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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by LordGozer2

Asgarnia quest unlocks are very different in this blog compared to this tweet yesterday. https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1313902219117424642

Which one is correct?

That was a mistake on my part. In my original notes I wrote we needed to unlock access to Weiss in Asgarnia when infact Weiss is in Fremennik.

The blog version is correct, we're going to give Merlin's Crystal currently since Death Plateau and Troll Stronghold are completable within Asgarnia.

The blog is always continually under review and I expect we'll be adding changelists as we review feedback of things we may have missed or may want to reconsider. The week of release I'll ask for the blogs GIFs to be updated with all the correct information.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by professional_plebbit

Just going off the list of quest unlocks its going to be a real shit show if this is correct. You can't even get Weiss unlocked period so anyone who picks Fremennik can go f**k themselves even more.

Yeah as it stands Weiss will be unreachable.

This is mostly due to the fact that I accidentally gave the quests to Asgarnia instead as pointed out yesterday and I think it's too late in the game for us to just move those quests over to Fremennik and ask for QA to review that nothing breaks, losing Weiss isn't really all that big of a blow to Fremennik though, salt technology and a single herb patch isn't game-breaking

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by TehChid

Oh wow, so it seems like PvP deaths have no risk at all. Maybe cost some gp to get back, but you won't lose your items at all. Makes the wildy a much more attractive area

This was the middle ground from our original implementation.

Originally it was no penalty, you keep all your stuff but feedback from players was that some risk is good and that people running around in max gear freely would probably make pking in the wilderness worse.

This is what we've identified as essentially minimum risk, You'll still lose untradeables and you'll still have to pay to get your items back but it's purposefully not a huge risk. Naturally we can't actually have the pker get your items since that would break the leagues integrity.

We also move the gravestone to your respawn just to prevent denial of reaching your gravestone by other players.

We like the idea though generally that the Wilderness is going to be more about killing players for fun and not the reward, see someone killing a boss which you want to kill? Wait for them to kill it, kill them and steal the spot for yourself.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by drstormzin

Interesting that Fremennik unlocks Waterfall Quest for you while Kandarin doesn't.

Definitely gonna be worth unlocking Kandarin first for that sweet sweet quest xp.

You only get experience when completing quests manually. If you auto-complete a quest by unlocking an area you will not receive the experience, so make sure to complete the quests yourself in case you want the reward.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by h_r_

The gif also lists A Porcine of Interest being completable within Misthalin but isn't Sarah's Farm in Asgarnia...?

It doesn't state that, it just says that everyone who completes that quest will get Sourhogs added although I can understand if it's misleading.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Jokershores

Can you confirm if the Abyss miniquest is only completable with Wilderness or will be autocompleted with another region?

Only completable with wilderness which makes sense because you need access to the wilderness to use the abyss for runecraft anyway

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by LordGozer2

Thanks for clarifying. But doens't that mean Weiss will become inaccessible? Making Friends with My Arm requires Desert (the Feud), Asgarnia (quest start), Morytania (Creature of Fenkenstrain) in addition to Fremennik. Also My Arm's Big Adventure req Kandarin as you need to visit Ardougne.

Would be bit of a let down to not get Weiss as a part of Fremennik.

Currently yes. It should've been the other way round but I made the mistake, at this point I'm not happy adding the quests to unlock Weiss to Fremennik since I don't think we'd have time to QA that it doesn't break anything, it's a lot of quests to throw into that area.

So apologies for that oversight from my end but reasonably losing Weiss isn't that huge of a blow to Fremennik from a balancing perspective

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Couldn't you just make The Feud unlock with Asgarnia? Then you could do My Arm with Asgarnia and Kandarin and Weiss if you also pick Fremmy.

Edit: Also is Swan Song unlocks anywhere? Since it needs Garden of Tranquility, that makes it impossible to unlock as well unless a region gives one of those quests.

I may consider just giving The Feud if that's all it takes for it to be possible.

I believe Kandarin should unlock Swan Song but the gif is incorrect, I'll check tomorrow when I'm back in the office

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by Jokershores

so make sure to complete the quests yourself in case you want the reward.

How can we complete a quest ourselves if it auto completes when unlocking a region?

Complete it before unlocking the region. If it's a quest locked behind the region, obviously that's not possible but we've tried to only auto-complete the necessary ones.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by Teriarch

Can we choose to not autocomplete a quest when unlocking an area? I think it would be good if we could decide when we autocomplete quests after unlocking the area. I personally would like to do a lot of Kandarin quests for the xp, but a bunch get autocompleted because of Monkey Madness II. A lot of those subquests can be done within Kandarin / Karamja themselves, which we would have unlocked at that point.

No unfortunately we don't have the time to create a system that would enable that, sorry about that. Good suggestion otherwise! :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Thanks for the reply. I think it might need the Feud and Kandarin since you visit Catherby briefly, but if the Feud unlocks you'd at least be able to do it in fewer regions. Also, I forget if Fremennik unlocked Cold War or not since that would be a pre-req for Weiss. Either way, it would be nice to have Weiss since Firepits are kind of a notable thing even if not on the same level as Vorkath (though I do question why Vorkath is deemed necessary for Fremmy but Myths Guild isn't for Kandarin).

Vorkath is deemed necessary because killing that boss is a significant and known piece of content identifiable in that region. It has drops players will want to go for and the assembler will be a strong reason to want to pick Fremennik, Sketal Visage too with reduced droprates potentially.

I think the truth is that Fremmy needs Vorkath more than Kandarin needs Myths guild and if we gave Kandarin DS2 quests then Kandarin would be ridiculously OP having access to Lunar spellbook being a big feature through the use of spellbook swaps.

EDIT: Also I think it's generally healthy to have cross league synergy, there are some tasks which can only be completed with 2 specific area unlocks and I think that makes the game mode even more interesting

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Fair point. I agree that cross-region benefits is nice and something I am trying to plan out now that the unlocks are known. I'm kind of hoping more will be figured out over the coming days beyond the popular few like Cannon. Side note, I am still a bit surprised Kandarin was a single region isntead of Kandarin and Gnome, so it makes sense to exclude DS2 unlock with it in that sense.

We considered splitting Kandarin up but just having gnome by itself felt kind of weak by itself although we could've done Gnome + Tirannwn, it was a really hard call to make.

We also considered northern/southern Kandarin but a lot of the power comes from northern with trident/zenytes