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6 months ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Personally, I am unhappy with the state of things currently. Juggling floor dropped items is never fun, it being "efficient" also just encourages people to do that more.

I am of the opinion that we should:

  • Remove the extended timer on dropped clues.
  • Poll allowing a small quantity of stackable clues. Perhaps the limit could scale based on something. Perhaps added to Combat Achievement rewards?

This is my view rather than something reflective of the team at the minute but I wanted to gauge opinion of this.

6 months ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by YoRHaNo2TypeNB

CAs are definitely not the way to go. They already have some clue benefits and many other purposes, and ties a very casual activity to very high end PVM. Yes, combat is a lot of the source of clues, but it doesn't truly define the activity.

There are three lines to me, all with various benefits and downsides.

  1. Achievement Diaries, scaling with individual completed tiers. This does have the notable effect that pures and other limited accounts may have very limited access to upgrades, especially if elite clues and master clues are tied specifically to high tier diaries.
  2. Scaling it with clues completed. This is the most self-reinforcing way to do it, but might discourage people from getting started especially on second accounts, and doesn't allow for the kind of interconnectivity that progression in runescape is so well known for, doing different things to further a goal by allowing increased efficiency.
  3. Collection log slots. This one is personally my favorite. It gives a lot of advancement for just playing the game as you like, is still very self-reinforcing since a large section of the collection log is in clues, encourages doing all tiers of clues to diversify collection slot gains. Especially with the proposed tiers of collection log status, that ties in extremely well.

Edit: Fair few people are saying that collection logs should just not have tangible benefits. I can see that, yeah. It's definitely a strong precedent to set and I understand that that direction is one people are against.

Someone also mentioned quest points, which i do find rather neat honestly. I'd probably make that a fourth point on the list. It has less gating complication than diaries, since the high end for quests is a fair bit lower and quest points are less mutable and tiered than the various levels of diaries.

Fair points, thanks for the thoughts on that and there's plenty of options there for sure

6 months ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by HelixtheWarlock

Clues should beget clues.
Completing clues of a tier should give you the ability to stack a couple of that tier. Maybe like 5-10% of total completions, or upon certain milestones.

I personally don't like removing the timer to much. Having to do the couple clues that you get is a good thing imo, being able to stack them up like crazy "for later" is just super unfun to me and is the reason I have heaps of clues on Rs3 that I never did.

People that stack hundreds of clues on the floor are just victims of themselves imo.

I think limits on how many you could stack would be far more modest.

I am imagining a number on the order of say up to 10 depending on the progress system we chose.

There is still a legit point there though, the drop method still encourages doing them quickly as opposed to storing for weeks. I'll give some thought on that!