about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by TEAM8HYPE

Would it be possible to retain tob/nm pbs but tie them to the highest player threshold? Ie current tob pb would be set to 5 man tob pb, and current nm pb would be set to the largest size pb category (80? 20+?).

The att requirement changes on weapons have not been addressed on stream or any further blog despite 75 att builds being upset with the changes. I believe this frustration stems not from the att level changing but having to choose between being a pvm build or pk build. Has the team considered readjusting the att levels so that there are pk weapons at the same tier as scythe? For example t78 rapier/mace/blade as pvm weapons and vls as a pk weapon, t80 scythe as a pvm weapon and elder maul (with some buff) as a pk weapon. If not has there been any talk/consideration of adding a t85 pk weapon in the near future?

Regarding the ToB/NM changes that's exactly what Arcane and I have done for Combat Achievements!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by TEAM8HYPE

Would it be possible to retain tob/nm pbs but tie them to the highest player threshold? Ie current tob pb would be set to 5 man tob pb, and current nm pb would be set to the largest size pb category (80? 20+?).

The att requirement changes on weapons have not been addressed on stream or any further blog despite 75 att builds being upset with the changes. I believe this frustration stems not from the att level changing but having to choose between being a pvm build or pk build. Has the team considered readjusting the att levels so that there are pk weapons at the same tier as scythe? For example t78 rapier/mace/blade as pvm weapons and vls as a pk weapon, t80 scythe as a pvm weapon and elder maul (with some buff) as a pk weapon. If not has there been any talk/consideration of adding a t85 pk weapon in the near future?

We're not resetting any of the PB's anymore, even ToB and Nightmare - we're basically going to do what you mentioned in your comment :)

As for the pure builds, I'm still personally really sad those impacted might have to make that decision at some point. We are looking at doing Wilderness improvements starting around April, so we may have an opportunity for new rewards to come from there (but I don't want to promise anything just yet). I don't see why we wouldn't be able to introduce new items though, that's part of the reason behind the change at least!

about 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by auntiebanana

Are you considering changing any of the monsters in the inferno to reflect the blowpipe nerf? In the past jagex have stated that the inferno was balanced around the blowpipe, and it feels like you are making the biggest challenge in the game even more difficult.

Yes, once the dust settles we will consider what, if anything, needs addressing. We highlighted Lizardmen Shamans and Vasa from CoX in the blog as we've seen a lot of concerns around those.

We're currently less concerned about The Inferno, but if we feel it needs changes, we are open to it.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by SudsyGiraffe

If Jagex is going to ram through changes catering to PKers, I'd love to see some sort of countermeasures to skulltricking. I for one would like the opportunity to defend myself knowing that I'm guarenteed to keep my three items. Obviously the +1 would still be a tossup due to smite. If PKers can gear specifically for PKing and organize clans while we are performing wildy activities (e.g. training prayer at chaos altar), it seems reasonable to be able to bring some sort of gear to protect yourself as was intented when runescape was created. I highly doubt skulltricking was part of the original game design, and does nothing but hurt pvp activity.

I don't know if it's capable within the bounds of the current engine, but I'd like to see a Player 'Attack' Option along the lines of "left click if it won't skull" so that I don't have to leave my attack on hidden any time I cross the ditch. If this isn't a viable option, maybe an opt in doomsayer warning whenever attacking someone who would cause you to skull.

If something like this were to go through, I'd actually start killing wildy bosses and using the chaos altar, bringing more risk into the wildy than just a spade for clues. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. People in salad robes would have to learn to PK when people start fighting back, but also are able to make more money. Seems like a win win for everyone.

With the upcoming Wilderness changes starting around April, I'm hoping we'll be able to tackle a lot of issues regarding PvP within the Wilderness in general. This goes for both the PK'ers and those being PK'd.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by TacoManifesto

Is this why god d hide body’s just shot up another 100-200k again lmao

I think people knew it was coming since the Q&A, but yeah likely another reason why. It makes talking about change pretty difficult because of merch opportunities but the alternative is not talking about change until it happens, which I think is probably worse than the temporary shift in item costs.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Luke_Orlando

Thanks for the update!

I am very intrigued by the buff to medium armor options.

It looks like med helms and square shields could offer an interesting way to hybrid ranged with higher defence in situations where safe spotting isn't available.

Could even open up new low-level PvP gear set ups as well...


The D-Med deserves a place in the meta honestly. It's so iconic.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how creative players can be with the changes! And I agree, make the Dragon Med great again!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Melodic-Pudding-2937

Thank you guys, for reconsidering the nerfs to blessed d'hide.

It was such a neat solution for the black d'hide problem and I am really glad that the Dev team does actually listen to its playerbase when it comes to these changes.

All we need now is to repoll the chaps/vambs requirement and maybe something to fill the hole that blowpipes have left (and for the sake of "integrity" please don't make it a 1b+ ultra rare raids 3 reward).

I do think it'd be fair to look into repolling the defence requirements to chaps/vambraces, really shocked me to see those fail!

about 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by Lozerrr2

Wait so... The hardest challenge Oldschool runescape has to offer isn't receiving any touchups because of BP nerf but COX and Lizardmen Shamans are because people are afraid they'll be "too hard" without it now? Does that make sense to anyone else?

All of these are to be considered post launch, Shamans and Vasa too.

I don't want the hardest challenge in OSRS to feel even further out of reach. It's meant to be aspirational, something player's can work towards and dream of one day completing. It's entirely understandable. Ultimately, we'll monitor the success rate, completion times and such to help inform our decision after these changes.

I just wanted to share our current thinking.

about 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by SoraODxoKlink

Idk why shamans specifically, but vasa with a blowpipe is a dps check, so anything lost from bp would make it twice the length for a fight.

Inferno doesn’t have a spot where 10% less dps means a 50% longer fight, it’ll be nerfed the same as everywhere else.

Shamans are effected more because accuracy from your equipment matters more now. At Shaman's you're generally going to wear the Shayzien equipment. Overall the DPS impact ends up being more severe.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Crumpf

I'm confused as to why only changes to Vasa was mentioned for CoX NPCs? Do you think that is the only CoX NPC that people use the blowpipe on?

What about mystics, muttadile, OLM HEAD, etc

We used Vasa as an example, not to say that's the only NPC that might need looking at. Once the dust settles we will consider what, if anything, needs addressing.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Buspus

Will a balance to lizardman shamans come out with the update on the 10th? Interested in seeing what kind of changes you have in mind

It won't no. We'd like to let the dust settle first, then approach changes with a clear view of what needs changing, if anything.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Shunnin

For the vorkath DPS comparison could u make one with the Salve(ei) and void? Its kinda necessary for the boss even on task considering salve and slayer helm dont stack. Med level players that have DS2 done should have atleast have regular void and salve (ei) by that time. It would be a better reflection of how the nerf impacts them.

The Setup 2 already has Salve(ei) and Void, though it is Elite Void. Did you want it specifically for normal Void?

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Crumpf

I'm confused as to why only changes to Vasa was mentioned for CoX NPCs? Do you think that is the only CoX NPC that people use the blowpipe on?

What about mystics, muttadile, OLM HEAD, etc

We are aware of other places in CoX where players use the blowpipe.

Vasa is merely an example we have provided and it's also the one encounter where that dps loss is exacerbated by the fact that he heals so much that it's essentially a dps check.

Whilst Mystics may be slower they are not going to be as affected as much as Vasa because of this. Mystics are going to be a flat % slower in proportion to the dps loss of the blowpipe.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by BioMasterZap

If you are now saying Blessed D'hide doesn't need to be nerfed partly due to its higher reqs, wouldn't lowering the reqs kinda go against that?

I don't recall us stating anywhere the decision to exclude Blessed D'hide was in part due to their higher requirements - it was only excluded because of feedback from the community because it was more expensive than Black D'hide.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by CevIsBored

That implies there are "issues" with the pkers ur looking to fix, which sounds like 1 half assed change to help the prey, and 10 buffs to pkers being able to kill people...

I'm not sure how that's implied by what I said, but if it was, it wasn't my intention. I'm sure it'll be a lot clearer when we're able to share more!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Slayy35

It seems you're suggesting to "just use Rune darts" post-nerf.

The issue is that this is unsustainable, especially for Ironmen. Rune bars are very scarce and a lot of grinds that require the Blowpipe will eat up 10s of thousands of your darts.

Perhaps look into introducing a way to get rune darts more reliably? Say an NPC in the ranged guild could sell the dart tips for a decently high price and you'd still need the fletching level to make them (this is already the case for Rune arrows). You could even make buying them require the rune dart Smithing level, if you wanted to keep that part of the integrity for Ironmen.

We've already covered in the blog that we acknowledge this might be an issue - we'll be actively monitoring their availability and are already looking into suitable drop tables (both existing and new) where these dart tips could be included.

about 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by Agogee

I do not have any issues with the changes to d'hides at this point. I feel that the changes addressed to the god d'hides are fair.

As for the dihn's, I feel that the main issue players have with the changes is the fact that it comes from chambers. Is there any way that the dihn's can be dropped at an alternative location (i.e. Soul War)?

Some other bosses I would like to see addressed in regards to the bp changes are sire and grotesque guardians. One of the most annoying parts of sire is the vents. With bp and d darts it is already inconsistent to complete vents in 2 stuns. I worry that with these changes the vents will be more tedious, making sire even less enjoyable.

I worry about the same issue with the grotesque guardians. The main annoyance with the GGs is phase 3 when players need to dps Dawn down faster than the orbs are reabsorbed. I understand that Dawn's low ranged defense won't impact this as much as other bosses, but this change (however small) is enough to make an annoying boss even more annoying.

With respect to Dihn's, I'm absolutely open to considering a new location to get it from. Ideally one that's thematically fitting too!

We're not going to do that with launch, let's see how the economy changes and make a decision then.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by themegatuz

Crystal bow and the armour are still useless. Most PvM is done on-task where crystal armour buff renders itself useless since slayer helm + 2 crystal pieces is still better than full crystals on-task.

Will there be any changes to this anytime soon? To make crystal good alternative PvM weapon on-task when blowpipe loses its status?

Nothing planned in terms of changes soon that I can share, but we did mention in the blog how there may well be further improvements made to the Crystal Armour set and Crystal Bow, but it's more likely to come from new content released in the future.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Straight_6

With the upcoming Wilderness changes starting around April

Can you elaborate?

Not much more can be said until the project kicks off and we're able to share plans. Shouldn't have to wait too long now though.

about 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by OhSoReallySerious

The entire community is concerned about the inferno.

The sets during zuk and the healers are based off the bp and bp walking.

The Range/Mage and healer spawns are my biggest concern with Inferno, that's for sure - more than the waves.

There are definitely options if it proves out to be a problem, I don't want this endgame challenge to seem more and more out of reach for people.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by suchareq3

Your philosophy toward Toxic Blowpipe seems to remain at "if you buy Dragon Darts it's only a 10% nerf so it's fine", causing to ironmen get shafted. A 30-40% nerf to mid-game Blowpipe is INSANE. I'll have to pull out a DPS calculator everytime I'm even thinking about using Blowpipe anywhere.

Nerfing certain monsters' stats seems to be the wrong approach here, because the obvious unintended side effect is buffing other ranged weapons against them.

It's not a 30-40% nerf to mid-game blowpipe with adamant darts.

Depending on the situation it's closer to 15-20%. The examples given in the blog were places where it would be affected the most.

Vorkath - A higher defence creature which you currently might blowpipe (although you can still reduce defence to put the odds further in your favour)

Shamans - A piece of content where you don't have all the accuracy bonuses from your ranged gear (as you have to wear Shayzien gear) so the accuracy loss of the blowpipe matters more.

Shamans we mentioned specifically as an example of content we'll monitor, and Vorkath has other options which was the purpose of our nerf. Crossbows in that mid-gear setup are only 6% less DPS than current live blowpipe for example.

Other creatures you're fighting in the mid-game will be less affected than these two examples, I hope all this makes sense. Just trying to help clarify the numbers

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by adam1738

So you guys acknowledge that nerfing the blowpipe will create a gap, but why does that gap need to be created now? Why not wait until the new rewards are closer to release?

Also, there are still no proposed changes for chainbodies specifically. Idk if it's an old typo from the first blog.

With Combat Achievements coming out soon, we wanted to make sure any big changes to equipment was done before it released.

What changes were you expecting with Chainbodies?

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Osmium_tetraoxide

"Just use rune darts". Very viable to maintain for a 20k dry streak that one can easily end up going on. Great way to pull up the drawbridge. It's a crappy grind made worse.

It's all well claiming that they are considering changes, but until they actually do it, it's all talk. The thing I've never understood is that to make Shamans viable, we must wear Shayzien armour, melee armour which is from a minigame where you must use melee. Ranging in melee armour makes sense?

I know it's not the same as the blowpipe, but it's actually quite viable using Melee against Lizardman Shamans.

I am hopeful we're talking a matter of weeks though for making any adjustments though, if you didn't want to try out alternate setups.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by DukeBaird

Stuff like this statement is a huge part of my issue with these changes (the other being its not polled).

We're getting a ton of vague promises and handwaving, and no real substance of anything to look forward to.

Hey, I don't like it either! But as much as I'd like to talk about all our plans, until we're able to commit to a blog with a poll and potential release date, it's another vague promise. I like coming to the community with a fleshed out design we can all get excited over - it seems like this Summer is going to be when that happens.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Slayy35

Yeah, good to know.

I just remember that I even had to resort to mith darts during my shaman/hydra grind on the HCIM. Can't even imagine how bad it'd be post nerf when Rune darts will be the new addy darts power-wise.

I just used Crystal Bow so I never felt the pain, but can completely understand where it's coming from!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by themegatuz

Fair enough. Hopefully this new content doesn't require end-game equipment which already devalues crystal armour and bow, like dragon hunter crossbow or twisted bow. So to speak: getting an upgrade with upgraded weaponry which renders the upgrade to inferior gear obsolete.

I'd really like to see another version of the Gauntlet, but who knows!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Shinnchan

Melee is definitely not viable.

-They hit like dumptrucks in melee range, shayzien armour is basically steel armour.

-You can't damage Shamans when running away from the purple spawns, unlike with ranged.

-If you melee them they'll keep jumping up, another moment where you can't damage them, unlike with ranged where you hug the wall to prevent them from doing so.

I never said it was comparable to Ranged, but it definitely is a viable option. You can even check the OS Wiki for some suggested setups - you might be surprised!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by WryGoat

I really like the comparison of prenerf blowpipe with addy darts to postnerf with rune against shamans, and the "just use a crossbow lol" example of vorkath with no BGS spec involved in the calculation. I can't even make an accusation of dishonesty because it's just so openly a bad comparison that I can't imagine it was done to deceive anyone, so it's just a stupid thing to put in the blog. Jagex is going through a real wacky period right now I guess, maybe they've got cabin fever from covid lockdowns or being away from the office and working remotely has messed with their workflow.

Also kinda sucks that through all this there's been no acknowledgment from Jagex that this is basically invalidating BP for IMs, because even in content where it is the best in slot option and is intended to be used (like shamans and other low def monsters) it will no longer be worth using when factoring in the time it takes to farm scales. It's funny that the main problem with the blowpipe is its maintenance cost being invalidated by bots - the time that goes into farming scales was always a fine balancing factor for IMs, but for mains the scale cost is nothing thanks to bots. But it's easier to ignore the botting problem and nerf the weapon. I made an IM to avoid the detrimental effects bots have on the game, but now nobody is safe from the effects of game design decisions that try to sweep the bot problem under the rug I guess.

The DPS calculations are never going to be perfect because of all the different possibilities you could have with them, but it's definitely something we can improve on when sharing them with the community. It's not something we typically do and we have a lot to learn with it still.

Most lower Defence monsters will be hardly impacted by the changes to the Toxic Blowpipe. Lizardman Shamans are unique because the armour you have to use makes it much much worse - something we've acknowledged and will look to address.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by dogchode69

Why has the information not shown inferno in any way at all yet the update is coming in sub two days? If you want transparency, show the difference in a current setup with addy darts bp (rune and dragon too) on zuk healers, ranger & mager and then what the proposed bp would be in the same scenario.

Jal-Xil, Jal-Zek and Jaltok-Jad are in the blog but the Zuk healers are not. Ultimately all that matters is the defence of the creature which gives you a scale of "Ok, it's not all that different against lower defence" and "Oh it's substantially more affected against higher defence targets"

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by eocdenier

in Equipment Rebalancing Changes you described jal-zek as a medium defense monster at 260 defense, while saying that the adamant nerf will only be -27% dps

however in this blog you categorize vorkath, which has 214 defense and +26 ranged defense, as a high defense monster to justify a nerf of -39% in void. that's higher than the proposed nerf to jad, a 480 def monster, in the old blog (since it says -38.61% nerf)

do you feel like the blog post on the 26th of january was an honest representation of the nerf?

The Ranged defence of Vorkath has a huge impact on the DPS calculations, you can see this by comparing our example of Alchemical Hydra (100 Defence and 45 Ranged Defence) being considered medium Defence alongside Jal-Zek (260 Defence and 0 Ranged Defence).

The difference between the Vorkath calculation and JalTok-Jad is that the Vorkath calculations are assuming 90 Ranged rather than 99, so the impact will appear to be much more.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Few-Pop2187

Does this mean Combat Achievements are gonna get released next week?

No, but it's not too far from being released now (it's a few weeks away)

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Caskroth

Are you considering making any changes to current mid-game ranged equipment to even out the large dps decrease from bp? I would love the inclusion of more options, it's demoralising to see the next best crossbow to be upwards of 30M or 100M.

Also thank you for staying with this Mod Ayiza, thank you for communicating as much as you have been rather than staying silent on your reasoning.

The only items we're considering changes to in the future (aside from new items entirely) at the moment are an upgrade to the Crystal Armour/Bow, but it will need new content for it to be rewarded from. I'd love to hear any other suggestions though, there's always potential for changes/new additions to come into the game.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by fitmedcook

What's the future of balancing gear? The big thing about the blowpipe nerf is that it's being done after 6 years and mostly because of the cost of use/price. "Powercreep" feels more like an excuse since tbow has barely been touched

Should we expect our gear to be nerfed every few years if the price drops?

I think generally speaking as a team, we've been much better when it comes to balancing new items. And when we're not, we typically get called out on it by the community!

I don't anticipate we'll need to go to these lengths again any time soon, if at all.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by reinfleche

Do you know when we can expect to see the combat achievements come out?

Can't give an exact date but a few weeks from now is what we're aiming for.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptaineAli

Losing ~30% raw DPS when killing shaman is massive. Obviously a blowpipe nerf is needed, although with how big this is, I'd probably only kill shaman using the Karils Crossbow considering how cheap it is for only .5 less dps. Hopefully I can finish the DWH grind before the nerfs happen.

Edit: the ~40% lower DPS on Vorkath is also massive, although this doesn't scare me as much considering blowpipe isn't currently BIS here and most people will wait until they have DHCB or DHL (I know I will).

The changes to the Toxic Blowpipe are definitely amplified at Lizardman Shamans, but that's because the armour you have to wear is awful for Ranged. We're aware of this and will be looking into it.

As for Vorkath, the calcs don't include spec weapons so that will change how impactful things actually are. Gear and stats matter a lot.

Also if you look at it from an overall DPS perspective, using Setup 2 (which is what you're referring to as a 40% DPS loss) there is a diference in -6% raw DPS output when comparing the current in-game Toxic Blowpipe with the Dragon Crossbow. That would suggest that worst case scenario, if you use a Crossbow going forward, you'll only be doing 6% less DPS than you currently are able to achieve in-game.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by eocdenier

The difference between the Vorkath calculation and JalTok-Jad is that the Vorkath calculations are assuming 90 Ranged rather than 99, so the impact will appear to be much more.

i forgot this, but why is this? i see that 90, 95 and 99 ranged are used across blog posts. why not one consistent stat?

When the first blog released, we received a fair amount of feedback to say we weren't considering lower/mid-level players as all our calculations were based on max gear and 99 Ranged so with this blog we tried to vary it up a little bit.

We have a lot to learn when it comes to sharing DPS calculations and such - we haven't really done it in the past, lots we can improve on in the future.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Lode5tar

This doesn’t make any sense at all. The Crystal Armour already requires the completion of a Grandmaster quest, why does a further buff need to be locked behind more arbitrary requirements.

The completion of many corrupted/Gauntlets is already a reason to buff the crystal armour. I understand the Crystal Armour’s niche is to buff the crystal bow and to grant a better prayer bonus but they’re both so pitiful. This is also factoring in the minuscule 5% bonus the armour grants when you wear THE ENTIRE armour set in the Beta.

For a High Level armour set (locked behind quests) to perform abysmally vs Blessed D’hide, Karil’s and Armadyl honestly deserves another hour of the teams time.

P.S. I hated typing in the last part because it should have been a great armour set to begin with.

I'd be all for supporting the armour being buffed with current content in mind too, and I don't think the team is entirely against it either - I was just saying at the moment, that's not something we're planning to do.

We take on a lot of community suggested content and changes, I'm sure it could fit in somewhere appropriate :)

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by maelstrom51

How about you buff the existing crystal armour set to be good now instead of requiring yet another grind to make it worthwhile?

It's already a difficult to get degradable end game armour set. There is no reason it can't or shouldn't be made into a good option now.

It really feels like you're wanting to milk the void left by the blowpipe nerf as long as possible with ever longer grinds.

We're not trying to milk the void, but I do agree it seems that way as we haven't shared our content plans for the future.

I'm not against Crystal Armour/Bow being buffed based on current content, I don't think the team is either. Just saying at the moment, that's what has been discussed - but also why I said there's always potential for changes!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Hairy_Balsagna

Hoping this is seen. Part of the reason for the BP nerf is its strength at its availability. "Buffing" the higher tier darts is a good balance for this. Rune darts shouldn't be easily available when they are the second strongest option. This makes mining runite ore that much more valuable. I think it's a good balance as proposed. Adding darts to more drop tables just enforces more bossing, not skilling.

There's always a grind. People don't like skilling because it's not as rewarding as bossing. If Jagex decides to balance resources between skilling and PvM (more on the skilling side), more of the game is enjoyed. We are too used to PvM for resources, when we SHOULD BE SKILLING!

Yeah I also prefer the route of skilling for skilling resources, but I think nowadays we have players who would rather have extra supplies be given passively from doing what they would normally do. It's a difficult one to get right!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by coolsexhaver69

I need you to understand that responses like this are why many irons feel they are not being heard or thought about at all in relation to this. It’s already a miserable grind as is and the response is “try to melee them even though it’s not even remotely comparable in terms of speed” and “we’ll consider some dart stuff eventually maybe possibly”

I mean we've already said that we're going to look into the Shayzien armour to offset how impactful the changes are going to be there, so having to use above Adamant darts might not be needed anyway? And the supply issue of darts is something we've also touched on - I'm not sure what else I can do to show that we are listening and keeping all account types in mind.

Suggesting Melee was in no way meant as solution or replacement to using the blowpipe, and I don't think it came across that way either :( it was simply a suggestion to try out whilst we look to make the changes that will allow the blowpipe to still feel viable there.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by HiddenGhost1234

It's be really cool if new gear let you use slayer helm with the full set bonus, would actually make it viable

I think there's a lot of potential changes we could make for the set to be more viable - your suggestion being one of them!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by thecheese27

Never forget content poll #2 where using the middle mouse button to move the camera failed.

I think the main ones for me will always be AFK NMZ and Splashing failing the polls. Those were sad days :(

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Osmium_tetraoxide

It has been literally years since Shaziyen armour has been out, people have smithed literally millions of pieces of the armour. Is it not possible that if we might just be able to make some ranged based armour that offers protection?

They have archers that would be nearly 200 mil ranged training day in day out in melee armour. think its about time for them to get an upgrade, which they can share with the player. Add a range based combat ring or something similar. Instead of just tweaking some numbers, lets add in a bit more lore and something fun.

Melee can be done but the kills per hour just isn't the same. The shorter trips, increased jumping, food gathering time doesn't out weigh the time to gather darts and scales. We're just making a kinda dull grind even longer. Especially for the poor sods who go dry, and dry they can very much go.

Also, autoban anyone using a team cape in the Lizardman temple. There are hundreds, if not billions of little goblin bot biker boys.

In the blog we mentioned how we could increase the Ranged accuracy of the actual armour, or making the full set provide a % damage increase against Lizardman Shamans. I didn't suggest Melee as a replacement, just a suggestion to try out in the meantime :P

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Fableandwater

Why do you guys care if people make money off this kind of thing? Isn't the balance of the game more important than someone making gp from an update? I've never understood this

Oh yeah it is for sure, that's why even though it's difficult we do typically talk about changes even if there is an obvious merch opportunity

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Kresbot

hey Ayiza, replying to you as id like to try and get an answer, are you guys planning on rebalancing the rest of the gear that’s currently out there or just nitpicking these few odd items out of all of them? Personally i feel like if you’re doing it why do it right and balance everything to be inline with combat triangle and level reqs - this would also allow you to release higher tiers as rewards for things for years to come

Hey, at the moment these are the only items we're looking to change but it's highlighted others that we could focus on again in the future - though emphasis on the fact they'd be changes to improve rather than nerf!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by stub_dep01

But why is it not something you guys are planning to do? It's such an obvious solution to the gap problem imposed by the bp nerfs.

This is how it went internally:

We know we want to look at the armour again, we know the community want us to do it too. The real question is when?

We mentioned how we could increase the power of Crystal Armour/Bow in a previous ERB blog. There wasn't an overwhelming amount of feedback to suggest we should absolutely prioritise this to come alongside, or shortly after ERB goes live. Some players agreed that we'd be making the bow stronger than its requirements, which goes against the Tier rebalancing work we're trying to do (although I think we can justify the extra strength given the requirements and upkeep etc).

Some devs on the team have ideas on how they'd like to tackle it, but it involves new content and the designs aren't ready to be shared yet.

Given at the time, it wasn't absolutely obvious which direction we should take based on what the community wants, we decided to mention we're not looking to make any changes yet and we'd see what the reaction to that stance was.

I probably don't do myself any favours wording things the way I do, but that's the most honest answer I can give you! It doesn't mean we can't or won't look to just improve Crystal Armour/Bow without new content, we just want to validate it from feedback and such :)

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Satan_Battles

So while you “monitor” the situation, the ironmen just get screwed? Why can’t these solutions be researched and come out at the same time as the nerf?

The shift in demand isn't really something we can simulate, so we'd rather wait until we can see some data from in-game to help inform our decisions. If we get it wrong, there could be serious long lasting impacts on the dart economy which we could well have avoided by taking a step back and monitoring the situation.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by newquestidewa

dust settle first, then approach changes with a clear view of what needs changing, if anything.

This hasnt gone well previously, it has always taken so long before there were any nerfs, the blowpipe itself has been known to be broken since day it was released and now its been over 6 years and now you finally started talk about nerfing it

I know I'm asking a lot by hoping everyone will accept what the blog is saying and believe it will happen, especially when there are blatant examples of where things have taken longer than we had hoped (Winter 2017), but we will absolutely be making changes that are deemed necessary after the Equipment Rebalancing changes going live. We're at that point now where we feel the best way to tackle those changes is to get more feedback while they're live.

The beta did an okay job at highlighting some areas that need change, but honestly its not even comparable to getting information from live game situations.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by eocdenier

i see, i do think considering the average ranged level/gear of the players is a better way to go about it, i was just confused looking back

thanks for answering my questions

No worries at all, and sorry it is all a bit confusing!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by adam1738

I wasn't expecting anything. This paragraph from the blog just makes it sound like some change for the chainbodies is coming.

" 'Lighter' armour like Chainbodies, Med Helms and Square Shields are completely outclassed by their counterparts - Platebodies, Full Helms and Kiteshields. "

Not trying to be rude btw.

Ahh okay I see what you mean now. I got kinda confused because originally the blog did actually have an image for Rune Chainbody but it was removed before it went live because, well we made no changes to it! I was sat here wondering how you knew about it, because I was sure I removed it haha.

I probably should have removed the mention of it from that first section actually.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Amaranthyne

Why are you focusing on equipment changes before general Wilderness changes if general changes are already planned? It seems entirely backasswards to me.

There's a lot I'd like to cover in the Wilderness changes project that's been raised over the years (and more recently) by the community. The more we can take off the devs that will be working on that now, the more time they'll have for other changes.

Also it kind of made sense to include things like D'hide and Bulwark seeing as they are being rebalanced, even if it's mostly for PvP.

What has made it more difficult though is not being able to offer an alternative in place for these changes that might come with the Wilderness changes.

I'm hopeful that even with that in mind, the reception to the Wilderness changes will be better overall as a result.