over 1 year ago - - Direct link
The Summer Summit Poll has now closed, and everything passed!
over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by meirionh

Can we get a graph to show total votes by time? I know we have percentage of yes/no by time, but that is so consistent that I'd love to know if in that first dip you see in that graph is basically all the votes casted or not?

It would be fascinating to see how the summer summit basically made everyone vote immediately

I have a graph for votes by hour so I'll add that in shortly, just give me a few mins to get it sorted. :)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

Nice to see the data visualised as usual. Definitely not too surprised the higher totals had a larger amount of no voters, but its good to see no true "no dominant" vote pool. Would have liked to have seen an actual "2277" voter statistic.

Maxed players were 54% in favour of Sailing, 45.8% not in favour, so more in favour than not but obviously more no voters than other cohorts. We will be looking at more ways we can work more closely with 'no' cohorts especially, as we feel they should still be able to enjoy the content.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by AfrostLord

players above 2.1k total were more likely to vote no

So f**king weird to me that there's actually a significant number of people with the "NOOO I DONT WANT TO REMAX" mentality. Why did you max in the first place? I thought you liked number go up?

Edit: To clarify, I'm obviously not saying every single person above 2.1k who voted no did it for this reason lol. I think it's a reasonable assumption that the larger percentage relative to other tiers is because of this though.

I don't think that's a reasonable assumption. There are more 2.1k+ Yes voters than No voters after all. I think there's a myriad of reasons why a player would vote No, and all should be respected:

  • They might have liked Sailing but weren't convinced of the design at the time
  • They might dislike Sailing generally, or would have preferred another skill
  • They may have disliked how Sailing 'won' versus the other two skills
  • They may not believe that Old School needs another skill
  • They may not trust the team to deliver a skill to a high quality, considering it has not been done before
  • They may consider the potential for something as vast and impactful as a new skill and the negative effects it might bring
  • They may have disliked how Sailing was polled alongside other content

Obviously I'm not trying to turn anybody against Sailing, but I really dislike how No voters (and Yes voters too, I suppose) are attacked for voicing their opinion. It's my least favourite thing about the internet, that there's seemingly no room for discussion anymore.

I would urge everybody, Yes and No voter alike, to respect eachother's opinions and work together (with us) on making Sailing as great as it can be.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by cookmeplox

The 21,000 of you who voted 'no' are the most important voices of all

Is this a typo? I can't tell what the 21k is referring to

This was a typo, my mistake, it should have been updated but it has been updated now.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by xfaalsn0rx

The newspost states "we’re delighted to see that out of all the players who voted ‘No’ to a new skill, 26% of them changed their minds and voted ‘Yes’ to Sailing."

Purely out of curiosity, are there also people who voted yes to a new skill in the original poll, who now voted no to sailing?

18% who voted yes to a new skill didn't favour Sailing. Although that is a swing the other way, it is pretty wild to think that *only* 18% of those who voted yes to a new skill didn't want Sailing.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Poloboy99

I swear on my life they released a blog post in the past that said the engine can’t handle ranked choice voting for whatever reason. Now that all the skill voting is done it’s all of a sudden feasable

Due to the changes with our new polling process we are able to request engine time with for it and allocate a higher importance which bumps it up in priority.