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This morning my brother in-law was given a permanent ban for a major RWT offence, (RSN: YaBoiDobby) with no appeal allowed, claiming that it was thoroughly investigated, manually checked over and justified via an automated email.

He's 100% never Rwted. However, he loaned his friend a bunch of his gear a few months ago while he was taking a break from playing, which is completely normal behavior for his account, we're always lending gear among the group we play with. Although this friend unbeknownst to my brother in-law, paid him back his gear with GP he'd bought from a gold site. His account is now permanently banned, and rightly so.

But banning the account he was paying back?? How is this fair, why can't he appeal, and how in the hell is this a Major RWT offence?

We've tried twitter, and now we're here on Reddit asking for you to help us get noticed, and an actual human look over this situation for us.

Seems crazy that we have to desperately turn to third party options just to get some customer service on a 15 year old account with no previous offences, minus a single mute.


Edit: I was wrong, this account was made in 2004, making it 17 years old... and thats with a squeaky clean account history. Also, there might be a larger issue here with false RWT bans, getting a lot of messages with people having the exact same issue.

Thankfully Jagex's automatic reply has assured us that the ban was thoroughly checked and valid.

For those of you that don't believe this is a first-time offence

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almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Hi /u/Axel_S, the ban applied to your brother-in-law's account appears to be correct, and it was applied for supplying gold to RWT sites multiple times.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Axel_S

Are we talking about the account "yaboidobby" because he has 100% never sold gold to a site or anyone for that matter. His friends account i can't vouch for however, if he's sold gold then i can believe that. Is it possible that lending gear/giving money to him as friend, has linked him enough in your eyes to his friends potential RWT activity. Enough to warrant a ban?

How much gp are you saying he's supplied to gold sites? He's just never had that kind of GP.

What warrants a permanent ban vs a temporary ban?

Would appreciate if you looked further into this, get that you probably think i'm lying, but rn im laughing at the idea of My BIL selling gold, because in reality he's a bit of noob thats never had a large amount of wealth in this game that wasn't loaned to him temporarily.

Edit: Just to add: This is such an unexpected reply, because we assumed he was banned for buying?? the only recent activity on his account was him receiving money from his friend, and a relatively small amount at that. Very confused.

Unfortunately I'm not able to go into further details regarding the ban, but I can assure you I've asked for it to be checked multiple times and the same response was given by the anti-cheating team.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Axel_S

How sure are you that your anti-cheating team has done it's due diligence. Had you said that he was correctly banned for buying gold, then I could understand the mix up, maybe even admit defeat at a scenario we can't prove our way out of. But because you're saying its for selling, i feel like this hasn't been looked into properly at all.

To clarify, the ban on the account was not related to receiving gold from someone who had purchased it via RWT. The ban is a result of repeated direct deposits of gold to a Real World Trading mule account who also operates an illegal off-site gambling website. Having taken a look at the dates pertaining to the ban (6th March - 9th March) we can see 19 separate trades of wealth, totaling 431,642,173 worth of gold. The account was permanently banned for both directly supplying a Real World Trader and illegal Games of Chance activity. These are very much against the rules of RuneScape and the ban will not be lifted as a result.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Axel_S

Well if this is the case is there anyway to tell if his account was compromised during that time? He wasn't playing during that time period, the first time he logged in in over a month was sunday 21st march, can you check the ip that logged into the account during that time??

The account was not compromised at the time and the account owner is ultimately responsible for their account, hence the rules regarding Account Sharing as per:

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Craze393

I wasn't even playing at that time I stopped playing in January/early February then came back on Sunday the 21st of March you can see that from my ip log in