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Ive just about exhausted all resources trying to get into my email and Google is no help when you lose your phone number. Ive been hijacked on my main for over a year and still can't get into it. Can any Jmod reach out in DMs so i can help get my account back?

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10 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link


There isn't much I can do to help with the limited information available here, but I may be able to point you in the right direction.

 if your account has not yet been upgraded to a Jagex Account and you're recovering through the legacy recovery system, you do not need access to the registered email to do so.

In order to unlock your account:

  1. Head to this page
  2. Enter your login
  3. Click the 'RECOVER' button
  4. You will see an on-screen message that's headed 'CHECK YOUR EMAIL', as you don't have access to the registered email click 'contact Jagex Support' on the same webpage and complete the form with as much information as possible.

If your requests are being auto-denied, it means you're not providing enough correct information, if the requests are taking a day or so and then getting denied, it's been manually reviewed and denied due to a lack of information.

I understand that getting requests denied is frustrating, but it's an important part of our security process to prevent hijackers from accessing an account in this way.

If you're still having issues after following the above, could you please reach out to the team using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help.

If your account was already a Jagex account then there is no manual recovery method. Jagex accounts were created with increased account security in mind, and as part of this approach, we acted on player feedback to remove the old account recovery system due to concerns about historic data compromise from other websites being used by hijackers.

While we appreciate your RuneScape character(s) are your main focus here, this ultimately is something you will need to contact your email provider about regarding accessibility to your email address and subsequently your Jagex Account.

10 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Originally posted by Tipsy_Red

Thanks Mod Melora for least reaching out! My problem is im still using a username login. I hadnt connected it to jagex launcher yet but im afraid the hacker has connected it to jagex launcher now since it cant find my username to recover. When i try to recover, i dont know what username they double changed it to. thats a 20 year account down the drain now.

Heya! If you've 100% got the username right and you're getting a 'no account found' please submit a ticket here, it's likely (but not guaranteed) that someone has hacked and upgraded your account, once we verify ownership we can get it back to you. :)