over 2 years ago - - Direct link
This blog drives in to the drop mechanics behind Tombs of Amascut and some changes to Osmumten's Fang.
over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by i_hate_fanboys

Why do you state that the maximum number of points a player can get is 64000 and then use an example of 350000 total points?

Maybe I'm just an idiot but I really don't understand what the blog says. What if you just solo 150 invo raids? Do I have to add up every single npc's hp to figure this out, why isn't it just listed?

The 350,000 is the amount of points that equate to a 1% chance of Pet drop at 0 Raid Level. As Raid Level increases, this 350,000 effectively decreases, and is combined with your actual points to obtain the pet rate.

We can't list NPC HP because of how path levelling interacts with Raid Level, monster HP etc., but we teamed up with the OSRS Wiki to make a calculator that does it for you and is linked at the bottom!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Zabrinu

Why wasn’t fang fixed until now? It’s been a month

My understanding is that we genuinely didn't know it was functioning in a way that didn't align with how it was initially presented. After some digging we figured out what was wrong.

I'm also given to understand that the Fang is still good, just not BiS or near BiS at almost all content where melee exists - which was never the intention. Like the blog says, our big learning from the Equipment Rebalancing was that if something isn't in a healthy spot - better to rip the band-aid off now than wait even longer.

Apologies if this reply isn't a satisfying one, but it's what the truth of things are as far as I'm aware.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by tacobender69yay

Ffs rip Fang.... f**king Reddit complainers

Nothing to do with complainers, everything to do with it not working as intended and utterly demolishing future reward space in its current iteration.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Loveable_Teabag

“The fang isn’t rare enough to justify that sort of power”

Tweak the drop rate then?

We wrote later in the blog, we've fixed the Fang and it's now a little less powerful. We'll see where it settles, and retain the option to tweak the drop rate if it's still too strong for how rare it is. Rather than making several changes at once and risking them adding up to more than the sum of their parts - as with some of the initial TOA balancing changes.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Zxsx9

So what are the untradeables that you get if you fail the 1/50 roll? And does that mean I can pretend every thread was a shadow?

(I know its only for entry mode)

The untradeables are the Thread and Jewels! You can pretend away!