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over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


The point I was trying to make on the Q&A was that I didn't really see a benefit to sitting there at a bank cutting hides for scales vs picking scales up from the floor. Your question specifically stated this would "provide a new way to obtain scales rather than the monotonous task of collecting scales" but both seem pretty monotonous to me, just one is considerably more afk.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by LuitenantDan

If by ā€œon fireā€ you mean has incredibly bad takes, then yes, heā€™s on fire.

Pures choose to limit themselves.

They most certainly do choose to limit themselves, but why should that mean limitations can't change over time as the game continues to develop?

We've made changes and continue to make changes for ironmen, even though they chose to limit themselves. Some people have issues with that, but it's rarely from the majority of ironmen asking for the change.

If players want limitations in different ways after 8 years, what's the actual problem with it? Why can't the pure meta change over time? Why is that such a bad take in your eyes?

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Oh I'm sorry if it came across as not being in favour of a change at all, it was more trying to understand why that suggestion was made as a replacement to something that was considered monotonous because to me standing at the bank sounds much more boring. I jokingly mentioned "Dragon Shearing" as an alternative but really I guess I was saying "is there not something less boring we could do than bank standing for scales?". If players are in agreement that they'd rather cut their hides up instead, then that's what I'll support in discussions with the team.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by HiddenxAlpha

Ayiza is chatting shit today šŸ”„

Alternate title^

>Player chooses restrictions that can easily be removed

>Complains about restrictions


I guess we just see it differently.

I don't think they're really complaining about said restrictions at all. Every pure knows full well they exist because they chose to thave them.

It's about bringing new life into the meta. Things have remained largely unchanged for 8 years now. I don't think I've ever seen a pure ask for a pure-only update, they typically ask if certain arbitrary requirements from already existing content can be altered slightly to accomodate them so they have something different to do.

Changes like allowing pures to return to Ape Atoll have been made in RuneScape pre-eoc and I understand it was very well received. It helped bring new builds to the PvP meta too.

Why exactly is that a problem in your eyes?

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by LuitenantDan

Because the content was developed with the restriction in mind. Obviously the trade off of going to Ape Atoll post quest was receiving the combat exp. I donā€™t think the game should be designed around optional, self-imposed restrictions because of people abusing the combat formula for PvP purposes.

Obviously, Iā€™m not in your shoes as the developer, but I think thereā€™s bigger issues addressing the game (and PvP in general) than can pure get a dragon scimitar or access the monkey caves for chinning.

The difference between Pures and ironmen, in my opinion, is that Ironman is a curated experience and the issues that affect them can also bleed into regular accounts, but they can often get around them by accepting help from other players such as team bosses or trading. Pures, on the other hand, arenā€™t restricted other than by their own choice. Nothing stops them from participating in the content other than themselves, and I donā€™t think thatā€™s worth balancing around.

Also, hi :)

I donā€™t think the game should be designed around optional, self-imposed restrictions because of people abusing the combat formula for PvP purposes.

If Ironman wasn't an official gamemode:

I donā€™t think the game should be designed around optional, self-imposed restrictions because of people not wanting to interact with other players.

Your comment seems to suggest that Ironmen should have changes made to accomodate them because it is a curated experience.

If we made pures an official gamemode just like we did Ironman, would your opinion on if changes should/shouldn't be made be different?

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Unlikely_Island

Why can't the pure meta change over time?

While in the same comment you also said "Yeah we changed the meta around Ironman and people didn't like it".

And I also said "but it's rarely from the majority of ironmen asking for the change." which is exactly what I said in my tweet if you replace ironmen with pures. I don't understand your point here sorry :(

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Revoluting

my problem is that y'all made it clear you were changing the level requirements for end game pvm stuff and now you're on the pure train, apparently, for quests that have been in the game for 20 years. WE VOTED scythe and rapier in at 75 and they have to be changed to 80/85 for integrity reasons, but now you're considering changing MM1 xp? Are you for real?

ayiza you personally make it hard to engage with the dev team.

You told me, not some random that I skimmed in a thread, you told ME you would commit to resetting the leaderboards w BP nerf, saving the old scores, and starting a new one. You wrote an essay on how a cemented leaderboard is one people aren't interested in engaging with.

Literally, and I mean this in every sense of the word, literally 12 hours later this was reneged on. I immediately cancelled my subscriptions.

I'm just gonna stop reading what you write man.

WE VOTED scythe and rapier in at 75 and they have to be changed to 80/85 for integrity reasons, but now you're considering changing MM1 xp? Are you for real? What are the design standards you guys work with?

I'm sure you're already aware, but the Equipment Rebalancing work has been delayed.

I communicate the teams intentions via blogs, and the blogs stated we weren't happy that pures would be hard done by these changes but they were deemed necessary. I'm hopeful with the extra time we have now that won't be the case and we'll be able to adjust our approach, because it was never something I personally wanted to happen.

you told ME you would commit to resetting the leaderboards w BP nerf, saving the old scores, and starting a new one. You wrote an essay on how a cemented leaderboard is one people aren't interested in engaging with.

This one was actually quite odd, because initially people were in support of resetting and saving PB's. It wasn't until we were closing in on the final blogs that this changed - we'll always make adjustments based on what feedback suggests. The blogs we released at the time should have covered this in enough detail so I'd advise checking back over them.

I do not recall writing the essay you're referring to - I have a pretty bad memory but if you're able to point me towards it I can comment on that further!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Unlikely_Island

I don't understand your point here sorry :(

That previously changing things for a minority led to people disliking it.

It led to some people disliking it, but not the majority. This happens with any update, yet we still do them. Why is it any different?

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Founding__Titan

Not the person you replied to, and I really don't care one way or another about this "issue," but I think I might be able to give you an answer anyway.

It might frustrate some players if they feel like Jagex cares too much about catering to a small percentage of niche accounts whenever they could be using time and resources to do things that benefit a larger number of average players instead. This is especially true when there's already a laundry list if QoL updates for regular players that a lot of the community wants.

I can fully appreciate where you're coming from, but if you look back through our updates we consistently do QoL updates for regular players. It might not be as much as you or I would like, I'm not saying we shouldn't do more, but they're definitely there.

The same can't be said for the pure community.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by LuitenantDan

If ā€œpureman modeā€ was added to the game, and it had its own feature set of rules that were opt-in at character creation that prevented any sort of defense XP gain (and locked you out of content that would give you Defense XP), then no, Iā€™d say that changes that affected that game mode provided they passed their polls would be fair game, same as Ironman.

Right now, however, itā€™s my opinion that Pures abuse the combat formula by neglecting otherwise gainful exp rewards and therefore any ā€œrestrictionsā€ such as the inability to access Ape Atoll are completely arbitrary. At any time, they could elect to receive the defense XP and access the content.

Thanks for the insight!

any ā€œrestrictionsā€ such as the inability to access Ape Atoll are completely arbitrary.

Could it be said that the decision to allow pures access to Ape Atoll during the quest but forcing them to get Defence experience after the quest is complete is completely arbitrary?

Obviously the completion of the quest grants rewards you can't get during the quest, but is there any real reason that experience is forced onto players? RuneScape didn't seem to think so, so they removed it.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Founding__Titan

That makes sense, I've never been a pure so it's not like I understand what it's really like. Just offering my own pov :)

I definitely appreciate your pov here and I'm sure it's one many others also agree on! I just want to try and support as much of the community as possible, even if they're a minority.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by RSN-4daMemes

Just release the long-awaited sequel to sheep shearer: 'Dragon Shearer', where such an idea can properly come to fruition in concert with the lore (and how hides can be converted to scales, as I thought the two were entirely different parts of the dragon).

I never thought it would be taken seriously but hey, it's RuneScape after all - why can't we shear dragons!!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Dicyano7

Do you expect that the removal of the attack requirement from the DWH is going to be reconsidered as well? Just wondering for my obby mauler.

I can confidently say at the moment that the DWH will still be changed to 1 Attack - we have no plans to change that from the last proposal!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by luquitacx

I haven't ever found a reason of why pure should exist anymore. In the old days they were made so you could kill noobs with a min maxed account for that combat bracket. But now? Everyone and their f**king grandma is using a pure for pvp. If everyone is a pure, is anyone really a pure?

Some people also just like playing as a pure account for the additional challenge. I guess it's similar to other restricted accounts like Swampletics - it's a different way to play the game.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by noobtablet9

Is it really an "additional challenge" if it's done to give an advantage in pvp? Stop pretending like they're making the game more difficult for themselves when the actualized goal is that pvp is better for them already.

I said what I said because I know plenty of people that play pure accounts and have never done any PvP in the time their account has existed - I didn't say everyone :P