8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by kikkekakkekukke

Nice, now i just need a partner

Can always try using the group finder channels in our official Discord, or just whacking a Reddit post out and squadding up!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by LeagueOfOSRS

Ah, Slayer Partners are back! Time to drag my GIMs through the shared trauma of a metal dragons task 😂 Honestly I love this. My friends and I don’t actually enjoy slayer all that much (rare minority I know) but having the grind accelerated and having fun competitions, while trying to get gear upgrades from higher slayer will be super satisfying. I think it adds a really simple,  straightforward MMO (well - multi player) element to the game without forcing players to feel like they need to group or be solo to be efficient. Great update!

Only the half the trauma if you're pulling equal weight - especially with Elemental Weaknesses, might actually turn into a reasonably quick task if you're partnered up!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Peechez

Getting married next week. Think I found our honeymoon

Love the enthusiasm but I beg you aim higher than arguing about one of you not pulling weight on a Gargoyles task...

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by SkeletonKing959

"We're hopeful to re-release Slayer Partner before Araxyte tasks are added to the game alongside Araxxor"

Does this mean we'll be able to duo Araxxor? (Please!!!) So much content is solo instance only...

Duo Araxytes yes, Araxxor no. Agree though, I'd love to see some more duo/trio content built around those specific scales

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by YatesyLaa

Can i do sire with my group please jagex

Unfortunately no, but you've got everybody's favourite vents to keep you company for ages at the start of every single kill - what more could you want?!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by EuphoricAnalCarrot

Do not stick your weiner in the vents

Cheers for the tip, u/EuphoricAnalCarrot!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by w-holder

what’s the point of partner slayer? never did it when it was around but it looks like it’s just less efficient for both of you

Some people just want to kick back and do a task with a pal, and we saw requests for its re-implementation absolutely skyrocket with the GIM release - it's just some added variety, I imagine the overwhelming majority of people will keep on trucking as they are, but at least the option's going to be there again!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Taylor1308

You can cancel your current Task at any time, but both you and your partner must cancel to receive another one.

So cancelling the task is a total is 60 points in total, but completing one is 15 (duradel) split between the two people? is there a reason why canceling is double the points when the reward isn't?

EDIT: Aha! since the tasks will be finished twice as fast then the slayer streak bonuses received will be twice as fast too meaning we'll get a lot of points, that makes sense. Thanks for the replies & explanations!

Effectively because you're likely to get through tasks (roughly) twice as quickly, and because only the 'base' points from a Streak are split (i.e. a base 15 + a streak 60 for a total 75 points), this goes some way to offsetting what we imagine will be some increased points output for people making full use of the system.

There might be other reasons tied to actual limitations, but I'll have to check in with Arcane once he's back in office!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TGamlock

This is sick, I assume you won't be able to partner bosses like Cerb or Gargoyles though?

Correct, though bosses that aren't instanced and can still be assigned as Boss Tasks (like GWD bosses), or 'alternative' boss tasks like Aviansies, Greater Demons etc. will still work this way!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by seagullgim

hi jagex

jagex say hi back

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Long_Wonder7798

Does this mean the partner Can get a Zuk task without beating inferno first?

I'll have to check on exactly how the 'alternate' TzHaar tasks are handled, it might be easier to disable it to avoid confusion and to avoid using a goofy Slayer + No Quest alt to become meta for getting Inferno tasks

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Jodelirious73

Nice to see them back! Only thing I'd be worried about regarding potential abuse is potentially people using the system to boost to be able to get specific tasks using their partners points

Example: player A is a rich player who wants to receive a hellhound task for example but has no points left after skipping with all their points, player B is a booster who will effectively be selling these points to player A for gp.

Player A and B partner up and B begins requesting and skipping tasks until receiving hellhounds, player B will then receive payment for their services and will hang around player A and allow A to complete their task at Cerberus without having to spend a single point.

Unsure if this would be allowed behaviour or would be considered abuse but I wanted to raise it now in case I missed something that disallows this from happening.

Both Player A and Player B need to skip the task to receive a new one together, so Player A not having any points precludes them from this.

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by hbnsckl

Assuming you and your partner are within 30 tiles of each other, your Task will decrease by one any time either of you kills a gargoyle.

If these conditions are not met will your task not decrease? Could you theoretically have a permanent task?

Yours won't but your partner's will, so you'll just have to kill an extra mob or two if you're too far apart.

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Priegelaar

The trickiest step is the first one: finding a friend! We can’t help you much with that, but this is a massively multiplayer online RPG, so we’re sure you’ll manage!

Dedicated world(s) for this could make partnering up easier.

Could absolutely add a themed world for it, I imagine spots would wind up even more packed than before though - would be nice to add to the Grouping tab in any case!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by wlpu

The only real concern I have here is group bosses (which on a side note, I'd desperately love to see more of), e.g. Callisto, Vet'ion, Venenatis + GWD bosses (although the wildy bosses + Nex are the only true group bosses where loot is actually split, kill credit is not unfortunately). It's quite easy for one person to get most if not all of the kill credit if the gear difference is substantial, even if you are contributing towards the kills. Is there anything that can be done to alleiviate this issue?

I'm not sure exactly how kill credit will be handled on bosses like this, will be one to check in with devs on when they're back in office - though I think you still get Slayer task credit even if you don't necessarily gain strict kill credit in some of these cases? Been a while since I've done many of these on-task and in a group

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Peechez

I will not

Understandable, gl on the wedding - hope it's magical!

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Alendian

Sorry to be as dumb as a post, but struggling to see when this is released? Is it out now? or just soon TM? Thanks in advance.

Assuming reception is good then this will be dropping later in August.

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Jodelirious73

Gotcha. Do they both pay the 30 points each for skipping or is it like 15 points each?

30 each, since you'll still probably be earning points/hr at a faster rate than before if you're making full use of the system

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Good-Guthix

One thing I'd like to see with the invite system; could we limit it so that only people on your friends list can send you an invite? 

I could see potential abuse for harassing someone if the acceptance interface can pop up anywhere, anytime, and potentially interrupt certain actions.

Also, is there any interaction between this and group ironman prestige?

Can see if the former is possible, but have already got feedback noted down about cases where we might want to prevent invites from popping up.

GIMs can only partner up with their own group, so Prestige shouldn't be impacted at all.

8 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TheNamesRoodi

Hi, when talking about point distribution, it says "unlike most things in old school this is rounded up so neither partner misses out".

Can you elaborate more on this? The 40/60 example prior doesn't make it clear what this means.

So if you had a perfect 50/50 split on a 15-Point Turael task, you'd both get 7.5 points, which we round up to 8 for each of you, totalling 16 Points.

Let me know if that clears it up!