@hunterm55 As I mentioned, it's already meant to have 2 pop-up confirmations before leaving, but thanks for the suggestion of having one, and for changing the other accounts back.
@TheValiantOne2 No; such client features will continue turning up in periodic batches, but I don't tend to have much info to share on what's in each one.
@NielsB_ Now that entering and leaving it is an option, rather than being obligatory as before, the game may think you're choosing not to be in it. What's your display name, please?
@foul_bal We offered that before, though it didn't even get 70% itself if I recall correctly. I'd wonder if it might have got more support if we'd bundled it with an increase in the basic requirements to vote at all, though, as those are currently very low.
@MuchoShizer We offered that already, so we clearly don't mind the idea. Many who were opposed to it may still feel that way, given the responses I've seen in other discussions about it.
@Duckimo1 In a lot of cases, players have had to work very hard to make particular builds, so we tend to be cautious about introducing what could be a far easier way of achieving the same thing.
@lCravenl I'd be a little surprised if a substantial design change to the long-established boss were welcomed at this point, but it does sound like a fun mechanic - maybe for something else.
@law_rune There aren't that many sinks in the game for such items, so while it might be nice to guarantee the player their items back, we weren't setting out to be so nice with this penalty.
@Splaintd I'm afraid I'd not be able to review your requests to verify that, or to check whether the info is sufficient. The Support team's JagexSupport on this platform if you'd to ask them more about it.
@RyanShephard20 It's not me you'd need to convince to vote differently. Actually, I think similar players opposed the spell filtering too, though it got through despite it.
@LukeWaletzko I'm afraid this isn't a Support channel and I'd not be able to review or remove the ban instead of them. Please continue liaising with the Support team if you need them.
@303Rsa Which is interesting as it's arguably got more polished graphics and elaborate gameplay than a lot of other content from the 2007 era. Did you dislike it back then too, by the way, or is this a more recent opinion you've reached?
@TheLureKings Admittedly if a player agreed to put their stuff somewhere in the hope of cheating the game, and they got cheated as a consequence, I'd have rather limited sympathy!
@G03osrs At present the game engine doesn't offer that sort of function in a way you couldn't fake by just typing it manually. Sounds nice to have in future though.
@FarhanY83240392 I don't recommend concluding that they don't really think you RWT'd "because they didn't ban even more of your accounts", and if they've concluded that the bans should stay, I'm afraid it sounds like you have your answer.
@CrummyJoker Many in the team feel that the POH is already rather a good teleport hub even without yet more of those teleports added to it permanently :P I wouldn't rule it out forever, but don't expect it imminently.
@ThePureSeb I wouldn't have expected quite as many new accounts flowing in as steel once it settles down, but maybe we'll be able to make it less skewed by the majority in future.
@Czaplick Something to help with the excessive spellbook highlighting in the PvP Arena. Tea's great, thanks, though I think Jagex bought a batch of teabags that are prone to developing holes. Cheers :)
@Zakatoke_ If you do an Agility course at its minimum level, you have a higher chance of failure than you would after +1 more level. Thus grinding at an action is allowed to make you better at that action; it doesn't always have to unlock a higher-tier action (though it's nicer if it does).
@Jarovit2 There are so many sources of those that we ended up adding a toggle to block them. It doesn't feel like a pressing need for us to give more now.
@BranflakesRB Might be - we agreed to it for quite a lot of other reward outfits that come from shops, though it hasn't been confirmed for this one yet. Did you buy it by accident or something?
@laurenz_cordier Not personally, though I believe the Support team gets that kind of info about accounts as standard.
I do get some very rough statistics about mobile though, e.g. of the players currently online, about 4% seem to be on mobile.
@thief_oner The hope was that it'd give others more scope to get involved, even if it was a lot more mixed for sentiment, but thanks for your perspective on the actual numbers of people doing it.
@Young_Herm As that particular weapon is part of a set whose bonuses are popular against that boss, it didn't seem so unreasonable to send the player that way - though you at least don't have to get the rest of the set if you don't want to.
@Yacob_Legend On kill. There'd be no point in deciding earlier, and features like a ring of wealth or a quest-locked loot drop couldn't exist if it decided before finding out who killed it.
@Nftdumbasf That one's known; apologies for the inconvenience. In the meantime, for anything else you find, long-press the 'Report' button in the app and you'll find a bug report form for letting the testers know directly.
@TsuyoiOSRS They're a retired random event NPC, and had that XP back when they were a random event. It may feel outdated, though the same could be said of having them in the game at all. As for Slayer, I think players are encouraged to use the Mort'ton ones if they want normal XP rates.
@superstars1986 For what it's worth, the authentication process used by the new Launcher is meant to help with a lot of the lock-outs and delays people had with the older options. https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/launcher
@RS_Gunny Hopping to those may well change your setting for your safety, yes. Regarding the chat, right-click the 'Report' button in the game and you'll find a bug report form for letting the testers know what's wrong - perhaps with more specifics :)
@YouTubeTPMEZ It would, though considerably more reliable checks would be needed to stop you getting into a place where item dropping is mandatory, or it's just be bypassed. (And to handle if you were already inside such an area on login.)
@Carl_Cartman420 Needs art availability too, by the way, since it should be more than just a luminous yellow repaint job. And there are other player suggestions to consider besides this one. I do like it, nevertheless.
@MuchoShizer See, some who oppose the idea are concerned that it'd increase the number of clues being completed, if you could keep slaying *and* collect any more clues in that scenario, and they worry about the impact on the reward prices. A lot more restrictions may help, though.
@Carl_Cartman420 It's got story, it's got cutscenes, it's got lore progression - but I get that you don't want to have to do that kind of combat challenge alongside it.
@hunterm55 Spacebar doesn't actually go through this sort of option box, unless maybe the player's got an unofficial plugin letting it do so. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXeij-EWAAA_ESf.png
@YouTubeTPMEZ They would likely have had a lot more restrictions built around item transfer back when the trade restrictions were done, at the end of 2007, including infrastructure features in the engine that we haven't currently got.
@hunterm55 I'd expect the Support team could see item transfers, since they track a lot of that for rule enforcement anyway. Not so sure about the banking bit, though perhaps that's not such a concern anyway.
@QuirkyR0se That's subjective - players can have very different opinions about what's okay when changing a long-established skill method. Personally I'd hope this one could be accepted, since it'd still leave you to do all the traveling back and forth while training.
@Goughster93 It could, if such changes would be well received for it. I'd have expected some opposition to that sort of thing at this point. But aside from splitting it into tiers, what else had you in mind for revamping?
@foul_bal If the change is considered to make an activity *easier*, though the increased accessibility, some might see that as reducing the talent required, and thus devaluing their own skill that they've honed over years of practice.
@JacksonHylan1 When my time permits, I do prefer that the player get directed to the right team, at least, even if I'd not be able to resolve their actual problem for them myself. Cheers :)
@RichAdc*ck90 Not something I can offer, I'm afraid, but I'd definitely support a nicer userflow for switching characters - for desktop as well as mobile, in fact.