over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by adamfps

We finally are getting a defense draining ranged item?

Goodbye four way switch for just a BGS, you won’t be missed.

It caps at 50% of the target's max Defence level, so if you're looking to 0-def stuff then BGS will still be worth bringing - don't drop it just yet!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Adventurous-Ad7212

there is something in the blog about an amulet. where is it?

"With the addition of Sunfire Runes and the Colossal Amulet rounding out the Magic and Melee rewards, we felt it appropriate to make the Dizana's Quiver a Ranged item."

Artefacts that the team missed from a reward we opted not to pursue, effectively an amulet that guaranteed a %minimum hit with 2h weapons but we were struggling to get it into a spot that did anything beyond 'make the Scythe absolutely turbo-broken' and still leaving other cool 2h weapons (Elder Maul in particular) in the dust exactly as before.

Ty for the spot though, have had the team read over this so many times that I think the words might have all turned into mush...

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by 2-2-7-7

You already know that you can use Sunfire Dust to upgrade the Colossal Amulet

the what?

was this mentioned somewhere else bc that's the first mention of colossal amulet in this blog at least

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Jimbob77777

I love the sound of the rewards, but I think before I voted I'd want to know the time required to upkeep the various items. Charging items can sometimes feel like a chore and whilst the roguelike concept sounds exciting I don't want to feel as though my only reason for needing to do the concept is consistent upkeep of my ranged gear or runes.

Totally understand the hesitancy surrounding charges, we had a lot of conversations about it both internally and externally with the Muspah release and it feels like those are in a good spot. I think the aim is to have the content be fun and profitable above all else, with charges being an added source of consistent profit but not a massive timesink for upkeep

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by OlmTheSnek

Glory very very gooood. Big fan of an actual system encouraging getting better at the game.

Also super nice to have actual monetary rewards from this. Inferno is my favourite content in game but it's a shame there's 0 incentive to run it outside of getting a better pb.

Just out of interest, will there be any slayer task available for the colosseum? Post-1kc/achieving the quiver ofc.

I think with Glory working the way that it does might not be super compatible with task bonuses - if you'll get quicker clears and take less damage when on-task, then Glory doesn't really reflect your skill, but a little of your skill and also the time taken to just endlessly get tasks for it.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by 2-2-7-7

will there be a quiver max cape?

kinda sad masori max cape is getting dethroned, it looks so good with BiS range

I'm hopeful we'll be able to make something that still works with the Masori crafting kit so that it slots in nicely and doesn't look out of place, while delivering that actual ranger fantasy with a quiver rather than a backpack containing a deceased chicken and a magnet

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Odd-Assignment-1350

I’d say that Quiver needs a very little buff. If you have to beat all the waves in an inferno level challenge I’d expect a bigger jump

Otherwise good

Could be the case, I think part of it is that Venator ring on its own didn't add max hits to most setups, but when used in conjunction with the Quiver I'm pretty sure it adds max hits to all setups, and a couple to the Tbow because breakpoints gonna breakpoint. It's been a while since I ran the numbers though, so perhaps somebody with a bigger brain can tell me I'm wrong - if not, I'll run them again later on just to double-check!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Wide-Term7077

You avoid adding certain rewards because of a single item (in this case tumeken's shadow)?

I feel like we've been there before, when you were hesitant to add ranged upgrades, because we had an unhealthy meta manily due to the blowpipe.

I'm glad that the team is considerate of powercreep, however I feel there is a much needed equipment rebalance. Why not nerf the occult buy and shove the dmg% increase to a new possible cape? And its not just the occult, things like the voidwaker or the osmumtens fang are not in a good spot.

My personal hope is that the team looks at the current meta and change some things, because it will just further disturb new updates in this game.

I've spoken a handful of times about Magic being a little 'broken' as a style in terms of the way that it works, the bonuses offered by gear, the occult etc. and don't really disagree - but don't think the team working on the Colosseum has the time to tackle all of those, and I'm not sure when (or if) we'll get to take a proper swing at moving Magic into a healthier spot right now.

On the Shadow specifically, it's tricky because 1% over God cape(i) probably isn't hitting for many people, so you bump it to 2%, suddenly that's 6% for Shadow (or 8% inside TOA) and it becomes very worthwhile but only for people rocking a 1.3b+ weapon and the team felt as though that's probably not the healthiest spot for a reward to occupy at this time.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by ModMack

Current plan is for all modifiers to make the following waves harder in some way.

what he said ^

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by GodBjorn

I really love the idea of being rewarded even if you do fewer waves. I've just never attempted the Inferno because i won't make it to the end anyway.

This way, i'd still be tempted to do the content which in turn is practice as well. This way you passively get better each time until you can actually do the entire thing.

Don't write yourself off! The early waves teach you most of what you need to know, and getting stuck in to learn is some of the most fun you'll ever have in OSRS (plus makes you miles better as a player in the process)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Ironic_Lee

This looks like a fun time. Will 807s have access by chance? >:)

I'm not aware of anything that would prohibit the 807 homies from getting stuck in at this point, but there's still a long way to go on fleshing out Varlamore and the journey players will take to get here - will see if the team can keep it in mind though, nobody cares if you're a master gatherer when you're down in the pits after all

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Merdapura

Rewards feel overdesigned.

The quiver wasn't just a quiver, it's a charge based quiver

The Javelin isn't just a Javelin, it takes more lines to explain than a car manual.

I don't like this at all.

Where are you seeing any mention of a javelin?

Appreciate you sharing your feedback regardless!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Orc-Father

You mentioned that it works with an accumulator, does this mean that pures will actually get to use it as well? And does this mean pures could combine it with a masori kit finally?

Yes, pures will be able to obtain the Quiver as far as I know, and if the Quiver is made combinable with the Masori kit then they'll have a use for the kit too. Only downside is reduced ammo pickup effectiveness from Accumulator (72% vs. 80%)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Cicero_Xere

I'm really worried about the upkeep considering BP is a thing. If I'm losing 2 essence per second I hope its extremely high yield by just playing the game.

I get the sense that the team also isn't massively fond of blowpipe/scale upkeep, but that in recent years (Muspah being the best recent example) we've gotten a lot better at it (hopefully)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Q_nut

Is this solo only?


over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by JSButts

Why would you tease me with such an amazing and long overdue scythe buff and then cancel it.

Reconsidering one reward that sent the Scythe's DPS to the moon isn't the same as cancelling potential tweaks to the Scythe, for what it's worth!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by SurvivorCoachLt

ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? Lol this gets me every time. Just please guys, make this content worthwhile the excitement and thriller like inferno did. Make modifires so hard that its not completable in months!

Players are way too good at the game now, I don't think we'll ever be able to release something that takes months for a first clear - the skill level of people at the top end in particular has come a long way since Inferno/TOB releases

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by runner5678

The “endless mode” gives me slight pause. If the design will be that it’s reasonable for players to go around a second time, then the first time through is limited in how hard it can be.

Is the goal to make getting 1kc for the cape to feel as difficult as Inferno? And the endless mode is really only for the GMs+ out there?

The experience will be curated around one 'completion' and being fun to repeat. The 'endless mode' is solely for people looking to really push and compete, once you've squeezed all the Glory possible out of that initial run, how far can you push yourself when all of your modifiers begin stacking on themselves etc. - effectively gives people an opportunity to compete across either 'perfection' in a single run or for endurance over the course of 'endless'

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Tuxxa

Osrs will always be special over other mmo's for its quirky monthy pythonesque humour and tone. Therefore, zombie chicken magnet -type of stuff is always welcome instead of boring-ass realism.

Completely agree, I'm half-messing (anybody that reads half the newsposts I write understand that I love writing silly, campy stuff too), but it's still neat for people that want to feel that fantasy for themselves to have a more 'grounded' option, people have been asking for a quiver for years after all!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Merdapura

It's a Glaive! Somehow the word Javelin stuck with me, sorry

To simplify my criticism, If an item takes more than one sentence to explain, it's overdesigned:

  • Tbow: A 2h ranged weapon that multiplies your accuracy and strength depending on the target's magic level.

Mandatory plug: Add the Ragnaröok raid to osrs.

I feel like this is sort of a deliberate oversimplification though, because some people want that extra detail.

- Glaive of Ralos: a thrown ranged weapon whose special attack reduces your target's defence depending on their magic level.
- Quiver: a new best-in-cape-slot Ranged upgrade which gains additional power when charged.

It's hard to toe the line between giving people who want the information everything they need to calc and give us super high-value feedback vs. overwhelming people, but I don't think adding extra explanations for stuff is the same as something being 'overdesigned' in practise. I get where you're coming from, though!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Lordofthesirens

As many have stated, the +20 ranged accuracy is a tremendous increase. I would say it is a very disproportionate buff compared to the +2, +4 increases we usually see. Imo it's too big of a change, not only dps wise but also visually. It feels really out of place to go from +8 to +28, rsps kinda numbers lol. Gives me bellator ring kinda vibes.

You might find the actual changes to DPS interesting if you plug that +20 Ranged accuracy into calcs for places you use Ranged a lot, the style's already so accurate that even +20 doesn't do as much as you'd think, but it does improve the blowpippington in a few spots

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

For anyone interested, we've added an Audio reading of the newspost from the wonderful Sween :)

over 1 year ago - - Direct link
Check out this blog for a sneak peak at Old School's next wave-based minigame and a handful of brand new rewards!