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Last Q&A /u/jagexhusky proposed the idea to allow ironmen to use money from their death's coffer to buy bonds for membership. This would serve the purpose of ironmen no longer needing a secondary account in order to turn excess items into memberships

Problems with it

Now to explain why it is a problem i wanna lay out a few facts first. (If any of these are false, please correct me, but i don't believe them to be)

  • inflation is caused by new money entering the market.

  • death's coffer makes new money based on the market price of an item.

  • money from death's coffer currently does not enter the market as it can only be used for money sinks and never changes ownership.

  • inflation causes item prices to rise.

  • allowing money from death's coffer to be used for buying bonds from other players means this money enters the market.

So death's coffer changes an item into its market value worth of new gp. This gp would enter the market due to bond sales. New gp in the market would cause inflation. Inflation would mean item prices would rise. Rising item prices would mean you can get more money in death's coffer for an item than you could before, which can enter the market again. But death's coffer money entering the market created the inflation in the first place so this creates an inflation loop.


As an alternative ironmen could be allowed to sell items on the GE, but have all the profit go into a coffer which could only be used for buying bonds from the GE.

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

It's certainly a good point and the idea that the gold isn't coming from a player is one that I hadn't considered.

As I said on the Q&A, I was simply musing out loud. I have tons of ideas, that doesn't mean they're all great or amazing but I'll still continue having them and I'm all for people pointing out they're flaws.

Thanks for having the discussion OP!