Would it be possible to retain tob/nm pbs but tie them to the highest player threshold? Ie current tob pb would be set to 5 man tob pb, and current nm pb would be set to the largest size pb category (80? 20+?).
The att requirement changes on weapons have not been addressed on stream or any further blog despite 75 att builds being upset with the changes. I believe this frustration stems not from the att level changing but having to choose between being a pvm build or pk build. Has the team considered readjusting the att levels so that there are pk weapons at the same tier as scythe? For example t78 rapier/mace/blade as pvm weapons and vls as a pk weapon, t80 scythe as a pvm weapon and elder maul (with some buff) as a pk weapon. If not has there been any talk/consideration of adding a t85 pk weapon in the near future?