over 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello and welcome to this week's
2s runescape so oh let's get QA after a
5s dodgy start I'm going to choose the
7s couch as normal we've got from your I
9s was getting wrong left we have mod Bruno
12s hello mod Monroe hello on my left your
16s right we have mod Kirin all right and a
18s new face on the sofa this week
20s please welcome mod tide hello so those
28s of you who've seen on Twitter know we've
31s got a new well how about you tell us
33s what your role is Sasha for I say all
34s for you I am a junior content developer
37s for old school runescape it's a new
39s junior content developer so yes do the
42s little introduction spiel I'll start
45s with well how you finding it so far how
47s long have you been here I've been here
49s now since since Monday I'm finding it's
52s a challenge but I'm enjoying it I'm
54s learning a lot
55s that's good script yeah it's different
65s yep learn in different way yeah I must I
69s must know don't know anything about code
71s I'm not well smart enough for all of
73s that but I understand it's completely
74s different to any other sort of script or
77s language is it is it unusual anyway not
83s really it's got similarities but it is
85s different um so what's your history with
91s old school I first I've been playing on
94s school since 2006 I stopped playing when
98s the evolution of combat came out but
100s then stay playing again when the
102s revolution cotton ball came out and I've
105s been playing ever since cool I ask you
107s tonight you sort of the yucca tipple
109s old-school player in that sense then so
115s yeah if you want to check out more tide
116s and follow what he's up to
118s it'll be interesting to see all the
119s content he comes out with and as he's
121s learning
122s you can I think it's exhibition marked
124s new mod in the chat will link you
126s straight to his Twitter drop them a
127s follow hard on the tide pod means we
131s knew that was coming
134s so I'm gonna do some more announcements
138s sorry just gathering myself oh yeah
143s so the couples poll is still up the
146s post-launch changes are in-game I think
149s we're opening well leaving that open
150s until late Friday
152s so if our time you can expect that to
153s close around sort of five around that
155s sort of time so it's still time to vote
157s if you haven't yet I think so far it's
159s going well pretty much everything is
161s passing I'm not mistaken but still worth
163s voting make sure to get your thoughts
165s and opinions counting speaking of what
172s one of the questions which is actually
174s thing at 95% it's pretty certain is the
177s alchemical Hydra head so we didn't get
181s to release this with the the launch
183s itself I think was just due to time
185s constraints and dev dev time but we'd
187s like to add that now and so that will
190s come with a slayer helmet as well as the
192s jar of chemicals I think we're calling
194s it yeah it's gonna be for the standard
197s display case with alchemical Hydra in it
200s which I think we have a gif of go show
203s it off to you now this is what mod
205s ghosts
205s beautiful work as always ease well made
210s an awesome design there what do we like
213s about this the most guys the tubes are
216s pretty cool pipes I like the pipe for
219s like the Hydra or looks which to me oh
221s yeah nothing that looks really good the
224s whole posing of it with in its own
226s environment as well as you know you know
228s it's the last phase of that boss you
229s just killed these are one of the
231s favorite things I think I've had for
233s others like these does make it thick
235s making the little miniature versions of
237s the boss environment I love it be a like
239s how all the colors pull it together
241s yeah and those really nice that this one
243s has a bit of the environment that you
244s find the boss in in the case I think I
246s looked awesome in other sort of zaiah
250s related news you can expect a blog out
254s soon that was been written by ash which
255s is it going to include all sorts of
258s positive life changes for chambers of
261s Zurich we know you guys have been asking
263s for it for a while so
265s gonna gonna deliver those to you soon I
267s think actually it's gonna be up so not
270s mistakenly at the end of it sometime
271s during the stream maybe towards the end
273s that'll be life so keep an eye on the
274s new section of the website for that yes
276s so we've been talking about for a while
277s we're sort of promised that midway
278s through last year and they just got
279s around to it so apologies just it's
282s taken a while but yeah make sure you
284s given your feedback on that yeah so
292s something that's been asked about quite
294s a lot is the sorry the last release of
300s the year the last big one is going to be
302s of the awarding so I want to give an
305s announcement out now that players can
307s expect an inbox or email in the next few
310s days I think on Friday actually I think
312s 50,000 or so of you're going to receive
314s this it's going to be an invitation to
316s give your opinion on warding this is
319s just to get more sort of concentrated
322s data to see who likes it who doesn't if
326s you don't like it which may be a few of
328s you in chat aren't so keen at this point
330s I know a lot of you are but for those of
332s you that aren't we want to know why now
333s we want to know what we can improve or
335s change to change so it knows into yeses
338s so keep an eye out for that make sure to
340s keep checking your email and inbox as of
343s Friday you may be invited to be part of
346s that discussion and well everyone else
349s is still a welcome part of the general
350s discussion we still want to know your
351s thoughts we're constantly on the lookout
354s for anything we can do to improve the
356s current design I think that's about it
360s for the announcements I guess we'll just
361s move straight on to the questions I'm
364s going to thank more tired FaceTime and
366s joining us here on the couch
368s thank you I'm gonna stop in a familiar
372s face thank you very much for your time
373s thank you yeah for sure yeah see more
377s mud tie it soon right
388s would you look here it is said here in
401s silence why aren't you put the questions
405s like I don't know it's much better just
406s to go inside the hallway Elsa fog in the
408s chat well welcome back to the couch
411s machi it's been a it's been a fair while
413s I understand it has been yeah thank you
415s so I'm gonna go ahead and ask you some
418s PvP related to questions again cuz I
421s believe we've got a little bit to talk
422s about the first beings of what is the
426s state of the bounty hunter rework that
428s was promised in October during runefest
431s you sort of give us a little update on
433s where we're at I mean you'll you'll know
435s just as good as I well if not better on
437s this one unfortunately it's kind of sing
439s on the back room we don't have a
442s competitive gaming developer at the
443s moment but we have just hired a new
444s developer as you know and there's no one
446s coming I think very shortly maybe even
448s in March so hopefully we'll be able to
450s see some things like that pick up and
451s and move along nicely yeah I mean in
454s terms of my involvement I'm well we're
457s going to have a design meeting soon and
459s we're going to collect some just to
461s flesh out the design a bit more before
462s presenting it to you guys yeah and we're
465s going to try and involve some of the
466s highest s-- ranks bad players clans and
470s whatnot to get your guys's opinion to
472s make sure it is just how you want it to
474s look so that's where we're at with that
476s we do apologize for the delay he was
478s just a case of trying to get all of the
480s updates in at the end of last year and
482s we want to make sure we didn't sort of
485s present something that wasn't ready
487s essentially so yeah I think that's
489s actually a decent point we're really
491s gonna look for feedback I think after
492s this Q&A specifically around the Bounty
494s Hunter tasks so if those unfamiliar the
497s concept is very similar to Slayer but
499s for PvP and I started Bounty Hunter
501s specifically so an npc would look at
503s your account assess your stats and your
506s build and then give you a task so maybe
509s if you're a max main it would look even
510s say kill your next target with a full
512s set of barrows equipped you have to get
514s half the Barrow said equipped as you
515s kill the opponent and not two you get
517s your points rewards still up in debate
521s and all these things but
522s we're really looking for tasks I think
523s at this point because that's an easy one
525s that that one you know it's that's a
528s pretty obvious one but what about the
530s accounts that are like 33 minimal stats
533s what are they gonna have his tasks so we
536s really want to flesh out these things to
537s make sure we have something that's
538s actually concrete and viable for all
541s different builds more than just a
543s handful these are things we'd like to
545s Selena you guys for so looking to
547s feedback or look into the social
548s channels for feedback after this I guess
550s cool yeah particularly like bringing in
553s look at the speak to specific players
555s and getting a better representation from
558s like the Bounty Hunter community and I
559s think it's something I'd like to start
561s doing with more updates in general its
564s GAAP make sure we really do bring in
566s your opinion from the player base as
568s well I know it's something we're
569s throwing around like when we were
571s talking about the corner drop table we
574s all know it obviously run into a lot of
575s issues and hopefully now that I'm not
578s sure I want the opinion of it is now but
580s hopefully it's in a better place that we
583s actually discussed the idea of going to
585s the extent of bringing up the drop table
587s and a spreadsheet on this stream and
589s chatting to you about it until we came
591s to a conclusion like I really do I feel
594s like as a team we want to you know make
596s sure we have that like dev team linked
598s to the player base and this is a perfect
601s example of trying to make sure they're
603s involved yeah for sure and hopefully
605s that would show when when it comes to
607s writing the blog and having having the
609s ideas ready to present you guys so I'll
612s move on to the questions the first
614s couple are PvP related in spam wants to
618s know if we can have well we've actually
619s covered already a couple of these points
621s but the first the first question he has
623s is coming up an update on any Deadman
626s changes we also also asked about the
628s competitive gaming team but I think
630s Marty just touched on that as well as
632s bounty hunter so I guess DMM is the
635s question what's what's the update sure I
637s mean all I can really say at this point
639s is we have a very impressive backlog
641s compiled of so many different exciting
644s ideas from the player base there is
647s there's not a sort of a shortage of
651s ideas I should say but as far as the
653s competitive gaming dev goes as I
655s said we don't have another moment we've
657s just hired a new dev we've got another
658s one on the way so that's all I can
660s really say there but for dead man I
662s believe I can say your you should hope
663s to hear something but next week okay see
669s engineer also happened to pitch him with
671s some suggestions I'm just going to quick
672s fire them to get get your guys has been
674s in a particular yours mod Archie so he
679s wants a six second combat timer when
682s your opponent doesn't attack back is
685s that PK myself so I'm not the better
688s what decides if your opponent doesn't
690s attack that if how long have you been
692s hitting I guess you're not gonna okay
694s see engineer maybe a little bit more in
697s depth with that one but yeah okay if
701s difficult ones that maybe will get him
702s to specify yeah let's wait it here how
706s about a telly box sound or message when
709s the timer runs out yeah you to one your
716s fright mmm-hmm an in-game timer to
719s display how long you have left to attack
721s a player who's in the safe zone
722s definitely that one definitely yeah so
725s when you're in PvP worlds you can still
727s attack people when they run into the
728s current exchange safe zone for example
729s or any of them but you don't know how
732s many hits you can get in so you just
733s kind of hope in the last table do it
735s yeah yeah oh man but I don't bring this
738s up when we was testing the actual job
741s with which came with this change and I
743s think the reason why we didn't do it
744s because it was probably too complex so
746s obviously assault school runescape you
749s can't have everything in it compact like
750s wouldn't skip three and so some of the
752s things I had to push back on this one
755s being one of them that's fair and the
759s last suggestion was removing the water
761s fountain in lumbridge on PPP worlds I
764s believe is I think the issue here is
766s you'll get lots of BOTS running because
767s it's a very close bank with the chest to
769s the water fountain to fill up vessels
772s with water not particularly PvP related
775s necessary there was a suggestion to put
779s the another element there yeah we should
785s probably do something about that
786s that's not really PvP really no but I
788s suppose we could just well maybe and
789s just make it so the fountain can't be
790s used as a water source for that
792s particular instance so give me the phone
793s dried up on that well yeah there's
796s something we can do for that I think
798s sure
799s okay so I'll move on to the rest of the
801s questions the first one I'd like to
803s address was I didn't put a name on this
805s because there's quite a few people
806s asking about it but so they wants to
808s know what happened to the bone whip
809s which was suggested in the revised
812s version of the poll blog but pulled
813s before we put the poll live
817s what's the two parts but I'll ask for
819s well I'll ask first what happened to the
821s bone whip essentially it's the question
826s I mean I've got I've gone answer it is
831s essentially that we didn't feel it was
833s the right time or place to put it in so
836s for those of you who don't know the idea
837s was to take the Hydra tale which i think
839s is currently only used to make the bone
841s crusher necklace yet we wanted to what
845s we offered the idea of creating a - I
848s think 72 attack combining it with the
851s whip to create this new whip with stats
853s sort of halfway between the standard
855s whip and the tentacle whip but it just
861s sort of felt out of place and in
862s response to the feedback we thought we
864s could probably do something better with
865s this style of weaponry there are
868s suggestions like adding a strength
870s option on it but because of the
873s invisible strength bonus I think that
874s would have made it too strong yeah
876s despite any other sort of uses if I
878s received plots it would have been making
880s a new category of twit for that quip in
882s particular if we'd added strength bonus
883s to that right would have devalued the
885s saris or it and sorry sort and blessed
889s Serra sort of how much we care about
890s that one yeah
893s and the second part of our question was
895s what did we think of other designs that
897s came up in response to it so I saw
899s things like a dragon sorry yeah a dragon
902s scimitar which was upgraded to a bone
904s scimitar which looked very cool
905s I don't know what stats were proposed or
908s if there were any there was that nor so
915s an image of the bone flail
919s there we go that's the thing is it just
920s looks cool and it sounds cool do
924s something with it I thought it was very
926s cool and I'd like to do something with
927s it at some point in the future I feel
929s like the right place I mean I know it's
933s a lot of its just that players 1/8 of
935s one-handed crash weapon around tier 70
939s yeah maybe that's I think we can do in
941s the future looks pretty on the topic of
944s a win I saw a point brought up that
946s affects PvP with wigs yeah and it
948s sounded like a pretty big problem I mean
949s I wasn't really aware of the other thing
952s cuz there are two categories the firstly
955s the tent with tech we're probably quite
958s a big boost over using the regular whip
959s and if you're Peking against someone
962s using it anyway by using one of yourself
964s the risk is so much lower right then
966s using a whip mm-hm
967s because if you manage to kill someone
969s who's got a ten with you don't get
970s really rewarded for it you get enough
971s the crack and technical we're just not
973s worth anything really yeah while the
975s whip which is worth two laughs three mil
977s whatever it is an hour it is good for
979s dust right yeah and then the other kind
983s of whip the Laffer and ice ones because
985s they weren't tradable you can just drop
987s them if you know you're going to die and
990s hence you don't lose them when really
993s obviously the other player should be
994s getting you're getting your whip right
997s yeah so the main problem here is PvP is
1000s already very difficult to be profitable
1002s you have to be very skilled you have to
1004s win a majority of your fights and then
1006s pay for peaking supplies and such and
1008s when you're killing somebody and you're
1011s risking something like a whip or a
1012s cracking whip and you kill them for
1015s theirs and you're not even getting that
1016s much in return it's just too motivating
1018s so definitely in favor of bringing that
1020s up to up to scratch so making sure you
1022s keep earn what you should look at is how
1025s do we fix that yeah is right now you
1027s cannot get the whip back once you charge
1029s a crack and work yeah so the reason why
1033s we get the cracking is because we want
1035s to sync whips I guess so how do we get
1039s around that last question yeah I mean if
1044s people want to use ten weapon PvP but
1047s they wanted to have higher risk I don't
1048s know we need to push in a completely
1050s different way yeah I don't know how we
1052s get around
1052s fact that you can you'd have to be a
1055s broken tent whip and repair yeah sort of
1057s deal yeah and then there's other issues
1059s as well personally just personal
1062s opinions I think things like the verdict
1063s defender should give more when you kill
1065s somebody worth it with it yeah i expense
1067s your vitamin you only get no mill things
1070s like that I think we should take a
1072s second look out yes potentially for the
1073s defender there's maybe options of
1075s splaying out the health itself perhaps
1077s yeah again it's got the same issue that
1079s ten whip Scott or a bigger pay a bigger
1081s cost to repair things like that you
1083s think it's worth the repair calf we can
1084s change them we can we can play with that
1086s so not too worried about that with the
1092s laughs and ice width we could prevent
1094s them from being dropped potentially we
1096s could just drop through something like
1097s that as you drop the whip and said it
1099s and it doesn't get rid of the other dies
1101s tradable it dies are trainable whip so
1103s what's available so why not make them
1105s the put tradable yeah why not make the
1108s color glitter mmm
1110s but the entire view thought me yeah
1112s although I think I mean that's one of
1113s the selling points for non Phoebe beers
1115s is that you make the whip untradable
1116s right no because it keeps it safe yeah
1119s but I mean I don't want people to rely
1120s about anyway it's the definite
1121s connection will likely change on
1123s something this yeah it's just meant to
1126s be a temporary thing that you don't lose
1127s on tradable yeah I'd rather make that
1129s whip tradable for causing problems in
1131s PvP yeah why are people saying no to
1134s that just say no say why so yeah
1139s okay so I'll move on to the next
1141s question from splendid this generated
1144s quite a lot of discussion actually it
1147s says can we have new high-level skilling
1149s methods that award gold over experience
1152s particularly for skills such as wood
1154s cutting fishing and mining even if their
1156s quest locked we could give high-level
1159s resources that are drops in ppm it seems
1165s like a lot of people don't want skilling
1166s to be profitable and a lot do my mic's
1169s responsible say that there is some
1173s mining is worth quite a bit of money and
1175s particularly if you finish making
1177s friends with my arm yeah minding the
1181s different types of salt and diff totes
1183s bustle and making the teleports to sell
1185s can actually get
1186s while our money players I got much is
1188s prior but it's it's not very much XP at
1190s all but that's your money you make from
1191s it it's quite high
1192s especially cuz you can note the bass or
1194s upstairs at the quest NPC mmm so we're
1198s talking about skilling like giving
1199s enough no gold yes yes just throwing
1203s this out there maybe a bad idea and
1204s we've already talked about our is in
1205s what what about skilling tasks so
1208s somebody gives you a task and says go
1210s cut me 450 magic logs you cut the logs
1213s you get the logs and he rewards you
1215s potentially with something a little bit
1216s extra
1217s mm-hmm I quite like that maybe it's a
1220s bad idea
1220s I preach that's been asked before
1222s hundred times I'd like it mmm the
1226s farming contracts have gone down quite
1227s well and that's pretty much what it is
1229s yeah yeah for one skill isn't it hmm
1233s remember things with the other skills
1234s maybe something for the cooks guild
1236s which is not particularly exciting at
1239s the moment there we have the chef there
1241s asked you to make 100 pies as I said I
1243s think a pie contract thing is cool
1245s because the pies are actually well how
1247s the heck you're gonna make pies yourself
1249s really because it's so Japan yeah you
1252s gotta get the dough put in dish get the
1255s ingredients and sauce there's quite a
1256s few steps but yeah obviously you can mix
1258s it up there's also the does that play
1261s something's air they that I think it's
1264s called the mess what you do the party
1266s etc which is actually quite effective
1269s quite underused and so I like the
1273s gameplay then that you are doing these
1275s different cooking items and so there's
1277s potentially a lot to play with but in
1279s terms of skills and to profit doesn't
1282s seem unreasonable at me if you have the
1283s right idea for content yeah well you can
1288s still do your skilling as you as you
1290s would this wouldn't be a minute to give
1292s you more experience per hour so you're
1294s not doing anything like that you're just
1296s making a little bit more money by adding
1297s a little bit of variety so I can't
1300s really see and know for this other than
1302s a potentially deaf time is this an
1304s expensive project to work on so much one
1307s yeah if it's like PI contracts or
1310s something that's not expensive at all
1312s basically depends what we end up coming
1314s up with for the design off the actual
1316s money making methods for the skilling
1319s sure I could easily see this working
1322s with something like just making the
1324s Guild's again more enjoyable to interact
1328s with like the farmer guild is I mean
1330s that's been sort of that's a really high
1332s bar for how good is this well we keep
1338s what can you do with a Fraggle so I'll
1342s move on actually on a similar note ghost
1345s says farmerie farming overall is in a
1348s solid place now that the farming guild
1350s is is there but with the exception of
1353s hops which are not used in contracts or
1355s planted in convenient areas can look tat
1359s for example with the brewing updates
1360s possibly involving the trouble brewing
1362s minigame to make them more relevant
1368s there is a desire for a brewing
1370s expansion rework but it's such a big
1373s project and that's not really used very
1374s well we'll need a clear understanding of
1377s what can it do for us
1379s right now the beers are essentially just
1382s the skill boosts and for the most part
1385s they're not even the best skill boost
1386s there's only a few skills where you
1387s really do need them but yeah there's a
1391s lot of quality of life making these to
1392s be added they're brewing but right now
1394s and barely anyone does it at all
1396s mm-hmm but I press one in the chat if
1399s you've actually done brewing but like we
1408s need a clear understanding of what can
1409s brewing do what's this space in the game
1412s because right now it doesn't have one
1413s current which which L it is but there's
1416s one which needs a mature version of
1417s green onion for a clue I think I see the
1421s Greek green here query Mandel there was
1423s a time when that was very profitable
1424s just because not because it's a good
1427s item necessarily but because that a
1429s specific user not enough people were
1430s making it I'm gonna be bothered to make
1433s you just rather buy it yeah yeah you
1435s need to buy the stuff yeah which I
1440s believe increases the odds of you
1442s getting mature ale
1443s yeah right yeah but the stuff also comes
1445s from trouble brewing which is also dead
1447s and no one does that so
1449s there's so many problems in its quit or
1451s the whined quite a lot of a lot of stuff
1453s there one thing we could even do is make
1455s this stuff up 100 percent mature Heil
1457s when you use it and I could be a big
1459s difference yeah
1460s Can I grab a question from the chat yes
1463s these already just asked where our
1464s thoughts are on potentially introducing
1467s these three points hit three points hit
1470s points system back I don't know
1473s especially increasing hit points from a
1475s star being tend to be a hundred oh okay
1477s not in favorite personally Norma I think
1480s it's clear how the chat feels okay no I
1485s mean all it really does is just make you
1488s hit higher numbers yeah I guess it
1490s should that's a lot of point it's the
1492s type of thing that you'd think would be
1494s good to not introduce to old school ever
1496s even down the line I think it's one of
1498s the updates that signaled the turning
1501s point the runescape so it's definitely
1503s gonna have a lot of bad feeling around
1504s it for some of our players I'll say no
1508s more about it
1509s our next question is from Cleo and they
1513s asked what you're feeling sorry what are
1515s your feelings towards the lack of PVM
1517s bosses where magic is the primary combat
1520s style I would love to do another boss
1522s were for magic involved but magic right
1526s now is a bit rubbish when it kills the
1529s standard combat so pretty much right now
1534s I mean I know the hydro generates some
1536s conversation about t-bo's all those good
1538s range as always the best I mean there's
1541s obviously a few fundamental problems
1542s that you already know about a blowpipe
1544s really quite powerful and tea was also
1546s quite good so but when it comes to
1549s actually designing a boss standing at a
1552s distance works so much better for so
1554s many other mechanics like it let this
1555s you got so much more scope for the
1557s design when your players not right next
1558s to the boss all the time so that's one
1561s thing but then it brings under that
1563s topic of Magic's a bit rubbish so when
1566s it comes to normal attacks trials you go
1568s to right
1569s it's dps is so low compared like
1571s blowpipe that you have to make it really
1573s serpents so high to even achieve that
1575s yeah yeah but secondly obviously the
1578s magic has some interesting options we
1580s can have cast the right sort of spell
1582s an angel spells cast different elemental
1584s spells whatever it is but that quite
1587s tedious over a long time so we need to
1589s be quite careful about what we design I
1591s think this is a good example with SIA we
1594s really did quite strongly forth you to
1597s use ancient spells right yeah
1601s smoke so you have to use certain Asian
1603s spouse and a lot of people find it
1604s frustrating and didn't like fighting Sai
1606s at least not 100 times on the task right
1609s could had a popular and popular opinion
1611s go for people want magic be better
1615s because they want to be more up to par
1616s with range but if that's the case could
1619s consider making range a little bit less
1621s strong I mean everything yes it's
1623s potentially a bit of both yeah I think
1628s so bringing the rain just top out down
1631s and pushing magic a little bit further I
1634s did see some suggestions for like why
1637s can't we have I've never taught my boss
1638s like the doc enough mother and it's just
1641s like you wouldn't want to kill that 200
1643s times you know it's praying that Allah
1645s so design-wise there's definitely a lot
1648s to explore I'd like to do it more and
1650s I'd be kina me that Xbox and Magic Bus
1653s in terms of nerf and blue pipe at what
1655s people's opinions on that everyone's got
1657s one now
1658s no one wants to see it no that's what's
1660s happened in the chart depends how I
1662s think I wouldn't want to touch the
1664s attack speed I think that'd be too too
1666s controversial maybe something like
1669s reducing its accuracy a bit just so you
1671s DPS isn't quite as strong
1672s I want a nurse a blowpipe you do yep
1676s yeah me too yeah let's do it let's do
1679s panic so what's your opinion what Bruno
1683s the flipper is definitely strong and I
1686s also would like another Magic Bus like
1688s Sora is really nice because magic works
1691s well and so does range it sort of like
1693s the best of both worlds so yeah it would
1697s be nice if we could have mob bosses like
1699s use mage yeah about the blowpipe it yeah
1707s there's no way around it everyone knows
1709s it's really strong and it's really cheap
1712s the only thing expensive about it is the
1714s doubt she put in it and the scale yeah
1718s yeah pretty expensive as well it's just
1721s the type of thing is like used to do a
1724s job task you bring a crystal bow you
1726s could bring this you could do this
1727s they'd all be viable or at least to an
1728s extent but now it's like bring a
1730s blowpipe yep you just need what we were
1732s doing jabbed my Brewin crossbow for the
1735s first time just worlds apart from her
1738s from the blowpipe now I mean something
1742s that would help with the magic boss I
1743s think is if there was some better sort
1745s of mage tank armor to help you fight
1747s them if only that was sort of a skill
1749s that could help you make that something
1751s along those lines would be really nice
1753s maybe that's part of the solution mmm
1756s maybe somebody to do its soul so back
1759s yeah that'd be cool something along
1762s those lines back yeah like soul runes of
1767s blood runes but in Bannack it's about
1771s the halfway point I think it might be
1772s worth clarifying though the title says
1774s introducing mod tired he's not actually
1776s on the couch right now
1777s three people are asking about him he is
1779s back upstairs working on new content
1781s presumably there you go
1783s I'm not him don't forget exclamation
1785s mark a new mod in the chat - I think
1788s it'll take you to mod tides Twitter page
1790s don't forget to drop my follow to see
1792s what he's up to and track his progress
1794s so unless question is from Raiden and he
1798s says you guys said previously that you
1800s would consider making Mel a more viable
1802s as a whole for the outcome of Hydra is
1804s this still happening I'll tie this in
1809s with the dragon answer Lance question as
1811s well because some people want to see
1815s that be a bit more viable against the
1816s Hydra as well this sort of also dies
1818s into the whole ranged being quite
1820s powerful of a minute for new bosses and
1822s just generally only discuss all that
1824s initially whether we want to know
1826s firstly
1827s but if we wanted to buff that D hunter
1828s Lance before all and I don't think we
1830s need to I think the player base made
1832s that quite clear as well and then the
1834s other option was link Duncan Hunter
1836s Lance even better against the Hydra
1838s specific
1839s I don't remember where we got with that
1841s but I believe we decided this just
1844s doesn't feel right to be that I think
1846s the problem we had really with making
1848s the drank heart Lance bearish typically
1850s the Hydra or even just making merely
1852s bear against the Hydra is still that
1853s you're probably gonna want to range it
1855s when you're luring it on top of the
1856s vents so even though we make melee
1858s better it's still for doing the
1860s mechanics of the boss better you're
1862s still better to have a range weapon with
1864s you especially we're learning it and
1866s attacking past in the fire phase and
1868s things like that I've seen a few people
1870s develop a metaphore melee in Hydra and
1873s to be fair they're doing completely fine
1875s I've seen but it's a pretty good time
1877s that people rego with Lola yeah so my
1880s opinion is fine as he is I think the
1882s boss is actually good spot it's working
1884s yeah all right I'd say so in terms of
1887s the Lance itself there are people saying
1889s what if we gave it a 30% bonus instead
1892s of 20 much like the dragon hunter
1895s crossbow but I think at that point it
1896s becomes insanely good for rune dragons
1899s it's already I think the best thing for
1900s real dragons in particular which is good
1902s money so I wouldn't want to wouldnt want
1905s to go that far or anything like that mr.
1909s pres asks if if a version of the farming
1916s guild or fix can be implemented on the
1920s doors in the Baris tunnels currently
1922s it's annoying to move through the
1923s tunnels when other players are using the
1924s same doors first we update the players
1928s on the pharmakeia doors let me know what
1931s the situation there's been a bit of a
1934s thing yes so um we heard your complaints
1937s for the farming guild doors again with
1938s the mapping and the pathing from going
1941s to bank and when you're clicking on
1943s different patches going through so we've
1945s updated them again and change it so that
1947s there's no blocking anymore so the path
1950s thing is fixed and you'll still get
1952s thrown out properly when your levels not
1955s correct the only slight change of that
1958s is if you log in after your levels been
1960s boosted and you now back down to blow
1962s over the requisite level you'll no
1964s longer be inside the right area as we
1966s had to do that just to be safe and
1969s helping in with the spirit tree with the
1972s incorrect levels now going to
1973s where you to the same location as the
1975s skills necklace inside the farming guild
1978s yeah
1980s works really well now so previously what
1984s we tried to do was get rid of people
1986s complaining that you click on the door
1989s and then someone else will click on the
1990s door seed stop so instead we decided
1993s well there's no dot now but you only
1996s really get you're only really able to
1998s move to where the dog used to be so now
2002s we just remove the barrier itself so
2005s they could just run around freely yeah
2008s okay so in response to the actual
2011s question applying that to berries I
2013s suppose it wouldn't necessarily apply in
2015s the same way and I don't if it's even a
2019s problem a lot of the chat saying no to
2022s bearish tunnels yeah I guess the issue
2024s with barrel tunnels as well as obvious
2025s there's one there's a lot of enemies in
2027s there so we couldn't just not block the
2030s rooms because it would destroy the
2032s distribution of the enemies in that area
2034s probably and to a lot players spam the
2037s doors basically to get enemies they need
2039s to fight to get the percentages up yeah
2041s so I wouldn't wanna stop them doing that
2043s either I think one of the problems is
2044s one of them you're a dog already else
2045s can click it yeah well I'll talk about a
2049s different way but we can't reply the
2051s farmer guild stuff to no arrows also
2054s people's doors and barrows change
2056s depending on which layout you've cut so
2058s that's a little problem
2060s sure alright well that answers that and
2063s I'll move on to neons question they want
2066s to know what our thoughts are on
2067s expanding the prayer book rigor and
2069s Aubry are very nice but what about a
2072s toned down version of the ancient
2073s prayers so my goal isn't only to reach
2075s 82 prayer but rather up around 95 I
2078s don't feel there's any reason to add
2080s curses or even toned down versions out
2083s like I am more than open to new ideas
2086s for new prayers to be at the top end and
2088s you know if I don't see a reason I just
2091s push the matter beyond rigor and Ori for
2094s no reason hundred percent just just
2096s because there doesn't have to be
2097s anything about 77 doesn't even he
2099s doesn't maybe need to push something in
2100s there that doesn't fit
2102s not a fan of turmoil personal your soul
2104s splint yeah they were just buff it would
2107s be a buffalo pot for no nothing other
2109s than a buff looking no reason for it so
2112s sure I just wondered I think we quite
2115s limited in terms of what combat boosts
2117s you can have at the very top end after
2119s after rigor in particular but if you
2123s guys have any ideas do let us know we're
2126s not gonna go to think of something on
2127s our well right now on the top of our
2129s heads I guess unless someone does have a
2131s suggestion
2132s they probably probably not curses
2136s everything it gives you right now is
2138s obviously prayer pots go further yeah
2140s hmm and you combat levels so if you're
2145s max
2145s it has to make sense as well as some
2148s people are saying or what about running
2149s prayer it's a prayer that replenishes
2152s your run
2153s that's it was a bit weird yeah
2156s kind of strange on that I don't know
2158s super smite he just saying your prayers
2162s no energy potion is super smite exist
2164s isn't that the red one Dustin asked it
2169s all see the idea so regardless of a
2174s prior ever offer a prayer Buffy of real
2176s energy like already says they aren't
2178s used one slightly related topic but I
2182s still think run energy is a problem in
2185s this game hmm
2186s right it's all well and good what you've
2190s got grateful great grateful grateful and
2193s you can go to the G and purchase stamina
2195s pots
2196s mmm firstly if you're free to play is
2199s awful secondly until you've literally
2203s the first person you got to do on an
2205s account is pretty much just go and do
2207s your jury level so you can get the
2208s graceful don't have to walk anyway which
2211s is a pain yeah I would like another idea
2214s of what we can do towards the lower end
2216s to soften that blow a little bit because
2219s your run runs that's so fast what other
2224s things can we add that would make a
2225s difference to help with that problem I
2227s see a lot of shout because rest I don't
2229s know how people feel about that that
2232s something that was added in
2233s skip is it possible to set up a straw
2236s poll to see how the players feel about
2238s resting because we're seeing a lot of
2240s people ninja I know this is quite a
2241s contentious one people with high agility
2244s don't want it devalued of course but
2247s like like more Karen says it is a
2249s problem so just yeah
2251s we got the suggestion of a very basic
2254s and office quest to free-to-play where
2257s you help out these musicians who've had
2260s all that instantly just like they've run
2262s into a bunch of like thugs who took them
2265s took their instruments off them stole
2267s them but you helped them out you've got
2269s them that infamous back you fixed them
2271s and after you do that quest these
2272s musicians are now in the world and you
2275s can go and rest at them as you go by but
2278s in all seriousness as much as those
2280s might help they have to be literally
2284s everywhere yeah they really make a
2286s difference so there's some real negative
2290s sentiment for rest I think part of the
2292s reason might be that it's reminiscent of
2295s obviously runescape and so people in old
2298s school would say our game is different
2300s we don't want that that's in their game
2301s but there needs to be a real reason I'm
2305s not I'm not an advocate or Evan I'm just
2307s saying there has to be an actual reason
2308s I just think when you start the game
2310s right think back to when you start
2311s European language that's one of the
2314s first things you wanted to do after
2316s you've picked up some cash and maybe you
2318s want to go to the struggle the security
2319s that's a hell of a walk then you want to
2322s go to the g8 there's a lot of walking at
2323s the start if you know what you're doing
2325s firstly as well I wonder if it's a I had
2328s to do it so they have to do it there's a
2331s lot of that that does happen sometimes I
2332s think I like to think most of our
2334s players are better than that and they
2336s understand this is the future of the
2337s game this is important I mean what's the
2339s one of the ways that kind of option sets
2343s a bit of the run energies moment a
2344s little bit is the purple fruit from the
2347s is it has Sidious farm stalls on the
2349s ceiling from those stalls rather but
2352s again you've got a I think as they're on
2353s trail you gotta go get that yourself and
2355s that's you know you gotta grind for that
2357s quite a bit
2357s mmm that's not the same as the strange
2359s fruit there to say it's very much oh
2361s yeah am i right in saying the chaos
2363s elemental drops out as well if you can
2364s have you can make it that far
2366s well you have to walk there I guess so
2369s we've got well enough votes in on the
2372s straw poll we asked if we should add a
2373s rest option and 54% of you are in favor
2376s and 46% are not so rest is our a lychee
2381s I'm not too surprised but another option
2385s I think we have what is the graceful
2387s stare fact I can't really quite really
2390s what it does reduces run energy used
2392s yeah pretty much
2395s so that you won out slower
2398s basically yeah but what I would like to
2400s do faster and that what I think what I'd
2402s like to do a scale per piece hmm so if
2405s you wear one piece of graceful did you
2408s get 1/5 of that boost if it doesn't
2410s already I don't think it doesn't already
2412s the whole thing to give aspect which
2414s yeah it makes a region faster when
2416s you're not as well because it does make
2418s you lighter though which reduces the 30%
2422s faster regen according to the Chairman
2424s there we go so 30% if you wear just the
2427s top maybe you get fights that wear for
2430s the factor is yeah like that would make
2433s a big difference because to get the sad
2435s thing is that 50 or 60 other generally
2437s depending which courses you do mm-hmm
2439s that's a lot so if you can do when you
2441s do that level 30 you've got enough for
2443s one set that seems reasonable one piece
2445s that's a reasonable enough for me people
2446s are a big a big difference the other
2448s thing that's only wind standing or
2449s walking yes so the regens only when
2452s you're not running right okay so
2454s basically yeah yeah I do like the idea
2458s of having a scale for each piece that
2459s you've got that at least makes skill
2461s capes Bible on farming runs again bring
2463s back a bit of fashion scape so we'll
2466s move on we've got Dustin who says can we
2469s consider nerfing black D hide armor its
2472s magic defense in particular is too high
2474s and just generally is too powerful for
2476s how easy it is to obtain well what are
2479s your thoughts my favorite and favorite
2481s yeah definitely I think this is the
2484s problem with this one is that it's only
2485s really a problem with PvP mmhmm yeah a
2489s logic defense actually doesn't leave
2491s that much this true could we do this
2493s only for PvP
2496s no not medically no not the way the PvP
2501s stats work that's good news we do them
2504s pretty massive Germany armor have
2506s difference that's what EVP and and
2508s standard but just it's not really
2510s approachable yeah much of Defense
2512s doesn't do a whole lot much in yeah ppm
2515s anywhere there's a lot of massive
2516s difference from D hydrogen or camels
2520s that gets tiny so like right I agree in
2525s principle D Hyde is very strong for what
2528s it is but I don't know if we're gonna
2530s for exchanging it I don't know there's
2535s another thing
2535s I wouldn't mind raising a bit which is a
2538s little bit similar which is Ranger
2540s specifically PvP again sorry guys
2542s ranging in full melee they still very
2545s calm I said I so you can MSB tourists
2548s over in play at legs yeah Berserker home
2550s and you're still be able to hit 20s and
2552s you'll do fine you don't need to bring
2554s range armor switch and then you can just
2556s switch into your melee weapon yeah it's
2558s long as thing so long as you're not
2559s wearing like a plate body your sling
2561s your range is totally fine for your
2563s thing which is not great for PvP just
2566s stand there in the tank armor should we
2569s add more so netballliz
2570s negative range starts then for those
2571s pieces I guess is the answer yeah well I
2573s mean you have a little bit of that with
2575s melee with some range pieces giving you
2577s negative million stats you obviously
2578s have the earth magic you can't cast
2580s magic in melee or ranged ear but with
2582s range you can do with anything and
2584s you're still gonna be good so just as a
2587s sweeping change how would people feel
2590s about negative range offensive stats and
2594s negative magic offensive stats
2595s being you know made a lot harsher armely
2599s equipment yeah I mean you know obviously
2602s we're balancing you know we wouldn't be
2604s able to pick any numbers right now but
2605s if we could put something together and
2607s then put it up maybe for testing or
2608s maybe even in a beta world that people
2610s try it but three balance the combat
2613s triangle I think it makes a lot of sense
2614s yeah
2614s feels like quite strong yeah actually
2617s gives each each combat style of more of
2620s a high density I think I think I was
2623s good it should be that way this whole
2625s point of the combat right is this cell
2627s on this triangle idea
2628s so doesn't even if the
2629s just PvP as will obviously affect the
2631s whole game yeah so well if there's
2634s something enough it comes to the
2635s carefully would want to be to half
2637s you're still gonna go over range it like
2639s first thing it doesn't it's not gonna
2640s affect your max here if you got lucky in
2642s it you can hit anything yeah perhaps you
2645s can reduce make it making a zero much
2647s more likely so Rashi
2651s running out of time very quickly for the
2653s number of questions I've got I'm gonna
2654s go through these a bit quicker now just
2656s to make sure we can get as many in as
2658s possible
2659s Julia asks I suppose there's more for
2662s the devs there have been a few cold
2664s fixes recently to patch something
2666s without waiting until Thursday for the
2667s update can you elaborate on what can or
2670s cannot be hot fixed and why I had it's
2674s hard to explain without having a better
2676s understanding of the code base but
2677s essentially if it's server script we
2681s cannot fix it yet if it requires
2684s information that's downloaded on your
2685s client we can't have fix that you can
2688s only download that new stuff with an
2690s actual update so generally though we can
2695s sometimes hotfix around it so we can put
2697s in clever solutions like we can't edit
2699s the map for example so we can't map and
2701s you NPC down and on map an actual wall
2704s down or something like that however we
2707s can spawn that dynamically insert a
2709s script so tricky that often uses
2712s somebody walks into ports of rim and
2715s there's a missing crate when somebody
2717s walks into port Thrym we spawn a crate
2719s yeah and as long as there's a quick that
2721s we don't spawn another one
2722s so that's thought I think so we can do
2723s clever a lot of things but yeah cool
2726s thank you I think that so as good as
2729s explanations can be I mean it makes nice
2730s and simple for people like me
2733s interesting question electro another
2738s player wants to know if we can get a
2739s headhunter NPC to trade in spare KBD and
2742s kalphite queen heads for a chance at the
2745s pet and maybe some Slayer XP I really
2747s like this idea can we extend it to
2749s Volkov because I have quite a few like
2753s this idea no personally feel like you
2757s know I'm feeling a mixed a mixed vibe in
2760s the chat
2761s like this is one of them yeah we put
2764s into the car no no I don't think we
2767s should
2767s I would rather catch it in four slash
2769s yes something like that okay that's fair
2772s maybe not for the pet that's probably
2773s bit strong yeah yeah we've got us at the
2775s rate Roman says can we get Otto the
2779s Barbarian to teachers to smash jugs as
2781s we can with vials they're cheap food
2783s remaining jugs can be annoying
2788s yes I understand where they're coming
2791s from though so places like Windsor Todd
2793s it's annoying to see what the jugs on
2794s the floor I think if people are either
2798s I would like jugs on the floor it's the
2801s window we should solve that in the first
2803s place because that's annoying yeah yeah
2805s could be changed people won't be doing
2806s this this minigame or whatever it is
2808s that's required just to do that not
2810s everybody how they get yeah mister it's
2812s still gonna be a thing yeah because
2813s mostly annoys other people who aren't
2815s actually using the wine anyway there's a
2817s couple of places winter taught blast
2818s furnace people drops the from the floor
2820s and it becomes a lie when you're near
2822s what specific tiles those we should
2825s address on the lies but in terms of
2827s slashing up jokes when you're drinking
2829s them if it's a big thing absolutely it's
2830s not hard so yeah that's reasonable
2835s Victor another PvP question
2839s Victor asks can we see some more changes
2842s to the standard spell book currently
2843s it's abysmal for peking i am massively
2848s in favor removing the half entangle
2861s series is with the normal spell book
2863s i think it should be a full freeze
2865s expensive they don't do any damage your
2867s own normals as it is you're not you know
2869s you're carrying a lot of runes for all
2870s these different spells that you're
2871s peeking on the normal spoke with as well
2873s what's that you can't have lot ruins
2875s yeah like there's a lot your imagery
2877s taking up just the runes for those
2879s spells it has to like yes that is that
2881s is the thing yeah that eyes that's what
2884s makes it better than terrible yes that's
2886s why it's use taught basic how is the
2888s damage out but now with the the
2889s flamebook and
2891s full of fire search foxes you look for
2894s five it's strong what's that again if
2896s you're going against people Indy hide
2897s you could still splash times you could
2899s splash your freezes a couple of times
2902s and then they go okay so the answer is
2906s yes we would like to buff the standard
2907s spell book and I would if we share that
2909s opinion that's great yeah yeah ranged
2914s and stuff any like bomb
2915s rebalancing negative stats on armors and
2918s things anyways yeah and looking at black
2920s D hide potentially looking at the spell
2922s we've got at the same time it's not at
2923s the realms possibility yeah sure I mean
2926s actually you and I Monro we're talking
2928s about entangle earlier where we yeah
2930s because the other half when you're
2932s wearing so the half time of those spells
2935s don't apply to barrage
2936s even if you're praying mage so it seems
2939s they've been quite well but if it wasn't
2942s nothing they were released like that but
2943s yeah they're not particularly strong
2947s moving on we have derp asking to avoid
2953s immersion breaking have cone are give
2955s players a stone tablet rather than the
2957s keys which have been suggested in the
2958s current poll when you roll on her table
2961s you could have a message display saying
2963s you feel that Koerner approach approves
2965s of your efforts to restore the balance
2966s and you add a notch to the stone you can
2969s then have a right-click option which
2970s would let you check the tablet for how
2971s many notches you've got your character
2975s just decides yeah I feel good I would be
2978s proud of me or something similar the
2984s idea is to have essentially these
2987s stackable keys or whatever the item is
2989s gonna be but it would mean having to
2990s take this thing with you and then
2993s presenting it to kronar when you want to
2994s get the reward at the end of the day
2996s doesn't make much difference it seems
2999s quite convoluted and the keys worked
3002s quite well already to solve the fact
3004s there's a problem with how does it make
3006s sense the keys did a lot to do that you
3009s take them back to kono and should be
3011s alright if there's still problems after
3013s that we'll look to see what we can do
3014s sorry dirt Adam Anna asks if the
3019s sections in the collection lock could
3021s have their head attacks to turn green
3022s when there
3023s pleated seems entirely reasonable of me
3026s should you ever vanish completely yeah I
3029s think the reason we decided not to uh to
3033s have this from release was it's
3035s difficult to complete and no one's
3037s realistically gonna complete the whole
3038s thing watch someone do it now but I the
3041s length of time it would take to get all
3042s of the Third Age among other things evil
3045s chicken is they get the whole every pet
3048s yeah how is one person got every pet did
3051s they get the Hydra pet yeah do you learn
3054s not I know so currently I don't believe
3057s anyone in gamers everywhere know that's
3059s only one part of the collection look let
3061s alone every third a agile senator every
3064s evil chicken outfit piece as well which
3067s is quite a tricky one so this was the
3070s reason we didn't want to do it initially
3071s because it would look a bit it would be
3073s dissatisfying to have some green
3075s sections knowing that you'd almost
3077s guaranteed to not completely other ones
3079s but if it's something you guys want we
3081s can we can look at doing it mmm I'm
3084s gonna drop it and grab a random question
3086s sorry for wasting time there's somebody
3088s said can i J mod nerf or buff an account
3091s well look yeah just thinking like as a
3094s punishment for being a bad player and
3096s breaking rules and such we could even
3099s further but you know reduce here Wow
3103s tell you you were like cheating in the
3111s game and then now you're your drop rate
3113s of getting a whip is replaces right we
3115s may get that if you read that five times
3117s fast
3117s yeah all the maximum weight as well so
3121s it's irrelevant Tunick asks if the I
3127s like the suggestion rgl scent of magic
3128s the magic secateurs could function as
3130s slayer gems do but for farming contracts
3132s so give them a right-click option which
3134s would check things like what your
3136s current contract is the status of your
3138s plants so disease not diseased and the
3140s growth stage that they're in out good
3144s never rich that guilt message in gives
3146s you like a scroll yeah you can that's
3149s what updates it rather than of touching
3151s you at the magic circuit does yeah
3152s there's a lot of yes as though I just
3154s want to attach it to the magic
3156s secretaries as well
3157s because if not everyone can get them all
3160s the time and you'd have to finish the
3161s quest for us to get them which should
3163s just lock out people from getting them
3164s for a while or you know a slayer gem
3167s anyone can get from any slave master but
3168s we get the magic sectors they're stuck
3171s behind a quest yeah do find myself
3174s sometimes log it in and then thinking
3175s what's Matt what's my contract and so
3178s they have to run to Jane and then I have
3180s to just go to the contract so if I have
3182s yeah I wouldn't make it better just look
3185s if I had a quest completely separate if
3186s you're doing filing contracts you should
3188s be able to access the thing that lets
3189s you see what Conroy do yeah yeah can you
3191s NPC contactor to find out no it's not
3194s would that be a good idea probably more
3197s roughly these things they'll be locked
3199s after with Luna yeah it smells right who
3203s could add earlier to a lot contact and
3205s then give this scroll thing as well
3206s which would make it available to perform
3207s you know theater so we could add the
3209s scroll we could add a second death who
3210s couldn't yeah don't know we could do all
3212s of these things so it's like everyone
3214s Oakley yeah we can do all of that okay
3218s so in essence the idea is good we'd like
3220s to do it where it comes up probably just
3222s a scroll or something it's on the topic
3224s magic record is I'd like to make it so
3226s that in your they work in your inventory
3228s yes this offering effect I would also
3232s like this as well no thank you on this
3234s but I'm not a fan having to put haven't
3236s no equip them was just a light yeah
3238s don't make sense though you their magic
3240s executives because we're still make
3244s sense though because you can't even
3245s wield other tools like a spade you don't
3247s wield it's just in your yeah you're
3249s still using those sectors yeah it's not
3251s like you've got a second pair of sectors
3252s you might even pull outta thin air you
3254s can use not because you're hosing it not
3255s wielding magic sectors I think you
3257s should be holding tools for them to work
3259s for that's dusters me well you can't
3260s hold seed dippers Cal consistent yeah
3263s [Laughter]
3269s scarecrow asks what do you think about
3271s iron man accounts paying protection in
3273s paying protection to clans to farm
3276s revenants the iron men have to use
3279s another account to trade them the gold
3280s and the benefits are massive due to the
3282s supplies and cash dropped by the reps it
3284s seems against the spirit of the game
3286s it does but how are we going to moderate
3291s that how are we going to stop people
3292s from offering their services their
3295s protection services which are not
3296s indefinitely they can die yeah you know
3300s I don't know I'm personally not
3304s convinced this it's much of an issue it
3307s is a multiplayer game I understand that
3309s an Ironman is supposed to be working by
3311s themselves but in an ideal world
3314s retirement would give you a
3315s single-player world but we can't do them
3318s yeah assert problems what always going
3319s on - it's just sort of how it is I think
3323s can I ask a somewhat related question
3326s not really related at all actually
3328s monkey madness - tunnels the new that
3331s the meta is to have a couple different
3333s accounts following each other like that
3334s to be what are our thoughts on that
3343s might play game yeah yeah they are in
3346s the wilderness if you don't like it go
3348s kill them if you can't kill them we'll
3350s get a team together and go kill them
3352s yeah if that works yeah get more people
3354s you know more people a similar sort of
3357s thing applied in Deadman where clans
3360s would lock down areas and resources by I
3363s like the argument that anyone can do
3365s that anyone can get a clan together and
3368s invite them as a clan and if that's
3370s what's happening then then so be it it's
3373s a multiplayer game and you are supposed
3375s to fight other people yeah I'm gonna
3376s deal with the situation that arises we
3378s don't want to handhold players through
3380s every little little thing that's that's
3383s my opinion on the matter
3387s Saitama wants to know if we can get
3389s elite void helmet and gloves to match
3392s the set what do they do look different
3398s just making look different it's
3400s obviously probably give it a prayer
3401s bonus yeah I want support giving it the
3404s extra attack bonus our range of illness
3406s no maybe prayer if it's not already
3411s overpowered quite already very strong
3414s yeah yeah yeah
3416s lots of noise in chat I think sort of
3418s maybe if the design is right otherwise I
3420s don't see ever take to learn the need
3421s for it myself
3424s Anan we haven't had many law questions
3426s so I'll squeeze this one in this player
3429s wants to know if we could see a
3430s storyline that ties the lizard-men of
3432s Zeya to the ham members of gill nor
3434s there's another way to solve intertwine
3436s the two lands together we want to do
3440s more with less of them
3443s there's a lot of story to tell there but
3445s it sort of screams Footwear you got to
3446s see that temple and everything about the
3447s lizard man but they're not really the
3449s ham whatsoever
3450s maybe the ham could go on an expedition
3452s they could say they've heard about these
3453s horrible creatures in there go hunt them
3456s down a group of 12 people from
3458s Longbridge completely set bro they're
3463s like I'm focusing on the goblins okay so
3470s yeah we are looking for ways to ties
3471s their to the mainland lore wise but
3473s maybe that's not the route I thought I
3475s like the idea okay
3477s we had a little in Big Mo something I
3483s didn't want to cover this player wanted
3485s clarification on how the key the
3487s monsters on clone our tasks sorry that
3491s they drop how it will work
3493s there's been some confusion possibly
3495s around the wording of the poll question
3496s yeah
3497s so to clarify it's not going to replace
3501s the normal drops on that monsters table
3504s in the same way that you when you roll
3506s on canards table it's an additional drop
3507s it's replacing that instead so it's not
3510s gonna stop you from a chance of getting
3511s a boss unique or anything like that it's
3514s not affecting the drop rates or the the
3517s tables in any way
3518s it's literally just a different way of
3519s cashing them is essentially a yes die
3521s khakis believe you take them the twitch
3524s s next to comin up oh you just get the
3526s same Luther you would have got a
3528s previous illa floor it just adds his
3530s actual step but it makes it more
3532s thematically this question as well
3533s are we gonna make this key stackable
3535s from the check there's demand for it
3539s that would solve the cone our tablet
3542s thing from earlier mmm or maybe happy
3545s like cone out coins when you get you get
3549s a coin drop and then you sell these
3550s coins to Cohen are Oh
3552s Cohen outlays you have like a go within
3555s the chests for every coin I know that
3556s these reasonable I it's like a lot the
3558s way okay it sounds like we're leaning
3561s towards making them stackable okay so
3564s that actually brings round to the end of
3566s the stream there's a few things I want
3567s to say before we go which is don't
3568s forget exclamation mark new mod to check
3570s out mod tied who's just joined the team
3572s he's on Yukon junior content dev follow
3575s him on Twitter to see what he's getting
3576s up to watch your player inbox and email
3582s on Friday for any messaging around
3584s warding to get your opinion that's going
3586s to be a survey going out please let us
3588s know what you think and keep an eye on
3591s the news page of the website it might be
3593s up already but there's going to be a
3595s chance of Zurich blog for some changes
3598s like saying have a look at that I guess
3601s that about rounds it out I'd like to
3603s thank everyone who joins me on the e so
3605s for today and we'll catch you next week
3614s [Music]