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Hey y'all, was just curious about this because I wanted to make my account a Jagex account so I could play HDOS on the Jagex client. But I see people avoiding making their accounts Jagex accounts. Can anyone tell me why?

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over 1 year ago - /u/JagexRascasse - Direct link

Originally posted by Particular-Cow-4756

There’s been a number of incidents where players with Jagex accounts were unable to login for hours while non-Jagex accounts were able to do so just fine.

Earlier in the beta there were a few issues around the time of game updates that were caused by the large number of players trying to play all at the same time when the game came back online.

We've been working hard behind the scenes to ensure this is much less likely to occur again even if you are a Jagex Account user.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexRascasse - Direct link

Originally posted by Invinca

The only reason I could possibly think of is if you're worried about your computer getting stolen, then the thief would have access to one click logons to all your accounts so not only is your computer lost but so is your gold lol

If this were to happen to you and you're a Jagex account user you should visit https://account.jagex.com and hit the "End all sessions" button to make sure the thief can't access your Jagex account on the stolen machine.