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I was trying to put one of our bgs into the group box last night around 0500 utc and the box froze up just like it did for Faux causing a bgs to be lost on no fault of our own. We had 5 hilts and 6 blades so its not like I'm trying to scam the system or anything. /mod_goblin

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12 months ago - /u/JagexTyran - Direct link

Originally posted by Rough-Ideal9510

Good luck. We lost our lance due to the same issue. Got the same automated email response so I went to Reddit, and Mod Tyran said there was an automatic process that would return the item to us “shortly”…that was 45ish days ago but the lance still hasn’t been returned home yet.

Hoping you have better luck!

These should have been returned within 7 days, I'm sorry that they weren't. I've flagged it to be looked into