Yes yes, I am aware of how much better last recall is. But the shroom was OP in the wild. Beating teleblock, working up to the top of the wild...picking the wilderness for my last area made the slog getting there all worth it.
Then jagex, all while talking about how they won't change relics midway, makes it so you can no longer use the shroom while tbed. Without even making a blog note about it.
Ok fine, not the end of the world. f*cked up for anyone that did use shroom. f*cked up that it was a silent update. But ok. Shroom still OP. Still something redeeming about the shroom that neither of the others can match.
Then, today. Another silent hotfix, and poof. Shroom is now the hot garbage everyone thought it was and more. Cant teleport over 30 wild.
You know, just because not many of us took a given route doesn't mean it's ok to change things about our relics either. I'm so f*cking furious.
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