Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey guys my name is only trails and
2s welcome to the old school RuneScape
3s Channel I've been tasked to warm you
5s guys up to the newest cool boss
6s encounter in osrs the Royal Titans and
10s yes I'll be making temperature puns
11s throughout this entire video oh brother
14s this guy stinks the Titans are located
17s in a new part of the Asgardian ice
19s dungeon before the most agile Gamers
20s amongst us there will be some Nifty
22s shortcuts close to the entrance the
24s encounter is a clash between Branda the
26s queen of fire who's trying to expand her
28s territory out from beneath the karamja
29s volcano and and eldri the king of frost
32s expanding his territory from the ice
33s dungeon itself meaning you'll have to
35s fight both to keep their influence at
37s Bay I'll start up this video with some
39s good news no more keys you won't have to
42s kill countless fire or eyes Giants to
44s collect keys to fight these bosses nope
46s you can just face them headon whenever
48s you feel that burning desire to do some
50s pvm well I hope you're all fired up
52s already because if you don't want gillor
54s to become covered in ice or completely
56s Going Up in Flames we're going into
58s combat the fight is designed for players
60s to get more familiar with gear switching
62s similar to how scuri teaches players
63s about protection prayers and the
65s perilous moons Focus mostly on movement
67s that being said this fight is anything
69s but chill it's an absolute step up from
71s scuri in terms of difficulty the
73s encounter is balanced around players
74s north of 90 comat so even with a whip
76s and a couple wave spells this isn't
78s going to be a walk in the park so heat
80s up those hands because those fingers are
81s going to be clicking since there's two
83s enemies the fight is intended to be
85s fought as a Duo however it is possible
87s to take them on solo if you'd like but
89s keep in mind that the fight will will be
90s significantly tougher this way so don't
93s say I didn't warn you now let me give
95s you some tips to Tha these Giants
96s defensively both Titans are weakest to
99s melee so you want to hit them with a
101s melee weapon but throughout the fight
103s there will be times where you'll be
104s unable to hit them in close range and
106s unless you have omnidirectional Mobility
107s gear you're going to have to switch to
109s range that's your next best option
111s obviously these Giants will also have
112s elemental weakness so I suggest also
115s dusting off your wizard robes and staff
117s because you're going to need them BR and
118s eldri will produce rows of flame and
120s icicles respectively requiring you to
122s extinguish or melt them using the
124s opposing element from the standard spell
126s book additionally they'll also spawn a
128s blizzard of minions that'll dish out
129s nasty chip damage and these do have a
131s decent chunk of hit points so will
133s require proper Magic switches so you can
134s deal with them effectively fortunately
136s if you attack them with the right
138s element they'll deal area of effect
139s damage in a 3X3 area so if you don't
142s want your HP to hit Subzero brush up on
144s those Elemental weaknesses to summarize
146s melee will be your most effective damage
147s option if that's not possible then range
150s will be there to speed up your kills and
151s Magic is required to prevent you from
153s getting overwhelmed the better your
154s switches the quicker you'll incinerate
156s these Titans this will pay dividends all
158s over old school so this might be a great
160s place to find your feet before diving
162s into content like zra dagal kings or
164s even raid encounters like AA nyos into
166s great M and that's all fine and dandy
168s but I hear you thinking how are we going
170s to make money
171s baby all right let's talk about rewards
174s the content isn't aim towards people in
175s high-end gear who are looking for the
177s next Breezy Money Maker the regular loot
179s per kill isn't anything OB scene but
180s will absolutely start adding up as your
182s kill times get faster at the end of the
184s kill you can choose to loot from one of
186s the Titans each Titan has a slightly
188s different but similar regular loot table
190s but drop different uniques starting with
192s a twinflame staff a one-handed tradable
195s staff that requires 60 magic to wield
197s it's assembled from two tradable pieces
199s one obtained from Branda and the other
200s from eldri it can AutoCast spells from
202s the standard spell book but with a Twist
205s just like the Royal Titans it leans into
206s Elemental weaknesses and will
208s automatically cast whichever element
210s your target is weak to as long as you
212s have the
214s runes so if you want to cool down and
216s have an easier time during the encounter
217s itself you'll be blazing through the
219s content with the staff is it getting
221s obvious that I'm running out of puns
222s there's even an extra feature on the
224s staff the staff hits every six stick
226s which is one tick slower than casting a
228s spell from the normal spell book
229s regularly to make up for that it will
231s have a Spell echo effect the second
233s spell will hit right after the first and
234s will do 40% of your first hits damage
237s for an epic combo this makes it a very
239s solid DPS option on bosses like zra so
241s you can grab that magic Fang and speed
243s through your magic progression maybe
245s that would be a good option for
248s me yeah stay frosty guys because there's
251s a couple more awesome rewards eldri the
254s ice giant boss drops a prayer scroll
255s that unlocks dead eyee a ranged focused
257s prayer that overrides Eagle Eye and
259s requires level 62 it provides 18% ranged
262s attack and strength and 5% defense the
265s prayer drain is the same as Eagle Eye
267s and you can use dead eyee alongside
268s steel skin an incred incredibly solid
270s option for chambers of zerich so you can
272s grind for that next prayer on the other
274s side of the Arena BR drops a prayer
275s scroll that unlocks Mystic Vigor a magic
278s prayer that requires 63 prayer and
280s overwrites Mystic might similarly it
282s provides 18% magic attack bonus 5%
285s defense and also a 3% magic damage bonus
289s once again draining at the same rate as
291s Mystic might and can be used alongside
293s steel skin we're not done there's two
295s more small rewards that get dropped from
297s both Titans the giant Soul amulet and
299s desiccated Pages the giant Soul amulet
301s is an untradeable teleportation amulet
304s that can be charged with big bones and
305s law runes to provide quick teleports to
307s the Royal Titan's area obor's layer or
310s biofa layer so getting this early is
312s definitely going to ignite that feeling
314s of grinding these bosses for the
315s collection log the desicated pages are
317s also untradeable but they're not super
319s rare you'll even have the option to get
321s these guaranteed by picking the right
323s click option take Pages you can reliably
325s stack them up at the expense of other
327s loot rolls these Pages can be taken to
329s the plinth located in archaus to make
331s burning Pages the plant south of qu the
333s quali the quali the gorge in vmore to
337s turn them into soil Pages or the ruins
339s of UNCA near temporal to get soaked
341s Pages unfortunately I have to be the
343s bearer of bad news here because making
345s these pages will require 50 Rune
349s crafting and of course we'll also have a
351s new pet we're going to let that one cook
353s a little bit longer and not reveal it to
354s you guys yet but like your Axor there
356s will also be an option to sacrifice your
357s lot for a higher pet chance all in all
359s this colon is going to be a blast and
361s once again it's going to be your duty to
364s save ganor from the Titan influence if
366s not for me do it for thurgo because his
369s little house is very awkwardly placed
371s right on top of this fight the content
372s is available to play right now so get in
375s game and save our boy I was only Trails
377s for the old school RuneScape Channel if
379s you like hardcore man content or clue
380s scroll content then definitely check out
382s my channel thank you jagers for having
383s me thank you to you guys for listening
385s and enjoy the content see you soon