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Whoever Asks for the Task has Their KC Reset for the New Task ( As it Should Be )

But the Partner ( Who didn't ask for the Task ) has their starting KC from their Last task.

Example: I partnered up with my friend

He just finished his Gargoyle Task killing 250 Gargoyles. (Before I partnered up with Him)

I ask Kuradel For a task, we get 19 Dark Beasts

Before We even begin the task it states he has 250KC

so we get to killing, we were about even i killed 9, he killed 10.

I get no points because it says He killed 260 and i only killed 9. 10 he killed on task + the 250 gargoyles he killed on his own last task.

Not worth doing right now, till they fix.

External link →
7 months ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

cheers, should be fixed now for all new tasks.

7 months ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by Different-Muffin9861

Will this continue to not be available for Ironman? Partner slayer is fun, didn’t know if by having it where you can’t abuse xp etc, it would become available for regular Ironman also?

There would still be an advantage to partner up, so there is no intent to make that available for Ironman accs.