Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi guys M here this is Sir camel loock
4s wait hold on one sec we got the wrong
6s [Applause]
8s script hey there I'm migre you may have
11s heard my voice before if you've played
12s RuneScape 3E even though I've moved over
14s to Old School nowadays I think Jag egg
17s thought I would be a good suit for this
18s video as they yed araxa from RS3 as well
21s as myself so me and araxa are kind of
24s one in the same anyway enough of that
26s let's get into what you're here for a
28s first look into the brand new Slayer
30s boss aaxel requiring 92 Slayer he can
33s only be killed on a arite Slayer task
37s this bad boy is an absolutely massive
40s 7x7 venomous ARA site whose Lair is in
44s the ARA site's Nest this is near sleep
47s which you would have encountered during
48s a night of the theater quests we've also
50s given the lair a makeover to accommodate
52s its new and improved Denis like look how
55s cool this looks this fight is designed
57s so you can effectively choose between
60s both faster but tougher kills and what I
63s personally will be picking cuz I'm bad
65s please Don't Judge Me slower but easier
67s kills the way to achieve this is by
70s giving players control over arax or
73s spawned arax sites at the start of the
75s encounter you'll notice a number of eggs
77s around the room over time these eggs
79s will hatch and release unique ARA sites
81s into the boss encounter these unique ARA
84s sites are particularly susceptible to
86s gear that you might associated with
88s splatter in a spider which is pretty
90s cool so I would recommend checking your
92s bank and bringing the right tools for
93s the job if only old screenscape had a
95s newspaper weapon right future reward
97s space jagex please these arites include
101s an acidic arite this one hits with low
104s damage range attacks and leaves behind a
106s pool of Venom when killed for you to
108s navigate around for the rest of the
109s fight there's an exploding arite who
112s will explode after a brief period when
113s it's near you very similar to how nyus
116s work inside fat of blood so it's
118s probably best to stay away from these
120s and lastly there is a mirrorback spider
122s who Tes some of the damage you deal to
124s AAA and reflects some of it back to you
127s if you're next to it be careful though
129s cuz if you try and just take it on
131s directly it will reflect that damage
133s back at you as well but the cool thing
135s with this damage that is reflected to
137s you you can then go ahead and reflect it
139s back to the mirror back to dish out
141s additional damage an UNO reverse of
144s reflect as I like to call it so you
146s could even consider a well typed
148s Vengeance to get that Uno reverse on the
150s maybe or you know just play it safe and
153s deal with them from afar as you take no
155s reflect damage from them if you're far
157s away and not near them if you've ever
159s taken on a ranks in RS3 you'll know full
161s well just how fun mirror bikes can be if
164s not dealt with correctly although all of
166s these eggs can be destroyed before they
169s hatch choosing to destroy the eggs does
172s take time that could be spent beating
173s the sh out of AXA so it's up to you the
176s players to decide how dangerously you
178s want to live your life that being said
180s you don't need to destroy all of the
181s eggs right so you could just choose some
183s of the swords you find particularly
185s problematic and only remove those ones
187s mirror backs you getting to customize
190s your difficulty with these eggs is
191s really cool in my opinion and I am a big
193s fan of this arax are of course boast
196s some fearsome attacks of his own and the
198s fight will ramp up in intensity as you
200s continue to reduce his health unlike the
202s alchemical Hydra this in Rage phase
204s doesn't require any counting which is a
206s hugee plus I'm playing a video game I'm
209s not looking to be mascar the fight is
211s simple enough but you'll need to be well
213s prepared so stock up on some good food
215s combat boosting potions and some
217s antivenoms before heading into the lay
219s so now let's talk about some of those
221s juicy rewards shall we these are largely
223s detailed in the original blog but I'll
225s give a brief summary of each one here
227s too for those who don't like to read
229s There is the ARA site pet which is the
231s rarest of all the Cosmetic there is a
232s base pet and it's a big ugly guy called
235s nid but do not fear he can be upgraded
238s with a drop to become racks Rax is this
241s little cutie no hate to nid but he's
243s clearly an upgrade hence why he is
245s upgraded the wording is correct there
248s there is the jar of Venom the middle
250s Cosmetic in terms of Rarity this one's
253s used in your player own house display
254s case to show off a rank s in all its
257s Glory unlike the other jars this is the
259s first untradeable jar which is honestly
262s in my opinion super awesome I like that
263s this jar is an untradeable there is an
266s arite Venom gland which is a secondary
269s use to make an extended antivenom plus
271s when combined with a normal antivenom
274s plus alternatively this actually could
276s be used in a pinch to cure the long
278s lasting effects of Venom but in doing so
281s it deals a small damage of Venom to you
283s in the process of clearing it another
285s reward we have is the arania boots these
288s have now been moved so that they drop
291s from the smaller arites rather than
293s araxa itself the reason for this choice
295s is that they're the most common of the
297s rare equipment drops so they likely
299s would have hold no value since they'd
301s passively be obtained by players chasing
303s the rarer drops this coupled with the
306s demand that we expect will be somewhat
308s low he felt that it'd sit in a healthier
311s spot if they were attached to the little
313s arax sites instead of the big boy arax
315s or himself these are lightly tribrid
317s boots and they have the same strength
318s bonus as Dragon boots but with some
320s added magic and range accuracy and no
323s defensive bonuses these have no
325s requirements to wear so as long as
326s you're able to afford them or obtain a
328s pair for yourself you can rock these new
330s kicks next up we have the noxious halir
334s now we're getting into the big voy Loop
336s this is a mainhand DPS halir first of
338s its kind for a really really long time
341s it's about on par with the blade of Sor
343s on paper but has a slower attack speed
346s so it falls off as your strength bonus
348s from gear slot increases but even with
351s it falling off slightly compared to the
353s blade it has other useful bonuses making
355s it potentially better suited in certain
357s areas of the game as it does have an
359s extra EXT ra tile of range this is
362s pretty unique and could lead to some
363s awesome uses on its own and on top of
365s this for 50% of your special attack
367s energy you can go ahead and cure any
369s Venom or poison that you're Afflicted
371s with this will then increase your next
373s Hal's attacks minimum hit for the amount
376s of Venom cleared for example if you're
378s about to be hit for 10 Venom damage and
380s used a special attack to cure yourself
382s your next halab swing has a minimum hit
385s of 10 rolling between that and your max
388s hit pretty awesome last but certainly
391s not least we have the Amulet of rancor
394s this is the new best in slot amulet from
396s melee an untradeable or axite F drop
399s from the boss must be combined with an
401s amulet or torture to create this amulet
403s and the combination process requires 86
406s crafting The Amulet of rancor itself is
409s tradable so effectively you only need
411s the crafting level to make the fame drop
413s profitable if you're a main plus
415s honestly it's worth making the amulet
417s yourself just to see the sickest
419s animation I've ever ever seen while
421s crafting it look at that man it's so
423s cool alongside arur we've added smaller
426s arank sites that you'll be able to take
427s on the ones which now drop the boots
430s mentioned earlier these NPCs can be
432s fought in multic combat allowing you to
434s wrap up a task more quickly this might
436s make for a nice new venor bow and Cannon
438s task if you're a particularly efficient
440s player AKA a nerd like me you could
443s stack them up for barrage in with some
444s dance or SS this is similar to how
447s people do it with bloodb tasks and it
449s makes those pretty pretty insane so this
451s could make these pretty big XP too I'm
453s personally super excited to see aaur in
455s old school RuneScape and shout out to
457s jagex for being crazy enough to let me
459s voice over this I sure as hell wouldn't
461s have and I've been my crew and until
463s next time see you