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As you may know, Fluid Strikes had a bug which allowed players to survive one-shot mechanics. One-shot mechanics apparently function by setting the damage equal to your hp, making it so that the damage reduction from Fluid Strikes let you avoid death from these mechanics.

Fixing this unintended behavior is okay. What's not okay is what the hotfix did.

In order to solve the aforementioned issue, Fluid Strikes was nerfed so that ANY HIT that would kill you pre-damage-reduction will not have any damage reduction applied.

I'll give an example. Mole maxes a 21. I have Fluid Strikes, which gives me 15% reduced damage taken. I don't eat at 21 hp and mole rolls a 21 on his attack. Since that's enough to kill me before damage reduction would be applied, it will now just kill me.

Regardless of whether or not fluid strikes is better or worse than the other two, I think it's hard to agree that nerfing the promised functionality of a permanent relic is not acceptable. Especially when the relic functioned exactly as the text said. I'm amazed that nobody else seems to care.

Jagex has been playing fast and loose with peoples' time and efforts to build their characters. Instead of properly distinguishing between cases of one-shot mechanics and normal one-hits, they've made the laziest patch with the most disrespect towards players who put thought and time into their relic choices and their characters.

I think it's disappointing that Ayiza will completely glaze over this whole topic by only explaining the bugged functionality. It feels very disingenuous to not discuss the fact that the basic non-buggy functionality of the relic has been nerfed as well.

Yea, I'm salty. And this is only the first week. So much for not patching things.

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

I apologise if you feel I've been intentionally misleading players, I only ever try to say why a change was made, and the reason for this one is because it was a bug that was being abused. The newspost tries to explain how we came to resolving this issue, which does cover instances like attacks from the Giant Mole, but it is vague and I do agree it could have been made even clearer.

I don't think it's something we'd be able to change now because of it being abusable in various different situations, but we've learnt a lot for the next potential league.