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Oldschool Runescape is the only MMORPG I’ve really played, so I have no frame of reference, but even then, I find it fantastic how connected to the playerbase our JMods are (on reddit, discord, twitter etc.). For those who dabble in other MMOs (RS3, WoW, Final Fantasy and such), how is it like over there in terms of player engagement from their dev teams?

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11 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by change-password

Coffee Stain studios is one of the best. goto 50 sec lol

Ps if interested satisfactory on sale for a little longer.

Coffee Stain are superb, both their current team and their former CM Jace! Their brand and tone of voice are something I absolutely love. I think Riot also do a pretty stellar job when it comes to their more 'bespoke' comms assets (stuff like Spill the Beans, Champion Spotlights etc.) though I don't keep up much with Valorant, can only assume it mirrors the quality of their LoL/TFT engagement.