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18,000 dragon arrows lost from the quiver bug posted last week. (on a btw btw)

Sending some hardmode tobs with the boys, i made the mistake of picking up some dragon arrows that i had dropped from fighting the boss (how silly of me for missclicking the quiver swap!) and I was rewarded by having my 18,000 dragon arrows completely removed!

I've contacted support via the lost items thread which specifically states they are able to help if it's

"Loss of items through no fault of the player (such as a news post verified exploit)"

through their very own website under lost items


I received an email from a bot saying: "I understand this isn't the news you were hoping for and how frustrating this could be, but unfortunately this is a service we're simply unable to provide support for."

Simply unable to provide for even though it explicitely states they can make exceptions if it's a verified exploit.


Is there anything missing? Shall I provide a screenshot of all the death coffers that contain nothing? My empty quiver? My 0 stack of arrows placeholder?

I've stockpiled those arrows to years and decided to bust them out to try and make fast raid times for CA's and am immediately punished.


Edit: ign "Lenel Devel"

External link →
4 months ago - /u/JagexTwisted - Direct link

Not that it's my department per say, but it appears from a quick check that you died in ToB.

In the list of items stored on death, there were 12'403 dragon arrows. These do not appear to have been retrieved after your first death, and you subsequently went on to die a second time without retrieving them. This would have caused those arrows to be lost. You also appear to have lost various combat potions and restores in addition to the above, which I assume means your inventory didn't have the room required to retrieve them.

Hopefully this sheds some light on what may have happened. Again, not my team per say but at a quick glance this appears to be what happened.