about 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by chaotic-rapier

Can you also add a teleport the the grouping mini-game teleports to mage training arena, not sure why some mini-games are missing a teleport there which don't have any other alternative teleport

It seems like a straightforward suggestion and I'll pass it over to the team, thank you so much! In terms of next steps, we'll discuss feedback from this blog on Monday and if the team accepts this suggestion we will update the newspost and potentially add another poll question. Thank you!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by anygoats

These all sound great, the only other thing I'd like is for you to automatically continue taking items in the alch room rather than having to keep clicking each time. Even if it was slower it would still be nicer to have without impacting the time for people willing to click continually. I held off on my MTA grind about halfway through in anticipation of this blog and I'm glad I waited and hope this passes.

Maybe an unpopular opinion but just buffing the pts alone wouldn't have been a good change to me and I feel this is much more reasonable overall

People who are perhaps not paying as much attention may accidentally fill up their inventory too quickly, is this suggestion something that you guys feel outweighs that? Would be great to know! Thank you for the feedback and the additional suggestion.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRoq - Direct link

Originally posted by GrayMagicGamma

Currently if two players click a cupboard in the alchemy room on the same tick only one gets the item, can this be changed?

So the reason this happens is because the first time someone goes to it they have to open the door, PID determines who opens the door and from everyone else it basically cancels the action.

With the following change:

  • Keep the cupboard doors open. They're magical cupboards containing a limitless supply of all kinds of items, it stands to reason they could perhaps magically keep the doors open too...

This would no longer be a thing :)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Wkwied

Has the enchanting room bug been acknowledged? Getting 0 points is not intended..

We're not aware of this bug! Would you mind either reporting it in-game or just sending me through the replication steps and I will pass that over to the team. Thank you!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRoq - Direct link

Originally posted by Joshx5

Removing telegrab stall in main game is a curious change, anyone see any metas or methods that would affect?

we're only doing it inside the room for now but opening up the possibility! This very reason/concern is why we're not just doing it game wide yet :)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

How would auto maze resets impact the top down camera?

oh, another update that makes essentially removes run energy. cool

otherwise, changes look reasonable. shame to not need the progress hat imo, iconic little guy and not really a choir to get one. watching it get brighter is always fun.

Every time a new Maze starts, you will need to click the NPC. This is how it currently works and there should be no impact after our proposed Poll 81 changes.

In terms of your other point, the point of content is to train Magic, and the audience for the content is going to be on the newer/lower end of the scale, where run energy is a much more pressing problem for them. I hope that makes sense but I totally see where you're coming from with the run energy stuff!

Thank you so much for the other feedback I always really appreciate your comments on our blogs and newspost updates!!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by opal-snake

I’m just now doing guardians of the rift for my runes to do this. I’d love to see all these changes! Mini game tele would be nice as well

Fantastic, thank you, I've added a player suggestion for the minigame teleport tab as it seemed like a really positive one.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRoq - Direct link

Originally posted by Joshx5

You aren’t? I thought question 3 was making it game wide if it passed

ah yep youre right that was a change made through planning that i misremembered.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Wkwied

Thank you and I'm really sorry that was missed, I will make sure to include this in my report on Monday and bring it up directly.