over 2 years ago - - Direct link
Fresh Start Worlds is coming to Old School on October 19th! Keep reading to learn more…
over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by gitanas_nauseda

Nobody asked for this, we saw how in RS3 it has flopped. Where is the updated roadmap, what updates are we gonna get into the main game, like hello

We're in the middle of planning our next major Summit stream which will announce our plans for the main game in more detail - really sorry for the wait. I've tried to get some of the roadmap questions answered on leadership livestreams but I know you're wanting to see more of the roadmap and our plans for the main game.

Regarding RS3's launch issues, we don't expect those issues to affect us but we'll remain in contact with their teams and we will take learnings into consideration.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Newgamer28

one question. Why?

It's a good question! We're doing this for New and Returning players mainly and we think offering a 'fresh' experience where everyone can jump into the game at the same point might help retain those players more. Our active community isn't our target with this specific update but we know they may want to play. In our design we haven't added any rewards or FOMO - it can be completely ignored if you don't want to participate.
Achievement Points for example are a new system we're trialling in FSW. The aim of this is to create a path for new players to follow, as well as have something nice for active players, if they want to play.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Fxrguss

summer summit? We're well into autumn now lol...it's that delayed you guys forgot to change the name of it?

Where is the gazette for last month? road map? More updates noone wants, just like quest speed running lol


I didn't write Summer Summit but I know it looks like that from a glance! It's actually just a "Summit" and it looks like it'll be in Winter. I believe the team wants to go with these more regularly and have a regular cadence so you know when to expect news.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by racingdrones

Should we expect a September Gielinor Gazette? If so, any idea when?

There isn't going to be a Gazette for September, unfortunately. I don't write the Gazettes, but the reason why there wasn't a Gazette was because of the feedback we saw on the last Gazette. Players told us it's just rehashing information they are already aware of - they didn't want to read a blog recapping information and said it'd be better for us to just wait until we had more information to share.

We aren't ready to share our plans re: roadmap fully yet - we're working towards a larger Summit-style format to do that. We want that to be the big announcement, something will get a lot of reach and hopefully a lot more excitement.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

I've heard RS3 had some major issues with the rollout. Will those be accounted for in this one, so we don't face a similar rollback?

This was definitely discussed internally amongst the two teams. We will be learning from RS3's experiences. We don't expect those issues to affect us and we will remain in contact with their teams to take learnings into consideration.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by The4thStapler

What steps are being taken to ensure FSWs are not abused by bots/goldfarmers with the reduced competition from regular worlds?

The anti-cheating team will be monitoring FSW closely as they do on the main game, and we'll be paying extra attention to areas which are most targeted in this way. We're also going to be stricter with gold farmer-type profiles.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by DefactoAtheist

Make Akkha cum phase not shit.

Hey, we've seen the feedback on it. The TLDR is this was considered, we don't think it needs changing. I am happy to keep bringing up your feedback to the devs on it though as I want to make sure you feel heard!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by OreOfChlorophyte

scrap FSW please, nobody asked for it, the AP system is kinda cool tho, this is something I'd like to see implemented in the main game. It flopped in RS3, it will flop in OSRS as well

I appreciate your feedback and respect your stance on it. I am really glad to hear you like the AP system, though!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by AxS-PixelBass

In the dev blog, it says that the FSW are not considered a replacement for Leagues—but on a previous Q&A, I recall it being mentioned that they will replace a Leagues event this year.

Can we get some clarification on whether or not there will be any Leagues event this winter as usual? thanks :)

There won't be a Leagues this Winter, I'm sorry to disappoint. We have started to transcribe streams to keep a record and increase the accessibility of information shared with you. I'll just point you to the answer to Question #5 in this blog which may help = https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/leadership-qa-summary-18082022?oldschool=1

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by TikTok-Jad

Fresh Start Worlds are free-to-play.

Wait what? That's pretty big, and this is the first I've seen this mentioned. Are FSWs going to have free membership, or are there going to be f2p FSWs?

Everyone is welcome, we'll have both F2P and members Fresh Start Worlds

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ZackovaOsrs

Is it like on Rs3 where you get faster exp rates and better drop chances? I might try if this is the fact lol

There are no changes to XP rates or drop rates in OSRS's Fresh Start Worlds. Still hoping you might try it though :D

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ZackovaOsrs

So why would I start on FSW instead of the maingame?

FSW will give you the opportunity to start with lots of other players on a new economy, you'll probably meet a lot more people especially in early game areas

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by thescanniedestroyer

So it did replace leagues

It didn't, it's completely separate. We're just not having a Leagues this year (we had one earlier on in the year, but that was a delayed League from the year before, so it doesn't count as this years' League).

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Any_Table

The blog says "Fresh Start Worlds are free-to-play". Does that mean members gate is locked and you can't buy membership? Or does it mean you're on a members account but don't have to pay?

Orrr is it a mistake in the post... Guessing so because otherwise why invent the whole bond voucher code system

It means there's gonna be FSW Worlds that are F2P and P2P

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Human-Engineering715

Thank you for doing this update, I know a lot of people keep saying no body wants this, but my wife is excited to give RuneScape a try on a fresh world so she doesn't feel so behind.

I'm very excited to play with her while she experiences RuneScape on a fresh world.

That is adorable ty for wholesome vibes