about 2 months ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s can I want to be a postman all right
2s what do you think is the biggest problem
4s facing old school RuneScape today my CV
7s has a massive picture of to SC look on
9s it and like it had my Inferno casc and
11s like my chasing and it like it was so
15s cringe hello everyone and welcome to the
17s official old school RuneScape podcast
19s where we get to chat [ __ ] with jods and
22s creators so that you get to know the
25s person behind the crown unless they're a
27s Creator because they don't wear crowns
29s but that still works anyway most of them
30s are peod crowns true that is very true
33s well we're your hosts I'm mod Aiza this
35s is mod SW and today we are joined by the
38s wonderful mod Arcane who is a Senior
41s Systems designer here at Old School
45s Arcane how are you doing today I'm doing
46s really well thank you yeah Prett good
48s good are you excited to be on the first
49s podcast yeah [ __ ]
51s it you don't look nervous at all so
55s comfortable so relaxed yeah so so so so
57s relaxed okay let's uh let's break the I
59s a little bit what of you done this
60s morning um I walked with Mod husky I've
63s been looking after him this week he's
64s been staying over for game Jam so he's
66s been uh sleeping on my blow up bed and
69s so we walked to a training station got
70s some coffee got some breakfast and then
71s I've just been tidying up some odd game
73s Jam bits so getting ready for the game
75s Jam presentations tomorrow like sure we
77s get off to the team and stuff it's been
79s a very exciting game Jam there been so
81s much that people have been working on it
83s seems like so much more than before I
85s think maybe because they're smaller
86s projects rather than like larger ones
88s and they really are like the theme was a
90s general just qual which is obviously a
92s lot more like we know what the problems
94s are for qual usually like players are
95s very very vocal about that like this is
97s just really annoying to work with so we
98s can fix them right it's a bit different
100s than coming up with an entire continent
102s and trying to populate with a bunch of
103s different content bit more nebulous
105s right so it has been really good to see
107s like how much has really come out of it
109s more tangible it's has been uh a little
111s bit hectic on socials as well everything
113s been posted and pinions flying around
115s Left Right Center cuz there's obviously
117s quite a few different uh gamechanging
118s things but we'll save a lot of that for
120s actually talk about game jam cuz this is
121s more about getting to know you Arcane
124s and uh and you as a person as well as a
125s developer um but I think swen you you uh
128s you were talking just before we started
129s about what arcane's been working on you
132s maybe want to start off with that
133s something spicy something spicy okay I
136s mean it's not it doesn't seem right for
138s me to announce what you've been working
139s on do you want to announce what you've
140s been working on so I've been working on
142s aaur for a bit now RS3 boss yeah the RS3
146s boss I think that most people see arur
149s very positively where like it was a
150s really cool boss at the time very
152s revolutionary at the time so um is very
154s much trying to adapt it to old school
155s and see what really fits but I think
157s it's a really cool thematic we already
158s have a r sites technically in game so it
160s doesn't feel like much of a stretch or
161s anything like that um it's also been a
164s while since we've done a Slayer boss so
165s I think that'd be kind of fitting like
166s alchemical Hydro I think was the last
168s one so quite a long time ago that was
170s like last one like 2018 or something
172s like that bit later 2020 AA had just
175s left jagex I did he was embarking in his
177s streaming
178s career shortlived it was shortlived and
182s toxic it's so well it was like the the
185s most fractured our friendship been he he
187s he turned into the most toxic little
188s streamer imagine I wasn't that X that I
191s called out two things maybe I just
194s sensitive cuz it was you yeah you were
195s very sensitive every negative com can
197s you blame me I I spent like three weeks
200s playing the game nonstop for like 20
202s hours a day so that I could get night
203s and five Slayer to do alchemical Hydra I
205s can't blame you cuz you chose to do that
206s only to kill it three times and then
208s feel like I never wanted to go there
209s ever again I haven't been back since but
211s yes you can't blame me it was my choice
213s you're right well hopefully aaur doesn't
215s have that experience for you and you
216s already have the Slayer level
217s requirements so that is very I think
220s I'll need to get it on my iron because
221s that's the account I play the most now
223s but I say the most I don't really play a
225s huge amount right now but yeah which I
228s think actually is quite a good uh segue
229s into a question how does working on the
233s game impact your kind of like desire to
236s play the game or enjoyment for old
237s school in general I've thought about
239s this quite a lot and it comes quite a
240s lot in terms of just talking to friends
242s and family and like go the effect you or
244s like people that I used to play runes
245s skate with and everything and um when I
248s first started I was like Peak Iron Man
250s where like I was get just past like
252s 1,800 total or something like that so
254s unlocked all the content all the bossing
255s and just plowing through it and I played
257s for a year solidly after joining the
259s company and Max the AR man got a bunch
261s of jobs Etc um and then it wasn't until
264s I maxed it there is where I really
265s started to fall off and I was like I
266s really just don't want to grind like
269s 2,000 Cor to 3,000 Nightmare and stuff
271s like a lot of the endgame grinds at the
273s time were a bit cumbersome I'd Max my
274s account so you lose all that like easy
276s downtime um wasn't really much of a
278s clogger back then or anything like that
280s so I don't really have many goals so I
282s did just stop playing generally and I've
284s found other stuff since but um I don't
287s know if that's because I work at the
288s company or if I just got to a point of
290s the game mode where I just wasn't
291s enjoying it much I imagine it's partly
294s both I I think for me because since I've
297s joined I've kind of just become the pvm
299s guy for the most part and that's also
302s the bit of the game that I enjoyed the
303s most which means that by the time a new
305s pvm update comes out which is usually
307s the content I would really look forward
309s to I've already played it a lot oh of
311s course yeah you're designing you're
312s testing it you're doing it over and over
314s over again by the time TOA came out like
316s I've been working on it for like a year
317s and I'm just kind of sick of it by then
320s so like I think if I wasn't working on
321s Old pvm content maybe it'd be different
323s I'd be excited to play this content that
325s other developers have made and I still
326s seem the same here like when Ed releases
328s a new Quest I still get really excited
330s to do the new Quest um so maybe it's
332s more so that rather than just being
333s around the product all the time but I do
336s hear it quite often where you're
337s stirring at the game like eight hours a
339s day you go home you don't want to stare
340s at the game for another six hours right
342s and maybe that's part of it I'm not sure
344s for me it's not so much if I'm really
347s staring at the game too much it's more
349s to do with Community sentiment if the
351s players are happy I'm happy and I'm more
352s inclined to play but if there's some
355s kind of uproar or controversy just
356s reminds you about it right yeah like in
358s you log in and you know sometimes
360s occasionally my RSN is to do with me and
362s people will recognize me and they'll be
363s like oh this is this sucks or whatever
364s else and it makes me feel bad like I
366s don't want to play or even just hearing
367s your friends or your clan mates just
369s like talking negatively about the game
370s as they should do because they're
371s players and they should it's dragging
372s the drama home right and we do need to
373s care about that balance exactly yeah
375s that is a a really good point i' I've
377s gone Incognito now just because of that
379s reason again I'm not playing a huge
380s amount at the moment yeah changed my RSN
383s because before it was just a case of
384s like it was Aiza and there would there
386s would be so many nice moments but all it
388s takes is like one bad time where someone
390s asked you a question that I just can't
391s answer or don't want to give an answer
393s to because it's you know something
394s sensitive or topical and then I'm just
396s like well I don't want to play the game
398s anymore but yeah I I've gone through
401s phases weirdly I I when I first started
403s I played the game more than ever before
405s and I think it's because it was I was so
407s hungry to learn so much about the player
409s base more than I did before uh the
412s intricacies of what people do so that I
413s could understand helping them exactly it
415s helps your J job so much if you play the
417s game it really really really does but
419s then I burnt myself out cuz like I went
421s in too hard and then I took a big break
423s then it came back then obviously the
425s streaming stuff happened and I played
426s like for a year solid Non-Stop and that
428s was fantastic but again I burnt myself
430s out then uh and now I just kind of like
432s go through waves where if friends are
435s playing we'll raid together otherwise
436s I'm just kind of not really doing a huge
439s amount I think Iron Man was like the
441s best and worst thing for me to be honest
443s hardcore was a terrible decision then
445s moving moving that onto an Iron Man was
447s the best decision but kind of similar to
449s what you said before is like I've got so
451s many grinds to go for which should be
453s exciting but instead I'm just thought
455s thinking about well I need to get all my
458s stats up and I can't be bothered to
460s grind right now so I just want a pvm but
462s my supplies are like dwindling and then
464s I'm just like oh there's so much that I
465s need to actually do I should just go
467s back to my main really and just max that
469s out but that's a problem that I never
470s really had cuz I just love doing Farm
472s run so much so I think by the time IID
474s like finished most of the endgame
475s content let's say three or four years
477s ago uh I still had like 5K Brews like 8K
480s prayer Parts like 6K restor is like it
482s was just never an issue but that comes
484s from maybe 6 months of RS inducing
487s prayer flicking during all my SL tasks
489s like I just didn't use my supplies at
491s all yeah I I do not pray Flick I'll lazy
493s flick at most it's just so useful but uh
496s not worth it man that's very true well
498s we kind of talked a little bit about
499s Community but I guess uh soon as we have
502s you here and players are going to be
505s listening and watching hopefully
507s hopefully yeah crossed all 100 of you
509s yeah
510s what would you say you like the most
513s about the old school Community generally
515s just how engaged they are and how
516s willing they are to engage in
517s discussions right and most of the time
519s the discussions are really fruitful like
520s they come up with good ideas and like we
522s were trying to like actually solve
523s things together and that's really
525s rewarding and you don't really see that
527s much in communities a lot of it's just
528s like purely negativity and isn't really
530s trying to make anything good also like
532s the respect for like what's right in the
535s game like I think everyone just has this
536s like intrinsic feeling of like what's
538s good versus bad and no one is very good
540s at articulating like why those things
542s are the case but everyone knows it
544s everyone feels it it's just old schools
547s down to it's not old school it is old
548s school it really is and that's where a
550s lot of the debates come from right
551s because you have people different
552s perspectives but at the end of the day
553s if enough people are saying it's not old
554s school they're probably right like there
556s probably is something there that we've
557s missed that we really need to pull back
559s and fix so I really like that part um I
562s assume you're going to flip this around
564s all of a sudden well do you want to ask
567s that one SW well it wasn't so much the
569s whole what do you hate about the
570s community but there's just kind of one
572s thing that's always been on my mind
573s which is the the negative side of the
575s community I see bad stuff about me don't
579s care at all laugh it off sometimes
581s sometimes I find bits and it's so funny
584s I share my friends be like look how mean
586s they are isn't that funny that that's
587s what he says when he's on the cast but
589s really you know that Meme yeah you know
590s the meme where it's like uh it's like a
592s face with a happy mask and then behind
594s it it's just like crying that's SW when
595s he leaves me a voice note it's like he
598s won't believe what they said about four
600s minutes of I don't look like that me to
604s me
606s but when it comes to kind of colleagues
609s I hate being I hate I hate I hate
611s negativity being directed to them it's
613s like more protective with you I feel
616s like you get a really bad stick from a
619s small element of the community mainly
620s because you're so prolific you make
623s amazing content like people love leagues
625s you and you tri blades are reloaded
627s absolutely smashed it the kind of Boss
629s content you've done done absolutely
630s smashed it even the things we weren't
632s necessarily expecting to be big
633s successes like Musa with secrets of the
635s north awesome boss really fun engaging
637s fight but then there will be like
641s screenshots of you talking and answering
643s questions and being an awesome J mode
644s and talking and answering questions and
646s working with people in some Discord
647s servers and then people are like he's
649s giving inside information he's doing
651s this he's manipulating he's you know I
654s don't know I feel like you get tired
655s with a like a bad brush there I don't
658s know if that's the right analogy but we
659s go but you know what I'm trying to say
660s bad brush with a bad brush not a good
663s one why don't you get the good brushes
665s man it's not fair so I just want to know
667s how you feel about that I think it's
668s Testament to you that you haven't when
670s you engage it's constructive he never
672s really defensive when if it was me or
675s someone else perhaps we might be like no
678s you're wrong and this is why you're
679s wrong but you don't do that so I'd love
681s to just kind of hear your thoughts on
682s that I'll pref it with I feel like I've
684s messed up at times like I've maybe said
685s too much or like just been a bit too
687s privy but like the intent was was there
690s right and being like really like
691s productive and really helpful like I
693s don't really like posting on Twitter and
694s Reddit too much I don't really like that
695s Forum style communication I like but
697s more like insta messaging so that's kind
698s of why I gravit it towards Discord sure
700s but Discord is obviously not public as
702s every other source of media so I don't
704s blame people feeling like I'm being like
705s secretive or helping my friends like I
707s didn't know Oblivion before I joined but
709s it's just another Discord I'm in a lot
710s of discords on my jod account I engage
712s in a lot of different communities um and
714s I like talking to them right and I don't
716s want to like not really I don't want to
717s just not talk to these discords because
720s people are going to see that as me like
721s leaking Insider information but um yeah
723s I've definitely said stuff I'm like I'm
724s probably Towing the line of like yeah
726s okay that probably just wasn't really
727s wise like that probably shouldn't have
728s gone there um but again it was always
730s with good intent like I've never really
731s tried to do anything like that um but no
734s it does make me sad right like I feel
736s like I feel like I've become a bit of a
738s scapegoat in terms of just like if
740s there's like negative sentiment around
742s drop tables or something that
743s specifically which there always is right
745s like we've never released a drop table
747s in the past like probably ever that has
749s no drama on it whether that's the reward
751s blog stage and like figuring out the
752s design towards the actual implementation
754s of it um so I've become like oh it's
756s only long because Arcane wants it to be
759s long or something like that I'm like no
760s it's just me just trying to figure out
761s like compared to all the other rewards
763s in the game where should it be best put
765s where does it what where feels
766s appropriate taking complaints from the
767s previous drop table release trying to
769s fix them and then suddenly you're
770s uncovering another issue yeah like the
772s Vestige thing where we did the whole
774s like um you got to roll three times to
775s get Vestige that was the goal of going
777s like okay well I I think be beneficial
780s if people had a lower chance of going
781s dry long term that was the entire intent
784s complete oversight about like how that
785s would interact with like day one economy
787s where you got 100 thousand people
788s playing it but not very many people have
790s got over 100 KC which means there's
792s barely any in the economy right um that
794s was a complete oversight that was a
795s mistake I think I think In fairness as
797s well the way we kind of handled the
799s commun there isn't a bug I'm not going
801s to tell you why yeah was a little bit
803s ominous wasn't it it's like but but
804s equally like I think players have almost
806s come out and said like yeah you
807s shouldn't have told us that you
808s shouldn't have told us it works because
810s now people are obsessed about like oh
811s maybe I'm two out of three I don't know
813s and asking ways that they can trade in
815s items to figure out what their their Ro
818s maybe that's a good Band-Aid solution at
819s this stage it's a bit late to change
821s things like that completely but um yeah
824s it's like again good intense maybe I may
826s make mistakes every now and again I'm
827s hardly perfect but I'm just trying to
829s just do better every single time but
831s people do jump towards the negative like
833s malicious intent kind of deal quite
835s often which does upset me it's not nice
837s to read online right that people think
838s you're evil like I'm in this job taking
840s a massive pay cut compared to anything
842s else I could be doing because I love the
844s game and I want to do really well and I
845s want to make the players happy even
846s though I don't play the game as much
847s these days I still love it like entirely
850s um so letting people assume malice does
854s upset me I think it's lazy on the part
856s of players to assume it's m and I think
858s it's like that you kind you call it
859s slacktivism they kind of you know they
860s feel like I'm contributing to this
861s bandwagon I'm seeing the sentiment and
863s I'm going to join in because that's the
864s right thing to do cuz I think sometimes
867s all it takes on Reddit genuinely is
870s two paragraphs that are cohesively
872s written and then people won't even read
875s what it means but they're like get the
876s vi this person's use full stops and
879s there are two paragraphs maybe there's
881s an accompanying image this person must
883s be right it's a Well constructed opinion
884s even if it might I don't agree with it
886s or not but it's well constructed I don't
887s even know what the opinion is I don't
888s know what it means I haven't touched
889s that content but this person obviously
891s has done cuz there's four commas in that
893s sentence Oh my God he must know we're
895s all guilty of it right like you scroll
896s through YouTube short so Tik toks over
898s and over again you see someone just
899s talking about some random stuff you have
900s no idea about you're like that person
902s really knows that like I kind of think
904s that now like it's just so easy I don't
907s blame people it's just human psychology
909s really oh we should do the same we
911s should deconstruct negative opinions of
913s our own Easy clickbait shorts and Tik
915s toks probably would work yeah all right
918s there we go get Archy on the case oh
920s dear but no I think you're you're right
922s there like the maliciousness there I
924s think the one thing that gets me as well
925s is there's there's always a conspiracy
927s it's like oh DRX are doing this because
929s of this reason and it's sometimes just
932s probably over I say sometimes it's it's
934s never that I don't think there's ever
935s been a time where we've gone into
936s anything and there been like an ulterior
938s motive it's just we've just done
940s something and it probably wasn't the
941s right thing so then we just go back
943s we're just human we make mistakes spoken
945s to the right person bit of
947s miscommunication we reacted too quickly
950s yeah a good example was um in know post
952s Vore part one um there's a lot of drama
955s about the the clue step right about how
957s you needed to get the the highest
959s requirement and Coliseum which is our
961s latest piece of difficult content to
962s unlock a clue step and you can't do the
964s master Clues without them right and like
966s that was not the intent like the intent
968s was me just going like I don't want to
970s put anything like really important
971s behind the the biggest Glory un lock I
972s just want it to be a bit of a flex or
973s something so an OTE seems pretty
975s harmless right I had no idea it was a
976s clue step that project had like seven
978s developers on it like I had no idea so
981s we fixed it afterwards right but again
983s just it's not malice or J Mod's just
985s going like yeah let's screw over the
986s clue play Clue enjoyers like we just
989s didn't realize you can kind of
990s understand why they would feel that way
991s but it would be nice if if you know when
993s stuff like that did happen the first
997s thing that players thought was not a
999s conspiracy and it was just like oh this
1001s shouldn't be the way that it is we know
1003s JX by now we know the old school team by
1005s now they'll change it so let's ask them
1007s to change it because you talked earlier
1009s about how uh it's quite unique that
1012s you're able to have like conversations
1013s with players and that there is that back
1015s and forth it's very two-way whereas I
1017s feel like a lot of other Studios have
1019s very much oneway conversations and it's
1020s a case of this is what we're doing you
1022s can leave your feedback but you're never
1024s going to hear back on that feedback
1025s until there's another patch in maybe
1027s three months time and maybe one or two
1028s of those changes would have got in
1030s whereas we have very much a two-way
1032s communication Loop and that is brilliant
1034s but it has its flaws as well it means
1036s that we can afford the opportunity to go
1038s out with things that players might not
1040s like but we're kind of like unsure
1042s ourselves so we test the waters and we
1044s know that they'll give us feedback we
1046s know that we'll action that feedback and
1047s we'll communicate back why we've changed
1049s it because of players input but that
1052s also then brings in the opportunity for
1053s well why why are the old school team
1055s doing this why would they ever think
1056s that that was the right thing to do and
1057s it's like sometimes we just like to see
1059s what happens see how you feel about
1061s things may maybe other games and other
1062s studios are why our players are the way
1065s they are because obviously old school's
1066s growing if you go right yeah you go back
1068s to like the 2015 or 2017 period so we
1071s we're kind of post the old school launch
1075s numbers have fallen and then they're
1076s suddenly starting to grow again like new
1078s old school you unique old school
1079s contents coming to the game play base is
1081s growing but they've been with us sizable
1084s growth but they're still we're still not
1086s massive then obviously mobile comes in
1088s and then you have like raids and stuff
1090s coming in and we're being quite prolific
1092s with content advertising stepping up as
1094s well all the player base has grown and
1096s they've come from somewhere they're
1097s playing other games they're working with
1099s other Studios I say working they're
1101s trying to talk to other Studios probably
1103s hearing nothing maybe that's what it is
1104s especially over Co time too CU dur so
1106s used to having to scream to get any
1108s changes right during Co right every game
1110s was being delayed like expansions being
1112s delayed new games being delayed I think
1113s we were that was kind of around the time
1115s we started getting quite good at release
1116s stes cuz we were like we just kept our
1117s cards close to our chest interestingly
1119s bit of a segue I was interviewing like a
1121s candidate and we're talking about
1123s release dates for the marketing time
1124s timelines and stuff like like I said do
1126s you do you see a problem with announcing
1128s really really really early on a release
1130s date and then changing go no that's just
1131s the industry I'm like oh I didn't like
1134s that answer I was like surely there's a
1135s better way to do things you know I think
1137s that's why I I don't know why this is
1138s meant to be about you Arc but it's about
1140s me now but I think that's why I love
1142s working at jagex especially on old
1144s school so much is because we do always
1147s try to do things a better way and
1149s obviously you know as you've heard and
1151s saw us say s us say that's a weird
1154s saying never we going to say that one
1155s again that we make mistakes but the
1158s beauty of it is that we always try to
1160s make good of any mistake that we do make
1162s and I think that I can hand on my heart
1165s safely say that that is the case that is
1168s what we will always strive to do and I
1169s think that's why I love working here so
1171s much everyone's so willing to try and do
1173s the right thing right even if sometimes
1174s we make mistakes and sometimes it's
1176s really difficult and Things fall through
1178s the cracks like we're always doing it in
1179s the vein of trying to do it the right
1181s way yeah at least from our perspective
1183s yeah no completely and it might take
1184s time but there'll always be learnings
1187s from every project that will then take
1189s into the next project and that happens
1191s consistently and I I love the fact that
1193s we do that uh and I think you're right
1195s we have got so much better with things
1197s like in terms of like timelines like
1198s before we learned from announcing things
1200s way in advance and then having to delay
1202s and then delay again winter 2017 was a
1204s real thing uh but we've avoided that I
1206s can't remember the last major drama that
1209s we had over release dates it's usually
1211s just a month or something really at most
1213s if we have to push anything it is
1214s normally yeah just a case of a couple of
1216s weeks I think maybe we could get a
1217s little bit better at announcing the
1218s bigger things like you know a league so
1220s people can prepare time off but those
1222s things take a huge amount of commitment
1223s from us to to even know when exactly
1226s we've been able to deliver anyway we're
1227s always we're always working towards a
1229s date so we'll go through our calendars
1230s and all the content we've announced
1232s there's a date attached to it but it's
1234s tentative and we don't know until we get
1235s closer and closer to it so the most we
1237s could do is be like it might be within
1239s these four weeks yeah but then players
1241s are like well what one is it cuz I'm
1243s want to book time off I wonder how
1244s players actually feel about that and if
1246s anyone's uh watching and listening
1249s hopefully you are of you yeah leave us
1252s some comments how do you feel about
1253s release dates would you rather that we
1255s had a release date that was then like
1258s announced earlier but but pushed back
1260s multiple times because we weren't able
1261s to deliver or do you prefer the current
1263s approach that we have which is that we
1264s give as much notice as possible but when
1266s we do give a date it's pretty much
1267s locked in that it's going to be that um
1269s maybe a few weeks difference at most
1271s sure did ideal like a really long
1273s release date in advance that doesn't
1274s change right that's the ideal thing yeah
1276s but we're in real real world here yeah
1277s that just doesn't happen there's always
1279s just too many unknowns in a project so
1281s then like you get deep ins you're like
1282s yeah this is just way more work than we
1283s thought exactly maybe that's an
1285s interesting one we can talk about we
1286s have mod Kieran on I know that he's
1287s obviously going to a huge amount of
1288s people that's working alongside the
1290s development team as yourself but we can
1291s talk about um why delays could happen
1294s What could impact it but we weren't go
1296s into that just yet I know one comms
1298s issue that we have had repeatedly uh
1300s about like expectations about when
1301s content is coming that's generally like
1303s poll blogs where it's like we get the
1305s poll blog out and then some random
1308s question in it takes like months right
1310s and that's very rarely because of like
1312s pure Dev resource it's just about like
1314s we just can't do it all at the same time
1316s right and it's like yeah we'll do these
1317s first and it's like player expectations
1318s WR jobs get done first and like their
1320s priorities and misaligned expectations
1323s cuz someone might have a grest guardian
1324s Tas so they really care about the grest
1325s guardian question someone else is doing
1327s the gaunlet grind so they really care
1328s about the gaunlet question it's like
1330s someone's going to be upset right theirs
1331s is going to be the last question done
1333s that they care about and like I've I've
1335s always mused about like some indie
1338s companies have like their J boards
1341s almost visible right where it's like it
1343s literally shows you like yeah this is
1344s scheduled for like this release and then
1345s as soon as we update it they see that
1347s change and they can actually see it
1348s evolve I think there's a lot of troubles
1350s and like Community or a lot of issues
1352s trying to do that but like that idea is
1355s like quite interesting of just making
1357s that entire process like Mega
1358s transparent but we we communicate so
1360s much already right it's like we can't
1362s all of a sudden having extra blogs and
1364s extra sections of blogs with even more
1365s taex players are already getting
1366s exhausted by that I actually tried back
1369s in 2018 it was one of my projects for
1370s the year which was to uh essentially
1373s convert the jir tasks that we have and
1375s put them into a public trell board that
1376s players could then obviously check and
1378s see because we were getting a lot of
1380s that back then because we were doing
1381s like that was back when we did four qu
1383s polls per year with the different themes
1384s and there were you know like 30 40
1386s questions each one um and we were
1388s constantly being hammered with like
1389s when's this coming when's this coming
1390s when this coming it's okay how can we
1391s show this public fa in but there is just
1393s so much nuan behind it that it would it
1396s essentially would be I wouldn't say
1398s impossible but very near impossible I
1400s think for us to actually achieve with
1401s how much we end up moving things around
1404s and as we speak to more developers maybe
1406s we can uncover more about how that works
1409s so players can understand but yeah
1412s you're right I don't want to have that
1414s task though doing it cuz we do we do
1417s talk a lot we have a lot of vogs and
1418s sometimes we're actually at like uh we
1420s hit a roadblock where we're at blog
1421s fatigue we can't release more coms
1423s because there's just been so many big
1425s pieces going out one after the other
1427s that our team needs a break and the
1429s players need a break I think that's
1431s something that's very transparent from
1433s the um project rebalance that we've been
1434s working with yourself on and uh you know
1437s poor mod Goblin had to go through 3
1440s weeks of being hammered by comments and
1444s I think you know like the the blogs that
1446s went out the redit posts alone were like
1448s two 3,000 comments in the first day that
1450s is a huge amount for someone to have to
1452s go through and obviously you know we
1454s help out where we can but he need to
1455s break from that there's only so many
1457s times that you can be told that you've
1458s ruined magic that this is going to be
1460s the worst thing you've ever done all the
1463s other negativity that comes through
1464s before it is just too much and you need
1466s to take a step back uh and obviously
1468s that's when we get to process the
1469s feedback then we come back I think we're
1470s in a good place with that now but how do
1472s you feel about project rebalance might
1473s as well ask you see as you've worked on
1474s it generally really happy I think it had
1477s a lot of points that could have been a
1478s lot worse like a lot of the feedback
1480s points were easily fixable at the end of
1482s the day right the whole magic stuff is
1483s probably the most controversial part of
1484s the entire update and like and run
1486s energy and run energy and it's fair with
1488s the the Skilling stuff but we do want to
1490s do that that's a pure scope but it's not
1491s like there's any complicated problems
1493s that we need to try and fix or like it's
1495s like oh you fix this and you break this
1496s like there are fairly timid things that
1498s going like we can just reig the numbers
1500s a bit and then it should just make most
1501s people happy um so I think I'm pretty
1504s happy with it overall um I think the
1506s biggest learning is just like you do too
1509s little and it doesn't make an impact you
1511s do too much and it just gets messy and
1512s confusing and like the communications
1514s and everything and expectations like now
1516s everyone wants everything touched right
1517s because it's a big project so why can't
1518s it touch more um so expectations of that
1521s have been a bit all over the place so I
1523s think there's a probably a bounce there
1525s or something in the Middle where it's
1526s like it's just enough to make an impact
1528s on like a c aspect but we're not doing
1530s five skills and seven different parts of
1531s combat or whatever right I I thought it
1533s was very interesting how to begin with
1535s it seemed like you know there was a
1537s sentiment that there's a lot here
1538s there's so much being discussed these
1540s are too many changes and that's with us
1542s even splitting it out we were going to
1543s do more originally I remember we were
1544s going to just bump everything into one
1546s big blog and then we decided to split it
1548s into you know Skilling combat and then
1551s items uh and and now we get to the last
1553s part of it everyone's obviously
1554s processed all the info and it is just
1556s the case of oh well you're already doing
1557s this so add this on it as well add this
1558s on well this on it as well and and we
1560s just we just can't we're at resource
1562s block now right there isn't any more
1564s availability for us to add extra changes
1566s in there um even the Run energy with
1568s agility we initially removed that out I
1570s remember we were going to go with that
1571s to start with right we took that out
1573s because they meant that we could fit
1574s more in elsewhere didn't really feel
1576s like it would be that big of a deal then
1578s obviously players really wanted it felt
1579s like it would have been such a big deal
1582s um so we brought that back in I think
1584s the whole agility thing that fascinated
1585s me seeing uh the response to it which
1588s was meant to be just a nice quick
1589s touchup to revamp agility a little bit
1592s rebalance it want to complete reor and
1594s it was yeah let's rework the skill which
1597s by and large we want to do at some point
1599s but that's not the point of this project
1600s and I find that difficult to navigate
1603s when it's coming to Communications
1604s actually is like how do you communicate
1606s to a player that this isn't meant to be
1609s exactly what what you want but it's
1611s still worth us doing because they'll
1612s turn around and say like oh we just
1614s don't do the rebalance just just rework
1616s the skill instead but I think maybe
1618s there needs to be more of an
1619s understanding of like how much Dev
1621s resource a rebalance cost versus a
1623s complete rework players are never going
1624s to fully understand like how projects
1627s work right and ter are going from like
1628s Inception to design fitting it into the
1630s road map all of like the things you have
1631s to sacrifice to do at certain projects
1633s like we could do that but it's like
1635s would you be happy about agility rework
1636s if we had to drop as an exaggeratory
1639s example like a raid or something right
1640s that like if we had to drop a raid for
1642s that I'm sure people would be upset
1643s about that we made that choice it's
1644s never going to be that clear a cut but
1646s like that is how project management
1648s works right you got make sacrifices and
1649s fit things in I think uh like famous
1652s words of Kier is just like don't let
1654s perfect be the enemy of good right like
1656s as much as we all want this perfect
1657s solution where we completely rework all
1659s these things we can't let that stop us
1661s making really strong changes in the
1663s meantime we can't just put everything on
1664s a hold um so we do what we can right but
1668s it's good to know that there's a desire
1669s for more because we obviously want to
1671s know what we can work on in the future
1672s right and the fact that there's an
1673s appetite there for agility rework
1675s definitely gives us something to look at
1676s in the future definitely does speaking
1678s of the Future Let's segue back into you
1682s um talk about like aspirations and stuff
1684s but first of all how did you join jagex
1686s like was baby Arcane like dreaming of
1688s being a jod when he first started
1690s playing RuneScape like this is what I
1692s want to do yeah so I I've played
1693s RuneScape for a long time so I'm the old
1695s age old story right played it as a kid
1697s Etc like forever um and I got into a
1701s game called battle right for a long time
1703s and um I got like really really good at
1706s that game so before this I was kind of
1707s like doing web dev General like software
1708s development that kind of stuff did all
1710s uni and then uh I played a game called
1713s battle right a lot and got like really
1714s really good at it and then I end up
1715s getting like private discords and stuff
1717s so I could talk to like the developers
1719s directly make those relationships and
1721s then one of them was just like oh why
1722s don't you apply one day right um so then
1724s I got that job moved over to Sweden and
1727s then um then I'm kind of in the games
1729s industry right so then you you've made
1731s that first push so then eventually
1733s obviously I moved on and then uh applied
1735s to jagex three times got the got a call
1738s back the third time once I made my CV
1740s like really cringe my CV has a massive
1742s picture of tuscal zook on it and like
1745s had my Inferno KC and like my chasing in
1747s it like it was so cringe but it was like
1750s a massive picture of Z like you if you
1752s had that next to other CVS you would
1754s have to look at it there's no way you
1755s weren't looking at CV the cringe worked
1757s clearly I was just about to say when you
1759s mentioned like taking a first step in
1760s Industry I'm like yeah it's one of those
1761s Industries once you're in it's quite
1763s easy to move around apparently not
1764s apparently you need to do that yeah eyes
1767s of it I also think I was very lucky that
1769s there was like a um like recruitment
1772s Handover or something at some point and
1774s they like changed all the processes I
1775s think Kieran got a lot more involved at
1776s that point so that probably helped a lot
1778s as well that he was more directly
1780s looking at those things you know the
1781s creator of Inferno looking at CVS see K
1786s there he social engineered him that
1789s brilliant so yeah that's how I end up
1791s getting to J I love heavy metal and I
1793s love to com oh okay cool you're hired KN
1796s if you needed yeah that's bloody you
1798s brilliant yeah yeah okay well I've got
1801s if anyone's watching um I keep saying if
1803s anyone's watching for those of you
1805s watching cuz you're all definitely
1806s watching I'm not being super
1808s unprofessional I am I basically it's
1810s crazy man I see it C of my eye like Tik
1812s Tok and Subways over like yeah that's
1813s just I thought you were going to do
1814s something different and be like oh he's
1815s just on hinge she's
1817s swiping but no I asked Twitter for some
1820s questions to ask when we get guests on
1822s the show um so I'd like to just go
1824s through a few of them if that's okay and
1826s then we can maybe bounce back and forth
1827s on uh on asking question yeah let's BCE
1829s cool you kind of talked about uh was it
1831s battle right you just said then yeah so
1833s one of the questions which came in from
1834s pip actually was what are the games to
1836s the J mods play and uh do you draw
1838s inspiration from other games uh and if
1841s so are there any specific examples I
1843s think you're a great person to ask for
1845s this because I already know the answer
1847s um very much used to be a big PVP gamer
1850s so I played a lot of World of Warcraft
1851s got into Battlegrounds I didn't like
1852s League of Legends and jumped on every
1853s mever so I went through that like a lot
1855s of people probably did um and then I
1858s play right a lot and then got Mega burn
1859s out on PVP games and that's kind of when
1861s I got back into RuneScape cuz I was like
1863s I just want to turn my brain off I just
1865s chopped trees yeah um so I did that for
1867s like six months um and then I obviously
1869s got more into it started doing pvm got
1871s my infernal cape made an Iron Man and
1873s obviously the rest is history but uh in
1874s terms of other games that I play these
1875s days especially that I don't play
1877s RuneScape as much anymore um big into
1880s Path of Exile that's kind of My
1881s Kryptonite right now so every 3 or four
1884s months when a new league rolls around
1885s that's like 3 400 hours of my life just
1888s gone
1889s um so that's back kind of my rotations
1891s but then I'm also like messing around
1892s with a lot of other Steam games during
1893s the downtime so when the PE league isn't
1895s on then I'll play a bunch of other games
1897s like random things I'm playing game
1898s called rotwood right now which is like a
1900s 2.5d monster hunter Rog like it's like
1904s it feels really good I think the combat
1906s is phenomenal I think it feels really
1907s smooth I've been also watching all of
1909s their sentiment around it cuz they're
1911s getting a lot of commun uh Community
1913s feedback saying that it's too hard too
1915s difficult and everything like that so
1916s kind of fun to see it on the outside
1917s right players complaining about the game
1919s and like how devs respond to it I'm just
1921s seeing the other perspective which I
1922s think is quite fun but yeah I think
1925s there hasn't been an update that I've
1926s worked on where I haven't drawn
1927s inspiration from some other game I know
1930s aka's like uh C
1933s phase we can say that on here he's
1936s inspired off shaper in Poe he's got a
1939s move where he teleports around doing a
1941s bunch of stuff it had change quite a lot
1942s into what it is but then I did AIT a bit
1944s more of a faith Rec creation for the
1946s musers like teleport attack where that's
1948s functionally just shaped as cuz I just
1950s thought it was a really cool attack and
1951s every boss needs just something cool in
1953s reality even though it's not very
1954s difficult attack to avoid or anything
1955s it's just a bit cool bit flashy um but
1958s yeah it's always fun trying to find a
1960s mechanic or a boss that you really like
1961s and you're like what would this actually
1963s look like in RuneScape 90% of the time
1965s does not work tick based tile system
1967s doesn't translate into 99% of games out
1970s there um but sometimes you do come up
1972s with an idea from it aka's memory attack
1974s as well you memorize a quadrant again
1976s that's based off the maven and Poe she
1978s has a memory attack but yeah draw a lot
1980s of inspiration they've got a lot of
1981s really cool bosses nice I I I knew Pap
1983s of xile was com I was just waiting for
1985s the full question the question could
1987s have been so tell us about PA of Exile
1989s why you like so much a good talk forever
1991s man this one ask about quests but I'm
1993s going to ask about content instead uh
1995s but Dan has basically asked what does
1997s the process of Designing uh new content
2000s look like under the hood and how does
2003s the team collaborate to combine the tech
2005s elements um okay maybe it is more about
2007s Quest cuz they say about with the
2009s storytelling aspect of the game but I
2011s guess any cont content generally what is
2013s it what's it like developing content in
2015s the old school team and how do you make
2017s that content actually work process-wise
2019s I can probably speak a decent amount in
2021s terms of like going from like idea to
2024s making the content good probably a bit
2026s more nebulous and fluffy of just like
2028s yeah we just play it and iterate it
2030s until it feels good right and like what
2031s feels good is just what feels right at
2033s the end of the day what feels old school
2034s what feels correct and I mean we get
2036s players in as well right so they can we
2038s get a lot of players to player
2039s validation which is really nice um so
2041s that part is probably a bit more of a
2042s fluffy answer but in terms of like
2044s actual process everything starts as an
2046s idea right it starts with a random idea
2048s that someone has and then you you make
2050s it bigger and bigger you flesh out the
2051s design and then you're eventually
2052s proposing it to people I usually propose
2054s stuff to Kieran or whatever since he's
2055s my direct line manager um and then we'll
2058s like refine the idea come up with it and
2059s we're like yeah this is actually a
2060s pretty good idea is there a spot on the
2062s road map for it we've got a road map
2063s that's like three years ahead of time
2065s right now where we try and plan out like
2066s what we're actually working on some of
2068s the slots are a bit more fluffy where
2069s it's just like pvm content and there
2071s isn't an actual like flesh update for it
2073s but that means there's holes to fill
2075s right we know we need to design a pvm
2076s update so we got this slot and it's
2078s assigned like three or four months so
2080s it's like okay we we'll see what we can
2081s work with let's see what IDs we can come
2083s up with is there any thematics that have
2085s been Mis uh under represent
2088s underrepresented or like any thematics
2090s or areas of the the game or anything
2092s like that like we've not done a penguin
2093s quest in a while should we do a penguin
2095s Quest that kind of deal right yeah um so
2097s it is very much just come up with an
2099s idea find thematics that feel
2100s appropriate find areas that maybe feels
2103s like a bit more love like we did that
2104s for the desert right we're like okay the
2106s desert kind of sucks let's actually
2108s populate the desert a bit and we did
2109s like a year and a half of just purely
2111s desert content almost um but yeah I
2114s don't know I don't know how structured
2116s of a response to really give but yeah
2117s it's very much idea flush it out
2120s proposal try and convince ones put in
2122s the road map and then you get goes in
2124s goes into pre-production we flesh out
2125s the ideas more get refined designs m
2128s start prototyping um play test it's a
2131s right play test it's a right release
2132s really obviously the players are
2134s hopefully along that entire journey I
2136s think that's a pretty fair answer and I
2137s can expand on it a little bit I know
2138s that every two weeks there's a group of
2140s uh leadership within the old school team
2142s who meet and they discuss the road map
2144s and any changes that might need to
2145s happen to it that's probably where some
2147s of these ideas that you're talking about
2149s that you've spoke over and and went
2150s through uh come forward and it's like
2152s does this actually seem like a good fit
2154s and then we have representation from you
2155s know marketing Community Development
2157s Tech QA art uh and we will get to then
2160s just uh essentially yeah talk it out and
2162s just see if it's something that we want
2163s to be able to put in there if it works I
2165s guess a good example of that is the rur
2167s itself like that was very much born of
2169s like I was kind of looking at the road
2170s map with Kieran and we're like outside
2173s of like all of the the regular releases
2175s we don't have any like main game content
2177s in like uh quarter three quarter four of
2180s the year like first half the year
2181s looking pretty strong second half not
2183s not looking so great so like we should
2184s really try and fit something in like do
2186s we have capacity anywhere and we found
2187s out my team probably has a decent amount
2189s of capacity if we can get through the
2190s other stuff fairly quickly um what can
2192s we do in the slot what's a good um
2195s efficient use of resources because we
2196s didn't have a lot of art capacity
2197s because a lot of that on violent War
2199s that's a massive update right requires a
2200s lot going into it so we don't have a lot
2202s of art capacity for that like what is
2203s the best thing we could do with our
2204s limited amount of resource and aaur
2207s obviously it's got a concept that
2208s already technically exists right it's an
2209s RS3 we've got axite cave and morania or
2213s exist fairly new wall kit and everything
2214s so it's not like it's a really old area
2215s that needs refurbishing or anything like
2217s that um and we already have a lot of
2219s ideas to bounce off of so it's kind of
2221s like this might actually work where it's
2223s like okay it's fairly cheap SL boss
2225s concept Slayer bosses are usually a lot
2226s simpler than like a raid or something
2228s like that so scope's a lot smaller uh
2230s we've already got a lot of environment
2231s work done so like this might actually
2233s work and obviously we talked about it in
2234s that meeting that you mentioned and
2236s everyone kind of agreed like yeah that
2238s kind of fits the bill let's let's get it
2239s in right now we just need to talk about
2241s it although I imagine people will have
2243s already found out about Axor before they
2245s watched this yeah so there'll be uh
2247s obviously the standard blog posts and
2249s stuff that people have gone through but
2250s no that's uh thank you for explaining
2252s Axor is a really good example of that
2254s and uh did you find something juicy
2256s found a couple oh here we go a lot of
2258s crap to scroll through but I found a
2260s couple of good ones nice and one of them
2262s I'm going to make good by changing it a
2263s little bit first of all M Kane what do
2265s you think is the biggest problem facing
2267s old school RuneScape today probably very
2269s biased because of what I work on like
2271s day and day out but just reward space
2273s like I remember coming into the company
2275s and going like oh J always complain
2277s about Rewards space like they're so like
2279s stupid like I've got loads of ideas like
2281s it's so easy I can come with thousands
2283s of ideas of rewards and then I go
2284s through like the process of like
2286s designing a reward iterating on it
2287s getting through feedback figuring out
2288s like what cracks it can and cannot fill
2291s like all that stuff I'm like God damn
2292s reward space is so tight man like it's
2294s ridiculous and like matching rewards
2296s with like the difficulty of the content
2297s as well is even more difficult like I
2299s think NEX is a really good example of
2301s that where it's like we wanted this to
2302s be like the next big difficult group
2304s boss and next OB was back then so it
2305s feels like it has to match that so that
2307s means it needs reward that justify it
2309s but then rewards that justify like TVA
2311s like it would be weird if TVA was like a
2313s 10-hour grind right like if that feel
2315s bizar compared to like Bandos maybe like
2317s 30 or 40 hour grind I'm just rough
2320s numbers off the top of my head like it'd
2321s be weird if torvet was a shorter grind
2323s than Bandos so then we make that grind
2325s like what we think is deserving compared
2327s to like ancestral and Missori Ori wasn't
2330s out at the time but other related pieces
2332s of content right but then all of a
2333s sudden you realize that okay well it's a
2335s group boss it's not a raid it's not
2337s really that fun to do that many times
2339s like it gets a bit tedious eventually so
2341s then like trying to match like
2343s difficulty versus content versus like
2344s enjoyment of content run the grind like
2346s how fun that actual grind is and the
2348s actual power of the reward like matching
2350s that all up whilst finding niches to
2351s fill there just sometime a nightmare
2353s it's just absolutely impossible so
2355s that's why we come up with some random
2356s Niche [ __ ] sometimes right where
2358s it's just kind of like yeah we don't
2359s really know where it's going to be used
2360s but it's going to be really strong like
2362s these three cases like vener B right I
2364s mean yeah the ven bow though look at
2365s that now yeah it's really popular made
2368s at the time everyone was criticizing
2370s even the Fang at the time everyone like
2372s where you going to use the fang man
2373s that's like so [ __ ] like rap's better
2375s DPS on low defense there isn't anything
2377s with high defense we've made stuff with
2378s high defense so now it's really useful
2380s and coincidentally it's also just really
2381s good everywhere
2382s else might have fallen but at the time
2385s everyone's saying like that's the
2386s weakest reward in TOA one thing comes to
2389s mind too is like players telling us to
2390s kind of focus on niches stop giving us
2392s stuff that sting rolls we need to manage
2394s power creep and then with TOA hecka and
2397s then of a sudden like this is not strong
2399s enough yeah it's not strong enough and I
2400s was like fine here's a [ __ ] Shadow oh
2402s Shadow's too strong I'm not saying like
2404s we can't do these proper there
2405s definitely problems but like this is why
2407s it's always a problem it's always
2409s difficult there's just so many
2410s perspectives so many variables absolute
2412s Nightmare and I think it's just going to
2413s get harder and harder as time goes on
2415s like I'm thinking about rewards for
2416s rocks already and I'm just like
2417s scratching my head like it's so hard but
2420s how do we fix that I mean stuff like
2421s project rebounds helps a lot right we
2423s create range Space by introducing the
2425s new like light standard and heavy sty
2426s that gives us reward space um the
2429s elemental rebounds that let us push like
2430s Elemental spells a bit more maybe we can
2432s interact with that and element Elemental
2434s weaknesses a bit more um that gives us a
2437s reward space to push on but we can't
2439s just rework the entire game constantly
2440s to give us reward space we has to be
2442s this like give and take a bit soft and
2444s sometimes we can find existing stuff
2445s again like the ven Bell but um it's
2448s things like that but uh we're never
2450s going to get away from the problem of
2452s this feels too Niche make it stronger
2454s and now it's too much power creep it's
2455s just Towing that line constantly and not
2457s everyone agrees on what where that line
2459s is and it moves as well we we'll Aquas
2462s and introduce something really strong
2463s and then that will undermine existing
2465s content you talk about like God Wars
2467s armors or even things like barrows
2468s people have like especially people who
2470s newly come back to old school and
2472s they're looking at like what's their
2473s that's really important to as well
2474s preserving all all content we really
2475s don't want to do that I think that's
2477s something we do really well as well
2478s though if you consider how many items
2479s are still relevant that were around 10
2482s 15 years ago or even like the original
2484s there's only so many times we can be
2486s like okay you can make an Ingot with
2489s existing armor and you can add it and
2490s fortify it to this thing so do you like
2492s then break t down like make the new Tor
2495s break that down it's like just this
2497s massive chain like theoretically
2500s maybe maybe that is the best solution
2503s but it starts to feel really artificial
2505s and weird right and then you get away
2506s from like you don't drop like actual
2508s items then you're dropping like
2509s components which feels a bit bizarre and
2511s that's when you get into the Realms of I
2512s think games like Poe where I I might be
2514s wrong cuz uh mod Goblin every time he
2517s plays and like a new league and stuff he
2519s screen shares and I'm like all right
2520s walk me through what are you trying to
2521s achieve and I don't get it cuz there's
2523s so many when you're creating gear and
2525s crafting and stuff like that it seems to
2526s be so much to it whereas old school has
2528s that kind of simplistic here's some
2530s ingredients you mash it all together and
2532s here's something in reality right right
2535s yeah in RuneScape that is but yeah PE
2537s and Beast and sound it's why I can't get
2539s back into it I'm to I'm too I'm too dumb
2542s so hard you start small you just do what
2544s your content creat tell you right just
2545s like our community does it's just like
2547s yeah use a setup use a strategy just
2550s follow that and then once you get
2551s comfortable you start to learn and
2552s experiment and stuff right you say that
2554s but I did that and then I watched
2555s someone else on Twitch playing it and
2557s I'm like they've just done 15 different
2559s crafts in 10 seconds with systems I
2560s didn't even know existed to make the
2562s items that I spent 10 hours trying to
2563s find one of which never got and I was
2565s just like what whoa but you know that's
2567s a kind of game where a thousand hours
2569s play time is like considered you're
2570s still new their version of Iron Man is
2572s very unforgiving like you kind of need
2574s to understand the G how the game works
2575s to get away with it it's it's crazy
2577s extremely fun though I can see why uh
2579s you're so into it but yeah uh the next
2581s question I found was about if you had to
2583s choose another profession which would
2585s you choose now you might surprise me CH
2587s something completely out left field but
2589s on the off chance you're like no I like
2591s this what what kind of long-term
2593s aspirations of in the game industry are
2595s there any Studios I mean you love Poe
2597s right so grinding gear would you like
2598s would you like jump at a chance to go
2599s and work for work on Poe or that type of
2602s thing there's a big part of me where if
2604s I did get the offer to work at grinding
2605s gear games I'd like really want to again
2607s it's a game that I love but like I also
2609s love RuneScape and I also know the state
2611s of the games industry and as much as I
2612s love the game that doesn't mean working
2614s there is very good yeah um ignoring the
2616s fact that I have to go to New Zealand um
2619s not really a big fan of that but um okay
2622s yeah I mean it's a far away right all
2623s right cool I like I think it' be a
2625s beautiful place but yeah a bit far away
2627s from family really but um yeah so bit
2631s conflicted on that really um I really
2633s like my place here at jagex I think I
2636s can talk a lot and like get respected
2638s and stuff like my ideas come across
2639s people like will listen to you generally
2641s which I think is quite rare in the games
2643s industry most of the time you'll just
2644s get told what to do and you'll go do it
2646s oh it's tough so I made the move right
2647s from JX elsewhere and I found I've gone
2650s from having a pretty strong voice in
2653s terms of I think we do this with the
2654s players yeah and In fairness you know I
2657s moved to CCP games and working on new
2659s project I was listened to very well but
2661s sometimes you struggling with balancing
2663s project needs and then I was like oh it
2664s wasn't this hard when I was working on
2666s Old School yeah and then moving into
2667s consultancy with three or four different
2669s Studios I was working with especially as
2671s a consultant you're you're more on the
2673s outside yeah you're absolutely spot on
2675s it's um it's tough to them to get used
2677s to a but listen to what I have to say
2680s you see that time and time again though
2682s people leaving jagex and then just com
2683s back cuz the grass isn't Greener like I
2685s think Jag actually is a bit of a golden
2687s egg in reality as much as it gets memed
2689s on but it is a really good place to work
2692s for um but what other the professions I
2695s would do uh serus answer or or they're
2697s both serious answers realistic answer
2700s sure um probably web development again
2703s that's kind of what I did before I did a
2704s bunch of web development before I came
2705s into the games industry yeah non-
2707s serious answer can I want to be a
2708s postman all right I think it's like a
2710s really relaxing idea just walking around
2712s delivering man chill that's second on my
2714s list too yeah so chill man like they
2717s always look so happy at Le the one that
2719s I interact with maybe I just live in a
2720s good area right but oh I'd want to do it
2722s somewhere rural yeah I wouldn't want to
2724s be like having to go up imagine like
2726s having to go up like 10
2728s stairs or something block of FL but
2729s instead you're in rural you got to go
2730s through all the windy lanes and if it's
2733s snowing it would be lovely until you're
2735s the one on the road and then there's
2736s some kid in a Vox all corser coming
2738s around too fast nearly hits you you lost
2741s all the packages then what you going to
2742s do I don't know I still didn't think
2744s this one through very well did you it's
2745s not my dream it's yours
2748s Andes do you know what that's a good
2750s point fair play you got me I thought it
2752s through though you see I wouldn't choose
2754s to rural i' ni Village yeah probably
2757s would do the same I I want I want to ask
2759s the same question to you that you asked
2761s Arcane is that okay what would you do if
2763s you weren't working in the gaming
2764s industry you're obviously not
2766s Postman no I'm not you know what I think
2769s I'd like to be a personal trainer yeah
2771s yeah I see it I don't think here's the
2773s thing I get paid pretty well and I don't
2776s want to take a step back in my career or
2778s elsewhere it's like now I'm so far in
2780s I'm stuck I'm it's where you retire
2782s right that kind of job maybe that is the
2784s unrealistic job I don't have another one
2786s I wanted to ask you have have you have
2787s any have you had any odd jobs uh my dad
2790s owned a hairdressing salon so I was just
2792s kind of the [ __ ] boy doing all the
2794s bruise make getting everyone lunch and
2796s stuff brushing up like all all the crap
2798s jobs so I did that for like you us to
2800s get everywhere everywhere yeah you wash
2802s hair as well oh old women's hair as an
2805s experience yeah yeah sounds like there's
2807s a story there drafted All the gossip as
2810s well yeah exactly just sat there
2812s surrounded by women in a stylist just
2814s gossing I'm like oh my God kill me
2818s it's like I just want to go and play
2819s video games like I'm not interested in
2821s this um that was probably my biggest odd
2823s job I did have a I was a what's the word
2826s like your kitchen sink washer what's the
2829s word for like por pot wash yeah pot
2830s washer I did that once one night poor
2834s poor yeah yeah and my friend basically
2836s need the night off and I said i' cover
2837s him uh drove over there did it for like
2839s 4 hours didn't wear gloves my hands were
2842s completely ruined didn't understand how
2844s to wash like boiling hot pans with oil
2846s so obviously turn tap on boiling hot oil
2849s explodes um that wasn't good got shouted
2852s out B there um then they tried to pay me
2854s a Fiverr for some reason uh for like
2856s four hours of
2858s work because you nearly set the place on
2860s fire but I did go back afterwards and
2862s get more B I was just like no not taking
2864s that but uh yeah never did that again
2867s we're similar job and I got paid a f for
2869s it I was 14 I think maybe 13 14 I was a
2873s potato boy in a chip shop potato boy and
2875s what you do is you just you cut potatoes
2877s people potatoes and washing and stuff
2878s and it was like a fiber but that was
2880s banging at the time yeah did that did
2882s that with a paper root as well you still
2883s have the skills like you're still going
2884s to potato I can put potatoes yeah I was
2886s going to say like I've watched skill
2888s Spec's cooking stream on Saturday I had
2889s to I had to tell him beforehand right
2892s the last cooking stream I tuned in of
2894s his he was peeling a potato with the
2896s biggest clunkiest it looked like a bread
2897s knife type thing oh my God and I donate
2899s I never donate I barely ever what
2901s streams I don't I only sub to my mates
2902s and that sorry everyone um I donated
2905s money to skill specs I was like please
2907s buy P cuz I think you're going to cut
2908s your hand off he didn't yeah no he
2910s didn't he he is something else that
2912s cooking stream I'm just remembering very
2915s vividly the image in my head of him
2917s thrusting a knife into a banal Leaf as
2919s it's dropping out of the air god
2922s terrified of tomato it was a clean cut
2924s it was was so shocked how clean that cut
2926s did well it's very entertaining all
2929s those PVP skills you know clearly fast
2931s reaction
2932s speeds oh dear okay well soon as you
2936s didn't ask me why job I wanted are there
2938s any other questions you want to ask or
2940s do we want to call this podcast a r s I
2942s just want to ask more easier question
2943s really okay accepted uh MOA if you had
2947s to have another job what would your
2948s dream job be oh my God I'm so glad that
2950s you are aside from Postman because I
2951s think you said that was your second well
2953s I technically lied it's kind of like my
2954s second my second on the list isn't
2956s really a job it's to not have a job but
2959s that's not to be unemployed okay yeah so
2961s my my first one is to own my own piece
2964s of Woodland and to essentially
2968s use that to learn how to become like a
2970s tree surgeon I think it's called like
2972s Harbor culture or something like that
2974s all right basically if I could go back
2977s in time now I would learn to be a man of
2979s the woods and that's what I would come
2981s up with Tom bomil just walking through
2982s the woods I don't know who that is
2985s reference yeah I I'd be like a some
2986s people get that reference is that like a
2988s hobby you can pursue like I've been I've
2991s been saving up to be able to buy my own
2993s piece of Woodland so that's like the
2994s next thing but you know life is
2996s expensive and
2998s last years well pre you could get like a
3000s pretty good patch for like 15,000 or so
3004s um now like for a couple of Acres it's
3007s probably upwards of like 30 40 Co made
3009s it go crazy and it depends on what like
3011s rights and stuff they have on the land
3013s to to fell in trees and if there's like
3015s minerals and stuff like that but anyway
3017s but the actual dream would be to live
3020s off grid and essentially live a
3023s self-sustained life on my own Homestead
3025s so I wouldn't have a job maybe i' do a
3027s few little things on the side um I'm
3029s really into like Woodworking and wood
3031s carving so I don't know maybe I'd just
3033s like have a little shop that people can
3034s buy funky things that I make from my
3036s wood that I chop the trees down and make
3039s the logs and we give you a license you
3040s can make like RuneScape stuff oh I mean
3043s I could yeah thanks I suppose you ever
3045s watched Gravity Falls no there's a
3047s basically a character in there called
3048s like grinkle Stan and he just lives in a
3050s cabin in the woods and just has like the
3051s Mystery Shack where he just got a bunch
3053s of random like animals that is obviously
3055s a what's the word stuff animals the word
3058s plushies no stff ta tax like a bunch of
3063s plushies that's a very big difference he
3065s just got a shacking full of plushies
3068s marshmallows everywhere but that's how
3070s he makes money the kbd V you know just
3073s chilling in there okay yeah taxidermist
3075s you can become a grun St I monus a
3078s Taxidermy that would freak me out a
3079s little bit to be honest me you can come
3081s up with a different mystery Shar yeah do
3083s some whittling you know yeah I would do
3085s the whittling but not Taxidermy I made a
3088s you trade your whittles for the uh
3091s Taxidermy true that is no I just don't
3093s want them I don't I just don't want them
3095s I'll just have W figurines I did a
3097s Wilderness survival course one weekend
3100s and uh we had to we didn't have to you
3102s chose to and I I put myself forward for
3104s it you have to use a you have to what
3106s sorry don't worry it's just a bad
3108s RuneScape joke oh I didn't hear it oh
3110s okay I said do you have to use Adin Adin
3112s oh Adin no the w a survival anyway
3115s moving on tell me about the W survival
3116s course
3117s we made pigeon for heers um but we
3120s didn't we weren't given any tools so we
3122s had to use our hands to what with the to
3126s get how many get the breast off the
3127s pigeon we used our bare hands did you
3129s have to get the pigeon yourself the
3130s pigeons were already shot they were from
3131s a farm that was that would have been
3133s tricky just using your hands yeah for
3134s anyone that that you know don't worry it
3136s wasn't like any animal abuse obviously
3137s the pigeons died but they were weren't
3140s abused no they were they were called
3141s ethically because pigeons are a pest and
3144s they eat crops that's what they told us
3146s so
3147s yeah um yeah no we had to we were given
3149s a dead pigeon and we had to essentially
3153s open it up and take the breast out I'm
3154s not going to go into too much detail
3155s because like this I think you've already
3156s gone into enough detail yeah anyway
3158s whatever heat is good honestly they were
3160s banging we got mint as well and uh wild
3163s garlic and potatoes from the from the
3165s Woodland and made it with that they
3167s brought peppers and onions though we
3168s didn't get those and they brought forit
3170s spice we didn't get that from the W I'm
3171s not going to lie sounds like a fun
3173s course but I don't think you're ready
3176s like the life based on that it's not if
3178s people got to come and drop off like for
3179s heat mix oh yeah but it's because it was
3181s there wasn't it I mean if I didn't have
3183s it I wouldn't use it but I'd sell a few
3184s whittling things and go to Tesco buy
3187s myself a heat of spice self- sustained
3189s yeah it is self- sustained I made the
3190s money you know you're like a group IR
3193s man yeah kind of basically me and Tesco
3196s in a group you know the thing is Grand
3197s ones I'll take a c even if you are
3200s living off grid I don't I don't believe
3202s there are many people out there who live
3203s off grid that wouldn't want some Modern
3205s luxuries in life sure you would all
3207s yeah you know like I'd probably hit up
3209s Elon and ask for whatever that starlink
3211s thing's called get internet cuz I'd
3213s still want a game in my little cabin but
3215s I wouldn't have a radiator I'd have a
3218s log stove instead you know and I
3221s probably wouldn't kill animals to eat
3222s feel like you live in a fantasy world I
3224s am that's why I said it's not realistic
3226s so I'll be a
3227s postman let's go compromise the same BL
3232s oh dear okay I've I've spoke way too
3234s much uh I I don't have any more
3235s questions to ask right now
3238s is there anything you want to tell the
3240s the people listening and watching Arcane
3242s no no is there anything you want to ask
3244s us about Arcane no okay there there is
3246s actually one question that I was going
3247s to ask and it just came back to me I
3248s forgot it and I was trying to play it
3250s off call um you're doing well what I
3253s think everyone who's worked at old
3254s school has had one of these moments and
3256s if you haven't then cool we'll just move
3257s on and end it the podcast that is but
3262s what was the first moment that truly
3264s made you panic when working on Old
3266s School I think it was when dark Mayer
3270s launched okay and I was working in the
3272s operators and I was working on Twisted
3274s ancestral so I was adding these new
3276s objects into the game and dark May
3279s launched and there was a bit of an issue
3281s on that launch if you remember where we
3283s accidentally shuffled all of the object
3285s IDs in the game cuz we missed out a key
3287s step and what that ended up being was
3290s the people that some people had Twisted
3292s ancestral that shouldn't because of the
3294s the shuffle MH so I thought that I caus
3296s that problem I thought that I broke the
3298s entire game somehow by adding Twisted
3300s ancestral wasn't anything related to me
3302s at all but that was when I panicked um
3306s yeah that was a rough day have you done
3308s anything that broke the game I mean I've
3309s caused my share of bugs but I broke I
3312s don't think so nothing major I think
3315s Lenny was actually asking or it was
3317s Lenny and Ed they were talking about how
3320s yeah you're going to be the next person
3321s who causes a roll back you're the next
3323s roll back I was just like how ironic
3325s that Lenny's the one t I know he's
3327s called M but I was obious like why and
3330s they were like oh we've had a very
3331s scientific method and it it was a
3333s two-step verification process and both
3335s results said that you were going to roll
3336s back the game that's really weird they
3338s just whacked out Google Authenticator
3339s and it's your name Arcane is the code it
3341s turns out that they have one of those uh
3344s like like pendulum things where you like
3346s it's like a ball and it like goes into a
3348s direction basically a magic a ball right
3351s equivalent right and it just said that I
3352s was going to do it twice I thought you
3353s going to say like one of those paper
3354s things like 1 2 three four I made for a
3358s jolly with a napkin so who knows maybe
3360s soon I'll cause a roll back but um okay
3362s yeah there's another thing for Reddit to
3364s latch on to their next roll back someone
3366s lost their pets because of you yeah
3367s probably on that note I guess it's a
3370s wrap y uh well this has been the very
3372s first official old school runes skate
3374s podcast with myself
3377s miza me mod S and M as our first ever
3381s guest we hope you enjoyed it um make
3383s sure that you like subscribe listen to
3385s the whole thing you probably have if
3387s you've got here but if you haven't go
3388s back to the start don't skip to the end
3390s it's not you can't read like the last
3392s page of a book and get the same
3393s experience that context matters but
3397s anyway I'm going now Mo Kane did you
3398s enjoy it would you recommend would you
3400s come on it again would you recommend it
3401s to your col it was really fun it very
3403s refreshing from the Q&A format good all
3405s right validation I was pausing my wave
3407s goodbye that was a really good way to
3409s should have asked you but I just lost it
3411s so bye see you