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I recently lost access to my account that I am still currently paying a monthly membership for and all my recovery requests just keep getting denied.

In the recovery request, I am giving them all the locations and zip codes I have lived in throughout the history of my account, my password, and the last 4 digits of my credit card number that has been paying the membership for my account (including when the payments started and the membership duration of each payment). I'm not sure what proof would be enough for them to approve it if all that is not enough.

Do they really expect me to remember specific details about account creation from when I was like 10 years old?

It's impossible to even get in touch with someone to speak about the issue. I tried their discord server for support because they have an account-help text channel, but was told that there is nothing that they can do and my only option is to keep submitting account recovery requests and hope that they decide to approve it eventually. So apparently, the best they can do is send a generic copy-and-paste denial email to you with no specific details of why your evidence wasn't enough for your request to be approved.

I have always heard that Jagex Customer support was horrible but this is my first time experiencing it myself. They have such a loyal fanbase of people who have played this game for decades and invested countless hours of time grinding. Yet, they do absolutely nothing to help you when you need it.

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10 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link


Sorry to hear you're having trouble recovering the account. We have stringent requirements for recovering accounts, but I understand it's really frustrating to get appeals denied.

Could you please reach out to the team using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help?