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Before diving into this saga, I just want to extend a virtual hand to anyone else caught in the bizarre whirlwind of Jagex's recent antics. You are definitely not alone. This rant isn't just about my grievances; it's about the frustratingly opaque and seemingly arbitrary decisions by Jagex support.

Current Predicament:

I found myself in a Kafkaesque scenario where my Jagex account was abruptly locked and disabled. The reason? Allegedly "importing an account that wasn't mine," yet I received zero evidence to substantiate which account they're referring to. Here's where it gets interesting: I have a maxed account that's registered to my email, which has now also been locked. This account wasn't linked to the launcher, and while it's officially mine, a friend was the original creator who now finds themselves unable to recover it.

This isn't just about the lockout. It's more about the bewildering "support" I've encountered while trying to untangle this mess.

A Glimmer of Hope...And Then Disappointment:

There was one email from Jagex that actually seemed promising because it felt like a human was on the other end. That hope was short-lived.

Email I had recieved this week

Below is an email to a friend. About a year ago. Now i'd like to point out this quote: "this message has been sent by a real person"

Email my friend had recieved a year prior

The Plot Thickens:

Adding to the drama, a girl I recently started talking to decided to join RuneScape. She created an account, linked it to the Jagex launcher, and—would you believe it—a week later, her account was locked. The reason? Supposedly for importing an account that wasn't hers. This is outright absurd since she has only had this one account and has followed all the rules to the letter. Shortly after, her account was disabled.

My Conclusion:

It's increasingly apparent that Jagex might just be tossing darts blindfolded when it comes to handling their support tickets. There’s a glaring lack of evidence or logical reasoning in their actions, which is not just disappointing—it’s disheartening for the entire player community.

I've seen these posts all the time and never really thought much of them. But once it happened to me, I truly understood what it's like to deal with this.

Experiencing first-hand the baffling and frustrating support system of Jagex has been an eye-opener. It's one thing to read about other players' struggles with account lockouts and unhelpful responses, but it's entirely another to live through it yourself. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience—it’s a glaring issue that affects how we interact with a game we love and invest time in.

The reality of dealing with Jagex's support is daunting. It feels like no matter how clear your case is, you’re met with generic responses that don't address your specific issues. It’s disheartening to feel so powerless, especially over something that should be straightforward.

To anyone else dealing with this: You're not alone. This seems to be a systemic issue rather than isolated incidents. Let's continue to share our stories and hopefully bring about some much-needed change in how Jagex handles its player support.

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11 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Hey there,

I've taken a look into this and would like to clarify some things for both yourself and the wider audience this post might reach.

In relation to your disabled Jagex account, the account was disabled after the original creator of one of the characters on the account came back in to recover said character. I myself handled this ticket and returned their account to them, and disabled your account in the process as every other character on the account in question was created from a different email and country than your own, with no IP, billing or email match from you to the creation of those accounts.

As we have mentioned in one of our responses to you, we take the use of Jagex accounts to hijack other people's accounts very seriously, which is why the account in question has been disabled.

With regard to the 'maxed account that's registered to your email, which has now also been locked', I've taken a look at this and can see this ban coming around the same time as your Jagex account being disabled is actually a coincidence - that account was picked up by our ACT team and banned for RWT.

Now I can't comment on the recent account disabling of your friend, but if you drop me her RSN I can take a look for you :)

I would just like to assure people that any action taken on a Jagex account is done manually after an investigation into the account. I'm not going to say that we never make mistakes (human error is unfortunately unavoidable!) but we will always try to rectify a mistake as and when we see one. However, a mistake was not made in this case.

Hopefull this helps provide some clarity to the situation.

Mod Melora