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8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by EducationalTell5178

Is there any update on if or when the agility energy rework will come into the game?

Run Energy Changes stuff still needs some time to cook - we've closed the beta for now and are trying to make time to have further discussions using all of the feedback left to us before we re-surface them. Should be a 'when' rather than an 'if', but the exact nature of the changes needs refining because there's no universe we could release the first iteration in light of the response to it!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by lalalu2009

13,500 Points will still score you 27 loot rolls

Typo or nerf? 13,500 points gives you 28 rolls right now

Typo, good spot!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Tentacle_Cat

Make the Lost bag count as a chisel in GotR. Saves a space and means less people will neglect to craft guardians (if they're lucky enough to have a bag).

I could kind of see the case for Elder Maul acting as a hammer. What's your headcanon for chiselling blocks with a bag?

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Alakasham

I don't get the point of adding the warmth meter. You have the right idea for more braziers lit/warm clothing reducing your damage, just leave it at that. Adding a new meter is complicating a simple change.

Also, can we PLEASE get a change to how the Giants Foundry Crucible takes bars and items? Please just let us click on it once to take all from our inventories

The more braziers lit/warm clothing worn reducing damage taken is already how Todt works, can check out the damage formulae here (note W and B being present in the Standard Attack formula). The points of the Warmth meter is to make Todt feel like something you can do whenever you fancy, rather than something you should do as much of as possible pre-17 Hitpoints or waiting until Brews.

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by DudesAndGuys

Could we be able to select a 'preferred contract' with mahogony homes and then always get that level contract when we right click to get a new one? Having to select the type of contract over and over is a bit annoying, and I'm always wary of misclicking and selecting a lower tier contract.

It's also be better if we just automatically drank the tea tbh. I can't see why anyone wouldn't want the boost, and sometimes I've accidentally clicked off the dialogue and not gotten my tea which is annoying.

Might be nice to just opt for a similar approach to Farming Contracts where you're offered another of the same tier by default and just whack 'Yes'. Will share this one with the team!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Angrry_

Just watch the ending of Joshisgaming last videos

Ah it's in my Watch Later list atm! Will get through it after work today and make some notes!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by LieV2

Can you allow blighted supplies to be usable in pvp minigames in the same poll question about BH gear? 

Clan wars, castle wars and soul wars would benefit from the blighted restores and ice sacks especially and blighted food mostly at clan wars. 

Would really love it as someone who plays mostly for pvp minigames!!

Happy to pass this one on to the team, whole point of Blighted Supplies is to make it cheaper to get into stuff without losing loads in supplies - makes sense for them to work in CWars etc. if people are on-board!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRealGriff

I feel like I'm missing something with the colossal pouch, can someone explain what's actually changing? The numbers are all the same

Effectively the numbers stay the same, but it's slightly less clicking. Means you don't have to just let the needle sit in your bank until 85 Runecraft and can get a slight bit of QoL (1 click rather than 2/3/4) if you grab an early Needle. The actual 'buff' from the Needle still only comes into play at 85, just wanted it to be a little more than a bank slot if you score one early (it actually saves bank spaces with this proposal too, I guess)

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Kuddo

After work? It's "work related" just watch it at work and call it research!

But on a serious note, thanks for your hard work!

I watch a fair bit in the background but just juggling too many things at the moment to pull myself away and make notes if anything useful comes up!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by VodkaandOrange

Really disappointed to not see Hunter XP for Chompy Kills here, it feels like the exact poll for that change

Weirdly not sure where Chompy Bird Hunting sits in terms of 'is it a minigame?'. Think it's sort of just an activity, but wouldn't be opposed to seeing what the team think for a future poll - some passive/token Hunter XP while ticking diaries off probably isn't the worst thing ever, though I wouldn't like to see it compete much with traditional Hunter/rumours.

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by OSRS_DTG

Would the team be willing to look at the NPC Contact spell? It goes hand in hand with Mahogany Homes and is a bit of a pain - it takes a while to cast and on mobile (fat thumbs) clicking the "never mind" option when calling Amy is the worst as you have to recast. A speeded up NPC contact spell remembering the last option would be a very welcome addition (potentially right click spell including previous menu selection)

Would love to see some love given to NPC Contact in a future poll. I've always just kinda presumed it's an homage to dial-up (if it's not already, somebody's gotta make a plugin that plays that sound when casting)

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Thaloman_

How will the Wintertodt changes affect players with 99 hp? In mass worlds, currently all you have to do is pray redemption and you completely ignore your hp (rarely sip a brew), teleport to house and use pool, then teleport back in.

This seems like a nerf for players with high HP since you can't just coast with redemption, you'll have to actively watch your warmth and drink potions. Not a fan if that's the case.

I'd imagine it's possible to make Redemption work with Warmth though can't speak to the complexity - will pass it on to the team and see what they make of it!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by zomangel

Counterpoint: make Nail Beasts louder

+1 to this

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by NoelSanaka

"Guardians of the Rift has been with us for some time now and serves faithfully as everybody's favourite Runecraft minigame. Admittedly it's the only Runecraft minigame," The runespan is now crying in a corner due to your hurtful comment.

Loved RuneSpan but it is busted. Last time I made an Iron on RS I rushed 90 RC for Ports by doing RuneSpan while playing LoL the entire time. Think with the nostalgia goggles off GOTR is much nicer-paced and actually a lot of fun (particularly in small teams, shoutout he box jonge for his unreal guide/discord for small team GOTR)

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Pejob

If the "big search" is being added to GOTR can we also get it added to tempoross? It takes an absolute age to fish up rewards there currently.

More than happy to see if the team will add this - makes sense! Also tends to be easier to rack up Tempoross permits than GOTR searches, especially if firefighting, so might be even more welcome there.

8 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by ScreamingEnglishman

My apologies i must have completely misinterpreted and missed that! Foggy head after last night

After a re-read it sounds good. Am I reading it correctly that the first 20 players won't be impacted by proposed scaling and only players that join thereafter will? Or do the changes apply to everyone in the game but are triggered after the 20th?

On the scaling thing, currently the game scales up to 200 players linearly, adding a fixed number of essence required to finish the game. I can't remember the exact number but for the sake of roundness let's say 100

So 20 players requires 2,000 essence and 200 players requires 20,000 essence.

This model assumes that players are expected to all contribute effectively but we do know that larger groups have higher numbers of players who are not participating at 100% efficiency.

So instead we're suggesting that we could be lenient and only scale by 80% as much after the initial 20 players. So for example:

20 players still require 2,000 21 players is 2,080 (instead of 2,100) and scaling up to 200 would instead be 16,400 (instead of 20,000)

8 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Early-Wishbone496

Holy moly let me use fragments to repair broken barriers instead of essence at GOTR. This would save so many games where I beeline straight to strengthen the barrier after crafting my first runes only for it to lose its’ last hp just as I arrive and no one will sacrifice their essence to save the game.

That's in the blog! :D