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I’ve seen some stories of people losing access to their email accounts because they didn’t send any emails from it and just used it for RuneScape. I like the idea of having my email not used anywhere outside of RuneScape but this scares me.

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11 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Hey u/Educational_Deal8646

We do sometimes see players lose access to their emails when they set them up this way, but if you keep on top of account management, and fire off the odd email from the account to another account, you should be fine.
Things to consider are:

Your Jagex account is only as secure as your email is. As there is no manual recovery method for Jagex accounts, if you lose access to your email, you may lose total access to your Jagex account. Therefore, I'd recommend having 2FA set up on your email, as well as your Jagex account.

You need access to your email to access your Jagex account. Brand new emails set up purely for the purpose of your Jagex account are great from a security point of view, however it's worth keeping in mind that many email providers will close email accounts after a period of inactivity, so even if you only use it for this purpose, make sure you're checking it regularly. We have a list of the most common domain provider policies here.

Hopefully the list linked will help you out there!