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about 5 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Potentially is a strong word, here!

To clarify, our desired outcome is that nothing SHOULD change with the exception of PvP combat and the scenario 1 person can fight without being able to fight back.

That's why we've opened up beta worlds specifically with these changes for you all to browse on as we expect you to come across some things in the main game world we may not have.

Currently in the live game the line of attack between two points is not symmetrical. What this beta does is make that symmetrical. The place where it will effect is PvP where players are able to stand in specific spots in relation to their opponent and not be able to attack back.

Due to the nature of the line of sight changes on Beta worlds, we are unable to fix any issues which arise with a hotfix. The issues only effect the beta worlds, however.

about 5 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by buldosissss

Already seen, though thank you! this is why we do betas :)