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9 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by xVARYSx

RIP Flames of Zamorak 5/30/24 - 6/5/24

Just on this one because I know it's been popular - I want to see us revisit it and perhaps throw the other god spells into the mix. The spell had a 'fire' tag from COX release that we hadn't caught during PRB on account of it not being something we intended to touch. In the short-term, we hope people agree that slamming 45+ damage at 80 Magic vs. something like Zulrah is maybe a little overtuned. In the long-term, I'd like to see if the team would be open to considering allowing all of them to function for weaknesses but changing where Charge comes into the equation, though it becomes a problem if those spells suddenly outcompete all of the other Elemental spells, which was also kind of the case with Flames of Zammy.

So to tldr, not a death knell, but short term it was an overtuned oversight and one that we feel worked a little against the aims of Elemental Weaknesses at their core.

9 months ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by lushbom

Kit Breaker is referred to as 'them' and 'him' in the update post. I feel like it was probably supposed to be they/them pronouns but maybe whoever made the quest intended he/them?

He is he/them indeed!