans with that. We are aware of the request and we know it is very popular.