12 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by virulia

in the original blog post, it was mentioned that you would be able to pay a fee of substantial hunter meats to make it so the quetzal whistle would have infinite charges. why was that removed?

Asked the team about this one and I think this feature was a little out-of-scope to deliver on time, but it's certainly doable in the future once we've got the more pressing fixes out of the way!

12 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by witchking782

With max cape having so many teleport options, can we get last destination on it for QOL?

I'm not sure we even have the space, but I'll check! Items have a limited number of operations ('ops' for short) that they can have on them, I think Max Cape might be pushing it a little, but perhaps a keybind on the menu for just 'last destination' might work? Will share with the team!

12 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Sorry I can't hang around long to reply - I've gotta jump for the weekend but will gather up comments and share them with the team next week.

On behalf of the whole team, thanks so much for all of your feedback with Varlamore and all of the kind words you've shared with us over the last few days. Have a fantastic weekend and look after yourselves!