over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by rsnerdout


keen insight!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by BocciaChoc

It's worth keeping in mind that these rings work 'out of the box' and are therefore unable to be imbued.

What do I do with all my points

It's herb boxes/redirection scrolls all the way down...

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

i know we don't see them in game really, but the new rings look incredible.

Was really interested to see how the Art team would manage to blend some of the newer themes with the older Fremennik themes, Mod Jerv's concepts are super cool!

over 1 year ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

i know we don't see them in game really, but the new rings look incredible.

Artists did a sick job

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by HoundNZ_2022

I do wish the soulreaper axe explanation also explained that you lose stacks while out of combat and gave that information. It's fairly important to know.

Have updated the wording to make this clearer!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Nippys4

Voting no on ring of shadows because it will basically destroy the brimstone ring.

The slash ring looks largely useless so if we are going to have basically an upgrade to the brimstone ring we might as well just replace the slash ring with the proposed ring of shadows then we have a melee ring, mage ring, range ring and then hybrid.

I feel like that makes way more sense

Can I ask why you think it'll destroy the Brimstone ring? Its worse across the board as a stat stick, and lacks the passive effect that the Brimmy ring has too.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TurnipsAreOkay

Just to confirm, the robes will be a stepping stone between Ahrims and Ancestral even when not on ancients ? I'm so poor and Ancestral is so expensive..

Robes are slightly stronger offensively, weaker defensively, lighter (I imagine, anyway. Ahrim's is extremely heavy) which sounds like a meme but is super relevant for places like COX, and obviously added value on Ancients too.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

I'm almost positive we've had the answer before, but was there information on how long the axe holds those stacks? would be nice to have that in the blog. Not that it really matters for polling but just for everything in one place

Updated the wording as per another player's comment but the answer to your question is 10 ticks without attacking, or switching weapons will result in you losing any stacks you have.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by BigStickStew

The only thing worthwhile in this are the rings, and not even all of them are going to be used.

What does 'worthwhile' mean to you? I think there's a lot in here for a whole lot of players, Soulreaper axe in particular is something that a lot of people are sleeping on imo.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by gitanas_nauseda

Pretty underwhelming rewards, since we were expected to get a new prayer book... I hope bosses arent a snooze fest, because we dont have any more pvm updates this year sadly.

Fully understand the sentiment in the first sentence. I will say - on the record - that the bosses are absolutely not a snooze fest, they're all super unique, challenging in their own ways and some of the most fun I've had with these kinds of boss encounters in a really long time!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by matimatician

Will the smoke ancient sceptre’s healing reduction apply to heals like akkha and wardens final phases? (They show a healing hitsplat when they enter the phase)

Both of the NPCs listed are immune to poison, so I think the answer's 'No' in these cases.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by UnluckyNate

He’s totally going to edit that comment later to make you look silly

I deliberated sending it in the first place for exactly this reason...

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by RsMistilteinn

Without prayers it all seems weak besides the rings. Find some other way to buff either the virtus or the axe, or give some other type of reward to make up for the loss of the prayers.

The Soulreaper axe absolutely does not need buffing. Virtus is trickier, but we covered a lot of the difficulty in that regard in a previous blog here.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by HoundNZ_2022

I can't remember from the last beta, but do you get the hp back as it ticks down?

To restore the HP lost you can either use the Special attack or eat up (should have enough time with 10 ticks to eat even hard food)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by __Domino__

In terms of difficulty, is there any content that you could compare the new bosses against?

Ideally wanting to steer clear of difficulty comparisons after what happened with Muspah. Difficulty in OSRS actually feels weirdly hard to contextualise. Maybe not helpful, but they'll be as hard as they are, some people will struggle, others won't - everybody will have bits to learn and improve at!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by xcnicktran

I feel like this isn’t fixing any of the main problems… The reason why people are excited for dt2 is bc of how majority of irons hate doing cox bc of scouting and the learning curve. Taking away the prayers and keeping ancestral so rare and expensive ruins the game experience for most irons getting into the endgame.

While the team are still open to feedback and willing to make changes, this comment ("learning curve" in particular) reads a little bit like 'I want more power on my iron but COX is too difficult'. Could you expand a little on what you're saying?

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by BigStickStew

I really don't like hp juggling as an effect and the downtime where the buff and hp disappears is really negative for me. Though to be fair I hate those effects in other games too so I always end up avoiding them.

It just seems like it's going to be bad in any situation with downtime (pvm) from testing it out on the beta worlds. It slapped on regular slayer monsters where you just jump from target to target.

There could be some niche use no ones found yet but its really not for me.

I don't really feel like you need to juggle though? You've got 10 ticks of leeway on a 5 tick weapon. You're able to combo-eat or even consume hard food to stay topped up and wind up at max stats + full HP without needing to use the special attack. It's pretty strong at max stacks, but part of the trade-off is needing to ramp up again as you use special attacks, or the risk of over-punishing yourself with the self-inflicted damage.

Think it'll see a lot more use than you're giving it credit for!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Anmeguy

In the section about the soulreaper axe it says "Behead consumes any Mighty Stacks you have, and for each stack consumed will increase your accuracy by 6% and heal you for 8 Hitpoints." But in the stat block underneath that it says the special does 6% accuracy and strength per stack. Which one is right?

Technically both are correct, since you'll already be attacking with 6% Strength per stack from the passive, that Strength bonus still applies to the Special attack as well, but gains an increased Accuracy component.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by rdhvisuals

“not much space for virtus to fill” literally 1% magic str with slightly less accuracy than ancestral-that’s the space that everyone wanted you guys to fill brooooo

you could make it so only the robes/bottoms give the str boost so it’s only a +2 with the robes. top/bottom will get tons of use while the set still fills its niche of ancient boosts

Completely get this, and the team are aware of the feedback! There's always potential to make changes to the blog ahead of polling, so keep an eye out on Monday after we've been able to look things over throughout the weekend.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by xcnicktran

For me, my first raid was TOA and I loved it because of the invocation system set in place allows me to solo and learn. Learning how to solo cox is extremely challenging and no one wants to pick up the iron since they can’t split the loot.

It's sick that you had a great first experience with TOA! At the same time, solo COX is challenging because Olm is complex, and it's totally fine that some content feels inaccessible before you've fully learned it.

Would suggest either over-prepping and dying with invents full of brews to practise Olm until you get it down, or even just finding other like-minded irons to raid with and FFA the loot - but don't think solo COX being difficult 'ruins the game experience for most irons getting into the endgame'. For me at least (and a fair few others), the fun of endgame is learning the difficult content and feeling rewarded when the drops come through. :(

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Tawft

Will there be a visual counter to show how many stacks you have with the axe?

In this case, your Special Attack orb will be an indicator of how many stacks you have.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by iluvdankmemes

Attacks with the Soulreaper Axe will damage you for 8 Hitpoints and grant you a 'Mighty Stack'. Each Mighty Stack gives you a +6% Strength level boost (additive with bonuses from prayers) and stacks up to five times, for a total of 40 Hitpoints lost and a +30% Strength boost.

How will rounding play into this here?

Say I'm 99 str, then each stack is barely under 6 lvls boost (0.06 * 99 = 5.94). Seeing how everything in this game rounds down, this will be 5 lvls.

If each stack is literally added on top of the previous, this means it will only boost for 25 levels.

The alternative I guess is the recalculate the boost at every new stack level, i.e. at max stacks it will be 30% of 99 = 29.7, rounded down to 29.

Thus, if rounding is only done downwards, neither will technically work as advertised here with the first implementation being REALLY far off.

My understanding, given that the boost is additive, assuming you're in Max Strength and starting at 99 Strength:

99 Str, SCB takes you to 118

118 * (30% from stacks + 23% from Piety) = 180.54 => 180

so your effective Str level (EStr) goes like this:

(tick 1) No stacks = 145 EStr (max 61)

(tick 6) 1 stack = 152 EStr (max 64)

(tick 11) 2 stacks = 159 EStr (max 67)

(tick 16) 3 stacks = 166 EStr (max 70)

(tick 21) 4 stacks = 173 EStr (max 72)

(tick 26) 5 stacks = 180 EStr (max 75)

(tick 31 onwards) 180 EStr (max 75)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by o7baseball

“I have updated the wording to make this more clear!” Would be a better worded sentence

Edit: /s

relax :(

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Tawft

Meaning you can see when you have max stacks because the special attack will be available? Or there will be a number displayed there

In the beta I'm pretty sure you'd see a 0/1/2/3/4/5 next to the orb to indicate how many stacks you've got.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by superfire444

How does the axe relate to the scythe?

If one or the other is better wouldn't that make the other obsolete?

If the above answer is yes would it be an idea to have the 4 bosses drop an augmentation to make the scythe give the effect of the Soulreaper axe or would that be too strong?

As I understand it, Scythe unanimously better on any size 3 NPC even just comparing hit-for-hit at max stacks on Axe. Factoring in ramping time, Scythe is better on size 2 NPCs, plus allows you to use Specs (which you can't really do with the Axe because you need to ramp up again). Axe better than Scythe on size 1 NPCs, but I'm pretty sure Saeldor is too. At max stacks, Axe competes with Saeldor, but factoring 'ramp' time into it means it's a decision for you to make per encounter imo.

over 1 year ago - - Direct link
It's almost time to poll the rewards for Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire! Get yourself up to speed with this blog!