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I’m loving the Varlamore update so far including the Hunters Guild and surrounding Savannah and I think the addition of 4 more birdhouses would be perfect for the area, maybe locked behind a future Hunters Guild quest with similar requirements to the Bone Voyage quest, it’s already got a fairy ring for easy access and obviously the Hunters Guild bird tele.

P.s I’m absolutely not an Ironman with a crippling birdhouse addiction

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12 months ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

We definitely don't need more birdhouses, they're already an insanely effective xp/hr rate for Hunter! The Varlamore hunter content gives a genuine alternative that (at least once some immediate qol and crowding issues are addressed) feels so much more meaningful to play in my opinion.

Not that we're going to take birdhouses away from you but adding more would really undo some of the core goals of providing the new hunter content. You now have options, and in fact you can quite happily do rumours between BH runs if you so wanted both!