about 2 months ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
3s hello and welcome to today's live stream
6s um on a Monday which is mad but we're
9s here for it um that means one thing
13s right we're talking leaks today how
15s exciting um but first things first um
20s you're probably like who is this like
22s who even is this um hi I'm my Blossom um
26s I'm Community manager here at Old School
28s I've been here for over a year now um
30s but this is my first time on stream um
33s you might have seen me around on Discord
36s uh but first time here um we're not
39s going to do all the usual first mod
42s questions um we maybe we'll do that
45s another time um because we have way too
48s much to get into today because we're
50s going to talk about leagues so I am
54s joined today by mod Arcane and mod Halo
58s how are we both today I'm doing very
61s well I've got my heated blanket on I've
64s got my cup of tea in a jagx mug you see
67s that and I've got my bottle of water you
71s see that ni I'm I'm ready for an hour of
74s just
75s rambling nice heyo how are you I'm doing
79s great and honestly I just can't wait for
81s Wednesday it needs to come around way
83s quicker honestly I've booked out like my
85s calendar this weekend I'm going to play
87s the
88s league yeah super excited
91s nice awesome well I'm super excited and
94s I cannot wait to get stuck into
95s everything we have to talk about today
97s however as you know it goes like this
100s we've got some announcements to do um so
103s get ready with your exclamation
105s marks first up we have exclamation mark
108s leagues five leag start again leagues
112s five raging Echo begins this Wednesday
116s literally like a couple of days away um
118s we have everything that you need to know
120s in cluding Relic reveals launch schedule
123s Etc um on the link to the to that blog
127s post you can also use exclamation mark
131s promo for this league there is a special
134s promotional leagues membership package
136s for new and returning players it's
138s available between November 26th and
141s December 3rd and this provides you a
143s subscription access for 57 days at
146s discounted rate no matter when you start
148s during that availability window
151s this is ideal for anyone looking to dive
153s into the highspeed action without a
155s long-term
156s commitment and we have exclamation mark
160s Discord um on our Discord server all
163s three leagues we're going to be running
165s various activities that you can get
166s involved in we also have a leader board
168s that's going to be going on there as
170s well um so make sure you join up and get
172s involved you can also do exclamation
175s mark leagues Discord and this is taking
177s you to the community run leagues Discord
180s where you can chat with other runes skip
181s players all about your League's
184s Journey uh and finally we have
186s exclamation mark YouTube at the end of
189s this stream we're going to be dropping a
191s leagues 5 video by solo mission on our
193s YouTube channel um so go and subscribe
196s now uh so you can stay in the loop and
198s see it as soon as it drops um however we
200s will we'll point you over there when we
202s go back when we come to the end of the
203s stream anyway don't worry okay that is
207s the announcements
208s done so
211s first of all we know it's going live on
214s Wednesday and hopefully if you've seen
216s on our blog post you'll have seen we've
218s been sharing a uh like time zone image
222s so we're going to be going live at 12:00
224s p.m. GMT so it'll be a little bit later
226s than our game update goes so you'll see
229s normal worlds going up at 11:00 and then
232s leagues worlds start at 1200 um and then
235s hopefully we can show on screen have we
238s got the um our uh time zone chat there
242s so you can see uh some other time zones
245s they're not all there we might have to
247s Google it would be a very big picture if
249s we had to put all of them um okay so um
254s over the last two weeks to wait to make
257s the weight more bearable uh We've
259s dropped a surprise reveal about the
261s league every single day um if you stay
266s tuned we uh we're going to be dropping
268s that final one today on stream so make
271s sure you stay with us right until the
272s end um but for now let's have a chat
276s through what we've seen so
279s far
281s so reveal one day one we started off
286s strong with our tier one relics um we've
290s got Power Miner Lumberjack and animal
293s Wrangler uh Halo do you want to talk us
297s a little bit through these and what you
298s were thinking around them yeah before we
300s start can people hear me okay I know
303s people keep thinking that I'm using this
304s microphone I'm not using this microphone
306s I'm just using the headphones it's a bit
308s of a bait I know it happens almost every
310s day at work but hopefully you can hear
312s me
313s now okay yeah everyone seems to think is
316s fine now fantastic so I'm picking animal
320s Wrangler and the primary reason for that
322s is that I want to AFK work immediately
324s and no other reason I actually think
326s Power Miners are a lot stronger for like
329s a lot use cases just cuz the mining and
331s smithing is like so weak but I just
334s sheerly I need that uh AFK time
336s immediately in reality don't know you're
339s picking Halo uh I'm undecided currently
342s um it's either yeah anal Wrangler or
345s Power Miner I hate to see Lumberjack in
347s the dirt but it is what it is um no I'm
351s no joking um it's interesting cuz we're
354s we're kind of trying something new with
355s these data relics uh that we haven't
357s really done before uh if you could
360s believe in like an early iteration of
362s this league the starter tiers look
364s really similar to trbl asy reloaded and
366s we were like you know the start of the
368s game isn't it feels the same as reloaded
371s it's not good so we decided to go this
373s sort of Route which kind of changes up
375s the early routing quite a bit uh which
378s we thought was quite interesting um so
380s we'll see how that sort of pans out on
382s Wednesday but um it's got some really
384s cool conversation going between the
385s community as well like Oh I'm a Power
387s Miner oh you're a lumber jacket or
389s whatever you know it's always good to
391s see that sort of back and forth my
392s relic's better than yours um which is
394s quite nice to see but yeah jackers
396s represent but um yeah I think it is
400s quite an interesting one with the cuz I
401s I really liked infernal Gathering like I
403s picked infernal Gathering lastly and TR
405s BLS are reloaded and it was so fun to
407s use it's so satisfying like really just
410s demolishing like every spot like you
412s going really really quickly incredibly
414s five like success rates and everything
417s um and then just automatically smithing
418s like I remember smithing a bunch of bars
420s and if you were trying to do that
422s without infernal Gathering it was kind
423s of miserable um so like it kind of
426s giving a sof version for everyone in
428s like different styles as well as like
429s the Ulta Bank King and everything else
432s is actually really powerful that plus
434s 50% success rate is actually quite
436s interesting as well from the point of
437s view of I think we're actually going to
438s see people mine runite rocks this league
441s for the first time ever for like actual
442s XP like who's ever actually seen that
444s been done yeah even like magic trees
447s right with a lumberjack like that's so
450s so much xp
452s yeah all right should we go to the next
454s one awesome yes perfect um if anyone's
458s wondering this is going to be my first
460s leagues actually playing and I am
461s undecided on all of these so I'm very
464s tempted to just ask like discard or
466s Twitter or something to just like pick
468s my picks for me and just like ruin my
471s whole experience but it's fine um okay
475s so next up we had golden god uh Relic
479s reveal
480s um this is all about enhancing the power
482s of your Alchemy
485s spells this one's one of my favorite
488s relics like I think it's so cool like
491s there's just been such a like I feel
493s like everyone's gone through that period
494s of playing a new account and wanting to
496s get like the Homer Simpson like uh duck
498s things like automatically click so you
500s can get your auto out going and then
501s obviously people maybe end up botting or
503s whatever to really get through that it's
505s like one of those things that everyone's
506s kind of wanted to Ultimate at one that
508s point in time and then actually having a
510s relic just do that with a bunch of other
511s buff on top uh very very fun Relic I'm
514s definitely picking this one as well just
516s to power through the early game yeah I
519s personally can't wait to see like a full
521s raid of people and they're just all
523s using the ALK animation just running
524s around M or something like 50 people um
528s yeah super cool this Relic has actually
529s changed quite a bit since we first
531s thought of it as well like it wasn't in
533s the same tier before and it had
534s something else before um but we finally
537s landed on something that I think is
539s really cool
540s oh that's mysterious yeah mysterious
543s never know never know could be safe for
545s future
547s leagues um and then we came on to
551s probably one of the biggest the biggest
553s reveals and the biggest pieces of this
556s League's Echo bosses like w there was a
561s lot there a lot to read a lot to take in
563s nine new variations on well-known bosses
566s and each one coming with their own
568s totally unique new
570s drop let's just dig in because oh I'm
575s going to hand it to you Aran cuz I don't
577s even know where to start with these yeah
579s so the reason we kind of wanted this was
583s we really wanted to encourage people to
584s pick different regions and if we didn't
586s actually do anything to like the troll
587s Blazer formula probably people would
590s have still picked like Za desert as go
592s you they were like really popular
593s regions back then um so we need know way
595s of like okay how can we actually
596s encourage people to play with the
597s regions and this was kind of the
599s solution to it create some really cool
600s new bosses some new encounters then also
602s have some like really impactful rewards
604s behind them and you can also give
606s regions things that they were kind of
608s lacking so like desert didn't really
610s have a good range weapon so now it's got
611s the triag or blowpipe for example so now
614s if you did want to go ranged it feels
615s bit more fulfilling to go desert and it
618s has a lot more uh different interactions
621s there but some of these bosses are quite
622s interesting it's been quite a nightmare
625s to balance a lot of these and I'm not
627s saying we've done it perfectly either
629s like go if you think about smoke devil
633s that boss has virtually zero mechanics
636s so like we had to basically design a
638s boss fight from scratch to make that
639s actually feel like something suitable
641s but then you look at something like s
643s hereda he's already got so much going on
645s we couldn't really add too much more to
647s him without making that fight absolutely
649s obscene so some things are definitely
652s more different than others uh personally
654s I really like smoke devil and calite
655s queen I think they're some of the
656s coolest fights and very interested to
659s see if players
660s actually want those ported to the main
662s game in some capacity CU they are quite
663s underwhelming in the main game obviously
665s with rebalancing associated with drop
668s tables and whatever but um I am really
670s interested in what people actually how
672s we find these
674s fights yeah I'm a big fan of like the
676s weapons as well like some of the cool
678s ideas we've got such as like the copes
680s like oh my God that feels so good to use
682s uh even like the weapon of uh not the
684s weapon of Soul uh the sunlight spear um
688s is really cool to use and just can't
691s wait to get my hands on it it's honestly
692s making me question my regions cuz I'm
694s like I really want to go this but I
696s really want this Echo weapon um yeah I'm
699s exactly that person I'm picking all my
701s regions because I want to get every cool
703s new weapon and just play about with them
705s like I know that I'm going to be able to
706s demolish every boss easily regardless of
708s what weapon I use and that's not me like
710s oh I'm so good at the game that's the
711s DPS is so high in leagues it kind of
713s just doesn't really matter too much um
716s so I really want to just play around
717s with all the really cool new
718s weapons absolutely I think a big shout
721s out being called
723s arrogant I think a big uh shout out to
725s art as well for like finding such an
727s awesome color palette like look at that
728s thery model like that looks insane like
732s some of these is like oh I really want
733s it to be a pet like please yeah I would
737s love the Ser one and those colors
740s amazing yeah we did see a lot of people
742s like switching their original strategies
745s right once we Dro these um that was very
749s cool
751s yeah it's a it's a lot if you've not um
754s if you've not had the chance to sit and
755s properly look at these um you can head
757s to our uh reveals blog to S and kind of
760s have a look through them in a a more
763s detailed and untime limited um way
768s there's a lot to dig
769s into yeah like especially if you're big
772s on you know strategizing and and
773s planning out that route um this might it
776s might change things it might you know
778s pick one of your regions for you
781s um so should we move on to our next few
784s reveals um so we then are hit you with
789s well three more for four to six I'm I'm
792s packaging these into one um we shared
796s four relics uh plus a look at boss
799s uniques and components across these days
802s um she wanted us like talk through a
804s little bit about these um thoughts on
807s them so this is grimoire are the like
811s boss uniques and components and the
812s teleport relics yes yeah exactly oh yeah
816s so grimore is that one where everyone
817s saw it and was instantly like yeah we
819s got to pick this one and I still think
821s there's going to be a lot of people are
822s going to pick it right you want your
823s rigor it feels bad using Eagle ey it's a
825s decent DPS boost if you want that prayer
827s associate with a region that you don't
829s want to pick so it feels like a must
831s pick for those people I will probably
833s reiterate again that you really don't
835s need the DPS if you want a mid Max fair
837s play to you but if you're play picking
839s this because you feel like you're not
841s going to be able to do content without
842s it you're sorely mistaken like you're
845s going to be very comfortable regardless
847s and it's quite nice for like things like
849s ancients like if you don't want to pick
851s desert and you go Mage then it's really
853s strong and then getting ancients for
855s free is uh really powerful um I'd be
859s surprised if many people want to do uh
862s that many Farm runs with five times
863s speed it's an option to you if you want
865s to do that many Farm runs but overgrown
868s instead of grimore on that tier is a bit
870s of a pick but we'll talk a bit more
871s about overground later I
873s think
875s yeah I don't know honestly in that T I
878s think all of them are pretty good like
880s you say I'm not too fast on like the DPS
882s increase but I am leaning more to more
885s to grimoire cuz I might not take desert
886s and I really want ancients that's like
888s what you mentioned um but yeah the other
890s two are pretty good especially overgrown
892s and the Mysterious one yet to
896s reveal the boss uniques was a good one
898s as well where to summarize it's like
900s every item that required multiple
902s regions to use now just kind of drops in
905s one region so Tred another the swamp
907s before you would have needed cander and
909s tanwin now you just need tanwin right
911s that's been rolled out virtually across
913s the entire game and that just kind of
916s makes the whole area picking a lot nicer
918s like it does kind of remove a lot of
919s like region combos right like before you
921s could have had these two reasion and
923s you've really felt like he benefited
924s from it you don't really have that as
926s much these days there's still definitely
927s some area synergies with each other but
929s it it felt kind of frustrating cuz it
931s what it end up happening is that say you
933s wanted to go Mage you probably had to
935s pick two regions maybe had one flexible
937s pick now I feel like we're more in a
939s place where you can kind of pick three
941s different regions maybe you need to pick
942s a raid region maybe you're forced to
944s pick a raid region that all your friends
945s are picking but the other two a lot more
948s flexible these days um so I do think
952s we've kind of managed to accomplish that
953s and I will be curious to see what
954s players feel like after this like did
956s the did the a system really feel
958s refreshed or did did we are not really
960s land that quite as well as we
964s hoped awesome and then a little bit on
967s teleport
968s relics yeah you just picked clue Compass
971s move
973s on I thought you were a Fair's flighter
976s okay I think Fair's flight is still very
978s good especially for f runs but I'm
979s picking overground who
981s cares true true I quite like bank heist
985s but yeah clue Compass is just so good um
988s I really want to teleport to the the
989s Barrow's chest cuz you could like total
991s Reco which we're going to go on shortly
993s but Total Recall like daro and then bar
996s use clue Compass to teleport to the
997s chest and you keep going back and forth
999s like there's stuff like that that clue
1000s Compass dos that the other relics don't
1001s really
1002s do it's pretty
1005s cool awesome and then next came two big
1009s choices Turtle recall and bankers
1014s note what's the what's the Thought there
1016s putting those two up yeah so for context
1019s from people who didn't play last League
1021s the this was fire sale versus Bankers
1023s note previously and that was a really
1025s tough choice and I think the the biggest
1027s the Big Choice came down to do you want
1028s points now or do you want points later
1030s Bankers note was really good like long
1031s term and affected a lot of the game well
1033s fire sale just give you a massive boost
1035s of points immediately and for people
1037s that are only playing like a week or two
1039s that burst of points is infinitely more
1040s valuable right um however now it's not
1044s quite the similar Choice it's not like
1046s shortterm versus long-term anymore
1048s they're both quite long-term relics
1050s personally I'm still going to be going
1052s total recoil because I think it's just
1054s more fun to use I want to teleport
1056s around with d and the Wilderness I want
1058s to find all those weird abuse cases like
1061s like I was talking at barrows things
1063s like that like I think it's going to be
1064s some really fun use cases um I'm not
1067s going to be playing past like week two
1069s so I I don't really care about the
1070s long-term benefits of getting 99 or 50
1072s mil in all my gathering skills like I
1074s just don't really care about that um but
1076s for the players that do that is really
1077s comfortable for that right been to note
1079s all of your resources everywhere is so
1082s handy U for pvm I think Bankers note is
1085s personally a little B overstated I don't
1087s think you really need 500 CR ones in any
1090s piece of content I think it's a bit
1092s Overkill but if that's what you feel
1094s like you need then all power to
1097s you I feel like personally attacked
1099s right there cuz you know I'm not good at
1100s pvm
1102s um I picking Bankers notes so I just
1105s love the quality of life of it like I
1106s want to be in a raid making Mel and
1108s glass I'll make it into a stack I'll
1110s note it and then my golden God will Al
1112s it and I'll just have like a constant
1113s flow um yeah super excited um kind of
1117s biased because yeah I just I picked
1119s Bankers not last time had a blast so
1122s I'll be doing the same you made it as
1124s well so you're just picking your pick my
1126s own stuff
1128s yeah yeah I I feel like I would go
1131s Bankers note although my Temptation so
1134s usually when I'm playing old school I'm
1135s mostly Skilling um I'm trying to Max my
1138s account
1139s um but I'm kind of thinking of using
1141s leagues as a way to sort of practice and
1144s try some PBM and like try those bigger
1147s bosses and the things I wouldn't get to
1149s as quickly um so I don't know maybe
1152s maybe I actually go down the rout it's a
1154s really good opportunity to do so like
1156s with all the power and DPS and
1158s selfhealing and bankers note for
1160s infinite supplies like it's kind of hard
1162s to fail unless you just get one shot and
1164s we don't have that many mechanics that
1165s one shot you yeah I think that might be
1168s my tactic just to feel out before I get
1171s to the m main
1172s game um okay awesome and then we've
1176s already kind of touched it a few times
1177s it has been mentioned um we're obviously
1180s very excited for it what we have
1182s overgrown next um as our eth
1187s reveal do we want to go more into this
1190s or is it a what else could we talk about
1193s this uh no I mean I think it's really
1196s solid Relic but we'll talk more about
1197s the tier When We R the final Relic in
1200s that tier I think yeah yeah that that
1201s makes tot sense and like we said we've
1203s already kind of hinted at it being it
1206s being a good one um okay and then came
1209s the next big drop um so obviously with
1212s this leagues we have um a few new
1216s features that like set it apart from
1218s last year and one of those is combat
1220s masteries and that is what we dropped on
1222s the ninth reveal with the full breakdown
1225s of all of those masteries all of those
1228s combat masteries um what are we thinking
1231s this is another game changer
1234s right yeah how much can we talk about
1236s this cuz like there's the reason why it
1238s exists in the first place I don't know
1240s if chat really wants us to go on a
1241s massive design discussion about like why
1243s we have these but it seems like players
1244s quite like them they're excited about
1246s them I'm seeing a lot of people doing
1247s different combos of like 55 64 631 all
1251s that kind of jazz so there's a lot more
1253s flexibility in there um I'm getting a
1255s lot of conflicting messages in chat uh I
1258s think there's a lot of people who just
1259s don't want to listen to anything we say
1261s and just want the reveal maybe they can
1263s pause the
1265s stream but uh yeah I don't know I really
1268s like the system I think it was a really
1269s smart move pulling it out of uh relics
1272s like just separating like Combat versus
1273s Skilling for the most part I think it
1276s was really good players seem really
1277s excited by it um I'm very curious how it
1280s pans out in the end yeah shout out to
1282s mod rice for his work on this as well
1284s like he's been doing an amazing job at
1285s like balancing these and um helping us
1288s think of them
1289s um so hopefully when you pick these no
1291s matter what you pick I think you're
1292s still going to have a lot of fun um so
1294s don't worry too much about like picking
1295s the optimal build or
1297s whatever I think one thing I'd like to D
1300s ONN a bit is something that some people
1303s have noticed is that there's quite a few
1304s changes that kind of make combat feel a
1306s lot more appealing very early and that's
1309s something that's been really intentional
1311s where like I played Trailblazer reloaded
1313s along with a bunch of other friends and
1314s something I noticed on pretty much
1316s everyone is that you basically ignore
1319s combat until like tier seven maybe even
1322s tier eight if you wanted your final
1324s combat Relic you just ignored all of it
1326s and you just skilled and you just
1327s skilled and you're skilled you bid did a
1328s little bit of combat to get just enough
1330s points um to get your final tier and
1333s then you start pvming and I felt that
1335s that was quite frustrating like it there
1338s are so many tasks that you could do but
1339s you wanted to defer ital later on so now
1342s with like two times XP at tier three
1344s relics so you can power level your
1346s combats really quickly and the fact that
1347s you're going to be getting some of these
1349s combat Buffs very early like defeating a
1350s giant defeating like 10 blue dragons Etc
1353s you're going to be getting that power
1354s very very early and you're going to able
1356s to feel that it's going to encourage you
1357s to actually do a lot more pvm early and
1359s there has been obviously changes to the
1361s task list as well like we we no longer
1363s have like killed 200 tempos or whatever
1365s like a bunch of like really long Casey
1367s tasks for like raids or
1369s whatever reasonable to get into now so
1372s I'm hoping people appreciate
1374s that yeah yeah absolutely uh yeah again
1379s you can see this uh infographic uh in
1383s full on the blog post and you can click
1385s in and have a closer look at it then you
1387s can maybe see on here um but we're going
1389s to move on uh to reveals 10 to 12 uh we
1394s saw a bunch of very nice quality of life
1398s updates that are coming with this league
1401s um plus the tier 2 utility relics and
1405s Relic
1406s passives um do you want to
1410s wher of these a little bit yeah most of
1413s them are fairly
1414s self-explanatory but the the mega rare
1416s VRA one was the game changer for a lot
1418s of people right that that feels like a
1419s weird like mini reveal quality of life
1422s but actually drastically changed
1423s virtually everyone's strategy which is
1426s uh quite good but to summarize you can
1429s basically do any raid you want now and
1430s get whatever Mega rare you want so you
1432s can get Scythe from CH James Eric so
1435s you're most likely just going to pick
1436s the raid that you want to do or the ones
1437s that all your friends want to do which
1439s is really really handy um the other
1442s things I think are quite impactful the
1444s tormented demons like been not to do
1446s them like really early on like not
1448s behind Wild Gothic sleeves that's
1450s actually a really big deal those weapons
1452s are really powerful really early so been
1455s able to like get those and bone claws is
1457s a spec weapon or something I think we're
1460s going to see a lot of people Rush those
1462s Qui early on yeah I think what we've
1465s done with like passives as well this
1466s time like like you mentioned before like
1468s people felt like they couldn't do pvm
1470s until later on last League like this
1472s time it's a lot sooner that you get the
1473s drop rate modifier right so that whole
1476s rebalance and res shifting as well as
1478s like giving more comeback XP so like
1480s people don't feel like they have to go
1481s to Soul Wars or Pest Control like last
1483s League it's a lot more like forgiving in
1485s that regard y I think the Zoro one was
1489s quite a funny one as well where we were
1490s like let's try and make tanwin a bit of
1493s a melee region like if someone did want
1494s to do melee Tran win like what would
1496s that look like and we that's where we
1497s came up with the crystal blessing idea
1500s but then it was like zor just can't be
1501s meleed so then you're not using your
1503s Crystal blessing or any of that gear
1505s Gauntlet cuz you can't take anything in
1507s you can't use it at the one other boss
1508s in the region obviously Zano you can't
1510s use it out it just felt a bit wrong so
1512s we we did enable it so you can
1515s theoretically Melora you do need a
1517s high-range weapon so Nature's reprisal
1519s from kurand or halir um so maybe you'll
1522s just Crystal hird it to death maybe
1524s you'll use a dragon hird maybe you'll
1525s get Nature's reprisal but at least it's
1526s an actual option now if you do want to
1528s do melee
1529s win which I think feels a lot better CU
1531s otherwise that would just feel a bit
1533s me yeah absolutely I think and then just
1535s touching on the last bit is um like pet
1537s metamorphs it's always fun to bring over
1539s that from last League now I'm super
1542s excited to for people to have that cross
1544s progression and they might not have the
1545s regions this time to get that transmog
1547s so it's quite cool to bring that
1550s over absolutely um and then with saw
1554s utility
1556s relics um
1558s we do have the images up on screen I
1560s don't know if you if you want to mention
1562s anything on these I think they're pretty
1565s straightforward and speak for themselves
1566s but yeah the one that I had on these
1569s three relics so cornor Dody deals and
1571s friendly forager I feel like this has
1573s been the most devisive tier so far like
1576s people like joked on the bankers not to
1578s recall as like oh this is the most hard
1580s tier like I want both of them and
1582s obviously everyone does want both of
1583s them but then when it came out to like
1585s rough stats a lot of people are going
1586s Bankers note for obvious reasons but
1589s this tier actually seems to be the most
1590s divisive and even more so with the the
1593s reloaded relics that we revealed
1594s recently like even more like confusing
1596s of going like okay I can get picked both
1598s but that means I'm sacrificing golden
1600s god or something else like it's even
1602s harder so like these early four tiers
1604s have actually been quite a discussion
1607s point for the past few
1609s weeks yeah it's quite cool to like see
1612s that obviously took some aspects of
1613s trickster right for these um and just
1616s thinking about it it's like oh my God
1617s trickster was insane like back in the
1619s day it reloaded right and now always
1621s played it out obviously changed some of
1622s the gimmicks with some of them um but
1625s yeah keeping more players like it's good
1627s it's so funny that when we revealed
1629s trickster last League people said it was
1632s bad they're like What's this Relic like
1634s why would I pick this Relic like
1636s production Master over trickster over
1638s like endless Harvest it got memed down
1640s so hard and then ended pretty much
1642s everyone end up picking it and people
1644s that didn't pick it were kind of like
1645s godamn all M th like what with that
1649s that's ridiculous but it did actually
1650s get MD on people didn't really evaluate
1653s it power very well immediately but we
1654s have seen that a couple of times it's
1656s hard to evaluate things in a game that's
1657s 20 years old with millions of intricate
1660s like connections like it's hard to
1662s evaluate things at a glance you do have
1663s to kind of delve into
1665s it yeah for sure I'm a big fan of like
1667s the forager Relic as well I think I'm
1669s personally leaning more towards that one
1671s just for like the early her and maybe
1673s some tasks as well
1676s so we'll see awesome and then then we
1679s had our Relic
1684s passives yeah there's not too much to
1686s say on this the combat mod is the one we
1687s brought forward so double combat XP at
1689s tier three like that's going to be
1690s really noticeable like you 16 times XP
1693s already when you're probably like 30
1694s attack or something like you're going to
1696s be Skyrock in combat levels especially
1698s your off Styles and stuff when you
1699s eventually do catch up um also a note I
1703s don't know if this is actually new
1704s information or not but none of the echo
1706s rewards have equip requirements so so
1709s there might be some worlds where you
1710s like equip a dragor blowpipe with one
1713s rang and just Skyrocket like obviously
1716s you still got one range so your damage
1717s is lower but it's much better than the
1719s Bron's
1721s knife um so that could be quite
1723s interesting fun little experience um the
1726s other one was the farming tick one
1727s obviously which is quite nice that it
1730s was kind of what we felt like with
1731s Slayer and clues were it felt miserable
1735s without a relic and then passable with a
1737s relic so we've tried to pull a bit of
1739s the power so everyone has it so passive
1742s Slayer points and stackable Clues and um
1746s now the farming ticks so now we've still
1748s got a farming Relic but it doesn't feel
1749s as mandatory or miserable if you don't
1751s pick it so see how that plays out see if
1754s that feels good yeah it was definitely a
1756s big challenge for us to make something
1759s that could compete with Farmer's Fortune
1761s cuz that was absolutely cracked last
1763s leag um yeah it really was completing
1767s your entire farming grind 50 mil farming
1768s in 30 minutes pretty pretty crazy good
1773s Relic all right we're nearly there guys
1776s we know we know what you want we're
1779s nearly there we are on our 13th reveal
1782s which was the combat
1784s relics um we've got Last Stand guardian
1787s and specialist uh more big choices what
1791s what were you what are you
1794s thinking this one's so hard cuz like
1797s especially if you're Mel or you have a
1799s really good range special attack it's
1801s really hard to turn down specialist like
1804s it's such a big deal but last Dan just
1808s looks so mem worthy right like you just
1811s sit there staring at zuk you tank the
1814s 251 to your face you just carry on
1817s Staring him down and then you blast him
1819s with 255 range like it's it's hard to
1823s really compete with that feeling right
1824s it really just sells the the thematics
1826s so strong so I think this is going to be
1829s the clear winner from this regardless of
1831s actual power or not it's just going to
1832s be so
1834s fun yeah I can't wait to see like some
1836s uh interesting gameplay that this brings
1838s out uh with all sorts of gear uh like DS
1841s or something um yeah personally I'm
1844s leaning more towards Guardian just cuz I
1846s like that chill you know I like my wife
1849s who she um she treats me well um helps
1852s me through The Inferno waves um she's
1855s really good for nibblers like she just
1857s KO all time so um yeah I'm picking
1862s that awesome um and then that brings us
1866s to our final one which is
1869s yesterday uh and this one was also a
1873s game changer I was like big shock faed
1876s when I saw this one um we have
1880s reloaded um so basically choose another
1883s Relic from any tier below this one we
1885s did also get to see um how those first
1889s four tiers sit um with this one being on
1894s the fourth tier let is no in chat what
1897s you're what you're going to be picking
1898s with that one actually like I'm curious
1900s um but yeah guys like what what are we
1904s thinking I love relics like this they're
1907s just like a couple of words that don't
1908s really sell much but they say they they
1910s mean so much right like the implication
1913s is huge like fire sale did that where
1915s it's like yeah you could just buy
1916s everything for free and then it was just
1917s like oh God how does that work how how
1920s what does that change and seeing
1921s everyone's strategies just crumble when
1923s we revealed this but uh yeah it's a cool
1925s effect that think has been suggested
1926s quite a few times they're just like oh
1928s what about if you could choose a prior
1929s Relic it's hard to do that in a balanced
1931s way but I'd like to think we've kind of
1932s accomplished this where it's a
1933s meaningful Choice over the other
1935s ones yeah for sure I think if anyone was
1938s curious or I think husky mentioned in
1940s the Discord that like the icon looks
1941s like the tools cuz at one time this
1943s could only let you repick from tier one
1946s uh but we discussed it and changed it to
1949s make it so you could pick any tier below
1950s that one uh which we felt was a more
1952s interesting choice and at the end of the
1955s day bit more difficult one um so yeah
1958s happy where we landed with that
1960s one awesome do you do you to know what
1963s you pick with this or if you I guess if
1965s you would go for this one maybe you
1966s would I'm still going golden gold I want
1968s a lot gold I want free Magic levels I
1971s want to be able to just get my so
1973s many I'm Skyrocket in there first couple
1976s of days I don't care about the long-term
1978s invest
1979s I think if I was to pick it I'd probably
1981s go dodgy deals into for's pouch uh fre
1985s or friendly forer sorry um but yeah nice
1989s well it is a hard decision to make um
1992s and we do still have a bit of a mystery
1995s mystery slot there right so we have now
2000s covered all the reveals that you've seen
2002s so
2003s far um I think I think it might be time
2008s we take a a peek at our final reveal we
2011s ending the stream right
2012s now yeah done bye yeah
2017s bye let's take a look at that uh final
2020s reveal
2036s [Music]
2043s [Music]
2062s [Music]
2085s [Music]
2090s [Music]
2107s [Music]
2146s [Music]
2153s yep yep eight whole tears a bunch of NE
2157s relics to go
2159s through oh my God that's right you can
2163s make pies with production Master it is
2166s confirmed here on stream production
2169s master has been
2170s buffed and pizzas oh my God and
2174s P yeah there were some huge reveals in
2178s there we are going to go through them
2180s don't worry um this is obviously a first
2182s look at these um yeah eight eight tiers
2188s guys eight tis um let's let's just jump
2192s straight into them um let's chat about
2195s equilibrium
2197s first this is the most Marmite Relic
2200s we've ever released even internally I'm
2202s the only one internally that fights this
2204s ra like I think it's cool I think it's
2206s got really good value it's it's a weird
2209s one cuz like certain Skilling methods
2211s are amazing with it other ones is
2213s borderline useless so like you kind of
2215s have to know what Skilling methods
2216s you're going to do ahead of time to
2218s actually make the most use case of this
2220s and if you do it is really strong but it
2222s is competing with golden guard which is
2224s a lot of immediate value a lot of really
2226s obvious value it is competing with a
2228s reloaded so could obviously be friendly
2231s forager or dodgy deals so it's not
2233s exciting it's not going to sell you on
2236s anything but if you want to get a lot of
2237s XP and a lot of different skills and you
2239s want to do some really quirky uh trading
2241s methods this can definitely be a solid
2243s pick we've pulled this forward a lot I
2245s think it used to be tier six so that was
2248s tier four so you get this a lot earlier
2250s than you would have yeah I think a
2252s little addition we've done for this
2253s equilibrium is you can actually see how
2255s much xp it's giving you per skill and
2257s total XP as well so there's a bit more
2259s of a visual you know uh indication of
2263s okay it's giving me this much percentage
2264s of my XP in my grind to dragon or
2267s whatever it may be that's always been a
2269s bit of a complaint with the equilibrium
2270s where you pick it and you're like yeah
2272s this is going to give me a lot of XP but
2273s you don't actually know how much xp it's
2275s given you you don't actually understand
2276s its value so maybe we'll pick this Relic
2279s and we'll get to the end of a maxed
2280s account and we'll still realize it's
2282s awful but until then it might still be
2286s good there's a big cope
2290s here awesome sorry I'm now I'm going
2293s dist talk about chat can IM not able to
2295s come to the office day guys I live a
2296s really long way away from the
2299s office so no um awesome okay sorry do we
2306s want to chat about next one yeah sure
2310s thing so next up we have pocket Kingdom
2314s oh yeah this is a really cool Relic so
2316s this is pocket Kingdom versus overgrown
2320s versus Grim War so again if you really
2323s care about those combat perks gor is
2325s still going to be really up there right
2327s it's not really going to change much for
2328s you but if you were going to pick
2331s friendly forager for herbs but you still
2333s wanted to get a bunch of other resources
2335s pocket Kingdom could be another one this
2337s gives a ridiculous amount of resources I
2340s know it like so pocket Kingdom right or
2343s manag miscellania right now works once a
2346s day um we've sped that up to once an
2348s hour so that's 24 times faster they give
2350s you twice as many resour twice as many
2352s resources so that's 48 times faster they
2354s cost half as much and they're always at
2357s Max appeal so it like gets rid of all
2358s that stuff like this is a lot of
2360s resources like this is a ridiculous
2362s amount of resources actually getting two
2363s months of resources in one day um
2367s whether you care about those resources
2369s or not is up up to your build and what
2371s you're doing with it right getting
2373s 400,000 coal maybe not that useful to
2377s you um but the other resources might
2379s actually just convince you away maybe
2381s this picks up replaces friendly forage
2383s in a way that you're more interested
2384s with you can get a lot of Runner weeds
2386s from this or a lot of seeds um a lot of
2389s maple logs a lot of te clogs etc etc so
2392s maybe load up the managing miscellania
2394s wikipage right now and see if the
2396s resources are of interest cuz it will
2397s give you a lot of
2400s them this is I feel like this is my kind
2402s of Relic I'm I'm that player that goes
2405s around picking up the like drops that
2407s are worth basically nothing CU I just
2409s like to hard items so get all of the
2414s resources um so then we've also seen um
2419s our tier five relics now um so we're
2424s going to just like spin us through um
2426s those relics on screen um but as pointed
2429s out in chat the blog I believe has now
2431s been updated so you can also hop in
2433s there if you want to go and take a
2435s closer look at
2436s these oh um let's let's go through them
2439s shall
2440s we yeah so this was kind of a bait and
2442s switch right where we didn't really hint
2444s at this Relic existing at all like this
2447s wasn't really a strong thing we were
2448s trying to lud to only seven tiers but we
2450s did realize towards the end like yeah we
2452s haven't actually given any indication
2454s that this eighth tier exists so let's
2456s just carry on with that so here is the
2458s eighth tier um tier five uh so yeah we
2461s got the typical Slayer Master Relic this
2463s is a interesting spin that like you are
2466s the Slayer Master like you pick what you
2468s want to to do like you don't need tasks
2470s you just go there and kill it and you'll
2471s get XP for it um so it's a bit of an
2474s interesting spin there instead of having
2475s to just pick your tasks manually you can
2476s just kill whatever you want whenever you
2478s want for as long as you want right as
2480s long as a bunch of other benefits of
2481s just making Slayer generally more
2483s lucrative um so this is quite good it
2485s those chunks of XP as well where it says
2487s like 1 to 15K I think XP and that's
2490s before multipliers as well so if it was
2493s 10K XP and then time 16 you're getting a
2496s big chunk of XP there just for
2497s completing like effectively a Slayer
2499s task right 100 of a certain creature and
2501s you could reap all of those just by
2503s killing a bunch of different creatures
2505s so that will power level you so hard
2508s doing Slayer I think if you just killed
2509s like 100 cave crawlers or something you
2511s probably already going to be like 50 60
2512s Slayer or something
2514s stupid um yeah it's kind of nuts I think
2518s even like the the Synergy between clue
2520s compass and treasure Arbiter is going to
2522s be insane as well like the whole current
2524s step and you won't need any items and
2527s that's just you're going to do so many
2528s Clues with that um but yeah reiterating
2531s that slay Master is so cool um I really
2535s like the spin on the treasure Arbiter on
2537s this league where it gets rid of all the
2538s equip requirements for like emote steps
2540s and things like that cuz they're kind of
2544s tedious in a sense that like you it
2545s still had area requirements because of
2547s the it to some extent but also it might
2550s mean that this one random clue has like
2552s a 90 requirement on something arbitrary
2554s right or you had to go kill some random
2555s thing a trillion times or you have to
2557s have done a bunch of Clues to do all
2559s these future Clues it really does mean
2560s that as soon as you can pick this Relic
2562s you can effectively do every single clue
2563s you can get almost so like you can
2565s really smash through them and I will
2568s give a a tidbit ahead of time that there
2571s isn't as many points behind Clues as
2573s there has been in Prior leagues that has
2574s been pulled back slightly so obviously
2578s the task list when it is released and
2579s see if you do want to commit to this
2581s because historically there has been an
2583s insane amount of points behind Clues and
2585s everyone that didn't pick this Relic
2587s felt like they had to so it's still
2588s going to be good still going to be a lot
2590s of points this Relic is still going to
2591s power level you through all of those
2592s tasks but there's nowhere like near the
2596s magnitude behind as it has been
2599s historically yeah I think um I think
2602s I've said to you before Arcane is like
2604s this tier is probably my my favorite
2606s tier just because of how difficult it's
2608s going to be to choose the Relic like
2611s honestly the Slayer one is really good
2613s but like production Master just speeds
2616s up so much I'm like oh that's the thing
2619s production Master is one of the most
2620s satisfying relics to use right it's so
2622s good but it's hard to really evaluate if
2624s you need it like can you get away
2626s without it if you're going power mine or
2627s an animal Wrangler with reloaded like
2629s maybe you're fine with that but there a
2631s big commitment to dedicate yourself like
2633s that like maybe you do want to just have
2634s the abilties to blast through all your
2635s resources with production master also
2638s got Synergy with pocket Kingdom if you
2639s go production Master Plus pocket Kingdom
2641s you got those 500k Maple logs you're
2644s going to burn through like it sorts a
2646s lot of resources out for you immediately
2649s so there's a lot of synergies
2653s there yeah tricky pick I also I have no
2656s idea I I want to say it Slayer is not
2659s one of my favorite skills to train so I
2663s don't know I I don't know how I would
2666s landar on that in leagues
2668s I don't know but maybe I would take it
2669s so then I don't have to do it as much
2671s yeah or you could skip entirely and just
2673s go production master or if you like
2675s Clues go Clues yeah yeah it's a
2678s difficult one um and you know leaving it
2680s to last as
2682s well people have planned their whole
2684s journey and then we we're showing them
2686s their new tier
2688s five it's all right you've got like two
2690s days two days think about it plenty of
2693s time it's lots of time it's fine
2698s um so we can now take a look at our
2702s completed reveals road map um just since
2705s we have hit all of those uh all of our
2708s reveals now um fully up to date we are
2712s fully ready for Wednesday um again I've
2716s said it a billion times but you can't
2717s head to the blog um I think it was
2720s exclamation about GS 5 was the link to
2722s that blog again if you want to look at
2724s any of these um more in depth um but
2727s yeah so how are we feeling literally
2730s it's a few days away um all of this work
2734s time spent on it what are we what are we
2737s thinking in general away from just the
2740s reveals it's been such a roller coaster
2742s and it it was last year as well like as
2744s soon as that teaser season starts like
2747s it feels like you're not really working
2749s on just jro job after jro job after jro
2751s job anymore like you are working on like
2752s a live game again and you're getting
2753s loads of feedback and people are getting
2755s excited people start strategizing then I
2757s start strategizing and I'm getting
2759s involved in it all and freeing the
2760s League's Discord like three times a day
2763s like it's hard to not really get caught
2765s up in that sort of like enthusiasm it's
2767s like it's really contagious so I don't
2769s know I'm so excited to just play the
2770s league like I I'm done with deving now
2773s Dev arcane's over I want to just play
2776s the league now and even though I'll have
2777s to fix a bunch of stuff on launch most
2779s likely but all I want to do is play I
2781s want to log in yeah it's mad to think
2783s that like most people probably assume
2785s that like we working all all day every
2787s day like we're sick of the league now we
2788s don't want to play it but the fact that
2789s we you know we're raring to go we can't
2791s wait to get in ourselves um certainly
2793s tells us something um yeah just know on
2796s Wednesday we'll we'll be there you know
2799s putting out any fires we need to um
2801s waiting to play that evening and I think
2802s it's just going to be an awesome release
2804s I think everyone's going to have a blast
2806s um yeah yeah if if everyone could
2809s collectively not break anything for the
2811s first like hour so then I can unlock
2813s crans set up crans and then I can AFK
2816s whilst I fix problems that would be
2819s ideal um so if you can all just figure
2822s that out amongst yourselves appreciate
2826s that we do have lots of requests about
2829s the task list do you know when we might
2831s be seeing that uh the full thing will
2834s drop on the Wednesday so whilst servers
2836s are down and stuff um I imagine you'll
2838s have time to look through it all so
2840s right now it's just Ming ker Etc but uh
2843s we'll be unlocking obviously all of it
2845s ASAP the wiki will be doing a big dump
2847s of
2848s information yeah so still still some
2850s mystery on the leadup um but you know
2854s some time to start planning I you can
2857s plan like your start of your journey
2858s right um yeah that's why we want to do
2861s like M and CR just then you know what
2862s you're doing for the first few hours
2864s then you can unlock an AFK activity and
2865s whilst you're afking you can figure out
2867s the rest of your plan um it's kind of
2869s how we imagine most people will
2873s play awesome um okay so we actually
2877s haven't seen a lot of questions in the
2879s chat today um which is totally fair it's
2882s just been like oh my God about reveals
2884s so um yeah I've only got two
2890s here um but I've got does there always
2893s on task Slayer Master bonus apply to
2896s Echo bosses uh yeah you can have a task
2899s benefit on Echo bosses so morain you for
2902s your Slayer helmet uh getting imbued at
2904s Soul Wars or am zone for those kind
2907s Pickers um and then you will effectively
2910s just have the Slayer armor buff on
2912s virtually every boss in the game that
2914s could have a Slayer Tas so that that's a
2916s pretty big buff for Mor and Slayer
2918s Master
2920s Relic awesome um and similarly on the
2924s the Slayer master um does it apply to
2927s your first Inferno Casey or only beyond
2930s the first it would apply to your first
2933s Inferno casc yeah I didn't even think
2934s about that it literally works like can
2936s you get the task is it feasibly possible
2938s it does it exist in the code okay you're
2940s on task for it um it doesn't try and
2943s respect like Quest checks or anything
2945s like that presumably if the quest
2946s check's stopping you from attacking the
2948s monster not killing it um so yeah if you
2952s don't have priest in paral you're
2953s obviously not killing something in
2955s morania but if you can attack it and you
2957s can kill it it will treat it like you're
2959s on task you will get superiors you will
2961s get
2962s XP um you will get any like on task drop
2966s rates
2967s um we did make sure that doesn't brick
2970s all of the combat achievements that say
2972s kill something off task that was a last
2975s minute
2976s Panic
2979s um
2981s yeah just s rug yeah awesome um
2987s Echoes uh do they have any loot
2990s improvements to regular loot uh EG Echo
2994s oh why did I decide to try and read this
2996s Echo
2997s left yeah yeah I'm going to try and read
3000s the other one um are only Echo uniques
3003s it doesn't have any buff to the regular
3005s loot tables however some of them
3007s effectively have higher kills per hour
3010s so solo hereda from the Coliseum and
3013s hunf and debatably hpor as well
3017s basically skip the like the prep so to
3020s speak so for gaunlet and Coliseum early
3022s waves or whatever um and obviously
3024s growing hpor you don't need to grow Echo
3026s hpor
3027s um you also don't need to get tasks for
3029s any of the task related Echo creatures
3031s so if you've got your Echo orb for
3034s Cerberus um you can now just kill Echo
3037s serus off task like you don't need to
3038s get another task or anything so you can
3040s just smash that over and over again
3041s which might be a soft increase for drop
3044s rates but yeah that you're not going to
3046s be getting better Dragon D tips or
3049s anything from an echo boss yeah and
3052s we'll um in game we've actually got uh
3054s drop rates for all the orbs and the
3056s weapons so don't worry about that yeah
3058s they're all on the area interface Halo's
3061s done a really good job of making that
3062s have as much information as you should
3064s realistically
3066s need nice um will Echoes that drop
3071s multiple uniques feature any dupe
3074s protection um they're rolled
3078s separately so you can kill Echo kbd and
3082s get both the copes and the shield in one
3085s kill
3091s not
3093s worthy okay cool um I feel like I'm just
3097s s of jumping around these questions I'm
3099s so sorry people behind the scenes are
3101s trying to keep up with keep up with like
3103s what's going on the um the question box
3106s at the bottom um does Slayer Master
3111s allow you to spawn superiors are
3113s obtained Brimstone keys from NPCs while
3115s not on task
3117s yeah because you're always on task if
3119s you're if you've got a Slayer Master
3121s Relic you're effectively always on
3123s task you go easy easy are the Slayer
3127s Master there you go yeah you are the
3130s Slayer
3132s master um and does pocket Kingdom charge
3136s its maintenance cost once an hour or
3138s still only once a day once an hour
3141s however it is 50% cheaper so you will
3143s want a bit of gold upkeep but it is a
3145s tier 7 Relic I'm imagining most people
3147s will have gold online by then especially
3149s if you've got things like dodgy deals or
3151s golden god or any other Relic that
3153s promotes a generation of
3155s GP
3157s awesome cool well that's uh that's all
3162s I'm seeing in here
3165s um yeah I don't know two days um will
3169s harder hard modes be returning yes
3172s they're still in the game um the drop
3175s rates have been reduced from to and TOA
3178s so they're less generous now however
3179s that's been counterbalanced by the fact
3181s that if everyone gets a purple so that's
3185s a pretty big distinction like previously
3189s yeah you might be getting purples every
3190s raid but if you one out of five members
3192s in the group it's still a 20% chance
3194s that you would get the purple right now
3196s it's reduced overall so the chance of
3198s the group getting the purple is lower
3199s but if anyone gets it everyone gets so
3201s this is to kind of just promote group
3203s play again because there's no real
3205s reason to do group play like to and TOA
3208s obviously to you might be forced to
3210s because of competence but um for TOA
3213s then there was no reason to do group
3215s play so that's kind of why we made those
3218s changes Chambers is still the same as
3222s before awesome um all right is there
3226s anything that you feel like we've not
3228s covered and that you want to mention in
3231s this chat um ahead of Wednesday no I
3234s could just keep talking though I can
3236s going
3238s so something quite exciting that I think
3240s last League didn't have but this league
3242s does have if you're going chamers of
3244s zeric I think we've introduced that
3246s feature now where you can raise the
3248s amount of people that are in it like
3249s simulated so you can raise the scale
3251s like you didn't need a bunch of accounts
3252s anymore that's really cool from a
3255s League's point of view cuz you could
3256s just go like one plus 20 and with the
3259s DPS that you've got you're probably
3261s going to be able to do it so for any of
3263s those that are really trying to push
3264s those like weird endgame challenges and
3266s like Max their build to the absolute
3268s brim that sounds like a really fun like
3271s endgame gameplay Loop of just try to
3272s push that like plus X as high as
3275s possible um so for any of those that
3278s maybe haven't done CH Eric since that
3279s feature has been released um quite a
3281s cool
3283s tidbit nice I was going I was going to
3285s give a big shout out to our resident
3288s League's Le on M husy for helping us out
3290s with this league as well as houti and of
3293s course mod rice who's been like
3295s instrumental in developing this league
3297s with myself and mod Arcane yeah could it
3300s wouldn't be in a state that it is now
3302s without them so uh yeah big love to them
3307s yeah go on I was going to say i' shout
3310s out the QA as well but I don't know
3311s their mod names
3312s and but the QA on the project did a
3315s great job as well I mean we we I guess
3317s we'll see on Wednesday but uh I think
3318s they've been doing a great
3321s job yeah no huge team effort like across
3324s the board like from my perspective I'm
3326s also going to say thank you to uh mum
3329s who has valiantly been sorting out all
3332s of our league blogs and making sure
3334s we've got the right one for the right
3336s days and me M and M hooti have all been
3339s like on our weekends sat together in our
3341s group chats making sure you get those
3343s reveals every single day even on
3345s weekends so yeah it has been it's been a
3349s massive joying effort big task but we're
3353s there now we the finish line is in sight
3356s I say that but I'm sure like you say
3358s we're still going to be working away on
3359s it
3360s um yeah I think I think we're going to
3364s end that today um I am going to give you
3367s some of those announcements but stay
3368s tuned because we do have one
3371s uh we do have one very important one to
3376s drop um so first of all you can do
3380s exclamation mark leagues 5 that's going
3383s to bring you back to that um that blog
3385s post
3387s um oh look I'm just going to point this
3389s out the typ with the November to 26 this
3391s is with what I'm about to do the promo
3393s on that's when you're able to purchase
3395s it so if you use exclamation mark promo
3398s in the chat you will see uh the
3401s promotional leagues membership package
3403s that we have for new and returning
3404s players it's available to purchase
3406s between November 26th and December 3rd
3409s and then you're unable to purchase it
3410s again because it's set up to be those 57
3413s days discounted rate so you can play
3415s leagues without that that time
3417s commitment um are worrying about it you
3420s know running out or having to refresh
3421s during leagues um but it is only
3423s available up until the third so not a
3425s tyer just
3427s specific um you can also do exclamation
3430s mark Discord um which will send you to
3432s our Discord server we will be running um
3435s various leagues activities um including
3438s some events put on by our incredible
3440s volunteer moderation team um we're also
3443s going to be setting up a leaderboard in
3445s there for Discord users so go and see
3448s how you farare against fellow Discord
3451s users um however we mentioned this at
3454s the top of the stream and just a few
3457s moments ago we dropped a new video on
3460s our YouTube channel featuring one of the
3462s greatest league players solo mission go
3465s and check it out for a handy guide full
3467s of interesting tips and tricks to get
3469s the most out of your League's experience
3471s you can use exclamation mark YouTube
3474s that link will send you straight there
3476s we are just going to leave you today on
3478s that to go and watch that video um but
3480s thank you so much for being here and
3482s watching thank you for being so lovely
3483s on my first stream it's been an absolute
3486s Delight um and thank you to uh mod Aran
3490s and mod Halo for chatting to us today
3493s okay bye enjoy the video see you see you
3499s [Music]