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Why did Jagex see to it that Family Crest (necessary for legends quest) is not possible to do normally and only unlocks with the fremmy region? They're allowing people to exploit recall relic but don't allow people to get a few gauntlets?

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

We were never ever going to have the scope to go through making every single quest in the game completable, especially the smaller ones.

Instead, we identified quests which lock access to significant pieces of content, like a boss or something, things iconic to an area and did what we could to actually make that content accessible and more streamlined for players to understand.

For example: It would feel weird to not have access to Vorkath in Fremennik considering he's one of the most significant pieces of PvM content in that area

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by helloppl516

This makes sense. Will there be a potential to look at unlocking smaller quests that are not possible? In this case, it is very unfortunate that Legends Quest cannot be done because of Family Crest and can only be auto-unlocked by getting Fremmy?

To me that's just a side effect of the ruleset of the League. It was never going to be possible to cover everything and make absolutely everything in your zones completable.

To me that's part of the fun though, you're in a new environment with new rules and a new way to track your progress. It's not about who has the strongest account at the end of the League, it's who has the most points